Trudeau Vengeance: Trucker Freedom Convoy Leader Harold Jonker Is Canada’s Latest Political Prisoner

Have you heard of Harold Jonker? Can you please help? I can’t believe I haven’t but I’ll help!
He is a hard-working, patriotic Canadian who continues to be persecuted by the government almost 3 yrs after the 2022 Ottawa Freedom that he led as the Niagara contiguency.
As Niagara Captain for the 2022 Ottawa Freedom Convoy he led 12 of his own company’s trucks (co-owner of Jonker Trucking) along with countless others into Ottawa, and the truck he was driving was the first official Truck to enter Ottawa for the Convoy. He played a strong leadership role at the Convoy and was part of the unofficial leadership team there. Many say he was a big part of the critical “glue” that kept things together, and kept things peaceful (at least on the part of the protestors).
Of course, that means the government is targeting him, and he is fighting 4 criminal charges that carry potential jail time with them. He was also suspended as a local city councillor, and has $50,000 in court costs he needs to pay from fighting an unjust punishment by the unelected “Integrity Commissioner”.
To help Harold pay his legal bills, click below:…
Etransfer –
Password – Freedom
Memo – Harold
Message From Derek Sloan:
Harold’s trial will last 10 days and is scheduled for May 2025. He has four criminal charges total – Mischief, Intimidation, and 2 charges of Counselling an uncommitted indictable offence. The last 2 charges really had my head spinning.
What did he actually do to deserve these charges? Your guess is as good as mine.
If you untangle the legalese on the last tongue-twisting charge, it means – you are charged with telling someone to commit a crime that they do not actually commit. Huh?? In my latest interview with Harold coming out this week, we try to get to the bottom of what exactly these charges mean, and what awaits him at trial.
The Crown offered him 1 year house arrest if he agreed to plead guilty. Harold refused. Now they’re asking for a year in prison.
Putting a law-abiding, business owning Canadian in jail for one year because he attended a peaceful protest, coordinated with the Ottawa Police, is absolutely scandalous.
He also led the Convoy to remain peaceful when forces conspired against them to break their patience and try to create violence.
Please give Harold Jonker the help he needs by giving today:
Etransfer –
Password – Freedom
Memo – Harold
Yes, these charges against Harold are reckless and unfair. They threaten to put an honest, hard-working father and husband in jail for one year. But this also threatens all of us. Harold’s charges stem from peaceful behaviour protesting the government’s actions. If pushing back against the government becomes a punishable crime, anyone of us could be next.
Stay tuned for our interview to come later this week, and thank you for your support!
God bless,
Derek Sloan
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Derek Sloan, PO Box 1645, Belleville, ON, K8N 0A5, Canada