“It’s OK To be White” Sticker Offends Traveller but Bar Owner Defends This Obvious Truth

[What a snowflake society. A traveller from Vancouver visited a bar in the village of Keremeos and took offence at two stickers, one saying “It’s OK to be White”, the other proclaiming “White Lives Matter”. It’s hard to see how anyone but a person who hates Whites could object. To object, you’d have to mean it’s not OK to be European and/or White lives don’t matter. Credit bar owner Karl Schorb for sticking to his guns and not going into immediate retreat mode. He pointed out the stickers have been there for years! Talk about a tempest in a teapot!]

Visitor to B.C. village calls out restaurant for racist stickers

‘It’s OK to be white’ on stickers displayed in Keremeos bar

Courtney Dickson · CBC News · Posted: Aug 13, 2020 6:42 AM PT | Last Updated: August 13

When Tom Kato and his friends walked into a Keremeos, B.C., bar, they found two of these stickers on the walls. (Tom Kato)

A Vancouver man is speaking out against a pair of stickers with racist messaging displayed at a B.C. bar.

Tom Kato, who is Japanese-Canadian, was travelling with friends through Keremeos, 100 kilometres south of Kelowna, when they stopped at a local bar for something to eat. They noticed a sticker near an emergency exit that said, “It’s OK to be white” paired with an image of a hand giving the OK sign, which, the Anti-Defamation League says, has been used to express white supremacy.

“When I saw the first sticker everybody kind of went a little quiet and it was a little uncomfortable for us,” Kato said. 

Then, they saw another sticker behind the bar, which made him think they were put up by bar staff. 

A second sticker, found behind the bar, made Kato believe they were put there intentionally by bar staff. (Tom Kato)

He said he thought about the stickers the whole time he was in the restaurant. 

“It’s not right,” Kato said. “As a visible minority, people in that situation shouldn’t feel uncomfortable over the colour of your skin or your culture or anything like that.”

Branding Iron Bar & Grill owner Karl Schorb said he doesn’t think the stickers are racist.

“I’m not a racist. I have nothing against anybody. I love everybody, I’m a happy person and that’s all that counts for me,” he said, encouraging anyone who takes issue with the stickers to talk to him about it. 

He said someone questioned him about the sticker more than a year ago, but otherwise, the stickers have been up for three years and no one else has complained. 

Schorb said he was unaware of the sticker’s racist undertones, but when asked if he would take it down, he said he would only do so if forced to. 

“If the law forces me to take it down, I’ll take it down, but it has to be by the law, not by me,” he said. 

Mayor wants stickers removed

Kato said he and the owner had a conversation about the meaning behind the sticker while he was in the restaurant.

“The fact that he’s putting it up and he knows that it’s offensive to other people  … he doesn’t really care about it. [It] kind of just shows a little bit of his character,” Kato said.

Keremeos Mayor Manfred Bauer said he would like to see the stickers removed — and he has asked Schorb to remove them — but the village can’t take any further action.

“It’s not like we can just pull a business licence because someone has a sticker like that in their restaurant,” he said. 

“I would prefer if any kind of racial comments, whether it’s in writing, a picture, or a rhetoric is not in this community and I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of people do not approve of that kind of thing.”

Kato said that in the current political climate, with Black Lives Matter and other anti-discrimination messaging making headlines, it’s hard to believe someone would be unaware of the meaning of those stickers.

“Even if he was to take down the sticker, it’s not going to change what he thinks,” Kato said. 

“I’m a realistic person. I know there’s tons of people out there that think the way he does, and you know there’s nothing that you can really do but just speak out.”


Saturday, August 15, 2020   Stuart Park, Kelowna  BC   12:00 noon

Just a reminder to come out and support our message to all levels of Government, that we are vehemently opposed to all forms of their lockdown, Constitutional violations, social restrictions, and lies.  This is the most important and critical issue in our lifetimes and if we continue to just obey, we will soon find ourselves in a similar situation to Chinese Communism – but in our country.

We need as many people as possible

for our rallies!

If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!

Bring at least two friends!!!


For an excellent video of how the Scamdemic likely started, and how they keep the fraud going, and the true reasons behind it that very few people discuss, check out this 11 min video:


I’ve seen videos from this guy in the past, and his material is just awesome.


Unfortunately, the mass of information coming at us from all over the world right now is truly an information overload.  It is important remain focused at all times on the issue:  the COVID-19 virus is not a pandemic, and the actions taken by all levels of Governments, are unprecedented, unsupported and Constitutionally impermissible.

Despite the ongoing actions in various courts, we cannot simply sit back and wait months or until next year for decisions.  We must as much as possible, refuse to comply with their unconstitutional orders and demands.  We must do what we can not just to educate others, but to get them to act likewise. 

Remember, Governments to a large degree don’t care how much you complain, as long as you comply.  We must do both – complain and refuse to comply.  Are there risks – absolutely.   They are minor compared to what our ancestors took for our diminishing rights and liberties today however.  Please keep that in proper context.


To date, the Kelowna RCMP still have not acted on our complaint with respect to the criminal letter written to and published on Castanet.  More inquiries will be made and I will contact them by Monday, as 10 days should be sufficient for a decision to be made.


To date, no defenses have been filed in the Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC) case in Toronto by any defendants.  It is anticipated that either they will file them shortly, or will file them in conjunction with expected Motions to Strike.  Defences were required to be filed under Ontario Rules of Court within 21 days and they have not yet done so.

Admittedly, with a 191 page Statement of Claim, this may be considered extraordinary circumstances, and rules of court are malleable to some degree.  So it may be another week or two before their defences are filed, which will be of incredible interest.

As of today’s date, no defence has been filed either by the B.C. Gov’t to the Chinese doctor who filed her application in Chilliwack to force the B.C. Gov’t to make mask wearing mandatory. 

I note here that no where in any of B.C.’s legislation or Orders from Bonnie Henry, does it state that they operate notwithstanding the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  Interesting.


Recently Canada’s top doctor Theresa Tam, who worked with and had longtime close ties to Red Chinese dominated WHO, has publicly stated that the lockdown, restrictions and compulsory masks and social distancing, ie: the society shift, will continue for a minimum of a couple of years.  Premier Ford of Ontario has said likewise.

How can they do this – one asks?  Because people comply.  For no other reason.  And it is not sufficient for the public alone to refuse to comply – businesses must quit being proxies for these Communist/SocialistGovernments (parts of all these tyrannical governing philosophies exist today), and doing indirectly what the Governments are Constitutionally prohibited from doing directly. When business owners realize the COVID scam and start refusing to even suggest social distancing and/or masks, then we will begin to achieve success. 

I strongly urge everyone who knows someone who owns or knows someone who owns a business, to come out and learn from our knowledge on all aspects of the COVID scam, from the faulty models, to faulty testing procedures, to corrupted and manipulated statistics, to empty hospitals, to social re-engineering of our society.

Accepting another two months of this tyranny, is a travesty and begins to normalize this type of activity. In two years, without our intervention and refusal to comply, it will become the norm.  This is the same procedure followed over and over again in our history – call the rights and freedoms deprivations or restrictions, temporary, and then they never are removed, or if they are, it is only partially, amounting to an ongoing Constitutional creep against our cherished and rapidly diminishing rights and liberties. 


The United Kingdom has just been caught red-handed falsifying COVID stats.  From the Daily Telegraph in England:


The official Covid-19 daily death toll may never be brought back following an investigation into Public Health England’s method of counting it, the Telegraph understands.

The conclusions of the review, which was ordered by Matt Hancock after it emerged officials were “over-exaggerating” deaths from the virus, are expected this week.

One expected recommendation would be to stop daily reporting altogether and move to a weekly official death toll instead, a government source said on Sunday night.

The review has been “looking at all options,” the source said.

On July 17, the Health Secretary asked PHE to urgently investigate the way daily death statistics had been reported, leading PHE to say it was “pausing” the daily release.

It came after Oxford University experts revealed a significant proportion of the daily out-of-hospital death toll relates to patients who recovered from the virus weeks or months earlier.

Under the previous system, anyone who has ever tested positive for the virus in England was automatically counted as a coronavirus death when they died, even if the death was from a car accident.

By contrast, Scotland and Wales operate a cut-off threshold of 28 days after a positive test, after which a death is not assumed to be virus-related.


Meanwhile Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, reportedly holds the view that excess deaths are the best measure to use, which will be unaffected by the PHE review.

PHE had defended its previous approach saying there is “no World Health Organisation-agreed method” for recording deaths from coronavirus.

Dr Susan Hopkins, PHE’s incident director, has said: “Although it may seem straightforward, there is no WHO agreed method of counting deaths from Covid-19. In England, we count all those that have died who had a positive Covid-19 test at any point, to ensure our data are as complete as possible.”

