Westminster Abbey Boots Buddhist Retreat Over Hitler Videos

Westminster Abbey Boots Buddhist Retreat Over Hitler Videos
Father Mark Dumont is the guestmaster at Westminster Abbey in Mission, BC where about 30 Benedictine Catholic monks live. He is the monk on the right, in the…

Father Mark Dumont is the guestmaster at Westminster Abbey in Mission, BC where about 30 Benedictine Catholic monks live. He is the monk on the right, in the thumbnail photo.

Brian Ruhe is a Buddhist meditation teacher in Vancouver and he has led his most successful Vipassana Meditation retreats here in the winters of 2013, 2014 and 2105. At the last one Father Mark told Mr. Ruhe that he can’t lead anymore retreats there because of his YouTube videos questioning the Holocaust and the true history of Adolf Hitler and WW II. Brian had an email exchange several times with Father Mark and maybe Father Mark developed some mutual respect for their differences in view and appreciated that Brian Ruhe is not a mean, deluded Nazi. But Father Mark would never change his stance so Ruhe is using this YouTube video to take the truth to the general public.

Here, Paul Fromm is the Director of CAFE the Canadian Association of Freedom of Expression, since 1983. He was visiting Vancouver from Toronto when he gave this talk.

His website: CAFE | Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity

Paul Fromm and Brian Ruhe were both on Red Ice Radio on Feb. 11, 2016 at this link: Red Ice Radio

Brian Ruhe is a Buddhist activist and occasional troublemaker. Please donate to support these videos and my work by going to my website at www.brianruhe.ca linked on this YouTube channel and click on the PayPal Donate button. Even the smallest donation helps!

To see my diary of what I’m up to please send me a friend request and I’ll accept you on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BrianRuhe . I am available for one-to-one counselling for $25/ half hour by Skype, phone or in person, on any matter. You can connect with me on Skype at: brianaruhe .

My most recent book is “A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH – A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth”, is available in book or ebook form at Amazon.com at:


I was a Buddhist monk in Chiangmai, Thailand in 1995 – 1996 and I have been teaching Theravada Buddhism and meditation for 20 years. My first book from 1999, is “Freeing the Buddha,” also at Amazon. I follow the Theravada Buddhist Forest tradition.





27th February 2016 – RENOUF speech delivered and recorded opposite the German Embassy in London, in defence of the non-banning of the NPD Party.
German Embassy diplomats, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN here today and viewing on the worldwide internet,
The question of the day is: WHY IN THE WORLD DOES GERMANY NEED THE N.P.D.?
I keenly answer, by echoing the NPD’s 3 REASONS, in their own words:
Briefly an outline:
1) DEMOCRACY … as we understand it, is meant to offer citizens political choices. 
The existence of the NPD duly alerts Germans ( and likewise other European countries ) that none uphold democracy while ever nationalist parties are media-sidelined, suffer mendacious reportage without a just re-dress; are criminally infiltrated in order to entrap, sabotage and misrepresent their policies ; and remain under threat of being banned.
To quote from the NPD’s website:
“An open political process and a legally protected process of political opinion-forming (the indispensable foundation of a free democratic order) is threatened by the impending monopolisation of politics, due to the lust for power of well-organised interest groups.
“This is already well under way, though covered up or glossed over by politically biased coverage in the public media of the mass immigration and consequent conflict in Germany – in a ubiquitous process of undermining parliamentary democracy, with Chancellor Merkel transforming Germany into a multiethnic state through the lowering of German borders without even a Cabinet decision, let alone a vote in Parliament.  In fact it is not the policy of Merkel’s critics that is “extremist”, but government policy itself that is “extremist”. “
2). The NPD works to alert the German people ( and likewise other nations ) that they have no SOVEREIGNTY under the European Union.
To quote from the NPD website:
“In several places in Germany’s constitution – the “Basic Law” – there is mention of the concept of the German people.  The very legitimacy of state power derives from this concept of a German people, with an inherent German ethnicity.
Even a former Constitutional Court judge Udo di Fabio recently pointed out that the government could not go ahead and create a new German people via unlimited immigration, as in that case state power would no longer derive legitimacy from the bottom up – government would be taking on itself the right to alter the size and composition of the nation state, in what a well-known constitutional lawyer Josef Isensee in 1999 (addressing the issue of dual citizenship) called a “constitutional coup from above”).“ – an unidentified “above” governance, at that!

