Join the C.L.E.A.R. Convoy Rally in Kelowna, February 12, 2022

Join the C.L.E.A.R. Convoy Rally in Kelowna, February 12, 2022

Common Law Fundamentals

Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the 

demands off of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship

Quote of the Week

When we examine the tyrannical responses of governments, health officials and just plain Canadians who think those opposing the lockdowns and restrictions are wrong, I cannot but rely on the historical quote from a U.S. Statesman. The following quote supports my view that these people opposing us should be stripped of their rights and freedoms as they do not deserve what our forefathers and many of us have sacrificed for.

Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”

Abraham Lincoln

Kelowna Convoy Rally New Update – February 12, 2022

As we mentioned last week, we will have a local convoy this weekend in the Kelowna area.

This coming Saturday’s rally will begin at 12:00 noon sharp, until about 12:30 or so. We will leave Stuart Park to then meet up at the Prospera Place parking lot.

Our local slow roll convoy will start in the Prospera Place Parking area, at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 12, 2022.

Please park at Prospera Place if you are able to walk to our rally at Stuart Park. Other vehicles will proceed after the rally to Prospera Place, 1223 Water St. and meet in the parking lot. The lead vehicle will be the following:

(Everyone is encouraged to wave flags or have signs against the lockdowns)

We will all exit onto Water St. at approximately 1:00 p.m., and proceed north on Clement to Ellis. Then we will turn right on Ellis and proceed to Harvey St. (Hwy 97) and turn Right onto Harvey and proceed across the Bennett Bridge into West Kelowna to the Glenrosa overpass and turn left over the highway and heading north on Hwy 97 to UBC.

NOTE: At all times on Harvey St./Hwy 97, we will be in the right-hand lane or, where there is an HOV lane in Kelowna, we will be in the middle lane, at all times.

We will cross over Hwy 97 on the bridge, and then head back north on Highway 97 back to Kelowna to UBC.

Everyone will take the off-ramp to UBC and cross over Highway 97 to an immediate traffic circle on John Hindle Dr. We will go around this circle and take the ramp back onto Highway 97 going south again back to Ellis St., and then to Clement and then back to Stuart Park to socialize.

People will also be welcome to stay in the park until our return.

The RCMP have contacted us and requested that we ensure everyone is made aware that they should not sit on car door windows or hang out doors, or sunroofs. Please comply so we have no complaints from the police.

Also, please obey all traffic lights and signs at all times as we will be doing a slow roll during this convoy. We will not be speeding or driving dangerously. You can always catch up if you miss a light!!!

MAPS Below







News Release – Urgent Message to Canadians


We, the undersigned, wish to make the following statement based on the fluid, unfolding events in Ottawa in relation to the Freedom Convoy.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees every Canadian’s right to peacefully assemble and the right to protest.

For nearly two weeks, Canadians with their families and children from all over the country from different ages, races, ethnicities, religions and beliefs have gathered in our Nation’s capital to exercise this right in unity, peace and love.

Many of the undersigned have attended and are still present in Ottawa. We have witnessed peaceful demonstration and have observed multiple acts of humanity which define what it means to be Canadian. These acts include providing meals to the homeless population, tidying the streets of trash and snow, keeping watch of the tomb of the unknown soldier and other monuments and assisting business owners with tidiness while providing patronage to their establishment. There is overwhelming evidence to substantiate what we have witnessed first-hand.

The corporate media’s coverage of these events does not accurately depict what is transpiring.

The government’s decision to block refueling of the trucks puts fellow Canadians and their families including their young children in danger due to the extreme cold temperatures currently occurring in Ottawa. Regardless where one stands on this topic, these actions are inhumane and do not align with Canadian principles.

The spirit of the protest in Ottawa is that of peace and coming together as a nation. We will continue encouraging the non-violent nature of the protest and non-interference with emergency vehicles and businesses established in the area.

If Canada truly is a democratic nation, then we call on our duly elected members of government to engage in meaningful dialogue consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Unjustly labelling those protesting the unconstitutional public health orders as terrorists, racists and misogynists is unacceptable and creates further divide.

I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.” – John Diefenbaker, July 1, 1960 from the Canadian Bill of Rights.


