We Must Protest Always: A Zinger of a Letter on Vaccines

December 9, 2020

ATTN: Female employee at the City of Hamilton Municipal By-Law office who answered the phone at approx. 4:15 PM on November 6, 2020, Re: Covid-19 By-Law enforcement


The purpose of this letter is to address our phone conversation which took place on November 6, 2020. Regrettably, I failed to ask your name; so egregious was the dialogue received.

Unfortunately, yes it has taken me over a month to be able to address this matter; as I am very busy with working at 2 concurrent jobs + have had numerous other important responsibilities and deadlines to meet.

Specifically, my phone call to you at the aforementioned day and time is regarding my inquiry which was pertaining to my local gym imposing a draconian rule that ‘all people should be masked at all times inside our facility’, which is in direct contravention to the exemption stipulated within the City of Hamilton by-law: “A person who is actively engaged in an athletic or fitness activity” https://www.hamilton.ca/coronavirus/face-coverings-and-masks-by-law.

During our phone conversation, you flatly, rudely dismissed my concern: “Join another gym or jog around the block” was your ‘advice’, rather than addressing the harmful, unnecessary requirement being imposed upon members of this gym. You also dismissed the physical consequences mentioned to you as a direct result of my trying to adhere to the gym’s ‘fully masked at ALL times’ imposition. You did not care that the gym failed to consider warnings issued by the WHO with respect to the engagement of physical activity while masked; please refer to the enclosed information. (You can also freely access many other sources of similar health warnings).

Compared to Covid-19, members of that gym are far more likely to experience considerable damage to their health while being deprived of oxygen, repeatedly inhaling their own carbon dioxide, and the breath vapours + bacteria forming on their face covering during physical activity; especially during cardiovascular exercise. I felt unwell with a very hoarse throat, dizziness and lightheadedness for days after trying to adhere to the vicious, relentless demands of the gym’s staff that my mouth & nose be completely covered 100% of the time no matter what while working out at the facility on the evening of November 5, 2020. But evidently, someone’s (or perhaps just ‘my’) physical suffering is of no consequence to you.

You felt it appropriate to keep dismissing my legitimate concerns and the empirical references mentioned to you.

I then expressed concerns regarding the likelihood of upcoming mandatory vaccinations for Covid-19 (the recovery rate from Covid-10 is approx. 99.3%, so why would a vaccine even be necessary or moreover, mandatory?), and explained how vaccines have always caused me serious reactions from which I continue to suffer, and thus I am unable to receive any further vaccines of any kind, ever again…. because the next one would likely kill me.

Your response to this was… in a condescending, petulant, sarcastic tone of voice… “I like to obey the law. I alllllways OBEY the lawwww. What if there was a smallpox epidemic?

Would you still refuse to get a vaccine?”

So in essence, you implied that my being unable to receive vaccines ever again (without experiencing further damage & harm) is tantamount to committing an illegal or even criminal act.

The zero compassion, zero humanity, extremely Communist mentality you demonstrated is not only deeply shameful, but is also acutely terrifying.

As an FYI: The Pfizer Covid vaccine ingredients have been disclosed publicly as of today. They are posted on the Health Canada website. I have read about each of the ingredients. One is a polyvinyl acetal resin (normally used in the plastics industry), and is patented by MONSANTO… the GMO pesticide company. If that weren’t bad enough: One of the other ingredients is potassium chloride…. which is one of the active ingredients in LETHAL INJECTIONS to STOP THE HEART. No need to take ‘my’ word about this. Look it up.

Incidentally, my ex-husband was an MD. He turned against most mainstream medicine after learning first hand of the serious hazards from vaccines and many pharmaceutical drugs.

Furthermore, I can count myself among the segment of the population which is knowingly vaccine-damaged. Vaccines have always caused me a variety of serious reactions, and have easily reduced my natural lifespan by a few decades. It was only after my first year of regular, intense gym workouts and following a strict diet of low-carbohydrates + whole foods that my recovery from vaccine damage began. It has been improving ever since. (Unfortunately, my being overweight with disproportionate fat accumulations & very easy weight gain is still an ongoing yet unrelated problem to this particular matter).

You ended our phone conversation by accusing me of “making the discussion very bizarre”.

Whoever you are, you possess the compassion, insights, and logic of a glacier.

Hopefully the aforementioned + enclosed information ‘might’ supply you with what you may consider to be worthwhile food for thought.


