OPP Gun Down 73-Year Old Dissident Who Protested Being Forced to Wear A Mask

OPP Gun Down 73-Year Old Dissident Who Protested Being Forced to Wear A Mask

OPP gun down 73-year old man who protested being forced to wear a mask in order to buy food. Why don’t we even know this poor man’s named yet?

I am a shareholder in Loblaw, which owns Valu-Mart. I’ll be raising hell as to why Loblaw bullies its employees and customers into wearing the breath choking masks, especially as cases are declining. Their bullying led to this, as yet unnamed, 73 year old man’s death. — Paul Fromm


FACE MASK EXEMPTION DECLARATION — Information from Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner & Editor of YOUR WARD NEWS

The “pandemic” is an elaborate Globalist HOAX to force toxic vaccines, microchips and data tracking on naïve people; and kill the US economy to stop Trump’s reelection. Doug Ford drank the Kool-Aid, ordering a 2 WEEK lockdown to “flatten the curve”. Hospitals cancelled surgeries to prepare for an avalanche of ventilator patients that never materialized. They sat empty while REAL patients died of cancers and other medical conditions. Bored nurses uploaded videos of themselves dancing around empty beds. Low IQ Ford kept us locked down, declared hospital workers “heroes” and bribed them $4/hour to buy their silence. Virtue-signaling retailers even let these frauds jump in line ahead of us! MP’s, MPP’s, city councilors, teachers & other public service parasites keep their 6-figure salaries as they work part-time from home. Why didn’t they cut their pay? It is the same worldwide. Kids died in cancer wards as their helpless, distraught parents were forced to watch them take their last breath by video, denied visits due to the scamdemic. Are you angry? NO? Then what the fuck is it going to take?

“Covid” swabs test for an RNA strand that may or may not indicate a virus, with many false positives. Also, NO ONE “died of Covid”. Even the Ontario govt.’s own website admits it: “Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death”. So if you are “Covid positive” and die in a car crash, you count as a “Covid death”! More people will die of the lockdown and fear of going outside than of a mild virus, by job loss poverty, anxiety, depression, social isolation, suicide, drug overdose, marital strife, delayed medical care, etc. Visit Plandemic2.com to learn how 27,000 scientists & doctors back the film “Plandemic Movie”. Watch it at Bitchute.com.

Studies show masks and “social distancing” are USELESS. Masks destroy your immune system (only infected people should wear them). Hand sanitizers cause cancer. Sweden had no lockdown and is faring better than us because they did not suicide their economy. Why is John Tory FORCING masks? If unlike me, you lack the balls to JUST SAY NO to Soviet propaganda, I’ll make it easy for you: just cut along the dashed line and hand this declaration to any Marxist lackey trying to make you wear a mask.

My name is Dr. James Sears. Learn about me at www.NCparty.ca.



I am legally exempt from the Medical Officer of Health’s or any federal, provincial or municipal body’s regulation mandating facemask usage. Wearing a facemask poses a health risk to me that could result in death. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code it is illegal for you to deny me entry to your premises or refuse to provide me products or services based on my inability to wear a facemask. Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act I am not required to disclose my medical condition to you.

The Ontario Human Rights Code not only prohibits discrimination at the provincial level, but also establishes a human rights commission system to administer and enforce the code. If you violate my Disability Rights under the Ontario Human Rights Code or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by refusing me entry to your premises or refusing to provide me products or services based on my inability to wear a facemask, I will launch a human rights complaint against you and/or your organization.

For your and your organization’s collective protection, you have my permission to copy this declaration for your records and share it with your staff and/or patrons.

Canadian Big Banks Declare War on Free Speech & Strong Arm Facebook to Up Censorship of “Hate Speech”

Canadian Big Banks Declare War on Free Speech & Strong Arm Facebook to Up Censorship of “Hate Speech”

Sad to report, Canada’s five major banks and several other corporations like Lululemon have joined major U.S. firms like Coke in a campaign to try to force Facebook to censor “hate speech” and divisive or misleading posts. The campaign has been organized, not surprisingly, by the militantly anti-free speech and very well funded Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith in the U.S. If you are a client or shareholder of any of these companies, complain. “Hate speech”, of course, is very vague. Actually, it is speech the accuser hates. The complaint about “divisiveness” is ludicrous. Surely, any comment that takes one side of an issue is divisive and may offend people who take the opposite side of the issue. The major corporations are using their might to try to crack down on opinion on the hugely popular platform to people to share their lives and express their opinions.

CBC (July 1, 2020) reported: “All five of Canada’s biggest banks are joining an international boycott of Facebook over concerns that the platform is complicit in promoting racism, violence and misinformation. Scotiabank, RBC, CIBC, BMO and TD have pledged to stop purchasing ads on the site for the month, aligning themselves with brands such as Lululemon Athletica and Mountain Equipment Co-op in signing onto the StopHateForProfit campaign.

The initiative, spearheaded by organizations like the NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League, began in response to growing anti-Semitic and anti-Black rhetoric found on the social media platform. Participating brands will suspend all advertising on the platform for the month of July.

Scotiabank announced its intentions on Tuesday, while the four other banks confirmed on Wednesday that they would follow suit. A spokesperson for RBC said the company understands that systemic racism has disadvantaged Black people, Indigenous people and people of colour, and the bank intends to combat that. ‘One way we can do that is by standing against misinformation and hate speech, which only make systemic racism more pervasive,’ AJ Goodman said. A spokesperson for Bank of Montreal told CBC News that the bank ‘will pause its advertising on Facebook and Instagram during the month of July, while continuing our ongoing dialogue with Facebook on changes they can make to their platforms to reduce the spread of hate speech.’ TD said it had also “paused” its advertising for the month and added that the bank is ‘committed to the fight against racism and hate speech and to the work needed to help create a safer and more inclusive society.'”

Not that Facebook is a stalwart supporter of free speech. Last year, it banned “White Supremacists” and “White nationalists”, but not Zionists (Jewish nationalists) or any assortment of haters of Christians and White people. Indeed, we see few supporters of free speech in many important areas of our society: “At the beginning of June — shortly after Trump threatened via social media to order the military to shoot anti-racism protesters — hundreds of Facebook employees staged a virtual walkout to protest the company’s refusal to label the post as hate speech. A spokesperson for Facebook noted that the company has suspended more than 250 white supremacist groups from the platform but did not specifically comment on the boycott.”

Telegraph The Orwellian double-think of the woke elite blinds them to their own ridiculousness Both Cambridge and the Booker Prize claim to be defending free speech while simultaneously cancelling people they disagree with

Telegraph The Orwellian double-think of the woke elite blinds them to their own ridiculousness Both Cambridge and the Booker Prize claim to be defending free speech while simultaneously cancelling people they disagree withMADELINE GRANT28 June 2020 • 7:00amWith the Archbishop of Canterbury urging ecclesiastical iconoclasm with a vim not seen since the days of Thomas Cranmer, one could almost think the culture war’s excesses had lost their ability to shock. Yet last week produced two examples so blatant, so deranged and so shameless as to astonish even the most cynical observer.
Archbishop of Canterbury says Church needs to reconsider portraying Jesu…Statues in Canterbury Cathedral are also going to be looked at “very carefully” to see if they should be there, …

First, Cambridge University’s defence of Dr Priyamvada Gopal, a lecturer in postcolonial literature who sparked a (not unreasonable) public backlash after tweeting that “White lives don’t matter. As white lives”. Amid calls for her dismissal, Cambridge released a supportive message, apparently condemning “cancel culture” in all its forms:
Cambridge defends academic who said ‘white lives don’t matter’Dr Priyamvada Gopal, an expert in postcolonial literature, claimed her tweets were ‘speaking to a structure and …

“The university defends the right of its academics to express their own lawful opinions which others might find controversial and deplores in the strongest terms abuse and personal attacks”.Noble sentiments indeed, but it also happens to be a lie – and one so barefaced that it would almost be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Under a “progressive” new vice chancellor, Cambridge has led the way in appeasing the outrage mob. It has singularly failed to defend conservative academics such as the sociologist Noah Carl – summarily dismissed after an open letter from faculty members accused him of racism. It took university authorities just 48 hours to rescind Jordan Peterson’s visiting fellowship, while the students’ union claimed his “work and views” were “not representative of the student body”. Curiouser and curiouser. In claiming to value free speech (but only for certain opinions) Cambridge is guilty both of double standards, and double-think.
Intolerant zealots are strangling the intellectual freedom of our univer…Academics have a duty to win the debate, not stifle it

Jordan Peterson accuses Cambridge University of being ‘unprofessional’ a…The controversial professor Jordan Peterson has said Cambridge University is “unprofessional” after he found out…

Similar sleight of mind can be seen in the tragicomical conduct of Booker Prize organisers, who sacked their long-time patroness Baroness Nicholson as honorary vice-president for the “crimes” of voting against gay marriage in 2013, believing in biological sex and “misgendering” someone on Twitter. An equally Orwellian statement followed:
JK Rowling has ‘fallen in with the wrong crowd’, says trans activistFox Fisher said Rowling was ‘fearful’ of transgender people and needed to spend more time with them

“We deplore racism, homophobia and transphobia, and do not discriminate on any grounds. Literature is open, plural and questioning. We believe every author’s work should be approached by readers in the same spirit.”No satire could match this delicious declaration of support for openness and plurality of opinion, while sacking someone people disagreed with. Like adults who wear Crocs in public, they seem to have forgotten that we can see them.The double-think is as unsurprising as it is flagrant. Once-niche “critical theory” has infiltrated contemporary discourse, with its rejection of logic, reason and objective reality. And revolutionaries always become what they claim to abhor, like the French radicals who repressed formal religion and ended up worshipping an amorphous Cult of Reason, and replaced the judiciary with “people’s courts”. Today, we are similarly discovering what atrocities may be committed under the guise of the Rights of Man.Dominating every major wing of cultural life, small wonder that the Left feels so comfortable in its exquisite hypocrisies. Influential appointments have the ring of a cosy, quasi-incestuous club, a conveyor belt of Left-wing opinion linking Guardian editorships, heads of Oxbridge colleges, public health quangocrats and more. Readers may recall the popular game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”, in which film buffs challenge each other to find the shortest path between an arbitrary actor and the prolific Bacon. A colleague suggests a version for the quangocracy; “Six Degrees of Shami Chakrabarti”.For how long can this state of affairs continue? Being obliged to parrot propaganda and declare the sky is pink to retain your livelihood is emotionally draining. Neither is it healthy for our institutions to be so consistently out of step with public opinion, overseen by a detached cultural elite that is only occasionally roused from its perch by a disobliging election or referendum result. Few of us wish to inhabit a monoculture, and the quality of artistic output is already suffering; take the Booker Prize’s own deterioration in the literary landscape.Worst of all, it will destroy genuine progress. In liberal California, presumably to pave the way for “affirmative action” measures, the legislature has just voted to strike anti-discrimination commitments from its constitution – a development that should terrify all thinking people. Britain is never far behind America and already ours is a topsy-turvy world, in which bullies feign victimhood, discrimination masquerades as social justice and “feminist” activists use the mantle of progressivism to hound women with impunity. Truly, we are through the looking glass now.


‘Political Correctness’ in the UK: Shut Down Discussion Before It Can Start

by Denis MacEoin
June 9, 2020 at 5:00 am

  • Political correctness, whatever its commendable origins in a wish to protect minorities on a basis of race, sexuality, or religious belief, has come to do great damage in its sometimes neurotic condemnation of anything its advocates find offensive.
  • Among some individuals, the word “Islamophobe” seems to have replaced the word Communist as sort of a new form of McCarthyism with which to smear, defame and neutralize anyone with whom one might disagree — presumably to shut down any kind of discussion before it can even start.
  • While it is appropriate to… bring in balanced Muslim opinions about how to define “Islamophobia,” organizations with links to more radical Muslim groupings are probably not the most helpful partners.
  • Without a serious debate on these issues, no one… can engage in comprehensive discussions about how Western societies should handle the problems of discrimination, integration, citizenship, free speech, secular values, human rights and all the areas of our collective lives that have come to the fore… in recent years.
  • Trevor Phillips is uniquely placed to bring light to these discussions. A well-respected man in both British and international society, he should never be shut down by anyone, especially for the ostensible sake of political correctness.
For many years now, Trevor Phillips has been one of the most prominent individuals of black ancestry in the United Kingdom. A well-respected man in both British and international society, he should never be shut down by anyone, especially for the ostensible sake of political correctness. Pictured: Phillips in 2010. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)

For many years now, Trevor Phillips OBE has been one of the most prominent individuals of black ancestry in the United Kingdom. He is a multitalented individual who has played significant roles in business, politics, journalism, and more throughout a long life (he is now 66). A full list of his achievements would take up most of this article. Here are only a few examples:

He was, until June 2018, the President of the John Lewis Partnership, Europe’s largest employee-owned company. He has also Chairman of Index on Censorship, the international campaign group for freedom of expression, and was founding chair of both the Greater London Authority, and of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission. Originally chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, and as head of the EHRC, Phillips was a controversial figure: he was an opponent of multiculturalism, apparently preferring a more constrained policy towards integration, a view he still maintains. Although a member (until recently) of the left-wing Labour party, he is still a senior fellow with the leading Conservative think tank, Policy Exchange.

Shockingly, on March 9, Phillips was suspended from the Labour Party on the grounds of “Islamophobia.” That this exclusion is shocking should be obvious given the man’s long history of anti-racism, principled and critical support for national counter-terrorist laws, rejection of Islamic terrorism and Muslim rape gangs, and his focus on faith-based integration. This latter is discussed in his 2016 book for the Civitas think tank, Race and Faith: The Deafening Silence.

As chairman of Index on Censorship, Phillips has a policy largely derived from the First Amendment of the US Constitution, in order to permit freedom of speech and the press. Although there are some restrictions in the UK regarding hate speech and national security, free speech remains a broad principle. It is here that Phillips apparently fell afoul of “politically correct” criticism.

“Political correctness”, whatever its commendable origins in a wish to protect minorities on a basis of race, sexuality, or religious belief, has come to do great damage in its sometimes neurotic condemnation of anything its advocates find offensive.

For many, especially, it seems. on the left, the notion of what is called “Islamophobia” has come to the fore as the perfect expression of politically correct speech and writing. This acceptance seems to have taken place despite the appalling use of anti-Semitic hate speech and anti-Jewish activism before and during the era of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of Britain’s Labour Party. One is inclined to think of pots calling kettles black. If the politically correct can get it so wrong about antisemitism, may they not be equally wrong about “Islamophobia”?

It is not hard to define antisemitism if we are guided by the Working Definition given by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, but defining Islamophobia is fraught with difficulties. That it exists in some form, as do most prejudices, is hardly controversial. In the UK alone, 2018 saw a record number of attacks on Muslims, sometimes, not surprisingly, in response to Muslim attacks on non-Muslims.

In 2019, an Australian, Brenton Tarrant, murdered 51 Muslims in attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand — crimes to which he has now pled guilty. Such attacks, and often the speech that goes with them, reflect a deep-seated racism and bigotry that is rightly condemned across most countries. Less violent but equally unacceptable is the persecution of its Uighur population by China’s Communist Party.

It should go without saying that Trevor Phillips — and often many people accused of seemingly the most innocuous transgressions, such as a British teacher in the Sudan naming a children’s teddy bear Mohammed, or in present-day Nigeria, simply being a Christian — bears no resemblance to any of these.

In 2016, before the current row, Gatestone Senior Fellow Douglas Murray penned an article in the Spectator expressing admiration for Phillips and defending him against early accusations of Islamophobia. Yet, four years on, he has been termed an “Islamophobe” by a major political party and many in the press. Among some individuals, the word “Islamophobe” seems to have replaced the word Communist as sort of a new form of McCarthyism with which to smear, defame and neutralize anyone with whom one might disagree — presumably to shut down any kind of discussion before it can even start.

Phillips himself has worked alone and with colleagues on the problems surrounding the definition of Islamophobia. In 2018, he wrote the foreword to Policy Exchange’s response to an extremely flawed definition from the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims. The definition had been heavily criticized, not least by the police, for undermining free speech and counter-terrorism work. Phillips supported the author, Sir John Jenkins KCMG, who exposed the risks to free speech and a healthy democracy if the APPG report were to become law. The following year, Phillips — with Jenkins and Dr. Martyn Frampton — wrote for the same think tank a piece entitled, On Islamophobia: A Problem of Definition. In it, he differed materially from the views of Nathan Lean, the left-wing author of The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims, who takes even the mildest criticism of Islam or Muslims as Islamophobic in nature.

