Ces femmes contre le « Nouvel Evangile » !

Ces femmes contre le « Nouvel Evangile » !
Accueil » Actualité » Actualité internationale » Ces femmes contre le « Nouvel Evangile » !


Ursula Haverbeck

Ursula Haverbeck, « la grande dame allemande », est, depuis avant-hier, incarcérée à la suite de sa condamnation à deux ans de prison ferme. Dans six mois, le 11 novembre 2018, elle aura 90 ans. Elle est arrière-grand-mère.

Elle était sous surveillance médicale. Son avocat avait sollicité un report de sa date d’incarcération. Mais de bonnes et belles personnes, notamment à l’étranger, avaient protesté et exigé une incarcération sans plus de délai.

Il faut dire que la coupable avait commis un crime affreux contre la plus vraie et la plus vivace des religions du monde, la Religion de l’Holocauste.

Michele Renouf

La Nazi-Oma (Grand-mère Nazie) avait proclamé qu’elle ne croyait pas à l’existence, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des « chambres à gaz nazies ». Elie Wiesel non plus n’y croyait pas ; généralement tenu pour le témoin emblématique de « l’Holocauste » (ou « Shoah »), il ira même, dans ses mémoires, jusqu’à demander qu’on n’en parle plus ; cependant, au moins nous avait-il assuré auparavant dans La Nuit qu’à Auschwitz, si les Allemands tuaient systématiquement les juifs, c’était par le feu dans des fosses ardentes auxquelles, par miracle, il avait personnellement échappé à la dernière minute. D’autres respectables témoins ont attesté de ce que la même extermination se faisait soit par l’électricité, soit par la vapeur d’eau, soit par le gaz cyanhydrique, soit par la chaux vive, soit par le gaz d’échappement de moteurs de camions ou d’un tank et même une fois, à Auschwitz, par le biais d’un essai de bombe nucléaire. Quant au Père Patrick Desbois, dont on ne parle malheureusement plus guère, il croyait soit à « la Shoah par balles » de fusil, soit à « la Shoah par étouffement » « avec des édredons » ou « avec des coussins la nuit » (Porteur de mémoires, Editions Michel Lafon, 2007, p. 306-307).

Monika Schaefer

Ursula Haverbeck fait actuellement partie de tout un ensemble international de femmes qui s’insurgent contre le Nouvel Evangile. Depuis au moins 73 ans, la bonne parole holocaustique nous est enseignée. Dans ces dernières années, elle carillonne à toute volée le matin, à midi, l’après-midi, le soir et la nuit. Mais ces femmes font montre d’une résistance méritoire. Elles se nomment Michèle Renouf, Sylvia Stolz, Maria Poumier, Monika Schaefer, Alison Chabloz, Diane King, Carolyn Yeager ou encore « Didi ». Elles s’appelaient Madame Rassinier, Keltie Zubko ou Barbara Kulaszka. D’autres noms de femmes seraient encore à citer.

Voici trois réactions à l’affaire :

1) La police allemande interpelle une « mamie nazie » en fuite (site d’Europe 1, 7 mai 2018) ;

Alison Chabloz

2) « Sur le front de la répression » (Bocage-Info, diffusion privée par courriel, 8 mai 2018) :

Ursula Haverbeck a été arrêtée et placée en détention le 7 mai 2018 à 13h30. Ursula Haverbeck espérait fêter son 90e anniversaire au mois de novembre en compagnie de sa famille et de ses amis, mais les sicaires de la police de la pensée en ont décidé autrement.

L’arrière-grand-mère allemande a gagné le respect de ses compatriotes et l’estime des chercheurs indépendants du monde entier pour ses enquêtes opiniâtres sur la fraude liée à l’Holocauste. Le régime allemand, qui est fortement impliqué dans l’escroquerie, a condamné la courageuse investigatrice à deux ans de prison ferme pour avoir enquêté sur les procès-verbaux des Alliés sur les conditions dans les camps d’internement pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ursula Haverbeck est surnommée la « grand-mère nazie » par les médias du Système.  William Colby, ancien directeur de la CIA, et le Dr Udo Ulfkotte, ancien rédacteur en chef de la Frankfurter Allgemeine, étaient impliqués dans ces recherches. Les deux hommes sont morts dans des circonstances mystérieuses. Condamnée une nouvelle fois l’année dernière, Frau Haverbeck avait eu le temps de se préparer car elle ne s’était pas présentée à la prison de Bielefeld mercredi 2 mai, où elle devait être détenue, probablement jusqu’à ce que mort s’ensuive.

