Paul Fromm Interviewed on “8,9,10” with Juan Manuel Soaje Pinto & Adrian Salbuchi in Buenos Aires.

Paul Fromm Interviewed on “8,9,10” with Juan Manuel Soaje Pinto & Adrian Salbuchi in Buenos Aires.

Watch this Special English language edition of the program “8, 9, 10” on Channel TLV1 (Toda La Verdad Primero – “The Truth and Nothing but the Truth”) in…

White Students Union Flyers Ripped Down at Three Toronto Universities

White Student Union Flyers Incite a Legitimation Crisis in Canada

by Obimbola Chibuzo

White Students Union
                    Flyer on Toronto university campuses
Flyer calling for a White Students’ Union, posted on three Toronto campuses

A major legitimation crisis hit three Canadian universities last week when a few flyers calling for a White Students’ Union were posted by a group called Students for Western Civilization. “We do not condone this. We find it offensive,” said Ryerson administrator Michael Forbes. “We need safe spaces on university campuses” against this act of aggression by Whites, said a member of Ryerson’s “Racialized Students’ Collective”. The York University Federation of Students even said the flyers were “violent” and have made students “feel unsafe, harassed, and unwelcome”.

Anti-White Hysteria and Double Standards

Can you believe this? We are speaking about three university campuses in Toronto (Ryerson University, York University, and University of Toronto) all of which are one-hundred percent dedicated to the promotion of diversity and all of which have multiple unions for non-Whites along racial lines. At Ryerson alone we find the following race-oriented unions:

  1. African Students’ Association
  2. United Black Students Ryerson
  3. Caribbean Students’ Association
  4. Afghan Students’ Association
  5. East African Students’ Association
  6. Indian Students’ Association
  7. Chinese Students’ Association
  8. Indigenous Students Association
  9. Organization of Latin American Students
  10. South Asian Alliance
  11. Sri Lankan Student Alliance

The following image welcomes students interested in finding information about these unions:

Ryerson Students' Union
Welcome image of Ryerson Students’ Union, a place for everybody on the campus — except the people who founded this university and the entire nation-state of Canada.

Ryerson, York, University of Toronto were all created by Whites; in fact, universities are a singularly Western invention (see addendum for acollection of expert sources), and all the disciplines taught at them, physics, chemistry, history, anthropology, biology, sociology, philosophy etc. — are fields of research invented by Whites.

Ethnic unions exist at every university in Canada, and while it is true that there are a few unions for particular European ethnic groups, Portuguese and Italian, these unions tend to be folksy-oriented, whereas the ethnic unions for non-Whites are heavily infused with ethnic affirmation, proud signs about their traditions and history, and not a word about how they killed natives in their homelands or how much they love the cultures of others. But more importantly, there are many student unions formed strictly along racial lines, “Black”, “Asian”, “Aboriginal” and even “Jewish”. There is not a single union for Whites or Europeans generally. And these racially-oriented unions by non-Whites are very outspoken in their racial affirmation: check the blatantly anti-White club called “United Black Students at Ryerson”.

Reverse racism is l’ordre du jour at campuses in Toronto and Canada. Every ethnic group is allowed to organize along racial lines but not Eurocanadian students. How can leftists claim that this does not constitute a blatant
double standard?

So why the insane hysteria against three flyers advertising a White student union? I can only think of one reason: the entire pro-diversity structure in Canada (and the West at large) is premised on the expectation that the Whites, the pioneers and nation builders of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America, must relinquish their nations to diversity. But why not allow Whites to celebrate their racial identity in the same way as Asians, Aboriginals, and Blacks? Are they fearful that the moment Whites self-identify as a race, or as ethnic groups with a common European identity, the entire system of lies about how we are all immigrants and how Canada has always been diverse, will be exposed?

Are they fearful that once Whites get together as Whites, they will start reasoning about how they created Canada, how non-Whites are exploiting the anti-White sentiment imposed by our traitorous elites, how non-Whites are using White ideas about humanity and universal right to advance their own particular ethnic interests?

Desmond Cole’s Reverse Racist Column in the Toronto Star

Desmond Cole, as of Sept 17,
will have a weekly column to address “subtle racism”

As if this were not enough, the Black journalist Desmond Cole, who has made a career solely from writing about how Whites keep Blacks down and in prisons, is now insisting, in yet another article about the flyers (see below a list of press articles, excluding multiple ones in Chinese) that Whites who claim there is a bias against them must be designated as “White supremacist” (see here for leftspeak decoding), and dealt with at the “root”.

Our unacknowledged assumptions, and our language about human diversity are better indicators of racism and discrimination than the impolite outbursts we seem so prone to recognizing. The clumsy expressions of hatred on local university campuses this week are like weeds — we can tear out the unsightly offshoots that pop up, but ultimately we have to address the problem at its root.

Imagine; at the bottom of this article, which is dated September 17, it is stated that Cole’s column, “as of today, will appear every Thursdayon the Toronto Star.” The Star, apparently, has agreed to give Cole a weekly column in response to the legitimation crisis brought by the posting of three flyers. The Toronto Star, be it noted, is the major circulation newspaper in Canada.

It may be that Cole already thinks that Canada is some African barbaric state where dissenters are regularly muzzled. But we need to expose these claims for what they are asking: total submission of Whites to non-Whites pursuing their own racial interests; total silencing of Whites who talk about Western civilization and its achievements. Cole likely has no clue about the immense intellectual greatness of the West; instead he says that any White who is interested in learning about this civilization and feels any pride in its achievements is a White supremacist who must be rooted out from Canada. Even those who “sympathize” with the idea that the teaching of Western civilization is valuable should be rooted out as racist. He writes

it is important to challenge and oppose Duchesne, Students for Western Civilization, and their sympathizers. But we must also recognize them as merely the leading edge of a racist undercurrent in Canada, a mainstream fear that insists White people are under attack, but skilfully avoids examining what Whiteness is or where it originated (emphasis mine).

Cole’s previous writings consisted of sporadic articles accusing those who spoke about “Black-on-Black violence” as racist; never mind “Black-on-White violence”, which is not even a conversation anywhere in Canada. But now, apparently, he will be in charge, in his regular Thursdaycolumns, of hunting down, destroying careers, ostracising, and designating as “White supremacist” Canadians who even sympathize with White unions or believe that the teaching of Western Civilization is important. The Toronto Star believes that students will learn more from reading his columns than reading about Western Civilization.

“Racialized Minorities”

Notice how Cole and all the critics of White unions regularly use the term “racialized groups” to designate non-Whites. This is a new Orwellian term the left has now implanted in social science textbooks intended to allow cultural Marxists to say, on the one hand, that race is a social construct and, on the other, that non-Whites have a right to group themselves along racial lines. Whites are not only a construct and do not exist, but should not be allowed to form unions, for doing so is a continuation of their “racialization” of non-Whites. Whites invented races when they colonized the world, and having invented races and racism, non-Whites were “racialized”, and in order for non-Whites to overcome their racialization, they need to form racial unions. As the York Federation of Students has said, “the term Western civilization is nothing more than colonialism”.

This is now the standard curricular line of reasoning in all Canadians universities: Whites who create unions are trying to racialized non-Whites; non-Whites who create unions are fighting White racialization. And since White racialization is “systematically present” in all European nations, non-Whites must be allowed to form unions.

This reasoning is pure sophistry as can be easily revealed once we realize that

  1. Europeans appear to have been the only colonizers because they were the most sophisticated at colonizing, inventing the best navigational techniques and weaponry;
  2. Europeans were the ones responsible for the abolition of slavery upon otherwise recalcitrant Africans and Moslems who love to enslave their own people and anyone different;
  3. the current generation of Whites has nothing to do with racializing non-Whites;
  4. non-Whites crave to come to European lands because they are superior and less racist than their own places of birth;
  5. non-Whites are simply exhibiting a naturally human preference for their own ethnicity when they form ethnic groups;
  6. while hypocritically borrowing cultural Marxist ideas which prohibit Whites, and only Whites, from forming racial groups.


