Apple Bans Gab from App Development After Company Makes Antitrust Case to DOJ

Apple Bans Gab from App Development After Company Makes Antitrust Case to DOJ


Apple CEO Tim Cook acknowledged that iPhone sales in the past quarter would be disappointing, amid weakness in China and other emeging markets

Lucas Nolan17 Jun 2019231 2:44

Tech giant Apple banned the developer account of free speech-focused social media network Gab, preventing the company from creating apps for iPhones and other Apple devices, shortly after the startup submitted a complaint to the Department of Justice about Big Tech’s anti-competitie business practices.

Breitbart News spoke with the CEO of, Andrew Torba, about the company’s recent developments. As Torba wrote on Twitter, the free speech social media platform recently submitted a complaint to the DOJ which it hopes will spark an investigation into the business practices of the Masters of the Universe in Silicon Valley. Gab aimed to question if these firms were acting in a deliberately anti-competitive manner against smaller “alt-tech” businesses, and Apple’s recent actions may have proven Gab’s point.

The Twitter page made a number of tweets explaining the company’s viewpoint, these can be seen below:

BREAKING: Gab’s attorneys have submitted a complaint to the Department of Justice in hopes of sparking a serious investigation into Big Tech’s business practices to determine if, and how, they are behaving in a deliberately anti-competitive manner against alt-tech businesses.

— (@getongab) June 6, 2019

It’s not just us. This is what happens when you try to post a link to @Minds on its main rival, Facebook.

— (@getongab) June 6, 2019

Coordinated deplatforming, when done in such a way as to limit competition in the free market, is illegal. Based on our experience, we believe Silicon Valley companies are colluding to exclude challengers to existing social media companies.

— (@getongab) June 6, 2019

Big Tech understands that curated walled gardens lose their vibrancy and fail, much as Compuserve and AOL failed.

— (@getongab) June 6, 2019

We hope the DOJ will mount a vigorous and thorough investigation into this matter. In particular the duopoly on mobile app distribution that Apple/Google have with 98% marketshare.

— (@getongab) June 6, 2019

Shortly after this thread of tweets, Gab found that its new Dissenter Web Browser had been rejected from Apple’s app store. Apple also chose to ban the firm’s developer account entirely, citing “objectionable content,” as the reason. Gab’s Dissenter browser is a web browser that only delivers content that users purposefully visited, like Google Chrome or Apple’s Safari browser, yet Apple believes that the app falls under it’s “objectionable content” label.

BREAKING: Gab’s Dissenter Web Browser was rejected by Apple today. Furthermore, we were banned from our App Store developer account for “objectionable content.” For a web browser.

We have filed this information with the Department of Justice and urge them to investigate.

— (@getongab) June 10, 2019

Gab CEO Andrew Torba told Breitbart News that Apple admitted that the app itself did not break the company’s terms of service but rather they were banning it because it was built by Gab. The company has since reported this additional info to the Department of Justice. In a statement, Torba told Breitbart News:

Coordinated deplatforming, when done in such a way as to limit competition in the free market, is illegal. Based on our experience, we believe Silicon Valley companies are colluding to exclude challengers to existing social media companies. Big Tech understands that curated walled gardens lose their vibrancy and fail, much as Compuserve and AOL failed.

Gab is focused on giving The People back their digital sovereignty. We are no longer simply building a free speech social network. We are building the free speech internet. Our free speech web browser, Dissenter, is only the beginning. We will be releasing a full product line of open source free speech software that is decentralized, built, and controlled by The People.

While Gab’s web browser, Dissenter, may not be available in the app store, it can still be downloaded for desktop users here. 

