Even Politicians Are Not Free to Speak Their Minds

Even Politicians Are Not Free to Speak Their Minds

Even Politicians Are Not Free to Speak Their Minds

Canada is a nation choking on political correctness. Even politicians, elected or otherwise, are told what they can say and not say. Canada suffers from a lack of frank discussion, especially on issues displeasing to privileged minorities. This leads to a justified cynicism about our governing institutions

Senator censured for ’insensitive’ comments during pro-Freedom Convoy rant

‘This is the capital of the country. It’s not your goddamned city just because you have a six-figure salary and you work 20 hours a week’ Sen. MacDonald said during his rant

Author of the article:The Canadian PressThe Canadian PressDylan RobertsonPublished Dec 05, 2023  •  3 minute read 141 Comments

Conservative Sen. Michael MacDonald.
“This is definitely not an ethical issue,” Conservative Senator Michael MacDonald is quoted as having written about his video rant. Photo by Christopher Katsarov/The Canadian Press/File

OTTAWA — Senators have voted to condemn one of their own, following a colourful rant covertly recorded during the Freedom Convoy protest last year

The Senate ethics watchdog found this spring that Conservative Sen. Michael MacDonald violated the code of conduct.Article content

The Nova Scotia senator was caught on video in February 2022 castigating downtown Ottawa residents who complained about the protests, saying locals were overpaid and underworked.

MacDonald apologized for his remarks in the Senate, and he told media he had been drinking on the evening in question.

The Senate’s ethics officer ruled he had breached six sections of the code that governs senators, including two related to his conduct and four others for a lack of compliance in the investigation itself.

The ethics officer determined that the Red Chamber must formally censure members whose conduct undermines the Senate’s reputation, and senators recently voted to do so.

On Nov. 30, the chamber voted on division to issue the sanction against MacDonald, which does not come with any penalties but holds symbolic value.Related Stories

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Sen. Dennis Patterson spoke out against the censure, saying the scope of the ethics code seems to go beyond other parliamentary rules that only focus on senators’ conduct while they are carrying out their Senate-related duties.

“Not agreeing to the remediation recommendations of the (ethics officer) is quite different than not co-operating,” Patterson added, in remarks right before the vote last week.Article content

He said at the time that he was “appalled that we appear to be associated with extremists,” whom he argued undertook a “hostage occupation of the heart of our Canadian democracy.”

MacDonald apologized again last week for his “insensitive” remarks, and added that he regretted his conduct during the investigation. He said a parliamentary committee had treated him fairly.

“I was eager to move on, yet felt embarrassed, isolated and frustrated by the process. But I could have handled it better; that is entirely on me,” he told the chamber.

The watchdog’s investigation had been prompted by complaints from nine of MacDonald’s peers.

Shortly after the video footage emerged, MacDonald apologized in the chamber, and stressed that the conversation wasn’t meant to be recorded.

In the recording, MacDonald is heard saying he doesn’t want to be recorded. The videographer responds by saying “OK.”Article content

MacDonald then goes on to some frank remarks.

“It’s everybody’s f–king city, this is the capital of the country. It’s not your goddamned city just because you have a six-figure salary and you work 20 hours a week. You haven’t worked a full week in two years. It’s sickening,” MacDonald says in the recording.

In the video, MacDonald refers to his wife as “a Karen” — a derogatory term for a self-entitled woman — for opposing the protests. Despite police ordering protesters to clear the scene, MacDonald says that “I don’t want them to leave.”

Senate ethics officer Pierre Legault said the senator’s request to not be filmed showed “an intentional failure to exercise dignified reserve and restraint,” and that his comments left a “significant impact” on the institution.

The watchdog added that the senator’s initial apology was undermined by his comment that his comments weren’t meant to be captured on video.

“Senators are expected to represent Canadians, not denigrate, mock and demean them, while encouraging illegal activities at a time when a state of emergency had been declared,” Legault said in a July report.Article content

The ethics officer and MacDonald argued over the mandate of his office, such as pushing back on a request to know whom MacDonald was dining with before the video, to tell whether he had been conducting Senate business.