Students For Western Civilisation Website
Students For Western Civilization proposing the formation of a White students’ union at York University on their home page

Once Whites are educated properly to see through the fog of ignorance and anti-White teaching at our universities, they will see that forming White or Eurocanadian unions, groups and associations, even political parties, is consistent with the principles of liberalism, free association and freedom of speech. It is also consistent with our natural disposition to prefer our own ethnic groups and race.

The Latest Attack on Vancouver Freethinker & Meditation Instructor Brian Ruhe by Zionist Thought Police

The Latest Attack on Vancouver Freethinker & Meditation Instructor Brian Ruhe by Zionist Thought Police

Welcome! This video is of Brian Ruhe being interviewed by Paul Fromm, Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression. This is about how a representative of the  powerful Jewish organization, B’nai Brith attacked Buddhist teacher Brian Ruhe in August and September 2015. 

Brian taught courses and Mindfulness Meditation and Buddhism at the Roundhouse Community and Arts Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada. On August 28th, the Georgia Straight website at posted the following story about Brian Ruhe getting fired from Capilano University:

A senior B’nai Brith member, Harry Abrams, posted a comment on the blog following this article stating that we wrote to the Parks Board to get Brian fired from his teaching jobs. On Sept. 14th, Brian received his first phone call informing that he was fired from the Roundhouse, as described in this video. On Sept. 16th another community centre supervisor called Brian to inform him that his courses were canceled after 16 years at the Kitsilano Community Centre as well as at the False Creek Community Centre because of “low enrollment” even though his course at False Creek was not due to start until October 1st and there was plenty of time to promote the course!

The Latest Attack on Vancouver Freethinker & Meditation Instructor Brian Ruhe by Zionist Thought Police

The Latest Attack on Vancouver Freethinker & Meditation Instructor Brian Ruhe by Zionist Thought Police

Welcome! This video is of Brian Ruhe being interviewed by Paul Fromm, Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression. This is about how a representative of the  powerful Jewish organization, B’nai Brith attacked Buddhist teacher Brian Ruhe in August and September 2015. 

Brian taught courses and Mindfulness Meditation and Buddhism at the Roundhouse Community and Arts Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada. On August 28th, the Georgia Straight website at posted the following story about Brian Ruhe getting fired from Capilano University:

A senior B’nai Brith member, Harry Abrams, posted a comment on the blog following this article stating that we wrote to the Parks Board to get Brian fired from his teaching jobs. On Sept. 14th, Brian received his first phone call informing that he was fired from the Roundhouse, as described in this video. On Sept. 16th another community centre supervisor called Brian to inform him that his courses were canceled after 16 years at the Kitsilano Community Centre as well as at the False Creek Community Centre because of “low enrollment” even though his course at False Creek was not due to start until October 1st and there was plenty of time to promote the course!

Hear Paul Fromm Interview Latest Canadian Censorship Victim, Brian Ruhe — Stormfront Radio, Wednesday, September 23, 10:00 a.m. E.S.T

Hear Paul Fromm Interview Latest Canadian Censorship Victim, Brian Ruhe — Stormfront Radio, Wednesday, September 23, 10:00 a.m. E.S.T

Listen live to Stormfront Radio with Don Black & Roy
with co-hosts Paul Fromm and Don Advo. Followed by Dr. David Duke.
Weekdays 9:00-11:00am ET