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at


Melbourne Lockdown: Police Can Enter Homes Without a Warrant to Carry Out ‘Spot Checks’


Police in Melbourne, Australia now have the power to enter people’s homes without a warrant and perform ‘spot checks’ to enforce compliance with new coronavirus lockdown rules.After the state of Victoria announced a “state of disaster” in response to a spike in coronavirus cases, Premier of the state Daniel Andrews told residents, “We can no longer have people simply out and about for no good reason whatsoever.”In addition to an 8pm to 5am curfew, residents can only leave their homes outside those hours to shop for food and essential items, carry out care and caregiving, as well as daily exercise and work.The new powers also give police the right to “enter your home to carry out spot checks even if you don’t give them permission and they don’t have a warrant,” reports on buying have also been introduced, restricting citizens to purchases of no more than two of certain essential items, including dairy, meat, vegetables, fish and toilet paper.As we highlighted earlier, immediately after the government announced the new draconian measures, police in their hundreds positioned themselves around residential tower blocks to ensure no one could leave.People were told they must stay in the residence in which they slept the previous night for the next six weeks. Anyone who violates the new rules faces a fine of up to $1,652, an amount which is set to be increased.As Toby Young writes, the spike in COVID-19 cases in the region could simply be due to the fact that more tests are being conducted.“Victoria tested almost 43,000 on Sunday, July 26th, twice as many as on normal days, and the peak on Wednesday could be due to the few days delay before the results come through. In addition, a percentage of the positive results are likely due to the extensive contact tracing introduced in the past few weeks, with targeted testing of those who’ve been in contact with other infected people.” “It looks like a familiar pattern: on the advice of public health officials, a political leader ramps up testing and introduces a track-and-trace programme, then, when the number of cases inevitably increases, the leader panics and introduces draconian new measures.”

Derek Sloan Pledges to Repeal the Compelled Speech Bill C-16 — “Zee” and “Zir” Gender Identity Law

Derek Sloan Pledges to Repeal the Compelled Speech Bill C-16 — “Zee” and “Zir” Gender Identity Law

The one way to beat Justin Trudeau is to offer Canadians a real, clear alternative to Liberal policy in the next election. Not just a “Liberal Lite” version of what Trudeau already offers, but a genuine difference.

I am the one CPC leadership candidate who offers a real difference, and one example of this is the fact that I am the only candidate actively campaigning to repeal Bill C-16. I am the only candidate who has pledged to make repealing this atrocious piece of compelled speech legislation part of our election platform.

In 2017, the Canadian Parliament passed C-16, the Liberal government’s legislation that added “gender identity or expression” to grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act.

The concept of human rights, when first conceived, was intended to liberate people and safeguard them from arrest, censorship, and harassment by government overreach.

Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a culture war, and “human rights” have been weaponized to champion leftist “social justice” values and punish all those who dare to disagree with their view of the world.

C-16 is a prime example of this phenomenon. It gives those who call themselves transgendered and non-gendered the ability to dictate what others can and cannot say.

Forced speech is the most extreme infringement of free speech. It puts words in the mouths of Canadians and threatens to punish them if they don’t comply. Forced speech will force Canadians to say things they disagree with.

Protection from discrimination is not the same thing as wanting not to be offended. If we allow it to, this chronic political correctness will strangle free speech in Canada.

I’ll repeal C-16 because it restricts free speech, enshrines radical gender ideology into Canadian law, and severely infringes on women’s sex-based rights to private spaces.

The Liberals will attack me for this. Justin Trudeau will spew words like “transphobia” and “bigotry”, which are designed to shut down the debate. When he does, we’ll push back. Compelled speech is the opposite of the elemental Canadian right of free speech. Further, Canadian women shouldn’t have their safety threatened by any man who demands access to sex-segregated spaces just because he claims to “feel like he is a woman”.

I’ll keep telling the truth about C-16, and I won’t back down.

My fellow candidates don’t share my views. Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole are fine with C-16 – they boast about their support for it. Leslyn Lewis claims to oppose it, and I believe her, but she has not made her opposition to C-16 a campaign issue the way that I have.

Sadly, the “Liberal Lite” element in our party will never recognize this threat to the freedom that Canada was built on, and they will never fight for the repeal of C-16.

They will never be able to appeal to Canadian voters who are tired of Liberal assaults on freedom because they don’t offer anything different.

By actively campaigning to repealing Bill C-16, I offer a clear difference.

That difference makes me the only candidate who can defeat Justin Trudeau.