The Senate ethics committee, staffed by MacDonald’s peers, issues a report in September finding that he had not appropriately complied with the investigation.

“It was a direct challenge to the integrity and mandate of the Senate-approved process by which senators — and the Senate itself _ are to be held accountable,” the report reads.

Penticton 4 Freedom Christmas Gathering


PLEASE RSVP (reply to this email)by WEDNESDAY, December 6th if you are attending~ Thank you!!!

Penticton 4 Freedom Christmas Gathering

When: Saturday, December 9, 2023 – 1 to 6 p.m.

Where: 272 Green Avenue, Penticton


·        Bob and Geraldine are hosting a private “Friends Christmas Party” in the party room of their building and inviting us to join them.

·        This is a potluck event. Food will be available starting at 1:30. Please arrive early if you need to heat your potluck dish.

·        Facilities include microwave (but no stove), coffee maker, kettle. Tea and coffee will be provided. BYORefreshments for greater variety.

·        Disposable dishes and cutlery will be provided from our P4F supplies.

·        Large room with both ping pong and pool table, washroom, tables and chairs aplenty.

·        Agenda items:

·        Music – (bring your Bluetooth Christmas music) and Sing-along time.

·        Meet and Greet with a “get to know you” game

·        White Elephant Gift Exchange for fun: Bring something you already own (particularly fun if you can recycle something you received as a gift in the past and always wanted to get rid of – new or used, clean), or if you wish, pick up a fun or fantastic gift – suggested budget not more than $10. Thrift stores and dollar stores are great resources. Wrap however you wish, enough to conceal your gift until it’s opened.

·        Stories of Christmases past – the craziest, funniest, best, worst… Bring Your Own Story

·        A review of the past year at P4F and a look to 2024. (Max 15 minutes)

·        As much fun as you can cram into your time with us.

Parking: In front of the building, with overflow at the back in visitor parking spots.

Building entry: Front of building. Someone may be at the front door to let you in, or just tap on the big party room window to get attention, if needed. Or…

Call Bob’s cell for entry: 250-462-8053

Mary Lou Gutscher



How The Media Misled Us About Residential School — Buy Some for Christmas Gifts

After the announcement by the T’kemlups First Nation of the discovery of so-called unmarked graves at the site of the former Kamloops residential school, many politicians, Indigenous leaders, and media have thrown aside balance, restraint, and caution, turning truth into a casualty.

Public discussion about residential schools is now either totally false or grossly exaggerated. 

Canada is accused of the most heinous crimes, with some even accusing our country of committing genocide.
A more balanced picture of residential schools is the only road to genuine Reconciliation.

True North is proud to partner with Dorchester Books to publish Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (and The Truth about Residential Schools) by Dr. Tom Flanagan and Dr. C.P. Champion.

This excellent collection of first rate articles challenges the false narrative surrounding Canada’s residential schools and treatment of Indigenous Canadians.

Grave Error is available now just in time for Christmas! Get your copy today! 

Police officer challenges harsh discipline in free speech case

Police officer challenges harsh discipline in free speech case
The Ontario Civilian Police Commission recently heard the appeal of Constable Michael Brisco on November 21, 2023, who is challenging his conviction and penalty for donating to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy in early 2022. This case raises questions about the Charter’s protection for freedom of expression, the right of police officers to support political causes while off duty, and the privacy rights of all Canadians. Constable Michael Brisco of the Windsor Police Service is a highly trained and respected police officer with no prior disciplinary record. He made a $50 donation to the peaceful Freedom Convoy protest through the GiveSendGo fundraising platform on February 8, 2022 – one day after an Ontario Superior Court Judge held that people could continue to engage in “peaceful, lawful and safe protest” in Ottawa so long as honking ceased. When making his donation, Constable Brisco did not identify himself as a police officer and did not contribute to the protest in his capacity as a police officer. After a six-day hearing in February 2023 before an Ontario Provincial Police Adjudicator, Constable Brisco was found guilty of discreditable conduct. Two months later, on May 18, 2023, the Tribunal ordered that Constable Brisco should forfeit pay for 80 hours of work as a penalty. With the support of the Justice Centre, on June 14, 2023, Constable Brisco filed a Notice of Appeal with Ontario Civilian Police Commission, challenging his conviction and the imposed penalty.

