Grace Oyama, Author, Artist, World Traveller, Addresses Alternative Forum on the Wars in The Ukraiane & Gaza
HEAR GRACE EKI OYAMA — “A Tale of Two Wars: The Ukraine & Palestine” — TORONTO, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2024
The Alternative Forum & the Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Present
Grace Eki Oyama
Japanese artist, journalist (The Barnes Review) and World Traveller
Spent considerable time in Palestine
A Tale of Two Wars: The Ukraine & Palestine
What the lamestream press isn’t telling you
What much of the rest of the world really thinks
I’d also like to assist with the costs of this meeting. Here is my donation of $_____
Please send me a copy of Miss Oyama’s talk. Dvd. $10.
NAME:_______________________________PHONE____________________________________________ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________C-FAR, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada