Federal government faces imminent lawsuit over unlawful confinement of returning Canadian travelers

Federal government faces imminent lawsuit over unlawful confinement of returning Canadian travelers

Jan 29th, 2021

OTTAWA: The Justice Centre today announced that immediate legal action is being prepared against the Trudeau government over the declaration that Canadian residents will be subjected to mandatory quarantine, at their own expense, after returning from international travel, regardless of their negative COVID status. These measures are a blatant violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, including the right to enter and leave Canada, the right to liberty and security of the person, the right to not be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned, the right to retain legal counsel, and the right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

In a letter sent today to the Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport, the Justice Centre condemns the Trudeau government for its disturbing and aggressive opposition to the constitutional rights and freedoms of Canadians.

Furthermore, it has come to the attention of the Justice Centre that the federal government is already arresting Canadians arriving in the country by air and transporting them to a secret location, even though they possess a negative PCR test. These citizens are being held unlawfully despite not having been convicted of any offence, not having had access to a lawyer, and not having appeared before a judge. Law enforcement officers are apparently refusing to inform family members of where their loved ones are being held. The letter notes that this policy aligns with the world’s most repressive and undemocratic regimes and is totally unacceptable.

The letter states the government’s arrest and detention of Canadians in this fashion is unlawful and unconstitutional, and demands the immediate release of any Canadian currently being so detained, permitting them to continue any necessary isolation protocols in their personal residences.

The legal warning letter notes, “This is not China or Cuba, , or theocratic Iran. We are not prepared to permit you and your government to turn Canada into a repressive replica of countries that have no respect for human rights and civil liberties.”  The Charter enshrines the protection and guarantee of individual rights and freedoms, such as the rights to liberty, mobility, and privacy, into our Constitution.  All government orders, including emergency orders, must comply with the Charter by not infringing any of the rights protected thereunder, unless doing so can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society according to law.

Government Orders mandate that, regardless of a negative COVID test result, any person entering Canada must quarantine for 14 days on arrival. In fact, they must submit a 14-day quarantine plan to a government official, which is subject to the discretion of the said official. This discretion is subjective and without parameters. The letter puts Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government on notice that quarantine, particularly of healthy or asymptomatic individuals, is the functional equivalent of house arrest and will not be allowed to go unchallenged.

“We are deeply concerned with the federal government’s increasing disregard of the constitutional rights of Canadians”, stated Jay Cameron, Litigation Director for the Justice Centre.  “Citizens are being arrested at the airport and transported to federal isolation sites without recourse to a lawyer or the review of the courts even though these travelers are in possession of a negative PCR test. Families are telling us that their loved ones are being held at these sites and that government agents are refusing to say where those sites are. These travelers are perfectly capable of isolating at home instead of being imprisoned by the federal government.”

“There is no rational reason to incarcerate Canadians simply because they exercised their constitutional right to leave the country as protected by section 6 of the Charter,” stated Justice Centre President John Carpay. “It is not rational to impose a 14-day quarantine upon asymptomatic individuals who are able to provide negative test results confirming their lack of infection. Moreover, the federal government has admitted it is well-aware that international air travel results in a negligible number of active cases.”

“The federal government is on notice that if it does not immediately rescind these measures, and release the Canadians being held under illegal arrest in federal facilities, we will imminently commence legal proceedings,” concludes Mr. Carpay.

END THE LOCKDOWN Leader Chris Sky Banned from Toronto Where He Works: Toronto’s Medico-Stalinist Police State at Work

END THE LOCKDOWN Leader Chris Sky Banned from Toronto Where He Works: Toronto’s Medico-Stalinist Police State at Work Banned from Toronto | Chris Sky speaks out after protest arrest


There was a somewhat unpleasant epilogue to the Yahoo Nation anti-lockdown protest in Toronto last Saturday. While it initially seemed as though freedom fighter Chris Sky would avoid any charges, this was not the case after all.

Indeed, as most of the demonstrators began to disperse in the late afternoon, Sky discovered that the police weren’t going to let him off the hook this time around — perhaps because earlier, Sky had led dozens of unmasked protesters into such stores as Shoppers Drug Mart, Longo’s, and Whole Foods, causing much grief for managers and security personnel.

And so it was that when Sky reached his SUV, there were some police officers waiting for him. He was promptly tossed into a paddy wagon for a few hours, and eventually charged with one count of common nuisance and four counts of public mischief. And in the department of insult to injury, Sky also received a parking ticket — now that’s harsh!

