The Mask Tyranny & Out-of-Control Cops: RCMP won’t leave mask-exempt B.C. hair stylist alone

RCMP won’t leave mask-exempt B.C. hair stylist alone

A woman, mother and small business owner, who happens to be exempt from wearing a mask, seems to have become worthy of a significant proportion of the RCMP’s time and resources in the small B.C. town of 100 Mile House.

Nicole Weir, 100 Mile House resident and owner of the Village Hair Studio, is one of our newest Fight the Fines cases. She can’t seem to shake RCMP officers, who refuse to accept her repeated statements of being exempt from mask wearing.

Weir has been served with a notice to appear in court, fined hundreds of dollars, and alleges that she has been threatened by the RCMP to have the business she’s worked hard nurturing for 15 years potentially be taken away from her. All because she is one of the groups of people who qualify as being exempt from wearing a mask, according to section 4 in BC’s USE OF FACE COVERINGS IN INDOOR PUBLIC SPACES (COVID-19) ORDER .

Watch the full report to learn about how 100 Mile House RCMP officers seem to be following Weir a bit too close for comfort, causing her to start fearing the RCMP — something she never thought she would ever feel before.

Weir is just one of hundreds of Canadians that we at Rebel News are providing with free legal counsel to help fight outrageous fines issued in the name of COVID-19 restrictions.

To help us continue to help people like Weir, and like Valerie Ann Foley, the mom who was aggressively arrested and charged after trying to take B.C. TransLink home while exempt from wearing a mask, please donate at

UPDATE (January 8, 5am ET): Statement received on behalf of 100 Mile House RCMP:

Ms. Humphrey,
I appreciate you have many questions however we must respect that this matter is now before the court and as such reserve our comments accordingly.

The business owner has been compelled to court through an Offence Act Appearance Notice not as result of the non-compliance of the mandatory mask order but rather as a result of other numerous complaints of non-compliance of business owners under the COVID Related Measures Act. Specifically failing to comply with patron requirements.

Since December 8, 2020 RCMP has been working with our partners at Work Safe BC, and Interior Health to provide education and information in an effort to bring the business into compliance. Despite being warned of possible enforcement, the business owner allegedly failed to put into the place the protocols required for small business owners.

Following numerous complaints and violations observed at an in person inspection conducted by the representatives from Interior Health Environmental Health Office, the business owner was served with the Appearance Notice in middle of December 2020.

We all have a role to play in this pandemic and business owners are held to a higher standard. Standards intended not only to protect themselves, but every person who walks through the business doors seeking service.


Silicon Valley Twitter Censors Shut Down President Trump’s Account: So Arrogant They Seek to Silence Even the President of the United States

Silicon Valley Twitter Censors Shut Down President Trump’s Account: So Arrogant They Seek to Silence Even the President of the United States

OAKLAND, Calif. — Twitter said on Friday that it had permanently suspended President Trump from its service “due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” effectively cutting him off from his favorite megaphone for reaching his supporters.

“We have determined that these tweets are in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy and the user @realDonaldTrump should be immediately permanently suspended from the service,” Twitter said in a blog post.

The suspension comes a day after Mr. Trump was barred from using Facebook for the remainder of his term, and after a number of other digital platforms limited Mr. Trump from their services.

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The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.Trump and Social MediaThe President Is Losing His PlatformsJan. 7, 2021Facebook Bars Trump Through End of His TermJan. 7, 2021Twitter and Facebook Lock Trump’s Accounts After Violence on Capitol HillJan. 6, 2021

Kate Conger is a technology reporter in San Francisco, covering privacy, policy and labor. Previously, she wrote about cybersecurity for Gizmodo and TechCrunch. @kateconger

Austrian Court Overturns Mask Mandate in Schools

Austrian Court Overturns Mask Mandate in Schools

January 8, 2021 MedicalXpress 0



Austria’s Constitutional Court ruled in December that two government edicts related to coronavirus in schools – compulsory mask-wearing and splitting classes into two halves to be taught in alternate shifts – are illegal. Two children and their parents initiated the suite, saying the measures violated the principles of equality before the law, the right to privacy, and the right to education. -GEG

Austria’s Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that two government measures to fight the spread of coronavirus in schools, compulsory mask-wearing and splitting classes into two halves to be taught in alternate shifts, were illegal.