This is amazing and no different than in Canada.


David Icke posted an interesting video recently.  640 doctors in Europe are condemning COVID-19 as a fake story.  I would strongly urge everyone to keep updated on their proceedings in the near future.


6:10         It is a fake story all over the world

6:50         COVID is not different from the normal flu

8:35         They have established a newspaper with 500 000 circulation

10:10       We have facts to show that it is a scam – need to discover who gets the benefits and who has the power to create it

Further to this, the Committee that was created in late June/July 2020,

has had an interesting meeting featuring three doctors on its panel. 

8:21         COVID is the same seriousness as the flu

9:30        There are no longer enough sick people in Germany to even test vaccines upon anymore.  The new types of vaccines are now RNA based, meaning that they can change genetic make up.

This is really scary folks.


Recently in the Washington Examiner, more odious results were announced in relation to the effects of prolonged use of masks, causing significant increases in gum disease.  This is no surprise since much of the material leaving the body gets trapped in the mask and breathed back in, some of which remaining in the oral cavity – to grow and multiply.


The subsequent problem is that excessive gum disease can result in much more serious health problems, such as heart conditions or strokes.

In another privacy violation, BC is hiring 500 people to help establish contact tracing.  This will happen without our consent and we will not even know if we are being tracked.  It is critical to never install any such apps, remove if you have them, never answer any calls from anyone you don’t know, and refuse to ever talk to anyone from the gov’t on your private health matters. Indeed, you should be questioning even talking to your doctor on these types of issues. Colds and flus for the most part can be dealt with normally, with mega-Vit C, rest, etc.  Advising any doctor that you even have a cold now, will lump you in for possible mandatory testing, and faked results.  There has never been a better time to stay away from doctors than today.


Activists Opposing Stalinist Lockdown in Victoria State, Australia Face Savage Fines


Activists Opposing Stalinist Lockdown in Victoria State, Australia Face Savage Fines

Coronavirus Australia: Conspiracy Theorists Facing $10,000 Fines by Benjamim Graham – August 13, 2020 https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/australia/coronavirus-australia-conspiracy-theorists-facing-10000-fines/news-story/f53c62fee2d92a35c5bebf08936e0411

The Victorian Premier has warned coronavirus conspiracy theorists disrupting police will face fines.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has warned those filming themselves arguing with police at checkpoints will be taken to court.

“They have now been found. I do not believe they received an on-the-spot fine. That is the low-level fine,” he said. “I think they will be charged on summons. That will be a matter for others and I do not determine those matters but there is the on the spot $1652 fine and if you go through a court process it is much closer to $10,000 so it is a pretty significant penalty.”

“Why give these people any more air time?” he said.

Eve Black was arrested after her viral attempt to cross a Melbourne checkpoint.

Eve Black was arrested after her viral attempt to cross a Melbourne checkpoint.Source:Facebook “Seriously, this is not about human rights, this is about human life. This is not about some obscure nonsense you‘ve read on a website. ”There are rules. There are laws in place. And everyone should follow them.

“And I‘m not really interested in wasting any of our time, or using these examples of appalling behaviour, to detract from the vast majority of Victorians who are doing the right thing.

Elizabeth 'lizzy' Rose filmed herself without a mask in protest against store policy during a trip to Bunnings.

Elizabeth ‘lizzy’ Rose filmed herself without a mask in protest against store policy during a trip to Bunnings.Source:Instagram “They‘re the ones we should be celebrating. The case I referred to very briefly a moment ago – the person who went through the checkpoint – police have found her and she will be appropriately dealt with.

“So, anyone who thinks this is a good thing to do, not only is it wrong but it‘s not particularly smart, because Victoria Police are out there and they’re doing their job well.”

Conservative Leadership Candidate Derek Sloan Says Compulsory Masks Are An Affront to Our Freedoms

Wed., Aug. 12 at 6:55 a.m.

During these unprecedented times, politicians at every level of government, and of every political stripe, have allowed their “inner autocrat” to emerge.

Basic liberties, such as our right to come together to work, worship, or see our friends and relatives have been limited or completely eliminated.

An entire society of healthy people has been locked down, bringing the economy to a standstill, and millions have been forced into unemployment.

The autocrats have had a taste of unprecedented control, and now they want more. These same people who brought us the lockdowns are now making mask-wearing compulsory.