One of the concerns expressed in Phillips’s responses to the APPG lay in the fact that the parliamentarians involved might have allowed themselves to be influenced too broadly by Muslim lobbies that seemed not truly representative, such as the Muslim Council of Britain and the Muslim Engagement and Development group (MEND).

While it is appropriate to recognize Jewish contributions to definitions of antisemitism (such as the internationally supported IHRA version mentioned above) and to bring in balanced Muslim opinions about how to define Islamophobia, organizations with links to more radical Muslim groupings are most likely not the most helpful partners. To eradicate hatred for balanced and peace-loving Muslims, it is probably not all that productive totally to avoid references to Islamic radicalism or issues surrounding women’s rights, treatment of non-Muslims, prescribed punishments, treatment of children, and blasphemy to name but a few — which is what more traditionalist Muslims might prefer we did.

Without a serious debate on these issues, no one — from schools to political parties, think tanks, parliaments, churches and synagogues — can engage in comprehensive discussions about how Western societies should handle the problems of discrimination, integration, citizenship, free speech, secular values, human rights and all the areas of our collective lives that have come to the fore with the revival of radical and traditionalist Islam in recent decades.

Trevor Phillips is uniquely placed to bring light to these discussions. A well-respected man in both British and international society, he should never be shut down by anyone for the ostensible sake of political correctness.

Following Labour’s condemnation of Phillips as a supposed “Islamophobe”, Policy Exchange published another piece The Trial: The strange case of Trevor Phillips, again by Frampton, in which he dissected the charge raised against Phillips. In the end, it appears that however many enemies Phillips may have, he is assured of having many friends. This conclusion is reflected in that the UK government has just appointed him as an advisor to a formal inquiry into the disproportionate number of deaths from Covid-19.

Dr. Denis MacEoin is a former British university lecturer in Islamic Studies and a Distinguished Senior Fellow with the Gatestone Institute.

Kenn Gividen Banned from You Tube

Kenn Gividen Banned from You Tube

Kenn Gividen of Indiana is a prolific creator of informative videos dealing with race realism and other current issues. He produced and directed “The Ethnostate”, a weekly programme that ran for a year and a half and featured William Johnson, Chairman of the American Freedom Party and Paul Fromm, Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and many special guests such as Pastor Thomas Robb, Director of the Faith and Freedom Centre, James Edwards, the host of the “Political Cessspool” radio show, and attorney Jason Robb of Arkansas.

The banning of this creative man is a boot to the groin of the First Amendment. It highlights the ruthless censorship of dissent by Silicon Valley ideologues. We must demand that virtual monopolies like You Tube be treated as public utilities and forbidden to discriminate for political or other reasons against users.

Users, of course, are legally responsible for what they post.

Advice from Dr. James Sears on How to Assert Medical Exemption from Forced Masks Tyranny

Advice from Dr. James Sears on How to Assert Medical Exemption from Forced Masks Tyranny

The “pandemic” is an elaborate Globalist HOAX to force toxic vaccines, microchips and data tracking on naïve people; and kill the US economy to stop Trump’s reelection. Doug Ford drank the Kool-Aid, ordering a 2 WEEK lockdown to “flatten the curve”. Hospitals cancelled surgeries to prepare for an avalanche of ventilator patients that never materialized. They sat empty while REAL patients died of cancers and other medical conditions. Bored nurses uploaded videos of themselves dancing around empty beds. Low IQ Ford kept us locked down, declared hospital workers “heroes” and bribed them $4/hour to buy their silence. Virtue-signaling retailers even let these frauds jump in line ahead of us! MP’s, MPP’s, city councilors, teachers & other public service parasites keep their 6-figure salaries as they work part-time from home. Why didn’t they cut their pay? It is the same worldwide. Kids died in cancer wards as their helpless, distraught parents were forced to watch them take their last breath by video, denied visits due to the scamdemic. Are you angry? NO? Then what the fuck is it going to take?

