Corporate COVID Tyranny: Trenton Woman With Oxygen Tank but No Mask Refused Service at McDonald’s

McDonald's restaurant refuses service to 78-year-old with oxygen


Corporate COVID Tyranny: Trenton Woman With Oxygen Tank but No Mask Refused Service at McDonald’s  
Meet Betty Wilson — she’s an elderly woman who was rudely denied service and kicked out of a McDonald’s in Trenton, Ontario because her medical condition prevents her from wearing a mask.  Betty suffers from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a condition that causes scar tissue to develop on her lungs, leaving her short of breath and reliant on oxygen, which she brings everywhere she goes.  Her doctors have advised against wearing a mask because doing so poses too great of a risk to her health.  

But that did not matter to McDonald’s management, who dismissed Betty’s exemption and refused to let her in!  Click here to hear Betty’s side of the story and watch me ask McDonald’s management why they denied Betty service based on her medical condition

“|Liberte” — Not in France: French Holocaust Skeptic Jailed for “Anti-Semitic” Comments

“|Liberte” — Not in France: French Holocaust Skeptic Jailed for “Anti-Semitic” Comments

January 19, 2019Realist Report10 comments

Alain Soral

Alain Soral

Alain Soral, a right-wing French political dissident, was recently sentenced to one year in jail for “insulting a judge” and making “anti-Semitic” comments on his own personal website, underscoring once again the threat the organized Jewish community and their lackeys pose to the traditional Western concepts of free speech and thought.

The Jewish Telegraph Agency reports:

French Holocaust Denier Jailed

A French court sentenced far-right Holocaust denier Alain Soral to one year in prison for insulting a judge and making anti-Semitic comments on Soral’s website.

On the site, which is called “Equality and Reconciliation,” Soral wrote that Jews “are manipulative, domineering and hateful,” the French news agency AFP reported from Thursday’s sentencing at the Correctional Tribunal of Bobigny just northeast of Paris.

Soral, 60, has been convicted multiple times of incitement to hatred due to his anti-Semitic comments over the years. His previous conviction was in December in a defamation case. The Paris Court of Appeal slapped him with a $4,500 fine for producing and selling on his website a poster targeting Jews.

“We will continue to prosecute Mr. Soral as long as he makes anti-Jewish remarks,” said attorney Ilana Soskin, representing the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism, which brought the latest complaint against Soral.

To be honest, I’m not too familiar with Soral or his views, largely because I do not speak or read French. I do know he is often associated with Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, an Afro-French “anti-Semitic” comedian and political dissident that has also been demonized and targeted by the organized Jewish community. I have written about the persecution of Dieudonné the past:

Once again we see the organized Jewish community demanding political correctness and obedient, slavish acceptance of their false, artificially manufactured version of WWII, as if the people of France are incapable of thinking for themselves.

This is typical Jewish behavior: the Jews are always behind tyrannical anti-free speech, anti-free thought measures. The Jews have managed to enact “Holocaust denial” and “anti-racism” (read: anti-White) laws in numerous European countries, literally criminalizing independent thought and political expression – particularly for White European peoples.

Whatever it is Soral recently wrote and said, it clearly has the organized Jewish community in France – and I’m sure around the world – typically howling and screeching for censorship, punishment, and revenge. How dare a Frenchman question the Jews and their anti-White, highly weaponized historical and contemporary narratives in 2019!

Tragically, we’ve seen one White dissident after another be targeted and persecuted by the Jews and their puppets for simply expressing their political and historical views. Soral is facing a jail sentence, similar to the heroic dissidents across the West that have been persecuted in recent years: Ursula Haverbeck, Monika and Alfred Schaefer, Alison Chabloz, Sylvia Stolz, and many, many others.

In the US, countless Alt Right activists and other pro-White figures have been tyrannically persecuted by local, state, and federal prosecutors simply for engaging in legitimate exercises of free speech. The oppressive legal actions taken against these and no doubt countless other pro-White, “anti-Semitic” dissidents are almost exclusively the result of Jewish ethnic organizing and lobbying effor

Masks on kindergarteners cause “more harm than good”: Ontario parents protest school board decision

Masks on kindergarteners cause “more harm than good”: Ontario parents protest school board decision

Would Jesus wear a mask?

Recently, parents and allies protested outside of Oakville (Ontario) Town Hall to stage their opposition to the Halton Catholic District School Board’s proposal push ahead with its mandatory face mask rule for all students (including junior kindergarten.)