To some, Chris Sky is a hero taking a brave stance against draconian economic lockdowns that are taking such a huge toll on so many people. To others, Sky is a so-called “Covidiot” who is being increasingly reckless with his protesting ways.

In any event, we caught up with Sky in Vaughan, Ont., just a few days after Saturday’s shenanigans in downtown Toronto. And one thing is for sure: whether you love him or loathe him — and despite receiving enough tickets to wallpaper his living room — Chris Sky vows he’s not going away anytime soon. All of which begs the question: what will he do for an encore?

Freedom? Many Canadians Driven Mad by Gov’t & Media Propaganda Just Don’t Get It

Freedom? Many Canadians Driven Mad by Gov’t & Media Propaganda Just Don’t Get

FUREY: Pandemic civil liberties abuses most popular among Liberal voters, poll shows

Author of the article:Anthony FureyPublishing date:Feb 01, 2021  •  13 hours ago  •  2 minute read

Enforcing COVID-19 rules. Getty Images



Article contentA disturbing new national poll shows just how many civil liberties abuses Canadians — especially Liberal voters — are willing to inflict on their neighbours in the name of battling COVID-19.


When it comes to jailing or fining people for “spreading disinformation” about the virus, almost three quarters (71%) of Liberal voters support the law clamping down on those who are “questioning the existence or seriousness of COVID” by making claims such as “it’s just the flu.” Although on a national level, 59% of Canadians still support such measures.

Liberal voters are also most likely to support the police breaking up families in the name of public health, with 36% giving family separation the thumbs up. Support is not minuscule among other voter intentions, though, with 25% of Conservatives and 21% of NDPers OK with it.

The online survey of 2,413 Canadians was conducted by Campaign Research / Maru & Blue from Jan. 28 to 30.

One of the few measures that is opposed across the board is the government compelling cellphone companies to provide individual location data to facilitate the enforcement of pandemic rules. “Surprisingly, 37% of Canadian voters support such actions by the government,” the poll release reads.

While the poll shows the greatest support for civil liberties abuses by Liberal supporters, the total numbers reveal that Canadians in general are fairly split on the need for greater authoritarian measures.

For example, 51% of respondents across the country oppose pedestrian checkpoints in their streets, with 46% in support. Likewise, 52% of Canadians support establishing police vehicle checkpoints while 45% of them oppose it.https://www.youtube.com/embed/61MLRx1Ryxs?embed_config={%27relatedChannels%27:%20[],%27autonav%27:true}&autoplay=0&playsinline=1&enablejsapi=1

Perspectives differ by province, though. The numbers show support for these measures is highest in Quebec and the Atlantic provinces and opposition increases in Ontario and further west.

When respondents are asked directly whether or not they support suspending civil liberties and rights, 52% of Canadians say no, with only 38% supporting it.

It’s an interesting exercise in cognitive dissonance to see that while only about a third of Canadians answer yes to a theoretical question about suspending civil liberties, when they are presented with actual scenarios — separating families, entering private residences without warrants, and jailing people for having unorthodox views on COVID-19 — they are far more likely to offer support.

Petition to Stop Silicon Valley’s Censorship of Christian Voices

Petition to Stop Silicon Valley’s Censorship of Christian Voices

Big Tech’s brutal assault on free speech is appalling, and it is directed at you, me and anyone who stands for life, family, freedom or any moral value!

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Apple, Amazon, Pinterest, and other Big Tech companies have launched a worldwide crusade to censor voices like ours.

They showed the world just how far they are willing to go after they banned former U.S. President Donald Trump from all of their platforms.

And if they can censor elected leaders like Trump, they can do it to anyone…

…including YOU and CitizenGO!

What few people realize is, Big Tech’s banning of “unapproved” speech started long before Trump was banned.

That’s why I am asking you to sign this petition and help us pressure these Big Tech CEOs to stop censoring free speech.

Amazon, Google, and Apple conspire to bring down the conservative-leaning social media app Parler.

The US pro-family National Organization for Marriage was stripped of its online fundraising portal.

The rising pro-life conservative party in Spain, VOX, was banned from Twitter.

I could go on and on.

It’s clear that those in power at these Big Tech conglomerates seem to think they can use their oligarch control of online interactions to do as they please.

And with the growing effectiveness of CitizenGO in exposing the culture of death, transgender madness, and indoctrination of children in gender ideology, they will attack CitizenGO at any time.

But unlike others, I will not quietly cower and hope to be allowed to speak.

That’s because I know these tech giants are not as invincible as they’d like us to believe.

If you and I stand up to the Big Tech bullies, we can show them they will lose popular support, AND they will also lose billions of dollars in profits and suffer legal penalties.

This is something no CEO likes to tell their stockholders.

Right now, these social media platforms are some of CitizenGO’s most valuable advocacy tools, with our followers sharing our campaigns daily.

Our allies and CitizenGO have leveraged our over 15 million supporters to launch impactful campaigns, including:

  • Defending our own U.K. campaigner, Caroline Farrow, from malicious, unfounded lawsuits that sought to jail her for standing up for traditional family values;
  • Freeing Asia Bibi from anti-Christian persecution in Pakistan;
  • Standing up to corporate behemoths like Disney and Netflix who insist on promoting anti-Christian and LGBTQ ideology, even to very young children;
  • Exposing UN lobbyists who tried to force pro-life governments in Africa to support abortion or lose critical aid; and
  • Saving baby Tafida from heartless bureaucrats who sought to deny her life-saving medical care.

And these campaigns are only a small part of what our online presence has helped us accomplish.

But if radical Leftists like George Soros and some of the leaders of the Big Tech get their way, any group — even private citizens — could be banned from promoting our values.

Will you sign your petition to the Big Tech CEOs today, insisting they stop free speech censorship?

Big Tech claims their main goal is to fight hate and false facts.

But you and I know what the real goals of their leaders more often than not are: to weaken our defense of the unborn, free speech, the natural family, freedom of Religion and Christian values.

If CitizenGO members like you stand idly by, these tech giants could get away with one of the most significant assaults on free speech since the rise of the Nazis and Communists.

That’s why our petition to these Big Tech CEOs insists they uphold the ideals of a free and open public square which allows space for discussion and opposing ideas.

You and I must stand together to show them they will pay a heavy price in loss of popular support, lost revenue and legal penalties.

Tell them to stop the censorship of pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty speech and activism on their platforms.

Please click here to sign your petition to the Big Tech CEOs demanding to stop this assault on our voice.


Ignacio Arsuaga

Heather Mallick — Cheerleader for the Medico-Stalinist Tyranny:Anti-maskers think the rules aren’t for them. Time to send a few to jail

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the U.S., sets a fine example by wearing an N95 mask with a cloth mask overtop, Heather Mallick writes.


Anti-maskers think the rules aren’t for them. Time to send a few to jail

Heather Mallick

By Heather MallickStar ColumnistSat., Jan. 30, 2021timer4 min. readupdateArticle was updated 2 days agoJOIN THE CONVERSATION

If Canadians will not be vaccinated until fall — some say it may be even later — we will have to live in a different way. Life is large. It means economic life, social life, personal life, coffee shop life, outdoor life, a quiet life, a public life.

Stores cannot possibly remain closed until fall. People cannot be told to live a half-life until then. If this happens, something or someone will snap in ways we can’t anticipate. Canadians need different rules, and energetic police enforcement.

Pandemics are new to us a century after the last one and we don’t know how bad it will be when people riot, go bankrupt, lose homes, and lose hope. Once people sneak ahead in line for their vaccination — it is human nature to test opportunity — other people will find their own way of raging.

Look at the latest American mess. Look at Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who says the California wildfires were caused by a secret Jewish space laser and that Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi should be executed. She was just promoted.

I don’t know if that kind of madness will pop up in Canada, but we have to keep a lid on things.

That means enforcing compulsory face-masking and in a very public way. It might mean actually applying the laws that make it a criminal offence to go without a mask outside your own home. Punishment might be heavy fines, post-pandemic community service, or even jail, but it should be carried out rather than threatened.

But I don’t see police on Toronto’s streets and I don’t see constables on the TTC, never have.

In England people can be fined $350 for not masking in public. Repeat offenders face even bigger fines. In Manchester recently, a woman who had been warned not to hold a party after her brother-in-law’s funeral did so anyway. She invited 35 people and was shocked to be fined $17,560.

“We had been at the graveyard and we were frozen,” she complained. “And we just wanted to bring my mum and sister back and give them a bit of food. It wasn’t a party, it wasn’t a wake.”

In Saskatchewan, the owner of a Regina bar, Mr. D’s Stats Cocktails and Dreams, fined $14,000 for not distancing patrons at a cage-fighting event (presumably virtual), complained she was “targeted” by police. Yes, she was.

These two speak for fools planetwide. Anti-maskers, whether they call themselves that or not, are all saying the same thing. The rules shouldn’t apply to them.

Life cannot restart as long as the anti-maskers keep popping up, and not just in their mini-parades and invasions of Shoppers Drug Mart where people with cancer are patiently waiting for prescriptions. As COVID-19 variants spread, the one guy in every subway car who refuses to mask is the person who will keep us at home even when stores reopen.

There should be no exceptions, so it’s worrying that nobody really knows what the medical exceptions are in Ontario. You just say you have one. The man who smashed up a Downsview convenience store on Tuesday after being asked to cover his face just with his shirt claimed he had a medical exemption. At this point, if you’re healthy enough to venture outside, you can do it in a mask even if you find it uncomfortable mentally or physically.

If people are allowed to avoid masking, lockdown can’t end. But it has to end, not if we’re going to have some version of an approximation of normal life throughout the summer. Imagine it. If everyone wears a mask at all times, not under their nose or chin, not a scarf, not up and down, life could restart fairly safely. I’m thinking picnics, movies, Fuwa Fuwa Japanese pancakes, drinks at 7 …

I don’t just mean a cloth or medical mask. Everyone should wear an N95 with a cloth mask over that, as Dr. Fauci does. It would be simple for Dr. David Williams, our plodding high school principal and chief platitude officer, to wear such a mask while he speaks. He doesn’t.

We hear that front-line workers living in crowded communities are at great risk. Would this be true if they had long ago been given two masks to wear on the way to work and if this, plus distancing, had been enforced on public transit? People shouldn’t have to police others.

All-masking-at-all-times sounds like a simple solution. It’s not a solution at all, it just keeps us functioning until vaccination for all with a network in place for the next pandemic. It might get us through the summer.

We have pinned our hopes on glorious shiny vaccines. I idly think of how to pass myself off as an 84-year-old lining up for vaccination. You’re as young as you feel, they say, and in this Toronto mid-winter, I feel a sprightly 87.

Ontario doesn’t want a holding pattern. It wants better than that as the months pass and we wait for rescue, aging in place.

COVID- 19 Is Not A Pandemic. It Is A Psy Ops For Total Control

COVID- 19 Is Not A Pandemic. It Is A Psy Ops For Total Control

by Peter Goodchild

These nurses are ‘leveling up’ their moves to Ciara’s hit dance challenge

COVID 19 is a rather unimpressive “pandemic.” The government is lying to you. Masks, lock-downs, social distancing – think about what they’re really doing to you. They don’t want to protect you; they want to control you. They use the standard formula for brainwashing: despair, deprivation, and dread. That’s what we have with our so-called pandemic. Not protection. Control.
There have been various “pandemics” over the last few thousand years. The 14th-century Black Death may have killed 200 million people, and that was when the world population itself was much smaller. The Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 killed perhaps 40 or 50 million people. In 1957 the Asian Flu killed about a million people, and in 1968 the Hong Kong Flu also killed a million. Neither of those events in 1957 and 1968 was a major news item. The big news of 1957 was that Elvis Presley was starring in two movies.

The main difference between 1957 and 1968 and now? Then: no masks, no lock-down, no social distancing, no global economy crushed down to Great Depression level, and no government by martial law. (By the way, one million is only one percent of one percent of 8 billion, the world population. No, that’s not a misprint.)

There are about 77,000 radio and TV stations around the world. Starting in early 2020, it seemed that all of them were talking almost all day about COVID 19. At the same time, political leaders started chanting expressions such as “the New Normal” and “the Great Reset.” It was hard to imagine what sort of organization would be big enough to jump-start such an operation as “COVID 19” and keep it rolling for such a long time.

The expressions being intoned were in fact the words of Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, disguised as a great new opportunity for humanity, but really a massive attempt at global dictatorship. Imagine a “lock-down” that goes on for the centuries.

Don’t let your own fear be used as a weapon against you.

Petition to Stand With Derek Sloan

Petition to Stand With Derek Sloan

Right now in the Conservative Party, we are seeing a clear case of dirty politics.

On January 20th, MP Derek Sloan was kicked out of the Conservative caucus. He will no longer be allowed to run as a Conservative Party member in future elections and will now sit as an Independent MP.

This happened after Erin O’Toole initiated a caucus vote which resulted in a majority of Conservative MPs voting to remove him from the caucus. This vote was initiated because Derek Sloan had apparently accepted a $131 donation to his 2020 leadership campaign from a white nationalist named Paul Fromm.

As many quickly pointed out, there are factors around these allegations that don’t hold up. For example, the Conservative Party took a cut from this donation and they weren’t even able to flag his name.

Additionally, the donation was apparently made under the name ‘Frederick P. Fromm’, so even if Sloan was expected to recognize the name of this obscure white nationalist, the donation was made under a name most would not recognize as his.

Derek Sloan is likely being thrown under the bus for being an extremely vocal social conservative.

Derek Sloan has spoken out unequivocally against abortion, euthanasia, attacks on religious freedom and many other vital issues to conservatives and faithful Christians, many of whom see him as their voice on Parliament Hill.

Erin O’Toole has always claimed to want a big tent party in the Conservative movement, but clearly Derek Sloan has been too successful at mobilizing people who agree with him on these issues for O’Toole’s liking.

Sign our petition to tell Erin O’Toole that you stand with Derek Sloan. We want him back in the Conservative caucus – and we want to know everyone who voted him out in the first place so we can support more tolerant conservatives in upcoming primaries and elections.

To make matters worse, the Conservative caucus vote that resulted in Derek Sloan being ejected was confidential. No one knows who voted to suppress Derek Sloan’s freedom to represent his constituents, and who voted in support of his freedom.

If you’re represented by a Conservative MP, don’t you think you deserve to know if they voted to suppress one of Canada’s most outspoken social conservative politicians? Don’t you feel that how a Conservative MP voted on this reflects on whether they’re capable of truly representing religious and social conservative constituents, such as yourself?

There may be good reasons why the Conservative Party would need to hold confidential votes at private meetings. But on issues like deciding what beliefs can be represented in the party, there needs to be transparency.

Join our campaign to get O’Toole to release the names of those who voted to eject Derek Sloan from the Conservative caucus. We must also demand that he do everything in his power as party leader to bring Derek Sloan back into the party.

O’Toole was quick to say after kicking out Sloan that this is not meant to be a condemnation of social conservatives in general. I’m sure O’Toole is internally justifying that he is only kicking out Sloan because he’s divisive and is causing a lot of negative media attention.

But the fact is that the mainstream media in Canada will always ensure that the beliefs of social conservatives will be divisive. These organizations have close ties to Canada’s left-wing parties, and so a socially conservative politician can either hide their views or cause negative media attention through their honesty.

You also cannot kick one of the most outspoken pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty candidates out of caucus and not expect a severe backlash from people who hold these values.

When CitizenGO sent out surveys to candidates of the Conservative leadership race last year, Derek Sloan was the only candidate to respond with a full endorsement of the values we surveyed him on.

O’Toole may not be as left-wing as our Prime Minister, but when he says that people like Derek Sloan are not welcome in the Conservative Party, I cannot help but feel he’s attacking the values of CitizenGO and our supporters.

Please sign to stand with Derek Sloan: Erin O’Toole must rectify this poor decision that he initiated. He must allow Derek Sloan back into the Conservative caucus and be transparent about who all voted to kick out Sloan in the first place.

Thanks for all you do,

James Schadenberg and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. Remember, if it weren’t for social conservatives, Erin O’Toole would’ve lost to Peter MacKay. Social conservatives are necessary for the success of the Conservative Party and its leader. We must demand to be respected.

More information:

Controversial MP Derek Sloan ejected from Conservative caucus (CTV News) https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/controversial-mp-derek-sloan-ejected-from-conservative-caucus-1.5274153

Kathryn Marshall: The cancel culture mob could come looking for you, too

Kathryn Marshall: The cancel culture mob could come looking for you, too

Due process goes out the window when it comes to cancel culture. By the time all the facts come to light, it is too lateAuthor of the article:Kathryn MarshallPublishing date:Jan 26, 2021  •  5 days ago  •  3 minute read

Cancel culture is a toxic practice that we should cancel, writes Kathryn Marshall. PHOTO BY SEAN GALLUP/GETTY IMAGES

Article content

You know it is getting bad when even Mr. Bean is calling you out. In an interview earlier this month, Rowan Atkinson equated cancel culture with a “medieval mob, roaming the streets looking for someone to burn.”

It is an apt comparison.

Kathryn Marshall: The cancel culture mob could come looking for you, too
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In 2015, British journalist Jon Ronson wrote a great book called “So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed,” where he explored public shaming on the internet and interviewed people who had been on the receiving end of the online mob. No one could have predicted how online public shaming would mutate into the ubiquitous and toxic cancel culture that has become so powerful today.