If you want to beat Trudeau, I am the only candidate who you should choose as #1 choice on your leadership ballot.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm Attends END THE LOCKDOWN RALLY in Kelowna

CLEAR Director David Lindsay
CAFE Director Paul Fromm

CAFE Director Paul Fromm Attends END THE LOCKDOWN RALLY in Kelowna

CLEAR (Common Law Education & Rights Initiative)Director David Lindsay has led weekly (Saturday) END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Kelowna, drawing supporters from throughout the Okanagan. CAFE Director Paul Fromm has attended three of these. Supporters are determined, like their counterparts in Toronto and Vancouver, to protest the repressive, junk-science based “new normal”, until the lockdown restrictions are lifted.

Twitter Censors Tim Tebow’s Bible Message

MLBPublished 2 days ago

Tim Tebow’s Bible message triggers ‘sensitive content’ warning from Twitter

It wasn’t clear what part of the video was particularly sensitive to trigger the warning.

Ryan Gaydos

By Ryan Gaydos | Fox News

Fox News Flash top headlines for July 31

Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what’s clicking on

Tim Tebow, former NFL quarterback and current New York Mets minor league outfielder, tweeted a video Monday talking about the Bible and followers noticed that the social media company marked his tweet as “sensitive content.”


Twitter alerts users to sensitive content, usually of graphic images or videos. But in this case, Tebow’s video was about educating his followers about God’s word in the Bible.


“Bible believers, when we look at the Bible, and we see a lot of the heroes, a lot of times they truly were wounded deeply before they were ever used greatly. So maybe you’re going through a time in your life where you feel like you’ve just been wounded greatly. It hasn’t been your year, hasn’t been your day — you just don’t feel like this is your time,” Tebow said in the clip.

“You never know what God is doing with your life. You never know what he is preparing you for. So many times in the Bible when we look at the heroes, there were times in their life where — if they stopped, if they quit, if they said, ‘No, God, I’ve had enough’ — then they would have missed out on the most impactful, most influential times of their life.


“Maybe that is the next step for you. Maybe that is tomorrow. Maybe that is next week, maybe that is next year. But when we quit, we will never know what we missed out on. We will never know what’s in store for us.”

Tebow said the followers of God get to trust in him blindly because “we know how much he loves us.” He reminded followers that God loves them and that they should hold onto faith “in your time of need.”

Twitter later told The Blaze that they marked the video as sensitive content as an error.

“The Tweet … was flagged as potentially sensitive media in error. It has been corrected,” the company said.


It wasn’t clear what part of the video was particularly sensitive to trigger the warning.

White Nationalist DAVID Duke Banned from Twitter for a “Link” but the Censors Won’ Say to What

[Once again the anti-free speech Silicon Valley censors have accommodated the anti-free speech cancel crowd. This misleading article from the poisonous Guardian smears Dr. Duke as “a notorious hate group leader”. He has committed no crime. “Hate group” is a term of abuse used by the minority censors to smear White or Christians who stand up for themselves. The smear identified Dr. Duke as a “former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard”. True — but two thirds of a lifetime ago. Dr. Duke, now nearly 70, left the Klan when he was 23! But the fake news doesn’t provide context. Twitter’s censorship actions now, mre than ever, demonstrate the need to legislatively treat these near monopolies — Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, PayPal as public utilities and prevent them from discriminating against users on the basis of their political, religious, racial or medical views.” — Paul Fromm, Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression.]

Twitter bans white supremacist David Duke after 11 years

The former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard has faced a belated backlash from social media companies

David Duke was banned from Twitter after a final rule violation involving a ‘harmful link’.

David Duke was banned from Twitter after a final rule violation involving a ‘harmful link’. Photograph: Matt Rourke/APLois Beckett in San Francisco@loisbeckettPublished onFri 31 Jul 2020 23.45 BST

In 1999, the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke predicted that the Internet would help give birth to a “coming white revolution”.

The news media did not give him friendly coverage, he wrote on his website, but on the internet, he could reach supporters directly, starting a “chain reaction of racial enlightenment”.

For the next 20 years, Duke, one of the most notorious hate group leaders in the US, was given free rein to spread his white supremacist message on one internet platform after another.