Censorship Industrial Complex, Part 2: Michael Shellenberger Testifies Before Congress

Censorship Industrial Complex, Part 2: Michael Shellenberger Testifies Before Congress

The Censorship-Industrial Complex, Part 2


U.S. and foreign government support for domestic censorship and disinformation, 2016 – 2022


Testimony by Michael Shellenberger to The House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


November 30, 2023



Chairman Jordan, Ranking Member Plaskett, and members of the Subcommittee thank you for inviting my testimony.

Nine months ago, I testified and provided evidence to this subcommittee about the existence of a Censorship Industrial Complex, a network of government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, government contractors, and Big Tech media platforms that conspired to censor ordinary Americans and elected officials alike for holding disfavored views.

I regret to inform the Subcommittee that the scope, power, and law-breaking of the Censorship Industrial Complex are even worse than we had realized back in March.

Two days ago, my colleagues and I published the first batch of internal files from “The Cyber Threat Intelligence League,” which show US and UK military contractors working in 2019 and 2020 to both censor and turn sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics, developed abroad, against the American people.

Many insist that all we identified in the Twitter Files, the Facebook Files, and the CTIL Files were legal activities by social media platforms to take down content that violated their terms of service. Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and other Big Tech companies are privately owned and free to censor content. And government officials are free to point out wrong information, they argue.

But the First Amendment prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech, the Supreme Court has ruled that the government “may not induce, encourage or promote private persons to accomplish what it is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish,” and there is now a large body of evidence proving that the government did precisely that.

What’s more, the whistleblower who delivered the CTIL Files to us says that its leader, a “former” British intelligence analyst, was “in the room” at the Obama White House in 2017 when she received the instructions to create a counter-disinformation project to stop a “repeat of 2016.”

The US Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) has been the center of gravity for much of the censorship, with the National Science Foundation financing the development of censorship and disinformation tools and other federal government agencies playing a supportive role.

Emails from CISA’s NGO and social media partners show that CISA created the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) in 2020, which involved the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) and other US government contractors. EIP and its successor, the Virality Project (VP), urged Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms to censor social media posts by ordinary citizens and elected officials alike.

In 2020, the Department of Homeland Security’s CISA violated the First Amendment and interfered in the election, while in 2021, CISA and the White House violated the First Amendment and undermined America’s response to the Covid pandemic by demanding that Facebook and Twitter censor content that Facebook said was “often-true,” including about vaccine side effects.

But the abuses of power my colleagues and I have documented go well beyond censorship. They also include what appears to be an effort by government officials and contractors, including the FBI, to frame certain individuals as posing a threat of domestic terrorism for their political beliefs. 

All of this is profoundly unAmerica. One’s commitment to free speech means nothing if it does not extend to your political enemies.

In his essential new book, Liar in a Crowded Theater: Freedom of Speech in a World of Misinformation, Jeff Kosseff, a law professor at the United States Naval Academy shows that the widespread view that the government can censor false speech and/or speech that “causes harm” is mostly wrong. The Supreme Court has allowed very few constraints on speech. For example, the test of incitement to violence remains its immediacy.

In the face of human fallibility, and the complexity of reality, America’s founders and others worldwide long ago decided that it was best to let people speak their minds almost all the time, particularly about controversial social and political issues.

I encourage Congress to defund and dismantle the governmental organizations involved in censorship. That includes phasing out funding for the  National Science Foundation’s Track F, “Trust & Authenticity in Communication Systems,” and its “Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC)” track. I would also encourage Congress to abolish CISA in DHS. Short of taking those steps, I would encourage significant guard rails and oversight to prevent such censorship from happening again.