R. Whyte.

Law-abiding, tax-paying, hard-working, born & raised Canadian citizen + resident of Hamilton, Ontario.

Scott Moe Must Go

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Scott Moe Must Go

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By Canadian Nationalist Party Post date

Scott Moe

We need a leader, not someone trying to limit Christmas gatherings.

People Of Saskatchewan,

Since Scott Moe declared a State Of Emergency in March of this year, we have been extremely patient (and perhaps naïve) with the provincial government’s handling of the so-called “COVID-19 pandemic”. Sentiments seem to have changed considerably following Moe’s re-election earlier this year as citizens are beginning to see that he is completely willing to restrict our freedom over a flu virus which has a survival rate of approximately 99%.

Scott Moe recently called out an anti-lockdown rally that was held in the provincial capital on Saturday, December 12th, for its alleged “racism”, even though the comment about Health Officer Saqib Shahab was about not being able to remember the names of foreigners. It is worth noting that whether or not someone is a foreign citizen (Shahab is obviously not), race does not necessarily factor – but Scott Moe will cry racism in order to avoid answering the calls of hundreds who attended, demanding the State Of Emergency be lifted. I myself attended and can say that the only thing more impressive than the turnout was the speakers themselves, who recognize that these measures are not truly in the interest of public health, but to bring forward, inch-by-inch, a world government surveillance state where your opinion is essentially meaningless and you are considered a tax-slave. If that’s the type of world you want to live in, then keep waiting for your next opportunity to vote because liberation simply isn’t on the ballot anymore.

We have watched a proposal for a 3-week lockdown in order to “flatten the curve” turn into a prolonged stretch lasting the entire year without a definite end in sight. Bill Gates, the Vaccine Predator, is saying this thing could last until 2022.

This government has went from imposing lockdown measures out of an “abundance of caution”, to fining people thousands of dollars for not wearing a mask at the local, public library. This is what oppression looks like. There is a coordinated media campaign to instill fear into the hearts of those who would think to stand up to these measures, yet fines mean nothing if they are constitutionally unenforceable in a court of law. We’ll take your unjustified, unconstitutional fines to court every single time – and we’ll tell the Judge what we think about them too.

Change starts here at home and when the business owners in this province (especially restaurant owners) want change bad enough, it will come. Let’s retake our province, then retake the entire federal constituency as well, and when we have accomplished that, maybe we’ll ask Denmark if they are willing to make a deal for Greenland (territorial jurisdiction is important to our success). In exchange, we’ll send them all the snakes who are currently in our mainstream media, spreading their deception by cherry-picking facts to fit their twisted narrative and hoping you’re too stupid to notice.

Let’s not buy into a narrative of fear over these holidays but recognize it for what it is: an important religious holiday for Catholics, a time to be with family, and an opportunity to express gratitude with what we have.

Snitches get the society they deserve …

In your service,

Travis Patron, Canadian Nationalist Party Leader

WOW! Wasn’t That A Rally! — Message from Kelowna END THE LOCKDOWN Mega Rally, Dave Lindsay

WOW! Wasn’t That A Rally! — Message from Kelowna END THE LOCKDOWN Mega Rally, Dave Lindsay

WOW – Wasn’t that a Rally!

With estimates of 1000-1200 people – we are finally getting the public (as opposed to MSM) attention we need.

Incredible thanks to all those volunteers who helped make this rally the success that it was.

As well as all those who sacrificed to come from out of town, and for all our local friends who also have done so much to get people out to

our rallies.  And thank you to our own wonderful Okanagan singer, Jacqui for her inspirational music to open up the rally.

We are happy that everything was a safe success.

The recent onslaught of anger and attack from the gov’t and MSM clearly shows that this is what it takes to get change made. More MEGA

Rallies in early new year are planned, until we win!

It appears that angry Premier Horgan is now upping the ante by making payments for fines due much sooner than normal.

Folks, we need to meet this challenge head on.

If you are charged or handed a ticket, you can plead not guilty or dispute the ticket.  We will keep everyone updated on this as we go along.

I will discuss this next week after any new orders are actually issued. Wording on these orders is so critical and is usually contrary in some

way to what MSM portrays it as.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and we most definitely need to continue our awesome rallies.

I will be discussing lots of important updates, media issues, and gov’t (Henry, Horgan) responses to our MEGA rally on Saturday!