Police Fail to Control “Anti-racist” Goons Who Attack Toronto PEGIDA Rally

Police Fail to Control “Anti-racist” Goons Who Attack Toronto PEGIDA Rally
TORONTO. September 19, 2015. Once again lousy and incompetent policing let thuggery win and free speech and the right of free assembly lose. As threatened in an anonymous posting on he equally anonymous and cowardly Anti-Racist Canada site earlier this week,  a mob of an estimated 85  “anti-racists” many of them masked, already committing a crime in seeking to disguise their identity in the commission of a crime, attacked about 25 supporters of PEGIDA rallying at Queen’s Park in Toronto this afternoon.
They shoved and fought with police and brandished placard stakes and other weapons, injuring two policemen. They repeatedly sought to attack PEGIDA organizers. The police unwilling to bring the violent “anti-racists” under control stopped the rally and led the PEGIDA group inside the confines of the Legislative Buildings from which they then dispersed.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
This was another victory for thuggery and a defeat for peaceful protest and freedom of speech.
A delicious irony is that the anonymous Anti-Racist Canada site that promoted the anonymous anti-racist goons piously proclaims: “ We will not use or sanction the use of illegal actions (such as violence or intimidation) in pursuit of our desired aims and if we learn of anyone who does use these unethical methods we will report those individuals to the authorities.” Can we expect an ARC call to Metro Police supplying names of some of the violent goons? Don’t hold your breath.
The attack on the peaceful PEGIDA rally once again demonstrates that ANTI RACISM IS A CODE WORD FOR ANTI-WHITE.

Activist Fined $5,000 for Standing in Front of City Bus Decked Out in Homosexual Colours

Activist Fined $5,000 for Standing in Front of City Bus Decked Out in Homosexual Colours

Kyle McKee is a long-time White rights activist in Calgary, Alberta. Some years ago, he headed up the Aryan Guard that staged a number of White Pride marches. Huffington Post Alberta (August 31, 2015) reported: “A Calgary Transit driver, who created controversy over his refusal to drive a rainbow Pride bus, claims he’s become the target of unfounded allegations at work. ‘I feel like people at Calgary Transit are now against me because I stand firmly for my Christian faith and won’t compromise my values,’ said [Jesse] Rau in a news release on Sunday. The annual Calgary Pride Festival kicks off this week, and a Calgary Transit bus has been wrapped in a rainbow flag as a show of support. But Rau publicly said he would have to quit his job if he was assigned to drive the bus because it goes against his Christian beliefs.


On Monday, Rau’s pastor said that the driver was told that a complaint had been filed against him, alleging that he was texting while driving on the job. ‘I am very careful not to text while driving,’ Rau said, refuting the allegation. ‘I am aware that public transit is a blessing to many and I always want to keep the people on my bus safe and secure. It seems like I am being targeted for speaking out for my faith.’ Rau’s pastor, Artur Pawlowski, also alleged that Calgary Transit had been monitoring Rau’s personal Facebook page. He said the bus driver has stopped using the social platform altogether because he’s afraid of losing his job. Rau is still under probation with Calgary Transit as he’s only been working for the company for less than a year, said CTV News.”


Kyle decided to show solidarity with the beleaguered bus driver and engaged in a brief act of non-violent civil disobedience. He briefly stood in front of the rainbow bagged bus and blocked its way. Four carloads of Calgary’s finest descended on him and issued him a $5,000 (that’s right, five thousand) ticket! He’s accused, in cop speak, of “prevent or interfere with operation of a transit vehicle.” His court date is November 3, 2015.

Mr. McKee explains: “Recently there was a story all over the news about an issue of a Calgary transit driver claiming that it would be against his religion to promote the homosexual life choices by driving a bus that was decked out in a rainbow wrap. The driver was attacked all over the mainstream media and social media for standing up for his convictions. It was as if his religious rights were far less important than those of the gay community. So, I took it upon myself to take a stand and position myself in front of the bus to prevent it from driving. This ended with the police sending four cars lights flashing to give me a ticket worth $5,000.”


Too bad Kyle isn’t a native Indian.

Nothing would have happened to him.  As a form of protest, Indian protesters regularly block roads and railway lines for days at a time. They are seldom arrested. Indeed, during the protests by the curiously named Idle No More Indians  (it didn’t mean they’d gotten jobs, just gone out marching and protesting) police regularly brought coffee to Indians blocking rail lines near Sarnia, Ontario. Of course, Julian Fantino, the loser of Caledonia when he was head of the Ontario Provincial Police, did nothing when armed radical Indians occupied private land in Caledonia. They assaulted Whites and blocked access at times to these Whites’ own homes. Still, the police were more interested in intimidating and chasing away Whites who held protests against the occupation and the police inaction.



Christian fired for refusing to drive homosexual shame bus

We have warned that Christians are increasingly under attack in Canada. The cultural Marxists who own the Supreme Court of Canada and dominate many other institutions “hate” Christianity. Notice there is no talk of “diversity” or “inclusion” or “reasonable accommodation” of the Christian views of Mr. Rau.
Catering to the homosexual agenda and the otherly sexed means Christians are targetted for silencing and suppression. After the Jewish anti-free speech lobby, the homosexual lobby is the biggest menace to free speech in Canada.
I attach evangelist Bill Whatcott’s excellent commentary below. Mr. Whatcott, himself, was impoverished and denied a living by the same Christian-hating forces that targetted Mr. Rau.. He is now in exile in the Philippines.
Paul Fromm

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:27 pm

Jesse Rau and his wife and children

I’m not surprised at what happened to this righteous man. Jesse Rau is fortunate that he has a church and Pastor who supports him. Still losing a good union job with a pension is huge, especially in Alberta’s new economy where thousands of people are out of work now. I pray God helps Jesse and his family to not only recover from this unjust job loss but to prosper.

I never did fully recover from the loss of my nursing career and I really hit the poverty line when the homosexual activists ruined my carpet cleaning business. It is sad that Canada’s public sector employers are absolutely beholden to the promotion of sexual deviance and that good family men like Jesse Rau have to either compromise and pay homage to Sodom or forfeit their employment. This is more evidence that the homosexual agenda is not really about acceptance, it is about imposing a level of conformity where all will meekly accept the falsehoods put forward by Sodom and where one will surrender their children to homosexual mandated brainwashing. The so-called “Pride bus” was only one cog putting forward the false message that homosexuality is normal and to be celebrated. Canadians are now also expected to embrace the pro-homosexual messages being pushed in our schools, in our workplaces (especially government workplaces), and in our media. The option of just being quiet and hoping to not be noticed is becoming less tenable.

Jesse Rau’s case shows Canadians are expected to forfeit their liberty in deference to pro-homosexual political correctness. Those who fail to conform will face job losses, vilification, and if they are too outspoken a myriad of courts and tribunals to grind them down. Jesse is not alone. Christian teachers have lost their jobs in Canada for not wanting to indoctrinate children into embracing homosexuality. In Ontario one can no longer practice law if they graduate from a Christian University that does not have a pro-homosexual code of conduct.

The Ontario College of Physicians has made it a policy that doctors must refer for abortions even if they believe the practice is the murder of an innocent human being. The college reasoned this policy change upholds the patient’s “human rights.” In reality this move violates not only the unborn child’s right to life, but it also violates the medical professional’s conscience and once again makes it impossible for Christians who believe in the sanctity of human life to work in the medical field.

Can Christian doctors, teachers and bus drivers hope to bring their stories to Canada’s “free press” to find justice? Forget it, beyond LifeSite News all of Canada’s media is completely beholden to the homosexual agenda and Culture of Death. The only hope for Canada’s increasingly persecuted Christian minority is to hope in God and find strength to endure the increasing persecution that is coming to Canada, or Christians will have to consider moving elsewhere.