“Covid” swabs test for an RNA strand that may or may not indicate a virus, with many false positives. Also, NO ONE “died of Covid”. Even the Ontario govt.’s own website admits it: “Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death”. So if you are “Covid positive” and die in a car crash, you count as a “Covid death”! More people will die of the lockdown and fear of going outside than of a mild virus, by job loss poverty, anxiety, depression, social isolation, suicide, drug overdose, marital strife, delayed medical care, etc. Visit Plandemic2.com to learn how 27,000 scientists & doctors back the film “Plandemic Movie”. Watch it at Bitchute.com.

Studies show masks and “social distancing” are USELESS. Masks destroy your immune system (only infected people should wear them). Hand sanitizers cause cancer. Sweden had no lockdown and is faring better than us because they did not suicide their economy. Why is John Tory FORCING masks? If unlike me, you lack the balls to JUST SAY NO to Soviet propaganda, I’ll make it easy for you: just cut along the dashed line and hand this declaration to any Marxist lackey trying to make you wear a mask.

My name is Dr. James Sears. Learn about me at www.NCparty.ca.



I am legally exempt from the Medical Officer of Health’s or any federal, provincial or municipal body’s regulation mandating facemask usage. Wearing a facemask poses a health risk to me that could result in death. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code it is illegal for you to deny me entry to your premises or refuse to provide me products or services based on my inability to wear a facemask. Under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act I am not required to disclose my medical condition to you.

The Ontario Human Rights Code not only prohibits discrimination at the provincial level, but also establishes a human rights commission system to administer and enforce the code. If you violate my Disability Rights under the Ontario Human Rights Code or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by refusing me entry to your premises or refusing to provide me products or services based on my inability to wear a facemask, I will launch a human rights complaint against you and/or your organization.

For your and your organization’s collective protection, you have my permission to copy this declaration for your records and share it with your staff and/or patrons.

Hear Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression on “The Political Cesspool” Saturday, July 11, 7:0010:00 pm EST

Hear Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression on “The Political Cesspool” Saturday, July 11, 7:0010:00 pm EST

TONIGHT ON TPC: We’re hosting a Midsummer Review featuring @EuroRabbit, @FrommPaul, and Paul Angel of The Barnes Review! LISTEN LIVE from 6:00 – 9:00 pm Central at link: https://thepoliticalcesspool.org/jamesedwards/listen-to-the-political-cesspool-radio-program-live-tonight-saturday-july-11-6-9-pm-ct/

Fight the Tyrants Trying to Ban Cash

Fight the Tyrants Trying to Ban Cash

Fight the Tyrants Trying to Ban Cash

The NWO wants us to go cashless.

Who gets to cancel your card and you? A few years ago, I got a taste of how vulnerable one can be if your credit card is cancelled. I had renegotiated a mortgage with one bank and agreed to reduce my credit limit on their card. When I arrived overseas, I suddenly found that my VISA card was being declined I finally called VISAand was told “But, Mr. Fromm, you cancelled your VISA.” I hadnot and it was quickly restored. After complaints to the first bank and a big investigation, it seemed that a minor employee had somehow managed to cancel my VISA with another bank. I was fortunate that I had just enough cash to settle my tab.It drove home how vulnerable I’d have been had I not had some foreign cash.

In a cashless society, if your credit or bank card was cancelled you would be truly a helpless, non person.

Coronavirus is an excuse for corporate tyranny.  Some merchants are refusing cash and insisting on credit cards or debit cards. Refusing cash is contrary to policy https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2020/04/bank-canada-asks-retailers-continue-accepting-cashBank of Canada asks retailers to continue accepting cash. Print this off and stick to your guns.

Resist: order or buy and, if the merchant insists on cash, protest, leave the goods and walk away. — Paul Fromm


Update: Bank of Canada asks retailers to continue accepting cash

May 28, 2020

During this time of heightened public health measures intended to limit the transmission of COVID-19, some consumers and businesses are choosing not to use cash to limit potential exposure. The Bank recognizes that these measures are being taken with the safety and well-being of both staff and consumers in mind.

Cash acceptance

We encourage Canadians to use the method of payment that they are the most comfortable with. However, the Bank strongly advocates that retailers continue to accept cash to ensure Canadians have access to the goods and services they need. Refusing cash purchases outright will put an undue burden on those who depend on cash and have limited payment options.