Maria Poumier

Un membre du comité juif d’un prétendu groupe de survivants de l’Holocauste qui s’appelle le Comité international d’Auschwitz a déclaré : « Il faut faire pression pour que la police la retrouve ». Le journal local Westfalen-Blatt a rapporté que la maison de Vlotho dans le centre de l’Allemagne où résidait Ursula Haverbeck semblait vide ces derniers jours, le courrier s’empilant devant la porte. La chasse à l’homme (sic) déclenchée pour retrouver une femme âgée coupable de réfléchir risque de se retourner contre les profiteurs de l’industrie de l’Holocauste. Dans une enquête récente, les deux tiers des gens ont déclaré qu’ils étaient excédés par les revendications incessantes et déplacées des profiteurs de ce système pervers : Holohoax heroine on the run.

3) Une révisionniste allemande de 89 ans jetée en prison (vidéo réalisée par Vincent Reynouard, 9 mai 2018).

Has Zionist Shill Teresa May Announced the End of Free Speech In Britain?

Has Zionist Shill Teresa May Announced the End of Free Speech In Britain?

Is “tolerance” compatible with free speech. If you oppose certain barbaric cultural practices like say, female genital mutilation, and make bold to say so, you’re not being very “tolerant”. Is Teresa May, Britain’s bumbling Prime Minister saying that henceforth only “tolerant” speech will be allowed. May is an utter captive of the Zionist anti-free speech lobby. In 2015, when the Board of Jewish Deputies set up a howl after a wildly distorted press smear on a Mark Weber talk at the London Forum, she banned him from the U.K. — a ban he did not learn about until 2017. The past year has seen a flurry of criminal charges against free speech supporters, including satiric chanteuse Alison Chaloz and activist organizer Jez Turner.

Theresa May announces the end of free speech in UK: “We value free speech…we also value tolerance to others”



🆘‼🧐🔥 UK: At last someone asked Theresa May the right questions on freedom of speech in the British Parliament.

Challenged in Parliament about why criticism of Christianity is taken for granted while criticism of Islam embroils one in societal (and legal) difficulties, British Prime Minister Theresa May answered:

We value freedom of expression and freedom of speech in this country. That is absolutely essential in underpinning our democracy. But we also value tolerance to others. We also value tolerance in relation to religions. This is one of the issues that we’ve looked at in the counter-extremism strategy that the government has produced. I think we need to ensure that, yes, it is right that people can have that freedom of expression. But in doing so, that right has a responsibility, too. And that is a responsibility to recognize the importance of tolerance to others.

This heralds the end of the freedom of speech in Britain, for May’s statement is flatly self-contradictory. Who will decide whether one’s criticism of Islam has shaded over into becoming “intolerant”? Presumably the police or some governing authorities. But the freedom of speech is designed precisely to protect people from being prosecuted or persecuted by the governing authorities because their speech dissents from the accepted line. It was developed as a safeguard against tyranny.

By introducing this massive exception, May is turning the freedom of speech on its head and emptying it of all meaning. She is also implying that the British government will now be bringing the full force of the law against those who are deemed intolerant, and indeed, that has already begun.


NO FREE SPEECH IN GERMANY: German cartoonist sacked after Netanyahu drawing

NO FREE SPEECH IN GERMANY: German cartoonist sacked after Netanyahu drawing

Previously, Dieter Hanitzsch drew Turkish president, but was defended over free speech

German cartoonist sacked after Netanyahu drawing

By Cuneyt Karadag


A leading German daily fired a cartoonist over anti-semitic views on Friday after he drew a caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The cartoon by Dieter Hanitzsch showed Netanyahu carrying a missile in his hand. He is dressed up as Israeli singer Netta Barzilai, who won this year’s Eurovision contest. A speech bubble on top says: “Next year in Jerusalem.”

The cartoon led to an uproar on social media and other German media outlets.

Suddeutsche Zeitung’s Editor-in-Chief Wolfgang Krach apologized for the caricature, however Hanitzsch refused.