Police on Guard

Mounties 4 Freedom


ACT! For Canada

Stand up Canada

Take Action Canada

Mama Bears

Police for Freedom

Vaccine Choice Canada

Canadian Frontline Nurses

Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms

Rick Nicholls – Deputy Leader Ontario Party, MPP Chatham-Kent-Leamington

Harold Albrecht – Retired MP – Kitchener Conestoga

Derek Sloan – Leader Ontario Party

Dean Allison – MP for Niagara West

Randy Hillier – MPP Lenark-Frontenac-Kingston/No More Lockdowns

Larry Sault – Former Chief and Grand Chief in Ontario/ Indigenous Consultant (Present)

C.L.E.A.R – Common Law Education and Rights

The world’s most unlawful restrictions on freedom are collapsing! And not a moment too soon.

Czech Republic: cancels proof of vaccination for public events, bars and restaurants, and most other restrictions by March 1, 2022. Mandatory testing at schools and companies is over.

Sweden Feb. 3, 2022

All restrictions end on February 9, 2022, including all vaccine and mask mandates, and no restrictions in public restaurants.

Denmark Feb. 1, 2022

Lifted almost all restrictions – does not consider COVID-19 to be a “socially critical disease”

England January 26, 2022

Masks not required in public and work from home has been cancelled.

Norway February 1, 2022

Lifted ban on serving alcohol after 11 p.m. and private gathering limits. No social distancing requirements.

Alberta Vaccine passport ending immediately. Feb. 13, no masks for students. March 1 – no indoor masks, no work from home requirements, no capacity limits on social gatherings.

Sask. Feb. 14

No more vaccine passports and will not renew indoor mask mandate upon expiration in March

Quebec Most restrictions lifted by March 14. Immediately, no restrictions on private gatherings, bars reopening on Feb. 28, and full arenas March 14.

But let this not sway you into complacency. We have seen roll-out COVID-19 lockdown ending plans in the past and then cancelled. Many of these may be conditional upon certain medical stats (most of which are falsified as we know). For example, Quebec is continuing its vaccine passport system. B.C. has continued to refuse to back off on its masks and vaccine passport requirements.

Protests have spread to the Ambassador Bridge (Detroit-Windsor), Coutts Alta., and hundreds of cities and towns across the country.

But we are far from over in this war, which will only end when:

  1. Trudeau, Bonnie the Commie, and other health officials and politicians, are charged and jailed for their crimes. Unknown numbers of people have died and/or suffered because of their attempts to play God.
  2. All media officials who made the decisions to only report the gov’t narratives, are similarly charged and jailed. They conspired, aided and abetted in the criminal activities by our gov’ts and the theft of our Constitutional rights and freedoms could never have happened without the media – as Rockefeller readily admitted years ago.
  3. All mask, vaccine, social distancing and other mandates (sanitizers) come to a complete and unrestricted end. All forms of transportation are returned back to normal with no mask and vaccine conditions, nor testing. All school and public restrictions are lifted.
  4. All incoming replacement public officials know that this activity WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. We will not wait two years to take action against them – it will be two days!


Who’s got egg on their face eating Crow?

 has hit a new low

Lies, deceit, propaganda and slander

Mainstream media’s days are numbered!


Are more Financial Restrictions and Privacy Rights Violations to the Public coming?

Ontario Superior Court issues an Order freezing access to GiveSendGo donations.

Note that most of the MSM articles simply copy each other and/or the Press Release from the Ontario Gov’t. Much of course is omitted.

In a further attempt to prevent lawful opposition to unlawful Federal Government rights and freedoms deprivations, the Ont. Gov’t claims to have obtained a court order freezing access to the funds send to the Christian fundraising organization, GiveSendGo.

However, it is unclear what effect this will have. GiveSendGo, states on a recent Tweet:

Is this because it is an offshore platform and not subject to the Court’s jurisdiction? Remember Courts only have jurisdiction over the person, the subject matter, and place.