In Canadian law, the onus is on politicians to justify laws that diminish the realm of personal choice. Enforcing mask wearing based on the fearful projections of illness and death made in March, rather than on the realities of August, is unjustifiable. Forecasts made in March predicting the numbers of dead and sick people caused by the virus have turned out to be wild over-estimates.

We now know that COVID-19 has posed almost no threat to children. We know that four fifths of COVID deaths have occurred in nursing homes, and the victims were the elderly and those already sick.

Statistically, healthy adults are under greater threat from car accidents than they are from COVID-19. The realities of August do not justify the overreach of mask mandates. They are justified by power-hungry autocrats in the name of control and compliance.  If we fail to guard our rights with extreme vigilance in a time of crisis like this, we can lose them forever. These mandatory mask mandates have no end date on them.

Just last week Dr. Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer said that the coronavirus pandemic may continue for years, along with measures like mandatory masking and physical distancing, even if researchers manage to discover a vaccine.

She needs to be fired. We need to take these threats to our liberties seriously. Canadians who want to wear a mask should wear one, wherever they want to, but I remain 100% against making masks mandatory.

Shockingly, in a CONSERVATIVE leadership race, I am the only candidate that has spoken out against this infringement on our civil liberties.

I also remain 100% opposed to ever making a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory. If freedom matters to you, please donate today to help my team “Get Out The Vote” in this critical stage of the campaign.

Sincerely, Derek Sloan Member of Parliament https://www.dereksloan.ca PS: Standing for the freedom of Canadians, without apology, is what sets me apart from my leadership rivals. To help me win this leadership race, please chip in today.

Update from Christian Free Speech Warrior & Political Prisoner, Bill Whatcott

Whatcott update, August 10, 2020


by Bill Whatcott » Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:20 pm Dear Friends,

My lawyer John Rosen just finished the latest pre-trial conference for my so-called “hate crime” charge today. The “hate crime” is now over four years old. Since then the civil $104 million lawsuit that was commenced with much drama (see the drama here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAosD7J7cuw&t=54s) immediately after my Gospel infiltration of the Toronto unGodly pride parade has been dropped as of late last year. The criminal hate crime charge remains ongoing and now as of today Justice Goldstein has set the tentative trial date for my “hate crime” trial for Monday, October 4, 2021.

One could be forgiven if by now they forgot the Gospel stunt that I pulled off that made the homosexual activists so mad that nearly 5 years after the fact they still want me in jail for 18 months for raining (in a Godly sort of way) on their parade. For those who forgot or who don’t know about this redemptive, creative, and definitely not hateful act of truth telling activism, here it is: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=10526&p=26007#p26007

As for other news not much has been going on in my life. Being out on bail for the past 2 years has its limitations. I had to turn my passport in, so that precludes travel outside of Canada. Now with the advent of the Chinese Communist Party virus travel is shut down for most of the world and Canadians can’t travel abroad anyways.

Then there is the economic fallout from the lockdown and virus protocals being imposed on businesses across Canada and the world. The unfortunate thing about outstanding criminal charges is even though you are “presumed innocent” until proven guilty, in actual fact the police reveal outstanding charges to your potential employers during background checks when you apply for a job and the presumption of innocence bafflegab aside, most employers decline to hire people with outstanding charges. When this sort of thing goes on for years it is quite limiting, especially when the unemployment rate is in the double digits as it is in Canada right now thanks to our corrupt and incompetent government destroying our resource and manufacturing sectors , before the economic hammering brought on by the Chinese Communist Party virus lockdowns and layoffs.

That being said, I have been blessed these last few months to be putting in 20-30 hour work weeks with a temp agency. Ten years ago that would be considered extremely marginal, but today many Canadians with no outstanding criminal charges are out of work and would love to have a 20-30 hour a week minimum wage job. How times have changed!

Indeed times have changed, in fact I believe Canada has fundamentally changed. The freedom and prosperity we took for granted is gone. Thanks to our Liberal government colluding with foriegn NGOs to sabotage Canada’s oil sands, what was once the largest employer in Canada’s resource industry, the oil sands is largely destroyed now. Conventional oil, mining, lumber, etc…. are also almost dead. There are no jobs in any of these sectors.

Eastern Canada’s manufacturing base is also largely gone. Without manufacturing or resources there simply is no means of wealth creation to keep handing out government cheques, so with that in mind the CERB payments are ending next month and literally millions of Canadians will be off CERB and will still be out of work with no prospects of economic recovery coming in the near future.