Finally, I would encourage Congress to consider making Section 230 liability protections contingent upon social media platforms, known in the law as “interactive computer services,” to allow adult users to moderate their own legal content, through filters they choose, and whose algorithms are transparent to users.

I would also encourage Congress to prohibit government officials from asking the platforms from removing content, which the Supreme Court may or may not rule unconstitutional next year when it decides on the Missouri v. Biden case. Should the Court somehow decide that government requests for censorship are constitutional, then I urge Congress to require such requests be reported publicly and instantaneously so that such censorship demands occur in plain sight.

Having summarized the problem and potential solutions, I would like to now dedicate the rest of my testimony to the new information revealed in the CTIL Files.

Report on the Do No Harm Symposium held in Hamilton

Approximately 100 enthusiastic supporters of bodily autonomy and constitutional rights attended the Do No Harm Symposium in Hamilton Ontario on November 25, 2023. 

Guest speakers included (in order of speaking appearance): pediatric dental surgeon Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, constitutional lawyer Michael Alexander, suspended emergency physician turned tireless freedom fighter Dr. Mark Trozzi, suspended physician Dr. Chris Shoemaker who originally supported the official Covid narrative but soon awakened from the illusions, as well as former member of the House of Commons and Ontario Party leader, Derek Sloan. 

Dr. Hibbard and Dr. Trozzi had just returned from a freedom of health choice conference in Europe. 

Dr. Hibbard outlined her extensive involvement internationally to promote the right to bodily autonomy. Her public exposure of the Covid fraud resulted in, “The Royal College of Dentists investigators raiding my office, then intimidating and interrogating my staff in my absence.”

Next up was Michael Alexander. He stated the following, to loud applause:  “The right of freedom of expression has been guaranteed by the Supreme Court of Canada jurisprudence. You can say whatever you want, whether you are right or wrong… you have the right to say it, as we all have the right to decide for ourselves what is true.”
“Informed consent is not only a constitutional right, it is a fundamental human right.”

“To successfully privately litigate against the government, you must prove that they broke the law… which is, in fact, not easy to do.”

Unsurprisingly, third speaker Dr. Mark Trozzi garnered the greatest popularity among the crowd. 
He lamented about his ongoing costly battle with his profession’s regulatory body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) over his medical licence which had been suspended as a result of his writing medical exemptions for his patients upon request who feared receiving the Covid injections. Dr. Trozzi had willingly sold his home and abandoned his career as a successful emergency room physician to focus exclusively on researching Covid, steadfastly standing up for medical freedom and upholding the fundamental right of informed consent; thereby honoring his revered Hippocratic Oath which states, “First, do no harm.”

He told the audience: “I did not ever sign up to agree to kill people.” 

“When the (Covid) shots came out, I read the ingredients, and quickly realized this is NOT a vaccine.”
“And I was just supposed to keep my mouth shut? For the sake of keeping my house and my car?”.
“I’m an emergency doctor, and THIS was an emergency!”. 

His closing statement, “Whatever it takes, we WILL defend ourselves!”, was met with thunderous applause and standing ovations. 

On stage next was Dr. Chris Shoemaker, who made a candid admission during his presentation: He revealed that he had initially agreed to receive 2 Covid injections early on in the ‘pandemic’ before he awakened to their significant danger and the true agenda behind the mainstream Covid narrative. 

He continued, “When a Covid injection is administered, the body frequently reacts similarly as if there had been a major organ transplant: The body can attack itself.” This phenomena is known as a cytokine storm. 
The last speaker, Derek Sloan, imparted hopeful reassurance for all in attendance before a Q & A session with the audience commenced. 
“More and more people are waking up and realizing that Canada is broken.” 
“Canadian citizens have the ability to take their power back, but the problem is that so many are still asleep.” 
“An awake population is needed to take out the trash!”

The symposium concluded with a delicious supper. 
Kudos to the organizers of this important symposium.