An organizer of the convoy, Chris Barber, stated that the truckers are not going anywhere and this type of activity will only make things worse and bring on more protests. Also see this incredibly inspirational video from the truckers and supporting medical professionals issued this past Sunday:

An all Party, House of Commons Committee heard testimony this week from various financial organizations, including FINTRAC. Deputy Director of FINTRAC Barry MacKillop stated that, “The intersection with the crowdfunding platforms and our financial institutions is a must in order to disperse the money.” Put another way, FINTRAC cannot do anything if the banks are not involved. And they are not.

Other options such as Bitcoin are unaffected by this Order and it appears that there is going to be a game of cat and mouse, as the Governments try to steal people’s property to justify their criminal activities.

Be wary of forthcoming legislation now where the Federal Government will try and pass legislation that expands the powers of FINTRAC to including crowdfunding and similar organizations, as well as requiring the banks to transmit information to FINTRAC if it suspects monies are being used to donate to crowdfunding organizations.

Then the next step will be to prohibit funding to organizations through crowdfunding that you wish to support. Or penalize you for so doing. The Feds are going to use this situation to further destroy your property and privacy rights in the process. For example, one of Canada’s Fake News reporting services stated in a recent article: “Earlier Thursday, NDP MP Alistair MacGregor announced the committee would hear directly from representatives from GoFundMe about what measures it has in place to prevent the funding of extremism.”

If your money is in the bank, get it out before you can’t!


Lost your employment? You may wish to investigate more and more sites offering employment without masks or jabs. Being unvaccinated is not a permanent obstacle to future employment!


CLEAR Telegram

With over 720 members now and growing, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times. Government officials, agents or their posts are not accepted. Please ensure as best you can, that material you post is accurate and correct. Posting false or incorrect information is not acceptable. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness. This is a private group for trusted people and friends only.



Freedom is a multi-generational struggle. Our objective is to retain more rights and freedoms each year.

February 12, 2022 12:00 noon Stuart Park Regular Freedom Rally and Kelowna Convoy

Immediately after our rally at Stuart Park, we will move over to Prospera Place to leave at 1:00 p.m. Vehicles will leave Prospera Place for a convoy through West Kelowna, back through the City to UBC, and back again to Stuart Park.

Those who wish to join us are urged to park their vehicles at Prospera Place before the rally and walk back after we are finished at Stuart Park, so we can leave Prospera Place to drive out on the convoy.

Police have advised that they will be on hand to direct traffic so that there won’t be any circling between the two roundabouts in front of the Park.

February 12, 2022 Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the Northern Okanagan, and growing weekly!

February 12, 2022 Oliver Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!

February 12, 2022 Osoyoos Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Hwy 97 – both sides – South of Hwy 97 and Hwy 3 intersection

Join the Osoyoos freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!

Demands for Freedom are spreading rapidly!

February 13, 2022 Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the Southern Okanagan, and growing weekly!

February 19, 2022 12:00 noon Stuart Park Regular Freedom Rally

Jacquelyn-Rose will be our featured MC and singer! Followed by our highway rally.

If you wish to join the Salmon Arm – Osoyoos convoy – we urge you to meet at the Kelowna Rec Centre, next to the overhead walkway on Harvey St. at 10:45 a.m.

You can exit from the Rec Centre on to Harvey St. as the convoy rolls through sometime after 11:00 a.m. Details in next week’s Newsletter.


12:00 noon Stuart Park

Speakers: Tanya Gaw Action4Canada

Ted Kuntz Vaccine Choice Canada

Beatrice Weir Vernon Activist

Jennifer Former KGH professional nurse

Featuring the Okanagan’s very own: Jacquelyn-Rose as MC and Singer!


Though CLEAR is having our own local convoy this coming Saturday, Feb. 12, (our last convoy two weeks ago had over 600 vehicles just in Kelowna!), the Salmon Arm convoy will also be coming through Kelowna between 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. or so. We can hear them from the Park! Their convoy last Saturday was an estimated 1000 vehicles and 20 km long!!! Wow – the sound of Freedom will echo throughout the Valley!!!



Gordon S WatsonTue, Feb 8, 3:12 PM (3 days ago)
01    The GATHERING at the Leg. on February fifth 2022,  was BIG ! 
Not as big as the previous Saturday, yet plenty big enough that everyone felt it as a tippingpoint in this populist movement.    The crowd on Jan 29th for the WorldWide Rally had been 3000+. Police estimated 5000.   Taking in to account the hundreds of cars trucks waving flags and honking as they circulated the Rockpile … could be.

02     Strolling around, I ask people to give me their impression in one word, or one sentence.  Best quip > “this has got some testosterone.” To which he immediately added, mocking political correctness   “in a good way!”   “we’ve had enough”  “peaceful yet strong”  “inspiring”  “this is just the beginning” 

03    For the duration of kRonaMadness, the pathetic excuse for a newspaper in Victoria  * relentlessly dished the Central Party Line. Not so much as a sentence of type questioning the spell cast by its heroine GrandWitch Bonnie Henry,   appeared in its pages.  But our PROTESTations can no longer be ignored. I like to think that our tiny witness at the Gates of the City, penetrated to the conscience of the nation.      On the Sunday after Feb fifth,  front page of the Timely Colonic was a fullcolor photo taken at the Trucker’s convoy EVENT.   Of course,  the image was spun so as to portray the few counterprotesters in the best light.   About a dozen of them at the corner and another 40?  on the other. Vastly outnumbered ; the medium is the message.   
*  calls itself the Times~Colonist. I call it the Timely Colonic.  

04     In fact > from 11 am until 4 pm, the South side of Belleville street was crowded four deep all the way down the block.   Hundreds of Canadian flags of all sizes, from handheld to enormous, everywhere. Some right side up, some upside down as the international signal of a ship in distress.    Focus was on the federal govt.  Many many ! signs castigating Justin Trudeau, and not in polite language.      The honking and cheering was continual. You could hear it blocks away.  Close to the street, I had to shout to be heard by someone standing beside me.   People leaning out of cars,  rejoicing in being present at history in the making.   Friends came up, in tears. I said “people cry when they’re happy, too”    The atmosphere was that powerful. 

05    A point we have to get across  is : we who are showing up, standing up and speaking up at these EVENTS, are not going to change our mind.    We know the so-called pandemic, is bogus … people who think for themselves realize it’s a psychological exercise.   
06    Last May, I spoke from the stage at the World Wide Rally for a few minutes. Making it clear to all and sundry  “don’t antagonize the police. They are on our side.”  Afterwards, when people came up to me, I asked  “what do you think will happen next?”  One lady – obviously a devout Christian – said   “We’re heading toward a national, near-death experience”.  So is this the healing crisis ?

07    At the base of the War Memorial there was a party going on.      A gal with a professional drum set gave out with the beat from Leonard Cohen’s “Democracy in the USA”, on snaredrum, for a good half hour, nonstop.  The circle of 7 drummers alongside was pretty impressive.  They fell in with the beat on which Scots and Celts and Gaels go to WAR.   Then Nathan added his bagpipes.    Bystanders were up and dancing…. they couldn’t help themselves!  I encourage all-concerned to read the Declaration of Arbroath :  the Scots reminding the Pope who they were, and that they had always been independent.

08    In the Bible we read about how ancient Israel went to war … singers dancers and musicians going out first.   Here we are in a battle of Biblical proportion and  – spontaneously – out pours the music and dances of old. Hearing the pipes and seeing the maidens dancing their hearts out in the public square, was magical.   The sight of a young lady, in Tartan trousers hands up over head, fingers and thumbs pinched in the classic posture, doing the steps of the Sword Dance, made me tear-up.  The evil Agent of the United Nations World – namely Doktor B Henry – pretends to rule at the moment, dictating conditions of our bondage. Yet she / her commie bastards accomplices cannot suppress the Liberty which is our birthright.

09    Analysing the crowd as I always do, I noted that it’s 97% White people.  Why this matters, is,  because politicians of every stripe, pay attention to the numbers as well as the demographics of an audience. Who is here /  who is absent?   And why? Lots of children ; average age was between 45 – 50.    Major Canadian newspapers give place to the usual enemies of Freedom trotting-out their kneejerk epithets >>> white supremacist / anti-semite … all the rest.   In fact;  2 native Indian ladies came to the Leg. to advertise to fellow citizens that they certainly do support the Truckers’ convoy.   I heard one, livestreaming, tell her audience “this is not a racist movement”.  Direct quote.   My guess is : we’ll see all of their relatives. Not that they won’t come ‘round to our side. Just that they’re slow to come ‘round.

10      as I compose this Tuesday morning, word on FB, is, Victoria police were issuing traffic tickets on Monday. I’m guessing = to cars which stopped on Belleville right in front of the Leg. then wouldn’t move on.   That’s trivial.  I predict that what we’ll see by the time I get down there on Wednesday, is > the Speaker originating legal action against John Doe and his sister, Janey for an Order that they …  members & associates of Clan Doe … be constrained from impeding interfering intimidating obstructing molesting Persons in vehicles in the vicinity of the Legislature.  Without Notice, mind you.  Rank perversion of justice for a partisan political end, but it’ll be effective. Confer with  File 20 0710 Supreme Court Registry Victoria for how the anti-pipeline mob was dealt with when they camped outside the office of the Premier in Feb 2020.   The Speaker complained that they were in contempt of the Legislative Assembly.

11       Once a Justice utters an Order directing how things are supposed to go near the RockPile,  protesters will be on thin ice.   Contempt of Court is a dirty trick petty tyrants use when they have nothing intelligent to say.   So they brandish the billyclub.  Anyone on the wrong side of the NDP will be in jeopardy of being hauled away charged with ‘contempt of Court’.   Pokerfaced cops will act first to get you off the precinct … you then have the luxury of arguing about it, months later. And bear in mind that there still is a tiny gaolcell down in the bowels of that building !   Prosecutors just love ‘contempt of court’.   It’s reverse onus.  The alleged contemnor is presumed guilty. He has to talk his way out of the allegation.  With very rare exception,  he / she winds up grovelling an apology for having brought the administration of Justice in to dis-repute. The administration comes off as lawabiding … its critics vilified.

12       section 180 of the Criminal Code would work, too, to suppress PROTESTation in the form of a ‘slow roll’,   if the NeeDiPpers had an Attorney General who had the testicular wherewithal to use it.   Which they don’t.   David Eby being the worst Chief Law Enforcement Officer in living memory.    And that includes the Sphinx, old Colin Gabelmann the one who committed Perjury in my first prosecution for anti-abortion protest.

Gordon S Watson
Metchosin    British Columbia
February 08 2022


Action, Education, and Inspiration  for Freedom in the Okanagan

Action, Education, and Inspiration 

The following document has been prepared to share important information and actions with the Freedom Rising alliance. Click on the individual action links to be directed to each action.



Representatives of the Freedom Convoy have issued a public statement via video about the state of emergency declared by Ottawa’s mayor. They are very concerned that Ottawa police are acting aggressively. The Convoy’s medical advisors, Dr. Paul Alexander and Dr. Roger Hodkinson declare it’s time for the government to lift all mandates.


Dr. Ponesse’s poignant words in Ottawa quickened the hearts and souls of freedom lovers everywhere. In her riveting 11 minute speech, Dr. Ponesse called out the disastrous government policies that have imposed a ‘pandemic of coercion and compliance’ that have obliterated our most fundamental Constitutional freedoms.


Write, email, text, tweet, post on social media, and phone your MP. Share with them the two videos above. Tell them that you support the Freedom Convoy because they support your Charter rights and freedoms. To find your MP’s address, email, and phone: 


Jim Watson, the Mayor of Ottawa is violating our Charter rights to assembly, protest, free speech, and other violations. Call Mr. Watson and demand that he honour the Charter. 613-580-2496


The forces of tyranny want us to react to their aggressive and hateful tactics. Stay centered, peaceful and loving. Love wins over hate. Take inspiration from Gandhi and his success in the liberation of India from the British.

“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.” – RFK 

Mary Lou Gutscher


It’s theft: A Supine Court Freezes/Steals $8.5-million Raised for Truckers in 6 Days on GiveSendGo

Ontario court freezes Freedom Convoy’s access to GiveSendGo donations 

By Jonathan Bradley – February 10, 2022 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Linkedin

The Ontario government has secured a court order to freeze access to millions of dollars donated to the Freedom Convoy through crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo. 

Premier Doug Ford’s office said in a statement Thursday evening that the attorney general brought an application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice under Section 490.8 of the Criminal Code of Canada. 