Frederick Fromm's photo.


A country denied its sovereignty is also thereby denied its national right to its racial identity.  To quote from the NPD website, in a letter to German police and armed forces from NPD party chairman Frank Franz ( Herr Franz, an able and respectable spokesman, with whom I have had the pleasure of meeting and discussing these issues firsthand), said:

“The police and armed forces fulfil an essential task of great importance in today’s society.  Their tasks face drastic transformation in the foreseeable future.  A new development is potentially shattering the stability of our community: namely the toleration of a gigantic abuse of our asylum law, which can destroy irretrievably that character of Germany’s population, society and culture.  The mass occupation via “asylum” and the risk of infiltration by radical jihadists presents problems which inevitably leave their mark on the everyday work of the police and army.”

Frank Franz wrote:
“This ‘population exchange’ affects us all, as does the termination of our independent statehood by the EU integration process which is intrinsically hostile to sovereignty.  Those in government service should be attentive when transitory political developments threaten the fundamentals of the State’s constitution.
[quoting from the Basic Law]Article 20 para 2:  All state authority emanates from the people. Articles 56 and 64: the President, Chancellor and Ministers undertake on oath to act “for the benefit of the German people”.

The very integrity and identity of that German People is at stake due to the diminishing of national self-determination and the alienation of the public.
The manner in which political criticism is made into a suspicious activity, represents a violation of human dignity and a sacrifice of free expression.

One must raise the question: to what extent does E.U. asylum policy contravene the stipulations of the Basic Law concerning “the benefit of the German people”?  Has it indeed contravened this already?

As there has so far been no comparable historical experience, …this is probably the first time in the history of the Federal Republic that it is conceivable for public servants to have to bear in mind Article 20 Para 4 of the Basic Law, which states that:  “if no other remedy is possible, Germans have the right to resist against anyone who seeks to abolish the constitutional order.”

As to the ongoing court-case TO BAN the NPD, the website informs that:
“NPD’s lawyer Peter Richter will argue at outset of proceedings on March 1st that the case for banning the party is so tainted by the activities of German spy agencies that there is no legitimate case to be made against the NPD.

“After the failure of a similar banning process 12 years ago – ruled unconstitutional because of the extent of German state spying operations against the party and the role of highly placed state agents – this time the state agencies have claimed that they closed down all agents operating above a certain level in the party.

“But there is absolutely no guarantee that they have complied with this order.  The NPD is very dubious about a process that involves legal submissions “in camera”.

“The party will therefore attempt to have the case struck out on legal and constitutional grounds, but is also prepared if necessary to address each of the documents brought in evidence by the state and bring its own motions to introduce defence evidence.”

[ Of course, as I have witnessed first hand in courtrooms in Germany, one is reminded of the ubiquitous film “Dinner for One”, since all Germans laugh to see it screening as a standing joke on their TVs every New Years’.  The matriarchal character – like the courtroom judges when asked by lawyers if evidential exhibits may be presented in defence of their “opinion crime” clients – she proclaims “No!  It is to be the same procedure every year!”!! ]


The NPD does VITAL WORK in alerting the Germans – and likewise the world – that NATO and its military bases in all our countries, act not as a deterrent, but makes us targets for Zionist-lead America’s war-mongering which has created all these mutually undesired mass migrations of peoples from other lands to Europe – an unnatural migration which will bring neither peoples their necessary human sense of “ancestral home”. Humans, as with homing pigeons and other creatures on our planet, have a natural instinct for, and comforting group identity with, their ancestral “homeland”. No good can come of denying us what Nature provides in our best group interests. 

On today’s news we hear Chancellor Merkel admit that she is “uncertain where the registered migrants are”… much less all the unregistered millions she has unilaterally welcomed, and wishes to invite in their tens of millions into Germany.  I have heard from ordinary German citizens, overwhelmed by the colossal migrant invasion upon their towns and villages, that they feel betrayed and abused by Merkel’s tyrannical imposition of her democratic-disdaining, nation-changing policy.  Thank goodness that we have the NPD to alert us to the full circumstances and consequences of this devastating onslaught on our Nature. 

Long live the NPD for all our sakes in Europe!!

Canada’s Cultural Marxist Courts Strike Another Blow Against Property Rights and Freedom of Speech and Belief

Canada’s Cultural Marxist Courts Strike Another Blow Against Property Rights and Freedom of Speech and Belief

Canada’s increasingly culturally Marxist and interventionist courts have just struck another blow against property rights, freedom of speech and freedom of belief. Apparently, by public policy, Canada is homosexual and anti-White. If you don’t buy into this revolutionary ideology, you may not be able to leave money to advance the views you do believe in.
The National Post (February 22, 2016) reports: “An Ontario judge has struck down a deceased doctor’s attempt to set up university scholarships exclusively for white, single and heterosexual students, ruling the unusual stipulations clash with ‘public policy.’ Dr. Victor Priebe’s trustee should ignore the discriminatory directions his will set out for the proposed bursary, said the Superior Court of Justice decision. ‘Although it is not expressly stated by Dr. Priebe that he subscribed to white supremacist, homophobic and misogynistic views … (the will’s statements) leave no doubt as to Dr. Priebe’s views,’ said Justice Alissa Mitchell.

Despite the judge’s abusive verbiage, the late doctor seemed only to want to favour his own kind — White heterosexuals. There are all sorts of scholarships designated for Indians, Jews, Catholics, Blacks. Apparently, under the present judicial tyranny favouring one’s own kind — if you’re White and straight — with your own money is the only choice that is “contrary to public policy.”

The National Post article continues: “A 2014 ruling similarly halted a New Brunswick man’s bequest of $200,000 to an American neo-Nazi group, …But judges can curb Canadians’ freedom to direct their financial legacy only when the transgression is blatant, said Laura Cardiff, a Toronto lawyer who specializes in estate cases. …  ‘It’s the ‘safety’ of the state that (has to be) at risk, and it’s a universally recognized risk, not just that a few people might disagree with what this person is doing.'”

“The safety of the state at risk” if a few heterosexual Whites get bursaries to study science? It’s preposterous!

“Royal Trust Corp., the trustee, had asked the court for direction on whether it had to follow Priebe’s instructions. Its lawyer did not comment on the decision. Ontario’s Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee had intervened to urge that the will’s contentious parts be removed. One of the office’s roles is to oversee charitable gifts, and it’s well-established that those gifts cannot violate the Ontario Human Rights Code, said Brendan Crawley, a spokesman.

Priebe died a year ago at age 83, 20 years after he had retired as a radiologist at Windsor’s Hotel Dieu Hosptial. He was also a partner in Windsor Radiological Associates. Priebe’s will asked the trustee to set up bursaries for students planning studies in science, including medicine, genetics, biology, chemistry, physics and pharmacology.

It said one should be directed to ‘Caucasian (white), male, single, heterosexual students,’ while the other should be reserved for a ‘hard-working, single Caucasian white girl who is not feminist or lesbian.’

But Priebe may have gotten the last word. Another provision in his will said the bursaries would be cancelled if a court voided the controversial provisions.”

So, there will be no bursaries.

Sadly, we told you so. When CAFE intervened in the McCorkill case — misleadingly referred to in the National Post article, we warned that efforts to nullify Prof. McCorkill’s bequest to the  White Nationalist (not “neo-Nazi”) National Alliance as contrary to public policy was dangerous, an affront to property rights and freedom of belief and would open the door to further judicial meddling and second guessing. No, it was argued by the Attorney General of New Brunswick arguing for nullification,this would be a once in a generation event. Parroting the government party line, the judgement by the Court of Queen’s Bench said much the same thing.

But within months there was the Spence case in Ontario. “”A Newmarket, Ont., judge made legal history this week by overturning a man’s last will and testament because his deathbed pleas were overtly racist. Judge C.A. Gilmore overturned Jamaican-born Rector Emanuel (Eric) Spence’s will, because he had disinherited a daughter who gave birth to a white man’s child. It is the first known example of a judge nullifying an entire will on the grounds that the motivations of the dead offended ‘public policy.’ Mr. Spence, who died alone in 2013, disowned his daughter when he found out she was carrying the infant. Instead, he left $400,000 to another daughter whom he barely knew in the U.K., largely out of anger and spite.” (National Post, January 29 , 2015) The Post was wrong. Seven months earlier, Mr. Justice Grant in New Brunswick had nullified the bequest of Robert McCorkill to the U.S.-based National Alliance as being “contrary to public policy”!

If You Believe in A Peron’s Rights To Bequeath His Money According to Their Beliefs, CAFE Needs Your Help!

Now, more than ever, we need your help. CAFE has sought leave to appeal the McCorkill decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. This is ferociously expensive. The case has already cost us over $60,000. We urgently need your help

Check out CAFE’s website http://cafe.nfshost.com. You can e-mail a credit card donation to me paul@paulfromm.com or send a cheque or credit card particulars to:


P.O. Box 332,

Rexdale, ON.,

M9W 5L3,


Paul Fromm.




National Post

Dr. Victor Priebe in an undated photo.

HandoutDr. Victor Priebe in an undated photo.

An Ontario judge has struck down a deceased doctor’s attempt to set up university scholarships exclusively for white, single and heterosexual students, ruling the unusual stipulations clash with “public policy.”

Dr. Victor Priebe’s trustee should ignore the discriminatory directions his will set out for the proposed bursary, said the Superior Court of Justice decision.

“Although it is not expressly stated by Dr. Priebe that he subscribed to white supremacist, homophobic and misogynistic views … (the will’s statements) leave no doubt as to Dr. Priebe’s views,” said Justice Alissa Mitchell.

Her decision invoked a little-known legal principle — stemming from an 80-year-old Supreme Court of Canada judgment — that allows courts to quash people’s final wishes if they clearly offend the interests of the state.

People are allowed to be eccentric

A 2014 ruling similarly halted a New Brunswick man’s bequest of $200,000 to an American neo-Nazi group, while a 2009 Nova Scotia judgment blocked a will that said the deceased’s property could be sold only to Anglicans or Presbyterians.

But judges can curb Canadians’ freedom to direct their financial legacy only when the transgression is blatant, said Laura Cardiff, a Toronto lawyer who specializes in estate cases.

“People are allowed to be eccentric,” she said. “It’s fairly stringent, these requirements. It’s the ‘safety’ of the state that (has to be) at risk, and it’s a universally recognized risk, not just that a few people might disagree with what this person is doing.”

Royal Trust Corp., the trustee, had asked the court for direction on whether it had to follow Priebe’s instructions. Its lawyer did not comment on the decision.

Ontario’s Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee had intervened to urge that the will’s contentious parts be removed. One of the office’s roles is to oversee charitable gifts, and it’s well-established that those gifts cannot violate the Ontario Human Rights Code, said Brendan Crawley, a spokesman.

Priebe died a year ago at age 83, 20 years after he had retired as a radiologist at Windsor’s Hotel Dieu Hosptial. He was also a partner in Windsor Radiological Associates.

Priebe’s will asked the trustee to set up bursaries for students planning studies in science, including medicine, genetics, biology, chemistry, physics and pharmacology.

It said one should be directed to “Caucasian (white), male, single, heterosexual students,” while the other should be reserved for a “hard-working, single Caucasian white girl who is not feminist or lesbian.”

Administrators of the scholarship should make sure yearly that the students remained single, said the will.

He had a rather unique personality

There were other odd stipulations, too, such as that the male bursary should not go to anyone who plays inter-collegiate sports, and that the recipient should ideally demonstrate “they are not afraid of hard manual work in their selection of summer employment.”

In ruling last week that those specifications contravened public policy, Justice Mitchell cited a 1990 case where a bequeathed scholarship available only to white people of British origin was successfully challenged as discriminatory.

But Priebe may have gotten the last word. Another provision in his will said the bursaries would be cancelled if a court voided the controversial provisions.

One long-time acquaintance said she was “a little bit surprised” at the bigotry in his final testament.

“But he had a rather unique personality,” said the acquaintance, who asked not to be quoted by name because of the “awkward” situation. “He certainly was a strong-minded individual.”

Priebe’s obituary in the Windsor Star makes no mention of any spouse or children, saying he was predeceased by his parents and sister, had founded a photography club and enjoyed spending time in local public libraries.

One of his cousins said in a brief email exchange that she had only met Priebe once, in 1960 at her own father’s funeral, and exchanged the odd Christmas card.

“I don’t know anything about him, his friends or acquaintances,” she said.

The underlying case law that doomed Priebe’s posthumous plans dates from 1938, when the Supreme Court was asked to rule on a will that set up a sort of “baby derby,” bequeathing money to the woman who had the most babies within a certain period of time. The judges approved that idea, but said courts could step in when provisions were clearly offensive to public interests, said Ms. Cardiff.

For the Censors at You Tube, Questioning the Hollywood Versions of WW II is ‘Hate Speech’

For the Censors at You Tube, 

Questioning the Hollywood Versions of WW II is ‘Hate Speech’

Prolific Vancouver videographer Brian Ruhe who has done dozens of commentaries questioning the Hollywood version of World War II has  lost a number of teaching positions because of organized Zionist pressure. Now his most recent offering has been scrubbed from You Tube and he’s received a preachy scolding.

His video is ‘inappropriate’ — that vacuous, politically correct term meaning ‘we don’t like it.’

Apparently, his latest video violates ‘community guidelines.” Whose community, one might ask?

“We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express their points of view, even if unpopular. However, YouTube doesn’t allow hate speech.’

Of course, You Tube supports free speech, just not for revisionists. It’s for free speech but not ‘hate speech” and, of course, they’ll decide. Free speech supporters know that ‘hate speech’ is not speech that preaches hate and destruction but speech that some powerful group HATES!

Paul Fromm,



The YouTube community flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. After reviewing the content, we’ve determined that the videos violate our Community Guidelines. As a result, we've removed the following videos from YouTube:

We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express their points of view, even if unpopular. However, YouTube doesn't allow hate speech. Sometimes there's a fine line between what is and isn't considered hate speech. If you're not sure whether or not your content crosses the line, we ask that you don't post it. Learn more here

Your account has received one Community Guidelines strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account getting terminated.



Look at Which Organized Group is Seeking to Squelch Free Speech … Again!

 Look at Which Organized Group is Seeking to Squelch Free Speech … Again!

Frederick Fromm's photo.

Jewish Groups Denounce Choice of Antisemite to Headline ‘Freedom to Read Week’ Event in Toronto

FEBRUARY 14, 2016 9:20 PM 35 COMMENTS


Self-described anti-Zionist author and journalist Max Blumenthal. Photo: Wikipedia.

Two major Jewish groups gently ripped into the Canadian branch of the international organization PEN — which campaigns on behalf of writers persecuted or imprisoned for expressing themselves freely – for inviting a highly controversial author to headline an event it is co-sponsoring, theCanadian Jewish News reported on Sunday.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) and the Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center asked PEN why it is headlining the event, to be held on Feb. 24 at the Toronto Reference Library, with self-described “anti-Zionist” Max Blumenthal, whose fringe positions on Israel have earned him the label of antisemite.

Blumenthal, author of The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza and Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, was invited by PEN Canada, in conjunction with Independent Jewish Voices and Another Story Bookshop (as part of “Freedom to Read Week”) to be the star attraction at the event, titled “Embattled Truths: Reporting on Gaza.” His co-panelist will be Toronto Star foreign affairs reporter Olivia Ward.

“We thought this is an odd choice,” CIJA spokesperson Martin Sampson told the CJN. “Why would they do that? Why would they put their reputation at risk by associating with Blumenthal? I think his extreme positions disqualify him for being a rational, reasonable contributor in the discourse about Israel.”

Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center CEO Avi Benlolo told the CJN: “Max Blumenthal represents the radical left’s extremist belief that Israel is the embodiment of all evil and has no right to exist. His most recent book – [which has been] dubbed the ‘I Hate Israel Handbook’ – supports the mainstreaming of growing antisemitic attitudes by conflating Israel with Nazi Germany. While shunned by conventional media outlets, the book is popular on major antisemitic, neo-Nazi and conspiracy theory websites such as Stormfront and David Duke’s Rense, where his work is used to promote anti-Jewish hate. I’m not sure what PEN is trying to achieve by giving Blumenthal a podium from which to spew his hatred, but if its goal is to contribute to increasing antisemitism in Canada, then I guess they will succeed.”

According to the CJN, PEN spokesperson Brendan de Caires responded by saying that the group’s mandate is to “raise difficult subjects… We are a free speech organization. We embrace an open exchange of ideas.” And “the whole premise of our discussion is that this [Gaza] is a hot topic.”

De Caires added, “We have no stake in the content of what Mr. Blumenthal says. [But] we support his right to say it.”

According to CJN, Toronto Public Library stakeholder relations manager Ana-Maria Critchley said that, in spite of the controversy, the event will be going ahead as planned. “Blumenthal has been invited very clearly not because of his personal views, but to speak on his experience as a journalist,” she said.

Max Blumenthal’s name came to the fore recently, when the latest batch of emails released from the server of Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton revealed correspondence with her former adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, the author’s father. In these exchanges, Blumenthal senior sent Clinton links to a number of anti-Israel articles written by his son.

Vancouver Meet-Up: Paul Fromm Speaks on Book Burners, Laptop Snoops, Letter Openers — Canada’s Customs Censors at Work

Hi there!

You’re invited to join this new Meetup group I created:


Come and join me for our first Meetup, below:

Book Burners, Laptop Snoops, Letter Openers — Canada’s Customs Censors at Work


  • Sunday, February 21, 2016


  • Brian Ruhe’s place

    #104 – 1960 West 7th Ave.
    buzz 104
    Vancouver, BC (edit map)

  • buzz 104
  • Book Burners, Laptop Snoops, Letter Openers — Canada’s Customs Censors at Work.
    “It will be a barn burner speech. I am angry!

    I’ve been doing a slew of radio interviews in and around this topic.”

    – Paul Fromm

    Paul Fromm and Brian Ruhe were on Red Ice Radio out of Sweden at this link:


    Voters Echo – Paul Fromm’s take on freedom of speech and the Charter of Rights! 09 February 2016:


    Paul Fromm is the Director of CAFE the Canadian Association of Freedom of Expression, since 1983 and will be visiting from Toronto.

    Website: http://cafe.nfshost.com/

    Meeting by donation.

    Hosted by Brian Ruhe



National Post Confirms Paul Fromm Targetted for Harassment by the Feds

National Post Confirms Paul Fromm Targetted for Harassment by the Feds

Inline image 1

The National Post (February 10, 2016) ran an article by Douglas Quan entitled Right-wing extremist groups ‘prevalent’ across Canada, study warns”. the article by-the-by confirms my impression that my two and a half hour ordeal with Canada Customs (February 2) was deliberate targetting and harassment for my non-violent political views. A man who identified himself as an “intelligence supervisor” and who questioned me asked: “Do you have an enemy who does not like you” , as much as admitting that the scrap of paper by scrap of paper search of my possessions was directed from the top.

Scribbler Quan who actually interviewed me last June, did not bother to call or e-mail me to get details. Not surprisingly, his reference to me is erroneous in several details. He suggests that I choose not to be part of any group. On the contrary, I am the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, the Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, the International Director for the Council of Conservative Citizens and the International Advisor to the American Freedom Party, as well as the Canadian contributor to The Barnes Review.

Quan’s article “Right-wing extremist groups ‘prevalent’ across Canada, study warns”


says, in part:

… “Some extremists choose not to be part of any group, preferring instead to provide “ideological fodder on which others may feed.” One of Canada’s most notorious white nationalists, Paul Fromm, has spoken to various groups, including the U.S.-based Council of Conservative Citizens.

Dylann Roof, the young man accused of gunning down nine black worshippers in Charleston, S.C., last year credited the council for drawing attention to “black on white crime.” The council said it did not condone violence and Fromm said the murders were “absolutely wrong.”

