YOUR WARD NEWS UPDATE: Important Victory: Kinsellas/Warman Motion to Adjourn Hearings Thwarted — Paul Fromm Reporting

YOUR WARD NEWS UPDATE: Important Victory: Kinsellas/Warman Motion to Adjourn Hearings Thwarted

— Paul Fromm Reporting
UPDATE: Coverage of the Board of Review hearings into the…


B’nai Brith Extols Suppression of Free Speech in Its On-line Fundraiser at Taxpayers’s Expense: We Fund the Zionist Lobby

B’nai Brith Extols Suppression of Free Speech in Its On-line Fundraiser at Taxpayers’s Expense: We Fund the Zionist Lobby


This Giving Tuesday, Help B’nai Brith Canada Fight Back


Dear Friends,

A week from today – on Nov. 28, 2017 – the world will mark #GivingTuesday, an international movement that seeks to promote charitable giving, and where people from around the world donate to causes that are near and dear to their hearts.

As the voice of Canada’s grassroots Jewish community, B’nai Brith Canada is proud to participate in this important initiative that embodies the Jewish concept of tzedakah. In a year marred with antisemitism and hatred targeting members of our community from both sides of the political spectrum, B’nai Brith’s ongoing advocacy efforts have been particularly vital, and it is only through your support that we can continue to fight for the human rights of all Canadians.

With the help of your fully tax-deductible donation, B’nai Brith will continue to:

a) Fight against the purveyors of racism and hatred in Canada, from notorious white supremacist Paul Fromm to Your Ward News editor James Sears to the Vancouver imam who urged his congregants to finance Palestinian terrorism.

b) Refute the antisemitic boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, as we did through our nation-wide campaign in support of award-winning filmmaker Ian Halperin’s Wish You Weren’t Here, which exposes BDS and its supporters as antisemitic.

c) Support Jewish and pro-Israel students facing discrimination on campus. After three pro-Israel students at McGill University were targeted for their support of Jewish causes, B’nai Brith launched a petition (which now has more than 5,350 signatures) demanding that McGill’s administration investigate. McGill has since complied with this request.

On #GivingTuesday, please consider giving back to your community – by supporting Canada’s oldest self-funded and independent Jewish organization. Even the smallest donation helps in our objective of eradicating the racism and antisemitism that threatens our society today, defending the Jewish State of Israel, and supporting the members of our community.

To donate, please click here.

Thank you for your commitment to B’nai Brith Canada.



Michael Mostyn
Chief Executive Officer
B’nai Brith Canada

White Supremacist Paul Fromm Barred From Winnipeg Hotel

White Nationalist Paul Fromm
Nov. 15, 2017
By Ran Ukashi
Regional Director, Winnipeg Region
B’nai Brith Canada

WINNIPEG, MB – A notorious white supremacist has been disallowed from holding a private meeting in a Winnipeg hotel room, B’nai Brith Canada has learned.

The Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites has been directed by its leadership to cancel a reservation by Paul Fromm, who had booked a room in the facility for a Wednesday night meeting.

B’nai Brith and concerned citizens in Manitoba had been advocating against the meeting after reports circulated that it had been planned.

Fromm lost his teaching licence because of his association with white supremacist organizations. He also was penalized for endorsing racist and antisemitic organizations ranging from neo-Nazis to the KKK, including their Canadian counterparts.

In a recent talk delivered in Vancouver, Fromm made antisemitic, homophobic, anti-First Nations, anti-Sikh, anti-black and anti-Muslim remarks. He also distributed material showcasing propaganda produced by Alfred Schaefer, a Holocaust denier who is facing trial in Germany on criminal incitement charges.

“B’nai Brith commends Hilton Hotels & Resorts for saying no to hatred,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “There is no place for Fromm’s vile brand of hatred and antisemitism in Canadian society.”

Fromm also has endorsed and distributed the newsletter Your Ward News, a‎n antisemitic and hateful publication that has been disseminated by publishers James Nicholas Sears and Lawrence (Leroy) St. Germaine. Sears and St. Germaine were charged Wednesday with willfully promoting hatred against Jews and women.