In freedom


COVID Madness in Calgary — Moslem Mayor Imposes Another Year of Forced Masking & Increases Fines for Dissenters

COVID Madness in Calgary — Moslem Mayor Imposes Another Year of Forced Masking & Increases Fines for Dissenters

[If you thought the arrival of the COVID vaccines might mean an end to lockdowns and masks, you were deluded, mislead and wrong. Masks were never about protecting people. They are virtually useless. They were all about CONTROL and scaring or threatening people into conformity. Calgary’s is in for another year of forced masks and fierce fines for dissenters. Once the heart of the rugged Western individualist, poor old Calgary is now just another communist style Medico-Stalinist tyranny! The Mayor and six councillors who voted for repression MUST be defeated on principle in the next municipal election.]

Under the new bylaw, masks will be mandatory in most non-residential places until December 2021.

on December 14, 2020

ByWestern Standard

CALGARY: Mayor Naheed Nenshi led Calgary’s City Council in voting to extend the mandatory mask bylaw for a year and double fines for non-compliance.

Under the new bylaw, masks will be mandatory in most non-residential places until December 2021.

Fines were also doubled by the council, up to $100 for a first time offence, $200 for a second offence, and $300 for a third.

The council approved the new bylaw by a 9-3 vote, with conservative councillors Jeromy Farkas, Sean Chu, and Joe Magliocca opposed, and Nenshi and the remaining councillors present in favour.

The year-long extension and increase in fines comes on the heals of persistent ‘Freedom Marches’ on Saturdays in opposition to lockdowns and mask-mandates.

Nenshi strongly condemned the marches, but supported Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests during the summer.

Calgary’s move to extend the bylaw came after Alberta’s UCP government imposed a province-wide mandatory mask law and full lockdown that will last at least into the new year.

These measures are facing a constitutional challenge from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF).

The City of Edmonton extended its mandatory mask bylaw for an entire year in late November.


KELOWNA. December 12, 2020. “This is the biggest freedom rally the Okanagan has ever seen,” Dave Lindsay shouted as he greeted the over 2,000 people who had gathered here for the Mega END THE LOCKDOWN Rally at noon. They came from Lilooet and Kamloops, from Salmon Arm and the Lake Country, from Vernon and Armstrong, from Keremos, Penticton, Okanagan Falls and Oliver. One caravan even drove up from Vancouver. As the cavalcade from Salmon Arm and Vernon drove down the highway their honking horns and anti-Lockdown banners drew many thumbs up and supportive honks.
The rally opened with the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer. Singer and songwriter Jacqueline-Rose warmed up the crowd as latecomers continued to stream in.
Then, Dave Lindsay of Penticton, Chairman of C.L.E.A.R. (Common Law Education and Rights Initiative), who has organized the weekly Kelowna Rally since April had the crowd cheering with an attack on Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health: “Bonnie Henry is trying to steal Christmas from us. Have as many people in your house as you want to.” “And,” he added to laughter and more cheers, “Bonnie the commie will never get another Christmas present!”
Mr. Lindsay noted: “COVID has divided families and it’s divided mine.” He charged that the government’s position is a mass of lies and misinformation. “The PCR test they use ha 10 major flaws. It can have an up to 95% error rate. So, why are we using this test?The death rate in B.C. was going down before masks were made mandatory in indoor public spaces. Now, the death rate is going up!”
In a nurses’ case, several years ago, “Bonnie Henry gave testimony that masks  are not effective,” but now she’s imposing them on British Columbians. “Bonnie Henry, you’re not a hero,” Mr. Lindsay concluded and the crowd took up a chorus of “lock her up!”
Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, also spoke. He outlined the terrible damage done to his son by a vaccine and the years of suffering before the lad’s premature and untimely death.

Thanking the R.C.M.P. for helping the rally co-ordinate its march, Mr. Lindsay directed the crowd out from Stuart Park for a parade through the downtown part of Kelowna. Police blocked off one side of the road. The freedom fighters, including many couples with children and even some with babies in strollers stretched more than 10 city blocks. The joyous crowd, with not a mask in site, frequently broke into chants of “freedom” “no more lockdowns!” and, at several points, “Oh, Canada.” Many people along the route gave a thumbs up, many passing cars honked in approval. A few signalled disapproval, including one old lady, masked and alone in her car, who flashed the middle finger at the freedom parade.