This application, said the premier’s office, sought to prohibit people from “disposing of, or otherwise dealing with” donations made through the Freedom Convoy and Adopt-A-Trucker pages on GiveSendGo. 

“This afternoon, the order was issued,” said the premier’s office in a statement on Thursday. “It binds any and all parties with possession or control over these donations.” 

The Freedom Convoy’s organizers and lawyer were not immediately available for comment although spokesperson Benjamin Dichter did joke about the GiveSendGo being frozen in a tweet.

“This is good for #bitcoin,” he said

A crowdfunding page for the Freedom Convoy was set up on GiveSendGo after GoFundMe canceled the original fundraiser. 

The GiveSendGo page had raised $8.5 million US as of Thursday, the Freedom Convoy’s 19th day.

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Arrested At Gunpoint

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Arrested At Gunpoint

On Thursday, political prisoner Dr. James Sears was arrested at GUNPOINT by three police while leaving his regular appointment with his parole officer. He’s a 56-year old writer editor of YOUR WARD NEWS. We await further details. He was on parole on “hate” charges for satire!

Bernie Farber, Chairman of Trudeau-funded ‘anti-hate’ network, spreads antisemitism hoax to smear Canadian Truckers

Chairman of Trudeau-funded ‘anti-hate’ network spreads antisemitism hoax to smear Canadian truckers

The image is identical to the photo posted on Twitter two weeks ago by someone in Miami, Florida. Advertisement Chair of Trudeau-funded ‘anti-hate’ network spreads antisemitism hoax to smear Canadian truckers The Post Millennial The Post Millennial February 6, 2022 7:30 PM 3 mins reading

In an apparent effort to smear the truckers, Chair of the “Anti-Hate” Network Bernie Farber has spread disinformation on social media regarding the ongoing Freedom Convoy. Advertisement

In a Sunday tweet, Farber posted a picture of an antisemitic flyer and said it was “taken by a friend in Ottawa at the Occupation. Apparently in plain sight.”

Taken by a friend in Ottawa at the Occupation. Apparently in plain sight.— BernieFarber (@BernieFarber) February 6, 2022

However, it appears the image is identical to the photo posted on Twitter two weeks ago by someone in Miami, Florida. As pointed out by Jonathan Kay who said, “Wow Bernie, isn’t it incredible that the picture your ‘friend in Ottawa at the Occupation’ sent you is identical to the photo posted on Twitter two weeks ago by someone in Miami, right down to the ceramic design in the background?”

Upon further investigation, it appears Kay is correct. Cleveland Jewish News confirmed the flyer was from weeks ago and completely unrelated to the Freedom Convoy.

Despite the flyer being a hoax, Farber’s tweet was retweeted by numerous politicians and journalists. Angie Seth of CTV said “this is both disgusting and horrifying,” in reaction to the fake photo.

“This is sick,” said Kyle Harrietha, Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Parliamentary Affairs to Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources. Advertisement

NDP MP Charlie Angus also fell for Farber’s hoax. “The #ottawaoccupation gang came to Ottawa with swastikas scrawled on Canadian flags. This sh*t isn’t hidden its right there in the open” he said.

Some have already deleted their retweets as the hoax quickly became obvious. Images of their retweets can be found in Kay’s Twitter thread.

Farber replied to Kay’s tweets saying, “Jon, respectfully, antisemitic and racist flyers are produced and too easily accessible online to be copied and distributed. This particular flyer is not new to me either.”

“You told us the image was from the Ottawa Occupation. The photo you tweeted was taken in Miami two weeks ago,” replied Kay, putting pressure on Farber.

Yes in fact that photo has been reproduced numerous times I’m told over the last few weeks,” Farber replied, seemingly contradicting himself.

“But that’s not what you said. You posted the photo and said it was from the Ottawa occupation. Instead it was a photo that someone took in Miami, and then you got it and told everyone it was taken in Ottawa,” Kay replied.

“The pic sent to  me was of a copy of this flyer allegedly seen in Ottawa where the picture I posted was taken. And yes its been seen elsewhere as well. Apologies for my unclear language,” said Farber.