Speaking to local media outlets, the 85-year-old cartoonist said he wanted to criticize Netanyahu’s exploitation of the Eurovision contest for his own purposes and accused him of abusing the singer’s victory.

He added that it was not a common thing for a newspaper to fire its cartoonist over a drawing.

“You can reprimand him, warn him, but firing is not a good way,” he said.

Previously, Hanitzsch had drawn cartoons criticizing and even insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He was defended on the basis of freedom of the press and expression, for his drawings published in the same newspaper.


Keeping the Voters Dumb: Brantford Establishment Excludes Smaller Parties for “All Candidates” Debate

Keeping the Voters Dumb: Brantford Establishment Excludes Smaller Parties for “All Candidates” Debate

Excluded candidates cry foul

By Michael-Allan Marion, Brantford Expositor

Some registered provincial election candidates in Brantford-Brant riding are objecting to being excluded from an all-candidates meeting.

A televised debate Monday night organized by the Chamber of Commerce Brantford-Brant and Rogers TV featured Progressive Conservative candidate Will Bouma, Ken Burns of the Green Party, New Democrat Alex Felsky, Libertarian Rob Ferguson and Liberal Ruby Toor.

Shortly before the two-hour debate was to begin at 7 p.m., other candidates — independent Dave Wrobel, John Turmel of the Pauper Party and Leslie Bory of the Canadians’ Choice Party — tried to get into the Rogers building on Harris Avenue but were locked out and told they could not participate. Each had registered as a candidate with the Elections Ontario Brantford-Brant returning office.

Also registered as a candidate is Nicholas Archer of the None of the Above Party.

Wrobel, who is also registered as a Brantford mayoral candidate in the Oct. 22 municipal election, and Turmel, a perennial election candidate, waited for some time outside the door to the building. Wrobel raised on his Facebook page his objections to candidates being excluded.

Chamber of Commerce CEO Charlene Nicholson said that, according to the organization’s rules, the only candidates to be allowed into the debate were those in political parties that have candidates running in a majority of the province’s 127 ridings in the June 7 provincial election.

In an interview, Wrobel disputed the chamber’s rules.

“It’s a clear act of discrimination,” he said.

He pointed out that Burns has not yet filed his papers to be an official candidate but was allowed to be part of the debate. The deadline for candidates to register is 2 p.m. Thursday.

“There is no inclusiveness,” said Wrobel. “The minute you do that you diminish the democratic process.”

Wrobel also criticized the candidates who took part in the debate for not raising objections about others being excluded.

Ferguson raised the issue briefly in his opening address. But the others said nothing.

“It’s wrong for those politicians to show no inclusiveness and let that happen,” said Wrobel.

Although he is registered as a mayoral candidate, Wrobel said he is still making up his mind about seeking the municipality’s top political job.


  • From FB:  “The content you’re trying to share includes a link that our security systems detected to be unsafe:  Please remove this link to continue.  If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know.”



Every day, all over the world, Amazon delivers Prime packages. Millions of people rely on Amazon’s wide online selection and speedy delivery. Amazon users, by checking out through (instead of the can choose a charity to receive 0.5 % of the proceeds from their purchase.

However, Amazon is not a neutral company. Rather, Amazon, and in particular Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, is on a mission to promote the sexual revolution. In fact, cities competing for Amazon’s new headquarters are being screened based on “progressivism” and “inclusivity” – aka cities that forcefully promote LGBTQ lifestyles and silence dissenters.

It would appear that Amazon’s latest effort to advance the sexual revolution and silence Christian voices is by removing pro-family groups from the list of eligible Amazon Smile charities.

So essentially, when Amazon says that users can support the charity of their choice, what they really mean is that users can select only charities that fall in line with the prevailing sexual ethic of our age.

This intolerance (in the name of tolerance!) and exclusivity (in the name of inclusivity!) must be called out for what it is – discrimination against people of faith.

Please sign this petition to Amazon saying that you strongly oppose their discriminatory practices towards pro-family charities.

Sign here:

In order to justify their discrimination against Christian pro-family groups, Amazon claims that their decision to remove these Christian groups is based on the recommendation of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Several months ago, the SPLC published a list of hate groups across the country. This list did include some actual hate groups. However, the SPLC lumped Christian groups such as the Family Research Council, the Ruth Institute, and Alliance Defending Freedom in with racist and pro-Nazi groups.