When classes resumed earlier this month, the provincial government mandated that students in Grades 4 and up were required to wear non-medical masks; however, individual school boards, if they had the approval of the local public health authority, could extend the mandatory mask rule to cover other grades as well.

Some parents in the Halton Catholic District School Board wanted the board to simply comply with the provincial guidelines (Grades 4 and up.) They allege that the Halton Public Health Unit has merely acknowledged the request of the Halton Catholic District School Board, as opposed to approving the request.

Many parents are unhappy about the mandatory masking measure for all students.

Among their arguments:

  • Young people are by far the most resilient to the Wuhan virus. In Ontario, so far only one person under 20 has died (and that person had serious health complications) so why target this demographic as opposed to those who are most at risk (namely, the elderly residing at long-term care facilities?)
  • Some young people have their breathing compromised by wearing masks, thereby wearing masks actually do more harm than good
  • There is no hard scientific evidence indicating that wearing a non-medical mask makes anyone more resilient to the virus
  • If wearing a mask is a prudent idea, why have masks never been a requirement during flu season, given that influenza is extremely contagious and potentially deadly?

RESIST THE MEDICO-STALINIST TYRANNY — Fight the Fines VICTORY: Walter Matheson’s “Tim Horton’s” social distancing ticket DROPPED

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RESIST THE MEDICO-STALINIST TYRANNY — Fight the Fines VICTORY: Walter Matheson’s “Tim Horton’s” social distancing ticket DROPPED

Another Rebel News victory!  I’m happy to report that Walter Matheson, our tenth case, had his social distancing ticket dropped!  

You may remember Walter as the very nice, very ordinary New Brunswick man who was slapped with a social distancing ticket while eating a muffin and drinking a coffee in an empty Tim Horton’s parking lot, alone, inside his car, with the windows closed. This win would not have been possible without our faithful Rebel News supporters that donated to help Walter out with his case.  

Click here to watch my interview with Walter and hear a message from our civil liberties lawyer Sam Goldstein.  According to Walter, the prosecutor threw the ticket out because the address was filled out incorrectly, but we think it might have had something to do with all the attention we gave this case — we got nearly half a million views on Walter’s original video.

  But that’s the whole point. If we didn’t do our job and shine a light on what happened to Walter, he might have ended up having to pay that bogus ticket and the cop that gave it to him would have felt free to give out more. 

We want law enforcement and power-hungry bureaucrats to think twice when trying to bully people with social distancing fines and hopefully, come to their senses and stop enforcing these silly social distancing measures. 

To support our fight and help us cover some of our legal fees, please visit and donate today.

Yours truly,  Sheila Gunn Reid 

.S. Please visit to help more people like Walter Matheson stand up to power-hungry police who are using this pandemic as an excuse to bully people. While you’re there, please consider donating to help us fight social distancing tickets that many others have received during the Wuhan flu lockdowns. And if you know someone who has been fined and wants our help, send them our way, and if their case has merit, we’ll make sure to stand up for them too. Thank you.

Medico Stalinism in Australia State of Victoria: Victoria, Australia to jail “conspiracy theorists” Victorian Government Pushes New Bill to Detain ‘Conspiracy Theorists,’ Anti-Lockdown Protesters, and Families

Medico Stalinism in Australia State of Victoria Victoria, Australia to jail “conspiracy theorists” .

Victorian Government Pushes New Bill to Detain ‘Conspiracy Theorists,’ Anti-Lockdown Protesters, and Families

Staff Writer

By Staff WriterSeptember 16, 202029 Comments

The Victorian government will debate a new bill in the State Parliament this week which would hand authorities the power to forcibly detain “conspiracy theorists” and people suspected to likely spread coronavirus, such as anti-lockdown protesters and their close contacts.

If passed, the Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill will allow the state to detain anyone they suspect of being “high risk” or likely to negligently spread COVID-19, either if they have the virus or have been in contact with an infected person.

According to The Age, a state government spokesman said the rule could be applied to “conspiracy theorists who refuse to self-isolate or severely drug-affected or mentally impaired people who do not have the capacity to quarantine.” Advertisement

Those detained could then be placed in quarantine facilities, such as hotels, where they can be monitored by authorities.

On Sunday police fined 200 people and made 74 arrests during an anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne. Could this bill lead to the mass-forced quarantining of similar anti-lockdown protesters?

Will the legislation result in anti-lockdown protesters being deemed “high risk” of spreading the virus, resulting in the forced detainment and mandatory quarantining of their family members, work colleagues, and close friends?