Never Forget Who Is Behind Most of Our Anti-free Speech laws — B’nai Brith & the Jewish Lobby

Never Forget Who Is Behind Most of Our Anti-free Speech laws — B’nai Brith & the Jewish Lobby
In a healthy adult nation, if you receive a newspaper FREE that you do not like, chuck it in the blue box.
However, Canada is becoming an increasingly repressive, hysterical state where precious privileged snowflakes cannot abide any views but their own and want people to call the police.
The present target of the anti-free speech League for Human Rights [you gotta be kidding!] of B’nai Brith is the wickedly satirical newspaper YOUR WARD NEWS.

We’ve heard reports that antisemitic “newspaper” Your Ward News is being distributed in . If you see it, plz contact

Court Tosses Out Kinsellas’ “Threat” Charges Against Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine

Court Tosses Out Kinsellas’ “Threat” Charges Against Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine

TORONTO. September 7, 2017. A Toronto judge today tossed out a private charge of uttering threats (Sec. 264.1 of the Criminal Code) laid by Liberal Party attack dog Warren Kinsella and his wife Lisa against YOUR WARD NEWS publisher Leroy St. Germaine and editor Dr. James Sears.The private prosecution was undertaken by the combative Kinsellas who specialize in dumping heaps of yak doodoo and vitriol — “neo-Nazi; White supremacist” — on a host of political opponents. They have been  strident antagonists trying to get the satirical anti-ZioMarxist publication shut down.

The National Post (June 21, 2017) reported that in the Summer, 2017 issue of YOUR WARD NEWS, editor Dr. James Sears explained “that his family had been targeted by a ‘hoax’ complaint to the Children’s Aid Society. In his column, Sears accused Lisa Kinsella of …  being responsible for the complaint. Kinsella, for her part, vehemently denied any involvement.Sears said he waited months to inform his ‘thousands’ of friends and followers about the apparent CAS investigation due to fear that ‘some hothead who cares deeply about me and my family, would lose it and do something illegal, like bludgeon the Kinsellas to death.’” That passage, the Kinsellas alleged, constitutes a threat.

Kinsella went wild over a story in the Summer issue of YOUR WARD NEWS. A person who is all elbows and insults in politics, Warren Kinsella went scurrying to the Metropolitan Toronto Police. The National Post’s account continued:  “Kinsella brought the article to Toronto Police, but she was told that there was not enough evidence to pursue criminal charges.Toronto Police spokesman Mark Pugash told the National Post that a detective looked at the case, then asked the advice of a Crown attorney. That Crown attorney, in turn, asked another Crown. ‘Both Crowns came to the same conclusion as the detective’ Pugash said, “which was that there wasn’t enough evidence.'”

So, the Metropolitan Toronto Police and two Crown Attorneys found no evidence of a crime. Still, the relentless Kinsellas initiated a private charge. This harassment is a time and resource waster. Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine had to attend a court hearing August 2. The Kinsellas did not attend. The required disclosure to the defence was not ready. The case was adjourned to September 7.

Publisher Leroy St. Germaine & YOUR WARD NEWS editor

Dr. James Sears leave Toronto court victorious over

Warren & Lisa Kinsella

Again, the Kinsellas were no shows at the ordeal they had inflicted on the controversial editor and publisher. Again, the required disclosure was not forthcoming.

Court Tosses Out Kinsellas’ “Threat” Charges Against Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine

Court Tosses Out Kinsellas’ “Threat” Charges Against Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine

TORONTO. September 7, 2017. A Toronto judge today tossed out a private charge of uttering threats (Sec. 264.1 of the Criminal Code) laid by Liberal Party attack dog Warren Kinsella and his wife Lisa against YOUR WARD NEWS publisher Leroy St. Germaine and editor Dr. James Sears.The private prosecution was undertaken by the combative Kinsellas who specialize in dumping heaps of yak doodoo and vitriol — “neo-Nazi; White supremacist” — on a host of political opponents. They have been  strident antagonists trying to get the satirical anti-ZioMarxist publication shut down.

