Stand Up to Tyranny Rally in Victoria, November 1 — “I’ll be there” Says Human Rights Campaigner Gordon Watson
To those concerned with good government in British Columbia
On the FaceBook Stand up to End Tyranny group, there’s a post advertising a gathering this Sunday November 1 2020 at 1 pm outside the Min. de Health Building 1515 Blanshard St. Victoria BC
I plan to be there to discuss with other dissident voices, what we ought to be doing to counteract the INsanity of the Central Party Line re the ScamDemic
The Public Health Act Order entitled GATHERINGS AND EVENTS categorically exempts political gatherings from its 50 person limit. So far, 28 people indicated they will be going to the meet-up. Hopefully, we get more than 50 warm bodies.
As of today, I have not yet received a reply from Victoria Chief of Police Manek, to my letter asking for a policy statement re how the VPD intends to enforce such Orders
Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic
Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians