Our pro-life reporting is being attacked. So is the truth. We can’t back down in the fight against abortion!View this email in your browser Photo Credit: Getty ImagesJames,The outrageous erasing of the White Coat Summit from the internet is only the latest in a long series of brazen acts of censorship against conservatives and all those who support legitimate free speech. You may agree or disagree with the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine against the coronavirus, but everyone should agree on this point: No Big Tech company should have the power to erase from the internet the medical opinions of licensed practicing doctors simply because they do not like what they have to say about the coronavirus or their experience treating it. Americans and other free peoples do not need leftist computer programmers deciding what the best course of medical treatment is for them.SIGN PETITION Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and their Big Tech friends want to control what you see, what you read, what you think, and ultimately, how you vote. Not only do they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying congress and buttering up big Washington DC think tanks, but now they brazenly and directly censor any content they don’t want you to see. This must stop, but it won’t unless we demand it as forcefully as legally possible. We believe that we have reached the point were Big Tech must be broken up if legitimate free speech is going to survive and continue to thrive on the internet. Please CLICK HERE to sign our petition to demand real consequences for Big Tech’s suppression of legitimate free speech. In an era where almost everything is polarized, there is an overwhelming support for breaking up the Big Tech monopolies. A recent Pew poll found that 75% of Americans believe that Big Tech companies have too much influence. It is time to bring serious accountability to Big Tech for their attempts to use their monopolies to kill free speech.It is time to break up Big Tech. PLEASE SIGN THIS URGENT PETITION, TODAY! Yours sincerely, John-Henry Westen and the entire LifeSite Team PS – Please SIGN this petition which calls for consequences for Big Tech’s suppression of free speech. PPS – Please CLICK HERE to find out more about the petition. Then, please SIGN and SHA |