~ Raychyl Whyte

Christmas and New Year’s Eve Parties, Rallies, Local Events in the Okanagan

Christmas and New Year’s Eve Parties, Rallies, Local Events in the Okanagan

Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

Not all work and no play,

but a bit of Each! Hooray!

(I’m a poet, and I know it.) 😀


–      Rallies and local events

–      Christmas Gathering

–      Nov 29 – SD67 Board Meeting – Local action to support freedom-fighter presentation.

–      New Year’s Eve Party and Fundraiser for Dr Hoffe

–      1 Million Signatures 4 Children WITHDRAW FROM THE U.N. (& the WHO) – Petition

–      Postcards for Freedom – Bill 36, Natural Products

–      Druthers November Issue


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FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

                                                          at NE Corner of 2020 Main Street and Warren Avenue, Penticton

 In case you missed last week:

1)    News that James Topp’s court martial ended with a $4,000 fine and the judge’s endorsement of James’ character. Along with independent media reports, several major media reporters were there, but only one – the National Post, published any coverage. Here’s their report: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/james-topp-court-martial-severe-reprimand

2)    Good news about nicotine (which is NOT the addictive agent in cigarettes) as an effective therapy in the age of COVID. Here’s one link for more information: https://rumble.com/v349y61-dr.-bryan-ardis-could-nicotine-be-the-answer.html

3)    Mike’s report on a positive reception to his “Exit the WHO and the UN” presentation at his church.

4)    Deborah’s story of handing out 30 copies of the latest Druthers at her church.

5)    United Health Care Workers of BC have launched a Class Action Lawsuit Against Bonnie Henry, representing all BC unionized health care workers who were affected by the mandates https://unitedtogether.ca/

6)    Announcement of a Christmas Party coming up December 9 – See details below.

7)    Great response from passing motorists with their symphony of horn-honking, waving and thumbs up. Our signs and enthusiasm are working!

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–      Special Guest: Amie, who will be there to answer any questions about her upcoming “myblueprint” presentation at the November 29 SD67 School Board meeting, and to encourage us to join her in support of holding Board members accountable for their decisions. Scroll down for date, time and location and invite others to join you at the School Board meeting. Let’s show Amie, we have her back on this.

–      Good news from the past week.

–      Open mic. Stories from the Freedom Front.

–      November Druthers – get your supply now – more people are waking up every day, and Druthers is helping!

Miss a week and you miss a lot! Surprise speakers are a common occurrence.
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Bring your signs or borrow one of ours. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll gladly find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————————- o0o————————————————image.png

Penticton 4 Freedom Christmas Gathering

When: Saturday, December 9, 2023 – 1 to 6 p.m.

Where: 272 Green Avenue, Penticton

Details: Bob and Geraldine are hosting a private “Friends Christmas Party” in the party room of their building and inviting us to join them.

This is a potluck event.

Facilities include a microwave (but no stove), coffee maker, and kettle. Tea and coffee will be provided. BYORefreshments for greater variety.

Disposable dishes and cutlery will be provided from our P4F supplies.

Large room with both ping pong and pool table, washroom, tables and chairs aplenty.

Agenda items:

·        Music – (bring your Bluetooth Christmas music) and Sing-along time.

·        Meet and Greet with a “get to know you” game

·        White Elephant Gift Exchange for fun: Bring something you already own (particularly fun if you can recycle something you received as a gift in the past and always wanted to get rid of – new or used, clean), or if you wish, pick up a fun or fantastic gift – suggested budget not more than $10. Thrift stores and dollar stores are great resources. Wrap however you wish, enough to conceal your gift until it’s opened.

·        Stories of Christmases past – the craziest, funniest, best, worst…

·        A review of the past year at P4F and a look to 2024. (Max 15 minutes)

Those wishing to help with set up, decorations, etc. please arrive by noon the same day. Call Bob’s cell for entry: 250-462-8053

Parking: Behind the building, with overflow across the street in the shopping centre parking lot.