After the parade many of the freedom fighters lined the sidewalk along Harvey Street where traffic inbound to Kelowna crosses over a bridge spanning  Lake Okanagan.
The afternoon, however, ended on a sour note when rally organizer Dave Lindsay was presented with a $2,500 fine by the R.C.M.P., a fine that the court-wise Mr. Lindsay intends to challenge vigorously.
Once again, CAFE, which has backed all END THE LOCKDOWN protests since they began in Vancouver in mid-March, attended with a number of supporters from up and down the Okanagan.

One Woman’s Passionate Plea to Premier Doug Ford: “No More Lockdowns!”

One Woman’s Passionate Plea to Premier Doug Ford: “No More Lockdowns!

Premier Ford, 

As you may be aware, Quebec Premier François Legault has decided to shut all non-essential businesses for two weeks, beginning Christmas Day, as a result of new COVID 19 infections in that province. Essential services such as grocery stores, supermarkets, drugstores, hardware stores and garages will not be affected by the measure, which will apply from December 25 to January 11.

Apparently, you have refused to rule out similar measures for Ontario – or at least in the GTA – which would appear to have the lion’s share of new COVID 19 cases. 

I am strongly opposed to this potential new lockdown in Ontario – as I believe that it will do very little to thwart the rising daily number of new COVID 19 cases. The current lockdown in the City of Toronto and Peel Region, which have been in place for a few weeks now, has completely failed to do much of anything,especially given the fact that those who most enthusiastically support these job destroying and small business ruining lockdowns – would appear to hypocritically have no problem with public schools and other facilities remaining open. I am guessing that the potential electoral backlash from those many parents who use public schools as a type of glorified baby sitting service – resonates much more with lawmakers than any business lobby ever could – hence the aforementioned glaring hypocrisy and contradiction? 

Never mind that public schools are far more likely to be vectors of COVID 19 transmission – than any restaurants offering indoor dining  – which are already operating at 75% or less capacity – and which have implemented expensive social distancing and contact tracing measures – along with regular decontamination protocols – all at great financial cost – ever could. Nevertheless, in my experience, very few, if any, elected public servants are prepared to deviate from the proverbial script – much less the iron yolk of mass conformity during these times. 

An eye on the next election cycle and one’s Sunshine List six figure salary as well as OMERS pension – would appear to bury any righteous objections – much less the use of critical thinking skills and deductive reasoning abilities in most of our public servants (surely an argument for strict term limits and recall mechanisms – to say nothing of ranked ballots – at all levels of government – if there ever was one) – when their primary focus at ALL levels of government should be individually advocating tirelessly with your government to find ways to mitigate and alleviate the restrictions on workers and business owners.Instead, many, not all, but many of your Liberal and NDP aligned opponents, both provincially and municipally, largely give your government a blank cheque, when it comes to these draconian lockdowns, and rather focus on demanding that your government run up even higher deficits to cover income supports for all of those dislocated by these unnecessary lockdowns.

Unfortunately, no real organized opposition or individual dissenting voices, with the notable exception of MPP Randy Hillier, currently exists at Queen’s Park, but I believe that that will soon change with the formal registration in the early new year of a new populist provincial political party, which will finally give a voice to the the tens of millions of Ontarians who have had their jobs and businesses taken away from them as a result of these repeated lockdowns. 

Being a skeptic or a critic during these Covid 19 times – is increasingly an audacious and revolutionary act. However, for a growing number of Ontarians like myself, fidelity to truth, facts, common sense, personal freedom, individual liberty, property rights and bodily autonomy are paramount. 

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that any new lockdown in Ontario – or enhanced lockdown – for those Ontario regions which have already been under this statism run amok for the past few weeks – will result in the cancellation of countless numbers of surgeries and diagnostic imaging in hospitals – as hospital CEOs are already asking their staff to “make room” for an anticipated wave of COVID 19 cases. I wonder how many Ontarians will now die as a result of cancelled surgeries and/or diagnostic testing? In the UK this year,over 2000 people have died from pancreatic or liver cancer alone – as a result of British hospitals cancelling surgeries, diagnostics and treatments.You are aware that cancer, HIV/AIDS, clogged arteries and sclerotic organs do not take a vacation just because COVID 19 gets disproportionate attention, right?

I also wonder how many idiots with a mild cough or sniffle will now flood ERs all across Ontario as a result of your government’s extreme and disproportionate overreaction to these rising – but primarily asymptomatic cases – where there is a very low hospitalization rate and an extremely low mortality rate? The vast majority of COVID 19 deaths are the result of comorbidity – with those of very advanced age and immunodeficiency being the primary victims. 

Of course, the sensationalizing media will no doubt fan the flames of public hysteria over any new or enhanced lockdown. 

If you are so concerned that Ontario’s hospitals will be overrun with new COVID 19 cases – which is apparently your justification for – what in my opinion – are these illegal and unconstitutional lockdowns – which trample all over my fundamental rights and freedoms – then why have you not over the course of this calendar year – since the very beginning of the pandemic – established a parallel healthcare system – perhaps operated by the medical corps of the Canadian military – which could erect vast tent cities on the outskirts of any and all sizeable Ontario population centres – for the sole purpose of diagnosing and treating those with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID 19. A toll free number could be established and an over the phone assessment would determine if a person has or likely has COVID 19. This would immediately remove the threat to civilian hospitals of being overrun – and separate medical transportation to such COVID 19 centres could transport those who have or think they may have COVID 19. I am thinking a hermetically sealed special ambulance – equipped with oxygen tanks.Of course, it would have to be strictly voluntary for anyone to go to these COVID 19 treatment/recovery sites – but it would result in not requiring these economically destructive lockdowns. Such facilities would be open and transparent – with full access for visitors and the media. Why are you and the other Premiers not already discussing this option or at least something along these lines with the Prime Minister? Surely, anything to avoid a lockdown and paralysis of the economy should be your very top priority? 

You also could create a separate provincial medical corp made up of recalled recently retired physicians, nurses, etc. to exclusively diagnose and treat COVID 19 patients inside of a plethora of provincial government owned buildings – both those in use and those which have been decommissioned. There are also countless municipal government buildings, schools, community centres, military bases,airport hangers, etc. There is no valid reason why civilian hospitals need to be overrun and ICU and ER beds taken by severely ill COVID 19 patients – assuming there are truly going to be that many of them – I have my doubts – and this can all be accomplished in my opinion – without the need for any current or existing lockdowns. You simply are not thinking outside of the proverbial box here. 
I am quite certain that your well paid team of literally thousands of physicians, public health officials, policy wonks and other assorted bureaucrats could conceive of many different ways to deal with this supposed “imminent tidal wave of Covid 19 cases” which are both creative and anything but the status quo. The fact that you or no other national or sub national elected leader has bothered to think outside of the proverbial box and devise creative solutions to this issue – makes me and a growing number of people highly suspicious as to what is really behind all of this madness. 

I believe that the COVID 19 pandemic is very real – but I question the degree to which it is truly a danger to those who are not already of an advanced age and/or who have serious immunodeficiency. I also believe that many state (governments) and non-state actors (big businesses, banks and pharmaceutical corporations) all over the world – are exploiting this tragedy to advance their own self serving agendas. Not all of them, but many of them.Too many things do not make sense -nor do they add up – as it were. 
I am also very disheartened to see you and many other public servants ,state, “I will listen to the advice of the medical experts” as the standard scripted generic reply to any inquiries such as mine. The medical officers of health are NOT all seeing and all knowing. They DO NOT possess a monopoly on solutions. In fact, some of them even publicly disagree and contradict each other concerning which measures to take and when to take them. The recent disagreement on whether or not to put York Region into lockdown between Dr Kurji and Dr Williams comes to mind. Yet, so many of our elected officials meekly abdicate all decision making to these unelected “experts”. It is truly shameful to say the least. What ever happened to shopping around for the proverbial second opinion? Why do you and most of your public sector ilk always side with the very worst case scenario where COVID 19 is concerned? You seem to automatically assume that whichever “medical expert” paints the most dire and bleak scenario – is the correct one by default – yet this comes at the expense of my livelihood, dignity,freedom and liberty. 

While I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this email will fall on deaf ears – where appealing to you to publicly oppose a lockdown is concerned – I would like to take this opportunity to at least ask you not to begin any new or enhanced lockdown until Christmas Day – as per Quebec’s example? Individuals and businesses both need as well as richly deserve sufficient time to prepare for it. Furthermore, the days leading up to Christmas Day are the most important all year for the vast majority of businesses. This time of the year is truly the economic lifeblood for most businesses and their employees – especially retailers. 

May your critical thinking skills, deductive reasoning abilities and healthy skepticism wisely guide all of your future public policy decisions. 
Be bold, be strong, be courageous and work smarter – not harder. 


,Sara Makhlouf