Kicked Out of A Free Speech Lecture
On September 22, the Democracy Fund sponsored a lecture by writer and businessman Conrad Black and National Post columnist and former CBC personality Rex Murphy entitled The History of Civil Liberties in Canada, Part 2 to be held at the Canada Christian College in Whitby, Ontario.. Tickets had to be ordered online from Eventbrite. Accordingly, I ordered two tickets and invited a local supporter, Raychyl Whyte, to join me. We were cordially greeted by people I took to be Eventbrite staff and invited to go into the college auditorium. I took a seat and chatted with several people I knew. Just before the lecture was to start, I was approached by a burly man who asked if I would step out into the lobby. There he told me he was the head of college security. He said: “I want you to leave. The College wants you off its property now.” I told him I’d paid for my ticked and had been admitted. “The college will refund your money,” he said. But, I had not paid the money to the college and have not received the refund
Raychyl Whyte an associate of CAFE who attended the lecture contacted Cameron Ward Events Space Co-ordinator at Canada Christian College. He said that none of his personnel had ordered me expelled: ” He told me that he has made several attempts to find out information from The Democracy Fund, but claims to be “in the dark” as much as I am, because they have not responded. He has also spoken with all management staff at the College. The most he has been able to find out so far is that an (unidentified) employee at The Democracy Fund recognized you, knew about your “past”, and did not want you there.”
Raychyl Whyte contacted the Democracy Fund which is a Canadian charity. Its directors are Conrad Black, Dr. Julie Ponesse and lawyer Bob Moran. They are very hard to reach but seem to want donations. They require you to fill out an e-mail. A “Sarah” answered her e-mail but said the fund didn’t have the capacity to return a phone call. Raychyl Whyte wrote back: ” With respect Sarah, it is curious that your organization does ‘not have the capacity to call’, but evidently ‘does’ have the capacity to e-mail.” Nearly a month after her September 23 inquiry, she has received no answer. When h learned what had happened, YOUR WARD NEWS publisher Leroy St. Germaine who was in attendance, asked Rebel News bossd Ezra Levant why I had been ejected. He said he doubted it had been by the college but by the organizers, which would be the Democracy Fund whose mandate is “to advance constitutional rights in Canada.”” Very strange!