Building entry: Front of the building. Someone may be at the front door to let you in, or just tap on the big party room window to get attention if needed.

Bring friends. It’s a great way to show others we are (extraordinarily) “normal”.

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Join us this coming Saturday, Nov. 25 at 12:00 noon for our street protest on the corner of Hwy 97 and Cooper in Kelowna. Last week was wonderful with lots of support!


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Wednesday, November 29 – Penticton School Board Action

Join a delegation questioning the use of the “myblueprint” program in schools!

Amie, the mother of an elementary school child, has managed to have the topic placed on the November 29 meeting agenda of the School District 67 board. She has prepared a presentation, and encourages all who can, to attend the meeting, too.

It takes a lot of preparation and courage to stand up in public, and our support is important for Amie. It also shows school board trustees, that we are watching and asking questions. And… this provides an opportunity for us to “get our feet wet” for when we may someday have the opportunity to speak at a public meeting.


1.   Come and meet Amie at our rally this Sunday, November 26, where she will answer questions about “myblueprint” and her experience getting her issue on the agenda.

2.   Show up at the School Board meeting next Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. to support Amie

Address – 425 Jermyn Avenue. Arrive by 6 and gather in the parking area, so trustees can see us as they enter the building.

3.   Prepare one or two short, clear, relevant questions in case there is time for audience participation.

4.   https://myblueprint.ca/ Check this out if you wish. This website looks innocent, as does pretty much every product marketing message out there. Just remember how the globalists work. They tell us in advance what they are planning, then use whatever tools they can find to further their agenda, even those which may have been well-intended at their inception.

Our two biggest clues in this case, are the name of the company that launched the product (DoubleThink Inc.); and the much-repeated terms of use that provide zero promise of protection of the personal data gathered about each child. That warns us that private information of school aged children can potentially be exposed and lead to their exploitation.

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Enderby, December 31, 2023. New Year’s Eve Party and Fundraiser for Dr. Hoffe.

Dr. Hoffe will be there.

Silent Auction Items are encouraged. For those not able to participate in person, donations to help cover Dr. Hoffe’s legal fees can be made in the following ways:


Doak Sheriff Lawyers

#200 – 537 Leon Avenue

Kelowna, BC  V1Y 2A9

Please put “Attention:  Alex Hill” OR “File Number 138084”


Dr. Charles Hoffe

P.O. Box 550

Lytton, BC  V0K 1Z0


Email to Hoffe.charles@gmail.com for those who would like to send an e-transfer (no security question needed).

Once again, all funds raised from the event are going directly to Dr. Hoffe as well.

Please do share this one with all your contacts.


——————————- o0o————————————- ACTIONS OF THE WEEK   1 Million Signatures 4 Children On September 21, you made history by leading marches in your cities and communities to end SOGI123 in our children’s schools.

Why is it there to begin with?
Why do we have to fight so hard to get it removed?
What is the driving force?

Two words…

Leslyn Lewis is spearheading a petition calling on the federal government to exit the United Nations as well as the World Health Organization.
As long as we are a part of the UN, SOGI will be woven into society.

So…we need your help!

This is a digital march to remove Canada from the UN, ultimately ending Sogi 123 in our schools and releasing the grip of tyranny we have in our country.

Please sign and get this petition shared far and wide. Our march participants and supporters are waiting for the next step. This is it!


Video Explanation:

