School has been brought to our attention, and as such, a police file has
been created. Please be aware that any threats towards the school will
be taken very seriously and can be considered a hate crime if you
threaten damage or harm to the staff or property of Journey Middle
This is intimidation. Ms Glatt sends out a protest and learns the political police are now keeping a “police file” on her. Note, these threats are not being made in North Korea or Communist Cuba or even Communist China but in Canada with its Trudeau Charter of Rights and Freedoms that even mentions something about freedom of expression.
Read Ms Glatt’s e-mail again. Do you see any threats aimed at staff, students or property at Journey Middle School? I couldn’t find any either, but she is threatened: “Please be aware that any threats towards the school will be taken very seriously and can be considered a hate crime if you threaten damage or harm to the staff or property.”“Any threats?” What about the threat to complain to the local board of education or the Minister of Education or the press?
Canadians have been propagandized that “hate” is wrong, maybe even criminal — we have a free speech suppressing “hate law” (Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code). Well, except that minorities can “hate” or denigrate Christians, Whites or Europeans in general.
Again, look at Ms Glatt’s e-mail. Does she mention hating Chinese or anyone else? No, she opposes the flying of the flag of a foreign country at Journey Middle School and notes, quite correctly, that Canadians were never consulted about making this once overwhelmingly European country “multicultural” or about being reduced to minority status in their own country.
I hope Lisa Glatt is one tough lady. Many people would have butterflies in their stomach being told a “police file” had been opened on them and that “any threats” to the staff or property of Journey Middle School could result in “hate” charges.
The purpose the Constable Rowan’s letter would seem to be intimidation, with the clear message: “Shut up,lady!”
Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Dear Ms. GLATT,
Your e-mail regarding the Chinese flag being flown at Journey Middle
School has been brought to our attention, and as such, a police file has
been created. Please be aware that any threats towards the school will
be taken very seriously and can be considered a hate crime if you
threaten damage or harm to the staff or property of Journey Middle
Please contact me if you wish to speak any further regarding this
incident. I have included my contact information below.
Thank you,
Cst. Matt ROWAT
Sooke RCMP
2076 Church Rd.
Sooke, BC V9Z OE4 Box 40
Office: (250) 642-5241 Ext. 5315
Fax: (250) 642-3247
Gend. Matt Rowat
Services généraux
GRC de Sooke / Gouvernement du Canada
Tél. : 250-642-5241 – Ext. 5315
Téléc. : 250-642-3247