CAFE Supports No Forced Vaxxing” Rally in Penticton
PENTICTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA September 1, 2021. Over 100 freedom fighters staged a rally outside the Penticton General Hospital today. This was part of a Canada-wide day of protest against forced vaxxing of nurses and other medical personnel and, more generally, against the imposition of vaccine passports soon to be required for entry to restaurants and indoor gatherings in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Manitoba.
Protesters stressed the importance of individual choice and freedom, Many people have religious or medical objections to these COVID-19 vaccines. Many are hesitant and others rebel at the imposition of what is supposed to be a “good thing.”
Several women wondered why there were no feminists out at the protest. Their slogan “my body, my choice” applies to abortions, which all federal party leaders except Maxime Bernier applaud, yet the same motto does not apply to state or employer-ordered vaccinations!
Rally organizer Mary Lou Gutscher counted 110 participants at the rally.
“CAFE heartily endorses these protests,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE). “One of a person’s most important rights is choice of medical treatment. Forcing people to get jabbed to keep their job or go to a restaurant or fly a plane is aggression and assault. Big Brother, back off!”