The split classes system meant that some pupils had lessons on Mondays and Tuesdays and others on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

At all other times they were to stay at home.

“In addition, it was decided that all persons present in school buildings, apart from during teaching time, had to wear a mask over their mouth and nose,” a statement from the court said.

“In it’s decision published today, the Constitutional Court ruled that the measures in question were illegal,” the statement went on.

It explained its decision by saying that the “ministry has not made clear why it considered these measures necessary”.

SNOW FUN ALLOWED: Toronto sends police to shut down toboggan hill at Earl Bales Park

SNOW FUN ALLOWED: Toronto sends police to shut down toboggan hill at Earl Bales Park

[A joyless, Puritanical regime has clamped its Medico-Stalinist grip on te Province of Ontario. The latest targets of this insane tyranny are kids on toboggans! — Paul Fromm]

With great powder comes great responsibility — Toronto police shut down toboggan hill×188&!1&fsb=1&xpc=XYlIukrXLz&p=https%3A//

“STOP! In the name of the… Toronto toboggan police!”

Damn that Wuhan virus! Apparently, it despises those going downhill on sleds, saucers and good ol’ toboggans — but jamming into a big box store is okay, of course.

And because John Tory is mayor, the city is now dispatching the Toronto Police Service to stakeout… snowy hills?

Oh, it’s true!

That was the scene the other day at Earl Bales Park. We happened upon a police cruiser with two constables keenly observing any ne’er-do-well who might want to sled down the hill. It’s for our safety, you understand. After all, everyone knows that whipping down a deserted snow-covered hill at 30 km/h is the ideal place to get infected by the coronavirus, don’t ya know? It’s science.

Alas, confusion reigns. According to a Toronto Sun story, tobogganists at Earl Bales Park last weekend were told by city workers and bylaw enforcement officers that sledding was permitted — on the bottom third of the hill. Apparently going down the hill from the top would be… too much fun?

But police later showed up and started barking at attendees not to cross some imaginary line — or else!

Well, apparently the confusion is all cleared up now. There is yellow police caution tape at the top of the hill and a new sign warns people that tobogganing is strictly verboten.

And if you ignore the signs, you certainly better not ignore the constables in the police cruiser. And so it is that as we begin the new year, the Toronto toboggan police can be found patrolling Hogtown’s sloping real estate… to serve and protect… whether you want them to or not!


WATCH: Trudeau Says “Not Following The Rules” Could Mean “Prison Time”

WATCH: Trudeau Says “Not Following The Rules” Could Mean “Prison Time”

NewsSpencerFernandoJanuary 5, 20210

Rather than end the authoritarian, anti-democratic lockdowns, Trudeau and the corrupt political class continue to double-down on ruthless government power.

Justin Trudeau is escalating the authoritarian language surrounding the endless lockdowns being imposed on Canadians.

In the video below, Trudeau says “not following the rules” could mean “prison time.”

As I pointed out on Twitter, Trudeau only makes this threat after politicians are returning home, and are thus protected from it being imposed on them:

“Now that all the politicians are coming back from their vacations, Trudeau threatens prison time for those who break the rules. Of course, that threat only comes after politicians are safely protected from it.”

Now, the answer to hypocritical politicians travelling isn’t to place more restrictions on Canadians.

The answer is to end the lockdowns, end the restrictions on Canadians, make all of these recommendations voluntary.

Consider that the politicians are still claiming that the Charter protects the right to travel, which is correct.

However, if we have the right to travel outside the country and come back, then we must also have the right to travel freely within the country.

And that means we have the right to keep our businesses open, visit our families, and gather with whomever we want.

It is impossible to justify restrictions within our country while keeping the borders and airports open.

To end this hypocrisy, we must end the restrictions, and respect the freedom of Canadians to make our own individual choices.