Derek Slan Says NO to “cancel culture” & NO to “affirmative action”


According to a story in The Globe and Mail yesterday (“Ontario Liberals to change rules, lower fees to ensure more female candidates”), the Ontario Liberal Party has set a goal to become “the most open and equitable party in Canada”, and they have a plan to achieve that end.

Their plan is to increase the percentage of female candidates they field in the next Ontario provincial election to at least 50% of the party total by launching an aggressive search campaign, lowering registration fees for women only, and—if necessary—having only women run in the nominations.

I believe there’s a lesson in this for the Conservative Party of Canada: this is NOT how to do things.

Merit, and merit alone, should be the primary criteria when considering someone for a job, including the job of running for political office.

We should judge people on the quality of their talents and on the soundness of their ideas, not on their sex, colour, age, religion, or anything else.

And who should evaluate the merit? The local party members, in a democratic vote! Not the bureaucrats at CPC HQ!

Ontario Liberal Kate Graham has said that having more women in elected politics “leads to better decisions”. She’s wrong.

Electing better decision-makers will lead to better decisions, and we can’t assume someone’s ability to make decisions is based on their sex or race or religion, etc.

Letting identity politics trump actual ideas will lead to a stagnant culture and stifling lack of innovation. Eventually, it will destroy our democratic institutions.

Related to this, I was disappointed to hear Leslyn Lewis speak of a desire for “equality of outcomes” during the leadership debate. This sounds like Leslyn Lewis might actually support affirmative action, which I hope is not the case.

The idea that we can ensure equality of outcomes necessarily involves rigging the game—like the Ontario Liberal Party is doing—and letting merit take a back seat. At its heart, the very idea of “equality of outcome” is a socialist concept.

That’s why, in the debate, I corrected Dr. Lewis in asserting the non-socialist idea we must pursue, which is to provide equality of opportunity for all. Is Leslyn Lewis for any form of affirmative action either in government or in CPC candidate recruitment? You should ask her—and Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole as well, for that matter.

But there is more to it than simply banning the practice of “affirmative action”. We also need to “cancel” the “cancel culture” in our party.

The CPC has, in the recent past, “cancelled” the nominations of candidates because of their ideas. In this leadership contest, for example, Richard Décarie and Jim Karahalios were both disqualified from the current leadership race because of positions they expressed.

There are numerous other examples of conservative-minded and other freedom-loving party members being denied the opportunity to seek local CPC nominations in the 2019 Federal election. No wonder thousands of CPC members have already defected to Maxime Bernier’s PPC.

In allowing the “cancel culture” to spread, our Party has not acted any better than the Ontario Liberal Party is planning to act by enforcing a candidate quota based on sex. The Conservative Party of Canada, if the name means anything, should set a perfect example in promoting free expression.

“Diversity” doesn’t consist of people of different sexes, religions, and races bound to express one narrow set of acceptable beliefs. True diversity entails a real variety of ideas expressed and debated in political parties and in the public square.

As Leader of the CPC, I will promote true diversity of ideas, both in Canadian society and in our Party.

Principled conservatives will no longer be “cancelled” at any level of the CPC, even if their ideas fall outside of the increasingly narrow scope of those tolerated by the “Red Tory” faction of our Party.

The triumph of identity politics has no place in the truly diverse CPC and Canada that we should all strive to promote. Under my leadership, there will be no “affirmative action” for local nominations, and no “cancel culture” either.

If you support merit over identity politics, please donate today to help our campaign continue to advance truly conservative ideas.


Derek Sloan's signature

Derek Sloan Member of Parliament https://www.dereksloan.ca

PS: I’m running for leadership of the CPC to stand up, without apology, for true freedom of sp

Edmonton Black football Player — Latest Victim of the Cancel Culture

Edmonton Black football Player — Latest Victim of the Cancel Culture

Another victim of cancel culture, where the punishment for expressing a dissenting opinion is ruin. Edmonton Eskimos football player Christion Jones is fired for expressing a religious opinion or just traditional common sense: “Man ain’t suppose to be with a man. A women is not suppose to be with another women.” https://globalnews.ca/news/7118280/edmonton-eskimos-christion-jones-tweet-backlash/

Groaning Cultural Marxist tyranny and the LGBTQ agenda, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of thought go out the window,.