“It wasn’t ‘unclear’ You said the photo was ‘taken’ by your friend at the Ottawa occupation, which started 8 days ago, But the photo you posted was taken at least two weeks ago…. in Miami. I’m really interested in the explanation,” Kay said, continuing to mount pressure on Farber.

“Jon, last time. The pic sent to me was taken in Ottawa as I understand it. It could have come from social media originally. Don’t know. That’s it my friend. Have a good one,” Farber concluded, dodging any accountability.

Outside of the fake photo promoted by Farber, leftists on Twitter also shared a photo of a man holding an antisemitic sign. However, they completely neglected to point out that this individual had his racist sign torn up and was lambasted by the convoy.

Bernie Farber is the Chair “Anti-Hate” Network, which receives $250,000 in annual grants from the Trudeau government. Despite holding such a serious position, Farber is openly spreading disinformation in order to besmirch the truckers.

Farber’s false tweet still remains active at the time of publication.

Jewish Writer Jonathan Kay Exposes Bernie Farber’s Hoax to Smear Truckers As Anti-Semitic

Jewish Writer Jonathan Kay Exposes Bernie Farber’s Hoax to Smear Truckers As Anti-Semitic

Canadian ‘Anti-Hate Network’ Caught Spreading Hate Hoax to Smear Truckers

February 7, 2022 Constitutional NobodyNews

Bernie Farber, the former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress and current leader of the “Canadian Anti-Hate Network,” was caught spreading a hate hoax on Sunday in an effort to smear Canadian truckers. 

Farber posted an image of an anti-Semitic flier and said it was, “Taken by a friend in Ottawa at the Occupation. Apparently in plain sight.”

After being exposed, Farber blamed his “friend from Ottawa” and insisted the “friend” told him they “saw the same thing,” though Farber himself said he “cannot attest to it” as he’s not even in Ottawa. 

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“That said racist and antisemitic posters and flyers have now been seen by others,” Farber insisted. 

Farber’s Canadian Anti-Hate Network, a thinly veiled pro-Israel advocacy organization modeled after the Anti-Defamation League, received $250,000 from Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in 2021.

Farber’s Anti-Hate Network posted an article on Friday calling for new “anti-hate” legislation to advance mass internet censorship and imprison Canadians who post “hate” online.

The article said the Ottawa “occupation” shows “why we need anti-hate legislation.”

“Every day the government allows social media companies to self-regulate, Canadians are getting misled, enraged, and absorbed into the far-right and Covid conspiracy movement,” Farber’s group said. “Now a far-right mob has occupied the capital.”

“It will be difficult, if not impossible, for members of the intertwined antivaxx and far-right movement to come back to reality. New people are finding them every day. With online harms legislation, we may be able to disrupt that pipeline by making it harder for dis/misinformation to find people. We may be able to build a fence of protection both online and offline around the groups that the far-right slanders, harasses, threatens, and attacks. We have to try.”

Trudeau’s Liberals announced on the same day that they’re planning to reintroduce their “anti-hate” online censorship bill C-36 “as soon as possible.”

Click this link for the original source of this article.

Canadian ‘Anti-Hate Network’ Caught Spreading Hate Hoax to Smear Truckers

February 7, 2022 Constitutional NobodyNews

Bernie Farber, the former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress and current leader of the “Canadian Anti-Hate Network,” was caught spreading a hate hoax on Sunday in an effort to smear Canadian truckers. 

Farber posted an image of an anti-Semitic flier and said it was, “Taken by a friend in Ottawa at the Occupation. Apparently in plain sight.”

It turns out the exact same photograph was shared by someone on Fascist Twitter two weeks ago in Miami.

After being exposed, Farber blamed his “friend from Ottawa” and insisted the “friend” told him they “saw the same thing,” though Farber himself said he “cannot attest to it” as he’s not even in Ottawa. 

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“That said racist and antisemitic posters and flyers have now been seen by others,” Farber insisted. 

Farber’s Anti-Hate Network posted an article on Friday calling for new “anti-hate” legislation to advance mass internet censorship and imprison Canadians who post “hate” online.

The article said the Ottawa “occupation” shows “why we need anti-hate legislation.”