Spencer Fernando

Spirited Argument by Defence Lawyer Ian McCuaig Gets Crown to Drop “Outrageous” Requirement of a COVID-test to Obtain Bail

Crown drops bail condition that forced man arrested at Toronto BBQ protest to submit COVID-19 test

[In political cases, the Crown often seeks to impose restrictions or conditions that have nothing to do with ensuring that the accused will show up for trial. This case is one small victory in the war against political persecution. Paul Fromm]

Betsy Powell January 04, 2021

A Markham man who planned to argue in court Tuesday that he was unlawfully ordered to take a COVID-19 test and turn the results over to police has abandoned that fight after the Crown dropped the condition of his release on bail, his lawyer said Monday.

However, the issue of whether that “outrageous” bail condition was constitutional remains unresolved and still needs to be argued in Ontario Superior Court, says defence lawyer Ian McCuaig.

Michael Arana, 27, was arrested during a boisterous, high-profile pandemic lockdown protest outside Adamson Barbeque on Nov. 26 and charged with six counts of assaulting a peace officer, two counts of uttering threats and one count of obstructing a peace officer. It’s alleged he spit at officers.

“For Mr. Arana, we won, but there’s a bigger issue here… the issue becomes whether this an appropriate bail condition at all,” McCuaig said Monday.

Arana represented himself at a bail hearing where the justice of the peace, at the request of the Crown, agreed to release him from custody if he immediately scheduled a COVID-19 test and promised to provide police with the test results.

When he learned what happened, McCuaig stepped in to launch a legal challenge to the “invasive medical testing” and requirement to report “potentially personal health information to the police as a condition of his bail,” which violates his charter rights, reads the bail review application record filed in court on Arana’s behalf.

“The Crown’s decision to require the unrepresented Applicant (who has a known history of mental illness) to either accept this unlawful condition or spend the weekend in COVID-19 isolation in jail awaiting a contested hearing is oppressive, remarkable, and reprehensible. It is a marked and unacceptable departure for the reas

Trudeau Says “Not Following The Rules” Could Mean “Prison Time”

News Spencer FernandoJanuary 5, 20210

Rather than end the authoritarian, anti-democratic lockdowns, Trudeau and the corrupt political class continue to double-down on ruthless government power.

Justin Trudeau is escalating the authoritarian language surrounding the endless lockdowns being imposed on Canadians.

In the video below, Trudeau says “not following the rules” could mean “prison time.”

As I pointed out on Twitter, Trudeau only makes this threat after politicians are returning home, and are thus protected from it being imposed on them:

“Now that all the politicians are coming back from their vacations, Trudeau threatens prison time for those who break the rules. Of course, that threat only comes after politicians are safely protected from it.”

Now, the answer to hypocritical politicians travelling isn’t to place more restrictions on Canadians.

The answer is to end the lockdowns, end the restrictions on Canadians, make all of these recommendations voluntary.

Consider that the politicians are still claiming that the Charter protects the right to travel, which is correct.

However, if we have the right to travel outside the country and come back, then we must also have the right to travel freely within the country.

And that means we have the right to keep our businesses open, visit our families, and gather with whomever we want.

It is impossible to justify restrictions within our country while keeping the borders and airports open.

To end this hypocrisy, we must end the restrictions, and respect the freedom of Canadians to make our own individual choices.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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Spencer Fernando is writing a weekly column as a Campaign Fellow for the National Citizens Coalition. Visit their website at the link below:

National Citizens Coalition ***TRENDING***

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Spencer Fernando

News & Commentary

Rather than end the authoritarian, anti-democratic lockdowns, Trudeau and the corrupt political class continue to double-down on ruthless government power.

Justin Trudeau is escalating the authoritarian language surrounding the endless lockdowns being imposed on Canadians.

In the video below, Trudeau says “not following the rules” could mean “prison time.”

As I pointed out on Twitter, Trudeau only makes this threat after politicians are returning home, and are thus protected from it being imposed on them:

“Now that all the politicians are coming back from their vacations, Trudeau threatens prison time for those who break the rules. Of course, that threat only comes after politicians are safely protected from it.”

Now, the answer to hypocritical politicians travelling isn’t to place more restrictions on Canadians.

The answer is to end the lockdowns, end the restrictions on Canadians, make all of these recommendations voluntary.

Consider that the politicians are still claiming that the Charter protects the right to travel, which is correct.

However, if we have the right to travel outside the country and come back, then we must also have the right to travel freely within the country.

And that means we have the right to keep our businesses open, visit our families, and gather with whomever we want.

It is impossible to justify restrictions within our country while keeping the borders and airports open.

To end this hypocrisy, we must end the restrictions, and respect the freedom of Canadians to make our own individual choices.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


Anti-Free Speech Campaigner Richard Warman Has A Meltdown Because Law Society Won’t Punish Lawyer Who Advertized in YOUR WARD NEWS


Lawyer who advertised in pro-Nazi newsletter ‘Your Ward News’ cleared by Law Society

Lawyer who lodged complaint in 2016 says result ‘ludicrous both in terms of the delay and outcome’

Lawyer who advertised in pro-Nazi newsletter 'Your Ward News' cleared by Law Society
Richard Warman, human rights lawyer

BY Aidan Macnab 05 Jan 2021

The Law Society of Ontario will take no further action against a lawyer who advertised in the pro-Nazi, Holocaust-denying and misogynist tabloid Your Ward News.

The lawyer, David Faed, participated in a Regulatory Meeting with the Law Society’s Proceedings Authorization Committee in November. The committee announced in December that while placement of the ad was not in the public interest and inconsistent with the professionalism standards under the Rules of Professional Conduct, the regulatory issue had been addressed and no further action would be taken.

In 2019, the editor and publisher of Your Ward News were convicted of wilful promotion of hatred against Jews and Women, contrary to s. 319(2) of the Criminal Code.

Back in 2016, Ottawa-based human rights lawyer Richard Warman brought the complaint against Faed. Warman argued his association with the publication violated a number of sections of the Rules of Professional Conduct, including s. 6.3.1-1: that lawyers have a “special responsibility to respect the requirements of human rights laws” and “honour the obligation not to discriminate.” 

Warman says Faed’s matter should not have taken so long to conclude and that the misconduct was “self-evident.”

“This is ludicrous both in terms of the delay and outcome,” he says. “… Whether a lawyer should advertise in a neo-Nazi tabloid that openly promotes hatred of women and Jews should not have been a difficult question.”

“This investigation by the Law Society of Ontario has been a failure from start to finish… There is no way under the sun, that an investigation of that nature should take four and a half years.” 

Law Times contacted Faed, but he declined to comment for this article.

Your Ward News was operated by editor James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine, who were found guilty of wilful promotion of hatred by Justice Richard Blouin of the Ontario Court of Justice. The publication was found to have contained the glorification of Nazism and Adolph Hitler, Holocaust denial, the demonization of Jewish people and of women and the celebration and promotion of rape. In 2016 Canada Post stopped distributing Your Ward News after Warman filed a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

At the Regulatory Meeting, Faed told the Law Society he had not read Your Ward News, was unaware of the nature of its content and that he does not share “any hateful views that may have been espoused by the publisher or editor.” The Law Society added that Faed had withdrawn the ad three years ago and was “unlikely to conduct himself similarly in the future.”

But despite Faed’s explanation to the Law Society, Warman says Faed continued advertising into 2017, after Warman had contacted him and explained his concerns with the publication’s content. He adds that Sears and St. Germaine were required under their release conditions to stop publishing – they were arrested in 2017 – so Faed cannot be credited for no longer advertising with them.  

“This idea that somehow of his own good graces, Mr. Faed stopped the advertising in Your Ward News is simply – I don’t believe that’s a credible explanation,” says Warman.

Faed’s ads also included a disclaimer stating: “Independent. I am not involved with the New Constitution Party of Canada,” which Faed believed would “distance himself” from the contents of the publication, said the Law Society.

According to its website, the New Constitution Party of Canada is “an all-inclusive federal party based on Libertarian doctrine, Christian values, and National Socialist ideology.” The party, which is led by Sears, “incorporates the intellect of Dr. Ron Paul, the heart of Chancellor Adolf Hitler, and the soul of Jesus Christ, into one powerful political Chimera that will crush the Marxist beast.”

Sears is representing himself on appeal. He seeks to have his conviction overturned on the basis his former lawyer was incompetent, partly for refusing to call a witness who would have testified that gas chambers were not used against Jews in the Holocaust.

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04 Jan 2021