In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott

“I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1, 2

BREAKING: Christian bus driver fired after refusing to drive Calgary ‘Gay Pride bus’
Pete Baklinski
Sept. 11, 2015 … ry-gay-pri

CALGARY, Alberta, September 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) — A Calgary bus driver who is a faithful Christian and married father of two children has been fired from his job after stating publicly last week that he would refuse to drive a city bus decked out by his employer to promote the city’s Gay ‘Pride’ festival.

“They called me in and read me a statement saying that I would no longer be working for them,” Jesse Rau, former Calgary Transit Authority employee, told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview.

Two weeks ago Calgary Transit unveiled a “Pride Bus” it had specially decorated with a rainbow paint job to promote the city’s Calgary Pride Festival. A large banner on the side of the bus states: “Ride with Pride” and provides the dates for the celebration of homosexuality, something that Christians believe is a deviation from God’s plan for human sexuality.

Rau came out publicly last week saying that he would refuse to drive the bus if it were put on his route since he wanted no part in promoting what he said was a “very radical sexual movement” that went against his Christian beliefs.

“As a Christian I believe in the Bible as being the Word of God, and it teaches that sexual immorality is sin. I don’t want to have any part in promoting behaviors and lifestyles that put people in more trouble with God than they already are, and that create more brokenness and despair in their lives,” he said at that time.

Rau says Calgary Transit questioned him for 5 hours on Wednesday with what he called “very trapping questions.”

“They were trying to trip me. For 5 hours I played the game because I wanted to keep my job. But they had obviously already made their decision. And the next day (Thursday) around noon early in the morning, they fired me.”

He said the meeting felt more like an interrogation where he was asked questions unrelated to work duties, but rather relating to his personal beliefs and even the opinions of others who had commented on his Facebook wall.

At a meeting yesterday, Rau said he was accused by his employer of misleading the public into believing that he could be fired from his job for refusing to drive the ‘Pride bus’ and for posting what his employer called — according to Rau — “anti-fascist” pictures on his personal Facebook page.

“One picture was directed against the ‘rainbow flag’ movement, indicating how it had turned into a fascist movement, and they didn’t like that,” Rau said.

Rau said he was “shocked” at the reasons given for him being fired.

“None of their concerns related to my work. On the contrary, prior to this issue, I was told that, due to my good work performance, I was supervisor material. To go from awaiting promotion to facing joblessness simply for standing for my Christian faith in a supposedly free country is horrible,” he said.

Click “like” if you want to defend true marriage.

Rau told LifeSiteNews that he has no chance of appealing the decision since he was nearing the end of a year-long probation period that he had not yet completed. But he is not wavering in his trust in God, he said, but is turning to God for strength to get through this time. He already sees God working through this difficult situation with a prophetic message for Canadians.

“I think this has become a very beautiful opportunity for Canadians to see just how this sexual ideological movement is pushing its views on people, and how Christians and others who have different views are now the victims. This movement is now taking measures that are offensive to almost everyone to force compliance with this movement,” he said.

Artur Pawlowski, Rau’s pastor, told LifeSiteNews that what happened to Rau indicates how the homosexual movement brooks no dissent when it comes to differing views.

“Yesterday they were coming for the politicians, judges, and doctors, today they are coming for the bus drivers, clerks and bakers,” said Pawlowski who comes from Poland and runs Street Church in Calgary.

“Believe me, I grew up in a country (Poland) like ours has become, and I can tell you tomorrow the communists/fascists/dictators are coming for you. Will you let them?”

A vigil for Rau and his family organized by Street Church is scheduled for October 10 in Calgary. Those interested in financially supporting Rau and his family during this time can make a donation through Street Church’s website using Paypal. Donations should be tagged with a note “Support for Rau and his family.



PEGIDA Counter-protest Planned In Toronto

Going back to the Maoist madness of the early 70s when the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) would organize violent assaults on nationalist or anti-communist meetings, there has been an element of the far left that appropriates to itself the right to decide who can organize or meet. 
By the 1990s in Toronto, this role had been taken up by  drug-addled street thugs calling themselves Anti-Racist Action or ARA. They fought numerous pitch battles with the police, the Heritage Front and, on occasion in 1999, our monthly Alternative Forum meeting, famously seeking to stop a meeting with “Kennewick Man” expert and Asatru  leader Steve McNallen. [They did not succeed.] From time to time, the ARA worked with B’nai Brith who seek to squelch speakers and ideas through more establishment means of protest — complaints to venues and passing of anti-free speech laws.
It seems a nameless — not surprising for such cowards — group is seeking to attack a planned rally this Saturday by the Canadian affiliate of PEGIDA, the anti-immigration invasion group that has staged repeated mass rallies in Germany over the past year. The flowing message appeared on the website of Anti-Racist Canada, who claim not be be affiliated with the ARA. The Anti-Racist Canada (ARC) website is anonymous not surprising for such cowards! — and regularly slanders White Nationalists and other enemies of political correctness.
Is violence planned? That would certainly seem a fair interpretation of the language — “SHUT DOWN Pegida Canada” and “Bring flags, banners and noisemakers. … We will send a clear message to PEGIDA: ‘You will not organize in our streets.”
And once again, they prove our point: “Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.” Europeans protesting the invasion of their lands are deemed “racist.”
Paul Fromm
Frederick Fromm's photo.

### Please Circulate Widely ####

On Saturday, September 19th, the racist and xenophobic “PEGIDA Canada” are planning to make their second appearance on the streets. After a humiliating defeat in Montreal earlier this year, the far-right group will attempt to rally and march in Toronto, beginning at 1PM in Queens Park.

In Germany the PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) movement managed to draw tens of thousands to the streets in reactionary fervor against ‘Islamization’. PEGIDA Canada draws on the same tired nationalist rhetoric. They claim they are not racist, they simply are “protecting Canadian culture” by targeting Muslims and calling for tougher immigration laws.

Amidst the current humanitarian crisis on the borders and the broadening struggle for the rights of refugees and migrants, it is crucial we do not allow far-right groups the space to organize and mount a backlash. PEGIDA Canada is a new development in Southern Ontario and there is reason to believe this rally may draw more supporters and be better organized than their Montreal counterparts.

Join us on September 19th at 12PM SHARP to give PEGIDA the welcome it deserves – we will rally on University Ave and College St (Queen’s Park Station on the Yellow Line). Bring flags, banners, noise makers, and friends while we put our words to action and demonstrate our strength. We will send a clear message to PEGIDA and their would-be fellow travelers: You will not organize in our streets!


Twitter Reports “Diversity = White Genocide” Banner Removed By Cops in Mississauga

Twitter Reports “Diversity = White Genocide” Banner Removed By Cops in Mississauga
The following story appears on Twitter. It seems that on the morning of September 10 the Peel Regional Police removed a banner suspended from an overpass over the Queen Elizabeth Way that read “Diversity = White Genocide” on suspicion of “hate”. So, now protesting the genocide of our own people is seen by the thought police as “hate”.
The constipated reaction of some Tweeters show that some Canadians have little appreciation of free speech. Someone with the handle Sabocat reported: ” Banner saying – “diversity” = white genocide -hanging over QEW this morning Police on the scene removing. …  I was driving so I couldn’t take photos. Called OPP they said Peel was already on it.” So, this cankered soul actually called the cops about a banner.” And, he continued, “There was a Union Jack flying beside the banner. I don’t know but OPP dispatch said it was being treated as a hate crime. So its being taken seriously.”
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Another Tweeter, one equally ignorant of the importance of free speech, a Norman Wilson piled in: “And they’re right too. Glad to hear.”
Later, others who do get free speech got in on the conversation,. Red Pill Rabbit noted sarcastically: “Its good we have thought police, to prevent crime think. I love Big Brother.”
Another calling himself the Right Voice added: “White genocide should be considered a hate crime!”
And J.P. Alan noted: “Why did they take it down? Are they anti-white?”
Good point.