The National Post (June 21, 2017) reported that in the Summer, 2017 issue of YOUR WARD NEWS, editor Dr. James Sears explained “that his family had been targeted by a ‘hoax’ complaint to the Children’s Aid Society. In his column, Sears accused Lisa Kinsella of …  being responsible for the complaint. Kinsella, for her part, vehemently denied any involvement.Sears said he waited months to inform his ‘thousands’ of friends and followers about the apparent CAS investigation due to fear that ‘some hothead who cares deeply about me and my family, would lose it and do something illegal, like bludgeon the Kinsellas to death.’” That passage, the Kinsellas alleged, constitutes a threat.

Kinsella went wild over a story in the Summer issue of YOUR WARD NEWS. A person who is all elbows and insults in politics, Warren Kinsella went scurrying to the Metropolitan Toronto Police. The National Post’s account continued:  “Kinsella brought the article to Toronto Police, but she was told that there was not enough evidence to pursue criminal charges.Toronto Police spokesman Mark Pugash told the National Post that a detective looked at the case, then asked the advice of a Crown attorney. That Crown attorney, in turn, asked another Crown. ‘Both Crowns came to the same conclusion as the detective’ Pugash said, “which was that there wasn’t enough evidence.'”

So, the Metropolitan Toronto Police and two Crown Attorneys found no evidence of a crime. Still, the relentless Kinsellas initiated a private charge. This harassment is a time and resource waster. Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine had to attend a court hearing August 2. The Kinsellas did not attend. The required disclosure to the defence was not ready. The case was adjourned to September 7.

Publisher Leroy St. Germaine & YOUR WARD NEWS editor

Dr. James Sears leave Toronto court victorious over

Warren & Lisa Kinsella

Again, the Kinsellas were no shows at the ordeal they had inflicted on the controversial editor and publisher. Again, the required disclosure was not forthcoming.

The judge dismissed the charges.

When the charges were laid, Dr. Sears had commented that the Kinsellas’ charges were a “mischievous, impotent complaint laid in desperation by these publicity whores. My legal team and I will mop the floor with the Kinsellas on our first available opportunity in court”

Today the anti-free speech Kinsella crusaders were duly mopped.

Paul Fromm Reports on YOUR WARD NEWS Postal hearings, August 9 & 10.

Paul Fromm Reports on YOUR WARD NEWS Postal hearings, August 9 & 10.

Coverage of the Board of Review hearings into the Canada Post interim order against YOUR WARD NEWS, held on August 9 & 10 2017, at federal government offices…

Check Out These Weird Tweets by Warren Kinsella, Latest Columnist for Canadian Jewish News

I sat in on the hearing today and was shocked when I got home and read the twitter account of Warren Kinsella and his related tweets from the hearing today. There’s good reason why my editor Dr. James Sears has referred to Mr. Kinsella as a pathological liar.

In his tweets from the hearing room today Kinsella referred to the Board members as “Cranky” and the lawyers who presented briefs today as “Neo-Nazi lawyers” and of course he referred to us as “Neo Nazi’s” and Mr. Paul Fromm as a “white supremacist” as part of his on going campaign to slander and libel the paper and anyone involved with it.


I consider Mr. Kinsella’s berating and mocking attitude toward the review process as detrimental and so have decided to send you links to the tweets he sent out today so you can be aware of what he is doing to derail this process.


===Lawrence McCurry===


Her Enemies Failed to Stop Memorial for Barbara Kulazska: Free Speech 1; Censors 0!

Her Enemies Failed to Stop Memorial for Barbara Kulazska: Free Speech 1; Censors 0!

On June 15, we lost lawyer Barbara Kulazska to lung cancer at age 64. [An obituary will appear in THE FREE SPEECH MONITOR next month.] Barbara was one of the most important free speech lawyers of her generation. She worked closely with Douglas Christie in Zundel 11, in the Zundelsite case and did fantastic work with Marc Lemire in fighting Richard Warman and getting Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (Internet censorship) declared unconstitutional.