Still, authorities appear to be closely watching Fromm. In a recent YouTube rant, he described how, on a return trip from London, he was detained by border authorities at Toronto’s airport for more than two hours so they could search him for’hate propaganda.'”

Jim Rizoli — Interview With Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review

Jim Rizoli —  Interview With Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review


Jim had a VERY good interview with Mark Weber, learning about Mark’s background and involvement with the revisionist effort, particularly the second Zundel trial.  Also Jim took issue with Mark about Mark’s unfounded belief in ‘limited gassings’ providing for a very lively discussion, all of which was very important.    We apologize for the slight lighting glitch though it didn’t affect the interview AT ALL.

Please pass this onto your lists. 
Diane King


JIM RIZOLI, Cofounder, producer/interviewer (Fred Leuchter and Assistant, Diane King) of the Series, LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY REVISIONISTS.  This also entails seeking out UNSUNG HEROES and German survivors of Allied atrocities – The German Story, The German Way.  Hard core historical revisionist, Jim and, his brother, Joe moved from combating the illegal immigrant hordes in their cable shows to dealing with the fundamental and pervading issue of the holocaust. Their immigrant battles led them to the plight of Ernst Zundel in Canada, being prosecuted for having reprinted *Did 6 Million Really Die*! Thus Jim and Joe’s efforts and cable shows also turned toward the issue of the holocaust.  That’s when their troubles accelerated. In 2002 – 2003 they began producing numerous (1000s of videos) dealing with many issues and 100s of videos about the holocaust. Consequently, YouTube videos (700) under the name of Jim Rizoli were banned. His name was banned on Facebook. In 2010, their cable shows were suspended. They returned and then were permanently removed in 2014. We are back to provide a venue of/freedom of, telling the story for tried-and-true revisionists and Germans throughout North America, Europe and Australia.
If you are interested in helping us defray costs in this effort,
send a check to:
Jim Rizoli (LOER)
94 Pond St.
Framingham, MA  01702
Thank You!
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Jim Rizoli interview with Mark Weber of IHR 2016

Jim Rizoli interview with Mark Weber of IHR 2016

Truth Blitzkrieg Against Our Zio-Marxist Oppressors

Truth Blitzkrieg Against Our Zio-Marxist Oppressors

Dr. James Sears Addresses “Canadian Association For Free Expression”

Human rights advocate Paul Fromm invited Dr. Sears to lecture a standing-room only crowd on the topic…








Dr. James Sears is the leader of the New Constitution Party of Canada, a party based on the philosophies of Dr. Ron Paul, Adolf Hitler and Jesus Christ.  A medical doctor by training, Dr. Sears is now Canada’s top anti-Marxist activist.  He promotes his activism by being Editor-In-Chief of the largest anti-Marxist publication in Canada, Your Ward News, which is delivered each month by Canada Post to 77,000 addresses in Toronto, and read by over 300,000 people.

Due to this controversial publication, he has been the subject of more hate crime investigations than any other person in Toronto history. Dr. Sears is Canada’s top medical fraud and malpractice investigator.

He lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife Colette, their 10 month old son Nicholas, and their Shih Tzu “Mountain Bear”.


Includes an update on the Arthur Topham free speech case by Paul Fromm at about the 54 minute mark of the recording.

Wow! What A Busy Week of Media Work Getting Out the Story of Canada Customs Thought Police and Harassment

Wow! What A Busy Week of Media Work Getting Out the Story of Canada Customs Thought Police and Harassment

* CAFE You Tube — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5b4EYcufdU&feature=youtu.be

* Co-host STORMFRONT Radio (twice)

* Co-host THE TRUMP PHENOMENON (twice on Republic Broadcasting

* Interviewed on Jamie Kelso’s THE AMERICAN FREEDOM PARTY SHOW

* RED ICE RADIO (discussing the Arthur Topham ” hate law” trial — http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2016/02/RIR-160210.php

* The Brandon Martinez Show — https://youtu.be/wKF8Ekh3Rqk

* One hour interview on VOTERS’ ECHO television show — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ_htMoC7C4

* And, of course, on my nightly radio show on whiteresistanceradio.com

Frederick Fromm's photo.