In recent years the SPLC has been completely discredited as a legit arbiter of information. They attack and defame anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Even the FBI and the U.S. Army have “deleted the [SPLC] from the[ir] lists of legitimate ‘hate crime’ resources” because it is so politically motivated.

Sign here:

Now, all three of those Christian groups, Family Research Council, the Ruth Institute, and Alliance Defending Freedom, have been removed from the list of eligible charities for the Amazon Smile program,ch Ccil

Amazon is discriminating against Christian pro-family groups because of their Christian beliefs. This is wrong. Please use your voice to stand up to corporate America and tell Amazon that their discrimination and intolerance is unacceptable.


Kira Nelson and the entire CitizenGO team

Sign here:



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An 89-year-old woman, who humiliated the German regime by successfully detecting holocaust related fraud, was recently re-arrested. See Holohoax Heroine on the Run

! Haverbeck on Truth

In November, Ursula Haverbeck will celebrate her 90th birthday in a German prison cell. The sprightly grandmother is to serve a two-year term without parole in prison merely for stating an opinion that is supported by acclaimed academics worldwide.


Meanwhile, distressed Germans are well aware that those described erroneously by corporate media as refugees are repeatedly released without charge or with slap on the wrist taxpayer-funded fines for serious crimes such as rape and murder.

The charges against the nonagenarian specifically relate to the fraud investigator’s insistence that Auschwitz was never a death camp but an industrial and agricultural complex.

Ursula good quote

Jewish researcher Joseph Ginsburg asks a pertinent question: “Why then are they, the Israelis (and German regime), obstructing all honest research into the six million questions? All statistics will so long be controversial until world Jewry and Zionism will be willing to present to the public exact official statistics of the losses.  The roadblock to research is due to the fact that from six million dead, one can extract far more reparations than from say 6,000.”

Wisdom Knows Hussein

In fact, such deaths as did occur at Auschwitz and elsewhere, in towns and villages too, were suffered only near the war’s end and following Germany’s defeat as a consequence not of German action but by Allied air raids.

Many dissident historians regard the death toll as being exclusively the responsibility of the Allies whose carpet bombing, even after Germany’s military defeat, continued to cause violent death and suffering as consequence of typhus, starvation and similar diseases that can be attributed to the Allied carpet bombing. In effect, the victors are shifting shame and responsibility for their war crimes on the peoples of defeated Germany.

Ursula 3

Many hundreds of protesters, primarily from the Die Rechte party, rallied in the city of Bielefeld calling for the release of Ursula Haverbeck. A small counter-protest was also held and two police officers suffered minor injuries after clashing with the Communist George Soros funded Antifa counter-protesters.

Strength of feeling against the Merkel regime is running high. Since the demonstration took place during the working week, many could not attend, but the response of solidarity from around Germany alone for this demo was over 2.1 million. It did not include the support messages from neighbouring European countries.

collage_history books -1

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  • The picture of her with someone — her father? — in the uniform of a “Major der Infanterie” of the “Heer” is strange… unless the outfit which she is wearing is not a wedding dress, but a First Communion robe, maybe?… She was born in 1928… a First Communion around 1943 would be just plausible…

    But this point put aside; when you see this Lady delivering her addresses such as the splendid one of September 2015, this ‘Freifrau’ has an Athenian beauty: the beauty of the Naked Truth.

    Now look closely at our rodents… they can do what they want… They are ugly (poor souls!).
    Very much what the French call “avoir le physique de l’emploi” (to look the part) but in a very nasty connotation.

British White Nationalist Leader Jez Turner Jailed for Criticizing Jewish Power

British White Nationalist Leader Jez Turner Jailed for Criticizing Jewish Power
Yesterday Jeremy Bedford-Turner  known as Jez Turner was convicted at Southwark Crown Court in London of inciting racial hatred during a speech he gave in 2015 outside Downing Street . In this speech  he attacked Jewish influence, most particularly, the  Met Police’s support for and enablement of  a  Jewish security organisation  known as the Shomrim .   He was sentenced to 12 months, six of which will be served in prison and the rest on licence. 
Did Jez have a chance of acquittal? Well, he had a jury trial so   that gave him some chance of an acquittal. Had it been a trial without a jury he would have had none. But even with a jury the odds were heavily against a not guilty verdict. In the minds of jurors must be the fear of being called a racist which has been so successfully inculcated in the general population that  it produces an automated reflex of panic and terror when faced with the possibility of the label being put on them. Any juror faced with a case such as this must have it in the back of their minds at least that to return a not guilty verdict would be to risk being called a racist. There is also the sheer shock factor of hearing politically incorrect views being unashamedly spoken. As it was the jury was out for less than two hours and returned a unanimous verdict of  guilty. 
The case was originally turned down by the Crown Prosecution Service  (CPS) as not meting their evidential standard for a prosecution.  The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism  threatened the CPS with a judicial review of their decision not to prosecute. Faced with that the CPS caved in and prosecuted. It is worth noting that running a judicial review is very expensive.  The fact that  the CAA managed to get the CPS  prosecute effectively creates two tiers of justice, that for the rich and that for the poor.
I  shall be writing a fuller account of the trial later but I can say unequivocally that the judge showed his bias against Jezz from the word go in both his actions and manner.  He began by refusing a request by Jezz’s barrister to put  questions to prospective jurors to discover if any off them were members of the CAA or the  Community Security Trust,  a charity which has surprising support from the Met Police for a quasi-police group  known as the Shomrim  – see below.   During this passage of the hearing the judge said with great distaste that it was shocking that such an organisation as the CAA needed to exist but that was the way of the world. 
The judge also intervened on a number of occasions when Jezz was being cross-examined to dispute what Jezz was saying.This was not his job,  it was the job of the prosecutor to challenge what Jezz was saying. 
The  other thing to note was the way both judge and prosecuting counsel accepted opinion as fact and were seemingly oblivious to what they were doing which in short was enforcing the politically correct  view of the world. For example, prosecuting counsel thought nothing of quoting a senior judge that freedom of expression had to be compatible with the “standards of a just and fair multiracial society”. 
What has been made very clear in this trial (and that of the trial of Alison Chabloz) is that we have an elite  which is hell bent on squeezing the range of permitted opinion ever more tightly into a politically correct shape. 
The other striking thing about this trial is the paucity of media comment.  One might have thought the mainstream media would have jumped all over the matter  but the only mainstream press attending the trial was the Press Association. Why? Well, I suspect it was because although the politically correct wanted the prosecution and a guilty verdict they did not want the politically incorrect nature of much of the evidence to come before the public’s eyes. 
Where does all this leave us? Free expression is essential to democracy and political freedom. Take it away and oppression soon fills the void. It also has a general cultural value.  Its importance is examined in detail in my essay Freedom or permitted opinion below. . Beneath that  you will find a number of reports of Jez’ trial and a couple on the truly amazing powers granted to the Shomrim both here and abroad.  
Robert Henderson

Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice – UKIP Daily | UKIP News | UKIP Debate

Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice

Posted by Robert Henderson | Nov 20, 2015 | Views & Letters |  |     
Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice
Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice

Finally, some Germans speaking up for Ursula Haverbeck! May it be the beginning of a resurgence of protest in that beleaguered country.

Finally, some Germans speaking up for Ursula Haverbeck! May it be the beginning of a resurgence of protest in that beleaguered country.


An 89-year-old woman, dubbed the “Nazi Grandma,” was arrested on Monday and taken to prison to serve her two-year sentence for holocaust denying. Specifically, she suggested that the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp was a “work camp” and was not used for systematic extermination.

Hundreds of protesters, primarily from the Die Rechte party, rallied in the city of Bielefeld, west Germany, on Thursday, calling for the release of Ursula Haverbeck, according to Deutsche Welle.

A counter-protest, consisting of around 600 campaigners, was also held. Two police officers suffered minor injuries after clashing with the leftwing counter-protesters.

Last October, Haverbeck was convicted for eight counts of incitement and launched a failed appeal bid. She didn’t turn up to prison by her designated deadline (April 23) to begin serving her sentence, prompting police to arrest her at home and transport her to prison on May 7.

The “Nazi Grandma” has been convicted of similar offenses, incurring fines for her comments, but this is the first time she has been imprisoned.

Haverback said, in a trial in 2015, that the Auschwitz facility is “not historically proven” to an extermination camp, claiming “this is only a belief.”