Thank you for your continued support!! ———————-o0o——————–   11 Estonian Parliament Members Reject the WHO Amendments   Some parliamentarians are alive, awake and putting their reputations on the line to defend the rights and freedoms in their countries. This is a fine example from Estonia, citizens from which, in 1989, along with others from Latvia and Lithuania, formed The Baltic Way – the longest unbroken human chain in history, with approximately 2 million participants spanning 675 kilometres from Tallin, Estonia to Vilnius, Lithuania. Learn more about the rejection of the courageous eleven, to the WHO Amendments Here: https://doortofreedom.org/2023/11/24/eleven-estonian-parliament-members-reject-the-who-amendments/?utm_source=phpList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Eleven+Estonian+Parliament+Members+Reject+the+WHO+Amendments&utm_content=HTML   Find the inspiring story of The Baltic Way here: https://estonianworld.com/life/estonia-commemorates-30-years-since-the-baltic-way-the-longest-unbroken-human-chain-in-history/ ——————————- o0o————————————-   Bill 36 Postcards – KEEP THOSE POSTCARDS COMING TO KEEP THE PRESSURE ON   Here is the link to the Press Conference following the delivery of 5,000 signed postcards protesting Bill 36, by John Rustad to the BC Legislature on November 9, 2023. https://fb.watch/odqTAh8DZM Sign online and a postcard will be sent to your MLAhttps://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/8UPU9cR/bill36   Printed postcards are also available at our rallies, and we will be happy to post them for you if you wish.   ——————————- o0o————————————- Save our Natural Health Products Industry   https://nhppa.org/action-kits/ Download and print, write letters and/or Sign a postcard and pick up extras at your local Natural Foods Store.   PLEASE NOTE: Come to our rally and sign a card there. Some spares for your friends. We will make sure they get posted.   ——————————- o0o————————————-
WORTH A LOOK   Todd Harris, producer of “Uninformed Consent”, performs movie magic by combining scientific data with empathy in all his documentaries. He is making his latest film: The Big Picture” available for sale for a much lower cost than a daily Starbucks latte fix for a week. Only $25 and it is yours to keep. Bring your friends over and watch it together. Watch the trailer, read the purpose and story behind the film, and order your very own copy here: https://www.bigpicturemovie.com ——————————- o0o————————————-    image.png
Read The November Issue Online and pick up print copies at P4F rallies. Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. For over a year, Penticton4Freedom supporters have donated enough money to Druthers to cover the cost of the 1,200 copies we distribute every month, plus some left over to support other distributors.   Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing and distributing Druthers copies in your area.   The November issue is a biggie!! BOMBSHELL: There’s DNA In The Vaccines: Confirmed by Health Canada   Read DRUTHERS

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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.

Lots of ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) available (if you want them).

Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher



Political Prisoner Brad Love Mistreated By Cops At Start of “Harassment” Trial

Political Prisoner Brad Love Mistreated By Cops at Start of “Harassment” Trial

November 23. Political prisoner Brad Love called CAFE from prison in Fort McMurray today. He is ill and the court adjourned for the day. Brad faces three year old charges for writing harassing letters to elected officials and for posting “Keep Canada White” stickers.

Up until Sunday, Brad was being held without bail in the Edmonton Remand Centre, He was awakened at 5:00 a.m. and told to get ready. The van leaving for another 12 hours. He was put in a holding cell. The van finally picked him up after 5:p.m. for the five and a half hour drive to Fort McMurray.

He is kept in a call at the RCMP station in Fort McMurray. “I am treated like shot,” he says. “The light is kept on 24 hours a day. Five days without darkness! My eyes are frazzled. This is sensory deprivation. My health is deteriorating. The system is designed to break you down,” he adds.

An observer familiar with the case comments: “They’re putting him through the ringer. This is abuse by process!”

On the first three days of the trail, various eyewitnesses were unable to identify him as the man who posted stickers. The Crown let one witness winge that he “became nervous” when he say “Keep Canada White” stickers near his home.

Brad was not allowed to cross-examine civilian witnesses. The basic right to confront his accusers was curtailed to save the snowflakes. A court appointed lawyer did the cross-examination.

Brad will be allowed to cross-examine police witnesses himself.

Brad looks forward to cross-examining a policewoman with a phone-book size folder of fingerprint evidence. “The found many samples of my fingerprints in my residence,” he laughs. “I’m going to ask her how much gathering the fingerprints from my house cost the taxpayers.

You can write to Brad Love:

Brad Love,

Edmonton Remand Centre,

18415 127 St. NW,

Edmonton, AB.,  

T6V 1B1