We could blame the Liberal government for this mess and indeed they deserve alot of the blame. Their carbon taxes, other taxes and onerous; I would even say malicious, regulations have ruined our nation’s oil industry years before the CCP virus reached our shores. We could also blame the Chinese Communist Party as the virus they covered up and allowed to spread around the world has had a catastrophic effect on our economy and quality of life. Had the CCP warned the world earlier that this virus escaped from their lab (more probable than wet market) and declined to vacuum up all our PPE before we knew what was going on, we could have been better prepared and mitigated much of the suffering we are now experiencing thanks to the pandemic. However, I believe there are deeper issues at play in Canada’s repid demise.

For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14

I believe God has removed His blessing from our land and it is He who is allowing wicked governments such as the Canadian Liberals and Chinese Communist Party to harm us.

Canada has murdered more than 3 million unborn children by abortion. We have murdered thousands of elderly and disabled through euthanasia. We are allowing our children to be switched to the gender they are not but are not and are allowing children to march in homosexual parades but we won’t allow them to recite the Lord’s prayer in our schools. We have rejected God’s Word and embraced instead homosexual perversion and socialism, so now it is not surprising to me that the land is starting to suffer under God’s judgment in tangible ways.

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson,
they shall become like wool.
If you are willing and obedient,
you shall eat the good of the land;
but if you refuse and rebel,
you shall be eaten by the sword;
for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Isaiah 1:18-20

I believe God in His great mercy can forgive us of our sin and turn back the judgment on our land if we repent and turn to Him. I know in my own life I have suffered both tremendous loss because of my sun and experienced tremendous, undeserved, grace and forgiveness when I repented, confessed, and turned away from my sin. I believe on a national level these same principles hold true for Canada. I would strongly encourage Canada’s Christians to start to fast and pray for our land. Even if it is too late to turn back the judgement, perhaps with a bold witness some souls could be snatched from the coming fire.

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:13, 14

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Bill Whatcott Administrator


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Trashing Freedom of Speech & the U.S. First Amendment: Microsoft can terminate its services to you for ‘hate speech’

Microsoft can terminate its services to you for ‘hate speech’

Photo of Dr. Eowyn

Dr. EowynAugust 7, 2020 1 minute read


This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds

Do you use any of the following:

  • Windows as your computer’s operating system.
  • Internet Explorer or Edge as your browser.
  • Bing as your search engine.
  • Outlook for your email.
  • Word as your writing software.

If you do, recently you probably received an email notification from Microsoft about changes to their Services Agreement, just in time for the 2020 election.

But most of you probably didn’t click on the link to read Microsoft’s new Services Agreement. You should, because contained in the Services Agreement is this: 3. Code of Conduct. take our poll – story continues below

  • Should the Government be Mandating Masks?  

a. By agreeing to these Terms, you’re agreeing that, when using the Services, you will follow these rules:

  • vii. Don’t engage in activity that is harmful to you, the Services or others (e.g., transmitting viruses, stalking, posting terrorist or violent extremist content, communicating hate speech, or advocating violence against others).
  • viii. Don’t infringe upon the rights of others (e.g., unauthorized sharing of copyrighted music or other copyrighted material, resale or other distribution of Bing maps, or photographs).
  • ix. Don’t engage in activity that violates the privacy of others.
  • x. Don’t help others break these rules.

b. Enforcement.If you violate these Terms, we may stop providing Services to you or we may close your Microsoft account. We may also block delivery of a communication (like email, file sharing or instant message) to or from the Services in an effort to enforce these Terms or we may remove or refuse to publish Your Content for any reason.

Nowhere does the Services Agreement even remotely define what “hate speech” or what “help others break these rules” means.

As an example, if I call Microsoft “tyrannical,” is that “hate speech”? If I, as I had, point out that Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates had said on four occasions that vaccines would reduce world population, is that “hate speech”? And if, having read this post, a reader post a comment criticizing Microsoft, am I “helping” others to “communicate hate speech”?


Not defining these critical terms, the violation of which can trigger Microsoft’s termination of its services, means that Microsoft can call “hate speech” and “helping others break these rules” whatever they want.Given the vagueness of its Services Agreement, how are we to conduct ourselves so as not to violate the terms of the agreement?

Read more at Fellowship of the Minds