Kenn Gividen Banned from You Tube
Kenn Gividen of Indiana is a prolific creator of informative videos dealing with race realism and other current issues. He produced and directed “The Ethnostate”, a weekly programme that ran for a year and a half and featured William Johnson, Chairman of the American Freedom Party and Paul Fromm, Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and many special guests such as Pastor Thomas Robb, Director of the Faith and Freedom Centre, James Edwards, the host of the “Political Cessspool” radio show, and attorney Jason Robb of Arkansas.
The banning of this creative man is a boot to the groin of the First Amendment. It highlights the ruthless censorship of dissent by Silicon Valley ideologues. We must demand that virtual monopolies like You Tube be treated as public utilities and forbidden to discriminate for political or other reasons against users.
Users, of course, are legally responsible for what they post.