However, the dark forces of thought control and censorship could not leave this formidable woman alone in death. The Canadian Association for Free Expression organized a private memorial on July 12 at the Richview Branch of the Toronto Public Library. Word leaked out on July 10. The enemies of free speech — Warren Kinsella, a major antagonist in the YOUR WARD NEWS mailing rights appeal,  Richard Warman (many of whose libel case victims she had defended), the usual Jewish pro-censorship groups, Bernie Farber , assorted street thugs and even John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, demanded that the memorial be cancelled. The library hung tough and laid on extra security. A senior manager sat in to make sure there was no “hate speech” (What a pathetic nation we’ve become!) Metro Police sent three masked Antifa street urchins, one allegedly a masked female, packing. The emotional farewell proceeded quietly and respectfully.

 Image result for barbara kulazska memorial

The voices raised to cancel the meeting were marked by their  vehemence and rage. “Warren Kinsella, a Toronto-based political consultant and commentator who is a staunch opponent of Fromm’s, disagreed.  ‘Public services are not supposed to be used to promote discrimination. The library in Etobicoke is doing that.'” (CBC News, July 12, 2017) How is honouring a dead lady “discrimination”? You’d suspect such lack of logic more from the Antifa street losers who’d sucked too long on their crack pipes. “‘It is truly shocking that individuals who spread hatred, deny the Holocaust and have ties to neo-Nazi groups are being provided a permit by the Toronto Public Library to host an event inside a public building,’ [Councillor James] Pasternak said. “Those tied to hate and bigotry have no place in our libraries.” Pasternak, who likely did not hail from County Tipperary, clearly supports political discrimination.


And then, of course, Bernie Farber, for years an executive with the Canadian Jewish Congress and now a CEO with  multiculti Mosaic, who also seeks to have YOUR WARD NEWS shut down added his two shekels worth: ” “In my view, Barbara Kulaszka was, like her late predecessor and colleague Doug Christie, a fellow traveller of those neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers and hatemongers for whom she acted as legal counsel,” Bernie Farber added. When the censorship efforts failed,  long time leftist Farber was still given a column in the “right-wing“ Toronto Sun (July 16) to moan and groan. He claimed he`d no longer feel safe in a library. “Be prepared folks for this is only the beginning. neo-Nazis, racists, bigots and bullies will now use Toronto Libraries as their official meeting place. Libraries will no longer be that haven of calm, peace and safety I so well remember as a child.`

Beside itself that it hadn`t been able to shut down the memorial, elements of the lamestream media took their revenge. 

The sleazy National Post (July 13, 2017) devoted almost a full page to the memorial. Its headline screamed `Far-right extremists converge at memorial. `The reporter wasn`t there and chose to use the weaponized words to signal that the attendees were  `bad`. As if to illustrate this was a large picture of three goons in black masks. The caption read: `Three masked people stood outside the Richview branch of the Toronto Public Library while a memorial for Toronto lawyer Barbara Kulazska was held. `One might reasonably conclude that these thugs were guards or attendees. In fact, they were Antifa who had shown up to protest and were told by the police to get lost. And, not to be picky, Miss Kulazska was not a `Toronto` lawyer. However, the controlled media never let the facts get in the way of a good smear.

And the supposedly “right wing” Toronto Sun (July 13, 2017) ran a rant by Liz Braun “Don’t blame library for hate gathering.” The headline was a lie. The memorial was NOT a “hate” gathering. Hate, sadly is a criminal offence in this country. No one at that meeting was charged let alone convicted for anything said that night. The meeting was to celebrate the life of a brave diligent woman. It wasn’t about hating anybody. Braun had not attended the memorial but described the attendees as ” pathetic anti-Semitic/anti-black/anti-female/homophobic/Islamophobic/etc. garden variety bigots” Nothing at the meeting was said criticizing  Blacks, women,  homosexuals or Moslems. Indeed we were honouring a woman!