Now, after years of protests and a surge of white supremacist terror attacks around the globe, social media companies are belatedly limiting Duke’s reach. Twitter said on Friday that it had permanently suspended his account, citing “repeated violations of the Twitter Rules on hateful conduct”. YouTube banned his account in June. Facebook banned Duke in 2018, the company said, more than a year after he participated in the violent white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia.Advertisement

Twitter’s decision to permanently ban Duke came more than a decade after Duke created his account, in 2009, and more than eight years after he started posting regularly, in 2012. He has tweeted tens of thousands of times, often weighing in on national events and sharing white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracies. He had more than 50,000 followers at the time his account was permanently suspended.

Duke, who was a neo-Nazi in college, led a Ku Klux Klan group and later founded an organization called the “National Association for the Advancement of White People”. He was elected to the state legislature in Louisiana in 1989. Two years later, when he ran for governor of Louisiana, he won more than half of the white vote.

Advocacy groups and non-profits that monitor racist extremists have protested for years against Twitter’s decision to allow Duke and other hate group leaders to use their platform for advocacy.

“The muted efforts of giant social media companies to address racial violence and hate crimes perpetrated via their platforms have had terrible consequences,” Henry Fernandez, the senior fellow for anti-hate at the Center for American Progress, said in a statement, citing “white nationalist rhetoric being fueled on social media leading to real-world violence including mass killings in El Paso, Texas; Gilroy, California; and, Christchurch, New Zealand”.

Activists with Change the Terms, a coalition of dozens of civil rights groups and other non-profits, have spent the past two years trying to get tech companies to remove white nationalists from their platforms, including asking Twitter directly to remove Duke’s account, both in “private meetings with Twitter’s leaders” and in public protests, Fernandez said.

“These discussions were initially like banging our head against a brick wall,” he said, but “today is an important step”.

The final violation of Twitter rules by Duke’s account, the one that prompted his suspension from Twitter, was a “harmful link”, the company said. It would not provide more details on the content of the link but noted its policy on suspending accounts for sharing links to dangerous content had been updated in March.

Duke’s final tweet contained a link to an interview he had conducted with a Holocaust denier, BBC News reported.

“David Duke is just a start, but there are still many others,” Keegan Hankes of the Southern Poverty Law Center said in a statement.

Richard Spencer, another white nationalist and one of the organizers of the Charlottesville rally in 2017, is still on Twitter, activists noted.

PETITION: Demand Big Tech face real consequences for censoring conservatives

Our pro-life reporting is being attacked. So is the truth. We can’t back down in the fight against abortion!View this email in your browser                                                                                                                                                            Photo Credit: Getty ImagesJames,The outrageous erasing of the White Coat Summit from the internet is only the latest in a long series of brazen acts of censorship against conservatives and all those who support legitimate free speech.

You may agree or disagree with the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine against the coronavirus, but everyone should agree on this point:

No Big Tech company should have the power to erase from the internet the medical opinions of licensed practicing doctors simply because they do not like what they have to say about the coronavirus or their experience treating it.
  Americans and other free peoples do not need leftist computer programmers deciding what the best course of medical treatment is for them.SIGN PETITION

Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and their Big Tech friends want to control what you see, what you read, what you think, and ultimately, how you vote.  Not only do they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying congress and buttering up big Washington DC think tanks, but now they brazenly and directly censor any content they don’t want you to see.

This must stop, but it won’t unless we demand it as forcefully as legally possible.  We believe that we have reached the point were Big Tech must be broken up if legitimate free speech is going to survive and continue to thrive on the internet.

Please CLICK HERE to sign our petition to demand real consequences for Big Tech’s suppression of legitimate free speech.

In an era where almost everything is polarized, there is an overwhelming support for breaking up the Big Tech monopolies.  A recent Pew poll found that 75% of Americans believe that Big Tech companies have too much influence.

It is time to bring serious accountability to Big Tech for their attempts to use their monopolies to kill free speech.It is time to break up Big Tech. 


Yours sincerely,

John-Henry Westen and the entire LifeSite Team

PS – Please SIGN this petition which calls for consequences for Big Tech’s suppression of free speech.

PPS – Please CLICK HERE to find out more about the petition. Then, please SIGN and SHA