“Every day the government allows social media companies to self-regulate, Canadians are getting misled, enraged, and absorbed into the far-right and Covid conspiracy movement,” Farber’s group said. “Now a far-right mob has occupied the capital.”

“It will be difficult, if not impossible, for members of the intertwined antivaxx and far-right movement to come back to reality. New people are finding them every day. With online harms legislation, we may be able to disrupt that pipeline by making it harder for dis/misinformation to find people. We may be able to build a fence of protection both online and offline around the groups that the far-right slanders, harasses, threatens, and attacks. We have to try.”

Trudeau’s Liberals announced on the same day that they’re planning to reintroduce their “anti-hate” online censorship bill C-36 “as soon as possible.”

Click this link for the original source of this article.

Trucker Convoy Support Rallies & Other Freedom Events in the Okanagan, February 5-6, 2022

Trucker Convoy Support Rallies & Other Freedom Events in the Okanogan, February 4-6, 2022


Coming Events

CLEAR 2020 02 03 Newsletter and Rally Updates

British children up to 52 times more likely to die following a COVID shot: gov’t report


Canadian Constitutional Crisis

Brian Peckford and Jordan B. Peterson

Brian Peckford remains the last surviving member of Parliament who was part
of the negotiations to draft the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Join him for this important interview as he describes exactly how s. 1
of the Charter was intended to be interpreted, and it is not the override position
that Trudeau or other provincial governments continue to rely upon it for.


Fifteen Signs You’re in an Abusive Relationship With Your Government

Whatever you do, stay out of abusive relationships. 

1. Stops you from seeing friends and family;

2. Won’t let you go out without permission;

3. Tells you what to wear;

4. Monitors your phone and emails;

5. Controls your finances;

6. Controls what you read, watch, and say;

7. Monitors everything you do;

8. Punishes you for breaking rules that keep changing;

9. Tells you the abuse is for your own good;

10. Pretends to know better;

11. Doesn’t allow you to question;

12. Tells you that you’re crazy and no one agrees with you;

13. Calls you names and shames you;

14. Gaslights you, attempting to change your memory of events; and

15. Plays the victim when things go wrong.

If all this sounds familiar, you might be thinking of our relationship with Big Government under COVID-19 tyranny.

Whatever you do, stay out of abusive relationships. In the video below, psychologist Richard Schulman

lists a few signs that you have become trapped in one.


149 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted


Kelowna Convoy Rally – Huge Success

Thank you to all who joined us this past Saturday, January 29 for another huge
display of opposition to Bonnie the Commie, and the Trudeau Communist Gov’t.

If one considers all those who support but couldn’t make it due to work or other
reasons, those who are simply too scared to be in the public eye, or fearful of
losing employment or family / friend relationships, it is clear that support to end t
hese lockdowns is well over 50%!!

Ordering the media to not give us a platform as Castanet has admitted, has
failed our corrupt governments. It has only delayed the inevitable.

We are getting closer and closer to have these restrictions removed.
Many other countries have done so, and slowly, our provinces are doing
the same – but only because of our continued pressure and public activities.
But as evidenced by Bonnie the Commie’s recent extension of vaccine
passports until June 2022, we have a way to go.

Remember however, our rallies cannot end until all four of these events happen:

1/ Bonnie the Commie, Farnworth, Dix and Horgan, and their Bureaucratic
underlings, are criminally charged and removed from office;

2/ That those people taking their place do so on the knowledge and
understanding that these rights and freedoms restrictions will never 
happen again; and,

3/ That all decision makers in the media are also charged for their
part in covering up the facts that they knew would have exposed
this fraud right from the beginning.

4/ All restrictions are removed – not just some. Plexiglass
barriers are removed, people do not wear masks anymore,
and no mandatory vaccines. ALL mandates are removed.

Here folks, is an inspiring picture and short video of the front of our Kelowna
Convoy rally. Many hundreds more lined the sides and the Bear up top where
this picture was taken, and up and down the streets supporting the hundreds
of vehicles in the Kelowna Convoy.

As more people become active, the politicians are feeling the pressure.
Events at Coutts, Ottawa and other locations are forcing politicians and
health officials, to begin to back off.

Stay with us as winter begins to come to an end this month.
And continue to join our support groups as we watch our victory
this year come to fruition.