A medieval mob, roaming the streets looking for someone to burnROWAN ATKINSON

Cancel culture doesn’t just come for celebrities and politicians. It pursues regular everyday folk, too. As an employment lawyer, I have seen my fair share of unjust terminations. One aspect of cancel culture I find particularly troubling is how the mob goes after people’s jobs. This is no trite matter. It is one thing to call someone out and shame them on online. But to attack a person’s ability to put food on the table is a line that shouldn’t be crossed. It doesn’t take much pressure from the cancel culture mob to cancel someone’s employment contract. Employers, especially large companies, are terrified of bad press and the thought of trending on Twitter for the wrong reasons is the stuff of nightmares

A few angry emails and an unsightly mention in a BuzzFeed article may be all it takes to get you cancelled at work. Forget about an investigation or proper human resources protocols — there isn’t time for that. One of cancel culture’s greatest strengths is its speed. With social media and the 24/7 news cycle, the process of cancelling a human can take mere hours.

In any other scenario where a complaint is made against an employee, there would usually be a proper investigation process undertaken by the employer that could take weeks, maybe months. The employee would be permitted to present a defence and the full context would be examined. Termination for cause, which is the capital offence of employment law, would be a last-resort option.

A statue of justice is seen outside Vancouver’s law courts. Due process goes out the window in cases of cancel culture, writes Kathryn Marshall. PHOTO BY MARK VAN MANEN/POSTMEDIA NEWS

Due process goes out the window when it comes to cancel culture. By the time all the facts come to light, it is too late. The damage has been done and the mob is onto its next victim.

If companies would just keep their nerve instead of panicking and hitting the fire button, they could avoid potential liability from unjustly fired employees. The cancel culture mob usually loses interest after a few days, but the lawsuits from terminated employees linger.

A friend once asked me, isn’t cancel culture just the product of a free market, like consumer activism? The answer is no. Cancel culture is about power and control. It is a highly effective tool that gives a self-appointed and often small mob the power to control who has and doesn’t have a platform or voice. What it takes to be cancelled is completely fluid and changes almost daily. Cancel culture is the antithesis of free speech and the enemy of due process and fairness.

Cancel culture is the antithesis of free speech and the enemy of due process and fairness

The goal isn’t just to humiliate or to shame. And it certainly isn’t to elicit an apology. The objective is to literally remove a person from every semblance of their life — personal and professional. To destroy that person’s career, influence, respect and render them so radioactive that no company, person or employer will ever want to touch them with a 10-foot pole. In other words, cancelled.

There are always stories of a cancel culture victim months later, where some reporter has dredged up all the facts and evidence and tells the full story in the proper context. You read it and think — that was really unfair. And then you go about your day, while that person has to live the rest of their life with this humiliation plastered all over the internet.

Are there some people and groups out there who deserve to be deplatformed? Of course — this has always been the case.

But do the vast majority of people who have made a mistake or said or done the wrong thing at some point in their life deserve due process and a second chance?


Cancel culture is a toxic practice that we should cancel.

Mask-exempt Parksville customer goes on HUNGER STRIKE after Pharmasave denies prescription http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5715

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Mask-exempt Parksville customer goes on HUNGER STRIKE after Pharmasave denies prescription

Remember when discriminating against people based on their medical, physical, and cognitive conditions was a bad thing? I miss those days. Back before mask mandates, lockdowns, and snitch lines were a thing. It’s all but a distant memory now. These days, it seems like it’s the “new normal” to discriminate against people if their health condition makes them mask-exempt. 

That’s precisely what happened to Ela Tanase, a Parksville, B.C., resident who was refused service at a Pharmasave when she went in without a mask to pick up her pain medication.  Ela is mask exempt because of an underlying health issue, and as per B.C.’s human rights laws, she’s not required to divulge what that issue is to justify her mask exemption. But that didn’t matter to Pharmasave. They refused to listen and kicked her out of the store!

 If that wasn’t humiliating enough, the police were called, and when they arrived, they issued Ela a $230 ticket. It wasn’t until Ela embarked on a 6-day hunger strike that her pharmacy finally relented and allowed her to pick up her medication!\
Isn’t it ironic that a place that is supposed to help citizens with their medical needs is the same place ignoring their medical mask exemption? Why bother outlining mask exemptions in the law if it can just be ignored? 

Lucky for Ela, she doesn’t have to worry about paying that ticket. We set her up with one of our top-notch lawyers to challenge her citation.Hiring lawyers to defend a $230 ticket may sound strange, considering it will cost way more to fight the ticket than to simply pay it off. But this isn’t about the money — it’s about standing up for what’s right and sending a message that Canadian civil liberties are worth defending.