Persecution of Political Dissidents in Canada: The Brad Love Story

Persecution of Political Dissidents in Canada: The Brad Love Story
Paul Fromm describes prosecution of political dissident and letter writer Mr. Brad Love. Mr. Fromm makes an appeal to freedom loving Canadians to join him in support of …Mr. Love who is endlessly prosecuted and jailed by the Canadian judicial system and the police for his letters to the Canadian politicians and newspaper editors. This political and judicial persecution is contrary to democratic principles and the human rights.See More

Don’t Become the New Indians, Immigration Reformer Tells Ohio Audience

Don’t Become the New Indians, Immigration Reformer Tells Ohio Audience
YELLOW SPRINGS/DAYTON, OH, October 24, 2013.Paul Fromm, Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, called for the deportation of all illegals and a minimum five year moratorium on all immigration until America’s scandalously high unemployment rate comes down at a meeting here tonight.
Addressing the monthly meeting of the Wisdom Quest Group, a fellowship of eclectic free thinkers, Mr. Fromm said that North America’s European founding/settler people are being replaced by government immigration policy. Given the present rate of Third World flood into the U.S., America’s founding/settler people will become a minority by 2041, he warned..
Most of the immigration debate in the U.S. focuses on “illegals.” “Why should there be any debate?” Mr. Fromm demanded. “They are illegals, law breakers. They should  be deported. Do we debate whether robbers should be detained and imprisoned? The press misleads us when they refer to them as ‘undocumented migrants.’ They haven’t forgotten their papers on the dresser. They are illegals. They are not ‘migrants’, they are invaders.|”
As for immigration itself, as long as there is a significant number of unemployed Americans, any immigration is hugely costly and a slap in the face to the unemployed, Mr. Fromm explained. “Pedro come to America, There are only two possibilities. One, Pedro gets a job. Hooray for Pedro, But that means some American loses his job or remains unemployed. His life is blighted, his potential ignore., He may lose his house maybe his family. America loses. The second possibility is that Pedro does not get a job, Sad for Pedro, but America must give him welfare, housing e=because he’s poor, medicare, food stamps and, of course, education, medication, policing and social work for his five kids. Again, America loses.
Wisdom Quest Group co-ordinator Bruce M. Forrester, Jr. introduced Mr. Fromm saying,” How did that unrestricted immigration turn out for the Native Americans? Answer: Ugh!”
The Wisdom Quest Group hosts an eclectic variety of speakers, including radionics builder Ed Kelly and financial and investment counselor Linda Sue Hoffman.

Bruce L. Forrester, Jr.

Mr. Fromm concluded his talk by reminding his American audience that Canadians are not just Americans who like the cold and talk funny, saying “eh” a lot. “Yes, we share many things in comment, but Canada is a soft tyranny. Free speech is at a premium. We have no First Amendments and the courts have been happy to approve of restrictions on political and religious speech, if remarks offend privileged minorities.
Dwight L Dowson of Maxwell World Wide Historical Films with speaker Paul Fromm
He gave the example of political prisoner Brad Love, who is back in jail for breach of probation. His 10-year ordeal and frequent trips to prison are all the” result of his writing non-threatening opinionated letters to politicians, police chiefs, the media and thin-skinned Jewish groups. He’s in jail solely for the non-violent expression of his political beliefs,” Mr. Fromm told his audience, many of whom shook their heads in shock.
A lively question and answer period followed.

A Hectic & Costly November is Fast Approaching for the Freedom of Speech & We Need Your Help!

A Hectic  & Costly November is Fast Approaching for the Freedom of Speech & We Need Your Help!


We need your support for CAFÉ’s intervention in the Marc Lemire appeal in Federal Court (November 14) and in the McCorkill Will Case in St. John, NB (Nov. 13/14). Help keep CAFÉ in the courts punching for freedom of speech.


CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3


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Doug Christie Free Speech  Booklets

For 30 years, Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister, has been Canada’s outstanding free speech attorney. He passed away of liver cancer, all too young, on March 11, at age 66. Order his outstanding free speech booklets published in C-FAR’S Canadian Issue Series.






__ The Zundel Trial & Free Speech by Douglas Christie (1985) $4.00

__  Thought Crimes Trial: The Keegstra Case by Douglas Christie (1987) $4.00

__   Free Speech IS the Issue by Douglas Christie  (1990) ($5)

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Free Speech Meeting Hears Update on Political Prisoner Brad Love

Free Speech Meeting Hears Update on Political Prisoner Brad Love
TORONTO. October 9, 2013. Paul Fromm was the guest speaker at this evening’s monthly meeting of the Alternative Forum. In addition to updates on the catastrophic loss by the Free Dominion 4 in a defamation suit launched by Ottawa chronic complainant Richard Warman. Mr. Fromm discussed the continued incarceration of voluminous letter writer Brad Love.
Mr. Love was sentenced, in July 2012, to 18 months in prison for breach of probation and was slapped with a further three year gag order, preventing him from writing to the press or politicians. [Yes, this story is about Canada, not North Korea!] Very close to the end of his probation period under a 2003 “hate law” conviction, Mr. Love send information packages to a number of Jewish groups in regards to Anti-Israeli Apartheid Week in 2009. Mr. Love was the victim of a high impact takedown, ironically, at a Toronto free speech meeting. Eight Metro detectives, handcuffs jangling, burst into the meeting, with a Globe and Mail photographer in tow, to arrest Mr. Love for “breach of probation.”
Mr. Fromm explained that Canada’s “hate laws” constitute not just an abuse of process, but an abuse BY process. Mr. Love, who works in the Alberta oil patch, was required to fly back to Ontario 10 times for various court appearances in this breach of probation case. Most breach of probation cases result in a small fine or 30 days in jail. Mr. Love spent several thousand dollars on each trip — airfare, car rental, lost wages — as well as legal fees. In the end,  Judge Kelly Wright did not accept that the Jewish  groups had consented to receive Mr. Love’s non-threatening negative opinions about Israel in the mail.
Photo: Free Speech Meeting Hears Update on Political Prisoner Brad Love

TORONTO. October 9, 2013. Paul Fromm was the guest speaker at this evening's monthly meeting of the Alternative Forum. In addition to updates on the catastrophic loss by the Free Dominion 4 in a defamation suit launched by Ottawa chronic complainant Richard Warman. Mr. Fromm discussed the continued incarceration of voluminous letter writer Brad Love.

Mr. Love was sentenced, in July 2012, to 18 months in prison for breach of probation and was slapped with a further three year gag order, preventing him from writing to the press or politicians. [Yes, this story is about Canada, not North Korea!] Very close to the end of his probation period under a 2003 "hate law" conviction, Mr. Love send information packages to a number of Jewish groups in regards to Anti-Israeli Apartheid Week in 2009. Mr. Love was the victim of a high impact takedown, ironically, at a Toronto free speech meeting. Eight Metro detectives, handcuffs jangling, burst into the meeting, with a Globe and Mail photographer in tow, to arrest Mr. Love for "breach of probation."

Mr. Fromm explained that Canada's "hate laws" constitute not just an abuse of process, but an abuse BY process. Mr. Love, who works in the Alberta oil patch, was required to fly back to Ontario 10 times for various court appearances in this breach of probation case. Most breach of probation cases result in a small fine or 30 days in jail. Mr. Love spent several thousand dollars on each trip -- airfare, car rental, lost wages -- as well as legal fees. In the end,  Judge Kelly Wright did not accept that the Jewish  groups had consented to receive Mr. Love's non-threatening negative opinions about Israel in the mail.

The Crown, in her arguments, had made it clear that the political gagging of Mr. Love was her goal: "Mr. Love, in the Crown's submission, in a unique offender," Judge Wright intoned.  She indicated that her goal was "to prevent" Mr. Love's "views from hurting other people. We need to protect the public from hateful, scurrilous material." And, so, he must be silenced.

Mr. Fromm noted that violent gangbangers who breach probation orders do little jail time. However, people with dissident political views -- like people who peacefully picket abortuaries in violation of bubble zones or letter writers like Mr. Love -- are buried in jails.

Mr. Fromm explained that Mr. Love had been out on bail since September. The bail was mysteriously revoked by the Crown in July. So, this hardworking, non-violent letter writer has been sitting in the Lindsay Provincial jail for four months, awaiting his appeal which is coming up in November.

Free speech supporters at the meeting  eagerly signed a card of support for Political Prisoner Brad Love. This is part of the Canadian Association for Free Expression's political prisoner outreach programme, Mr. Fromm explained.

Why not drop him a line or post card of support. He'll write back:

 Brad Love [557137416]
 541 Highway 36,
 Box 4500,
 Lindsay, ON.,
 K9V 4S6

The Crown, in her arguments, had made it clear that the political gagging of Mr. Love was her goal: “Mr. Love, in the Crown’s submission, in a unique offender,” Judge Wright intoned.  She indicated that her goal was “to prevent” Mr. Love’s “views from hurting other people. We need to protect the public from hateful, scurrilous material.” And, so, he must be silenced.
Mr. Fromm noted that violent gangbangers who breach probation orders do little jail time. However, people with dissident political views — like people who peacefully picket abortuaries in violation of bubble zones or letter writers like Mr. Love — are buried in jails.
Mr. Fromm explained that Mr. Love had been out on bail since September. The bail was mysteriously revoked by the Crown in July. So, this hardworking, non-violent letter writer has been sitting in the Lindsay Provincial jail for four months, awaiting his appeal which is coming up in November.
Free speech supporters at the meeting  eagerly signed a card of support for Political Prisoner Brad Love. This is part of the Canadian Association for Free Expression’s political prisoner outreach programme, Mr. Fromm explained.
Why not drop him a line or post card of support. He’ll write back:
 Brad Love [557137416] C.E.C.C., 541 Highway 36,

Anti-Racism is a Code Word for Anti-White!

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  2. Why Not Do This in Your Community?
    Billboard in Harrison causing controversy
    Linda Russell, POSTED: 06:07 PM CDT Oct 16, 2013 UPDATED: 06:12 PM CDT Oct 16, 2013 … Billboard in Harrison causing controversy KY3 News, Weather, and Sports in the Ozarks |

    Video: Billboard causing controversy in Harrison
    HARRISON, Ark.– – An eye catching billboard is causing controversy in Harrison. Many believe it carries a racist message. But the person responsible says that wasn’t the intent; it’s a political statement about free speech.
    The billboard went up on Harrison’s Highway 62/65 bypass Tuesday, and by Wednesday morning, several viewers had contacted the KY3 newsroom, concerned about the message. …
    The billboard reads “Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White,” in plain black and yellow, no other information.   For many, the first impression was outrage. “It really made me mad. It just kind of bothers me. Everything about the sign was screaming out racism, and that’s something I’ve been trying to stand against for years,” says David Stewart, a college student in Harrison.
    With the Ku Klux Klan claiming Harrison as home, a racist image is something the community has been trying hard to fight, and with a task force on race relations, they believe Harrison is making strides.
    “Then you drive through and you see something like this up, and it undercuts the huge amounts of effort and work the community has focused on in the last few years to really step away from that image,” says Layne Ragsdale of the Harrison Task Force on Race Relations.
    The local resident responsible for the sign released this statement through the sign company explaining their intent: “Often white people are called racist for opposing the President’s policies. On the other hand a non-white person was never called racist for opposing President Bush’s policies. There is a double-standard in this country regarding differences of opinion. Those differences of opinion do not make a person racist. The first amendment right to freedom of speech is for everyone. That is the point of the message.”
    The owner of Harrison Sign, who leased out the billboard, is a minority, and says he does not believe the man is racist.
    Ragsdale doesn’t see a political statement in the words. “I really don’t. To me, it’s very clear that it’s the idea, you shouldn’t speak against racist, that being racist is okay,” Ragsdale says.
    “Silence isn’t going to help the cause. You have to stand for what you believe in, and I believe that the sign should be removed or something should be done about it,” says Stewart.   Harrison Sign Company says the client leased the billboard on a one year contract. The advertiser whose billboard was above the controversial one asked that theirs be relocated, and that was quickly done. Harrison Sign Company says someone else has now leased that space, saying they plan to leave it blankSee More

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  3. Around Europe, we’ve begun to see the cops joining the demonstrators. Interesting.

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    • Frederick Fromm

Why Not Do This in Your Community?


Why Not Do This in Your Community?
Billboard in Harrison causing controversy

         Linda Russell, POSTED: 06:07 PM CDT Oct 16, 2013                                                        UPDATED: 06:12 PM CDT Oct 16, 2013



Video: Billboard causing controversy in Harrison
HARRISON, Ark.– –                      An eye catching billboard is causing controversy in Harrison.  Many believe it carries a racist message.  But the person responsible says that wasn’t the intent; it’s a political statement about free speech.
The billboard went up on Harrison’s Highway 62/65 bypass Tuesday, and by Wednesday morning, several viewers had contacted the KY3 newsroom, concerned about the message. …        
The billboard reads “Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White,” in plain black and yellow, no other information. For many, the first impression was outrage.  “It really made me mad.  It just kind of bothers me.  Everything about the sign was screaming out racism, and that’s something I’ve been trying to stand against for years,” says David Stewart, a college student in Harrison.
With the Ku Klux Klan claiming Harrison as home, a racist image is something the community has been trying hard to fight, and with a task force on race relations, they believe Harrison is making strides.
“Then you drive through and you see something like this up, and it undercuts the huge amounts of effort and work the community has focused on in the last few years to really step away from that image,” says Layne Ragsdale of the Harrison Task Force on Race Relations.
The local resident responsible for the sign released this statement through the sign company explaining their intent:   “Often white people are called racist for opposing the President’s policies. On the other hand a non-white person was never called racist for opposing President Bush’s policies. There is a double-standard in this country regarding differences of opinion. Those differences of opinion do not make a person racist. The first amendment right to freedom of speech is for everyone. That is the point of the message.”
The owner of Harrison Sign, who leased out the billboard, is a minority, and says he does not believe the man is racist.
Ragsdale doesn’t see a political statement in the words.  “I really don’t.  To me, it’s very clear that it’s the idea, you shouldn’t speak against racist, that being racist is okay,” Ragsdale says.
“Silence isn’t going to help the cause.  You have to stand for what you believe in, and I believe that the sign should be removed or something should be done about it,” says Stewart. Harrison Sign Company says the client leased the billboard on a one year contract.   The advertiser whose billboard was above the controversial one asked that theirs be relocated, and that was quickly done.  Harrison Sign Company says someone else has now leased that space, saying they plan to leave it blank

y Not Do This in Your Community?
Billboard in Harrison causing controversy

         Linda Russell, POSTED: 06:07 PM CDT Oct 16, 2013                                                        UPDATED: 06:12 PM CDT Oct 16, 2013

Video: Billboard causing controversy in Harrison
HARRISON, Ark.– –                      An eye catching billboard is causing controversy in Harrison.  Many believe it carries a racist message.  But the person responsible says that wasn’t the intent; it’s a political statement about free speech.
The billboard went up on Harrison’s Highway 62/65 bypass Tuesday, and by Wednesday morning, several viewers had contacted the KY3 newsroom, concerned about the message. …        
The billboard reads “Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White,” in plain black and yellow, no other information. For many, the first impression was outrage.  “It really made me mad.  It just kind of bothers me.  Everything about the sign was screaming out racism, and that’s something I’ve been trying to stand against for years,” says David Stewart, a college student in Harrison.
With the Ku Klux Klan claiming Harrison as home, a racist image is something the community has been trying hard to fight, and with a task force on race relations, they believe Harrison is making strides.
“Then you drive through and you see something like this up, and it undercuts the huge amounts of effort and work the community has focused on in the last few years to really step away from that image,” says Layne Ragsdale of the Harrison Task Force on Race Relations.
The local resident responsible for the sign released this statement through the sign company explaining their intent:   “Often white people are called racist for opposing the President’s policies. On the other hand a non-white person was never called racist for opposing President Bush’s policies. There is a double-standard in this country regarding differences of opinion. Those differences of opinion do not make a person racist. The first amendment right to freedom of speech is for everyone. That is the point of the message.”
The owner of Harrison Sign, who leased out the billboard, is a minority, and says he does not believe the man is racist.
Ragsdale doesn’t see a political statement in the words.  “I really don’t.  To me, it’s very clear that it’s the idea, you shouldn’t speak against racist, that being racist is okay,” Ragsdale says.
“Silence isn’t going to help the cause.  You have to stand for what you believe in, and I believe that the sign should be removed or something should be done about it,” says Stewart. Harrison Sign Company says the client leased the billboard on a one year contract.   The advertiser whose billboard was above the controversial one asked that theirs be relocated, and that was quickly done.  Harrison Sign Company says someone else has now leased that space, saying they plan to leave it blank

From Canadian Political Prisoner, Brad Love

From Canadian Political Prisoner, Brad Love
Brad Love, a decade after his conviction under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code) for writing non-threatening letters to public officials criticizing Canada’s immigration mess, is still mired in the toils of repression. In July 2012, for sending some information packages to some Toronto Jewish groups, he was sentenced to a further 18 months in prison, plus a further three year gag order from writing letters to the media or politicians. He applied for bail; pending an appeal. In July, 2013, this bail was arbitrarily revoked. So, for the past three months, he’s languished in jail, again for nothing more than the non-violent expression of his populist, no nonsense working guy  views,.
 Brad was employed in a lucrative job in Alberta’s tar sands in Fort McMurray. The arbitrary imprisonment punishes him for his views, denies him an income and, ironically, denies the state a hefty junk of his pay in taxes.
Why not drop him a line or post card of support. He’ll write back:
 Brad Love [557137416] C.E.C.C., 541 Highway 36, Box 4500, Lindsay, ON., K9V 4S6
Here’s the latest. Peter Lindsay, my lawyer,. will have my appeal heard in Nov.  That’s all I know.  He is also working on retrieving my $22,000 in cash bail.  Otherwise my once productive life is at a standstill.  
In Free Seech News, we read of the following:
*** My hometown of Ft. Mac which ain’t the bastion of western outspokeness, we were led to believe, radio station Rock 97.9 banned Neil Young, who compared oil sands development to Hiroshima.


Photo: From Canadian Political Prisoner, Brad Love

Brad Love, a decade after his conviction under Canada's notorious "hate law" (Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code) for writing non-threatening letters to public officials criticizing Canada's immigration mess, is still mired in the toils of repression. In July 2012, for sending some information packages to some Toronto Jewish groups, he was sentenced to a further 18 months in prison, plus a further three year gag order from writing letters to the media or politicians. He applied for bail; pending an appeal. In July, 2013, this bail was arbitrarily revoked. So, for the past three months, he's languished in jail, again for nothing more than the non-violent expression of his populist, no nonsense working guy  views,.

 Brad was employed in a lucrative job in Alberta's tar sands in Fort McMurray. The arbitrary imprisonment punishes him for his views, denies him an income and, ironically, denies the state a hefty junk of his pay in taxes.

Why not drop him a line or post card of support. He'll write back:

 Brad Love [557137416]
 541 Highway 36,
 Box 4500,
 Lindsay, ON.,
 K9V 4S6

Here's the latest. Peter Lindsay, my lawyer,. will have my appeal heard in Nov.  That's all I know.  He is also working on retrieving my $22,000 in cash bail.  Otherwise my once productive life is at a standstill.  

In Free Seech News, we read of the following:

 *** My hometown of Ft. Mac which ain't the bastion of western outspokeness, we were led to believe, radio station Rock 97.9 banned Neil Young, who compared oil sands development to Hiroshima.

 *** In France, Bouchra Bagour sent her kid "Jihad" to school wearing a T-shirt emblazened with "I am a bomb".  She was fined $2785.00, her brother 5,573.00.  The max you can receive in France for such nonsence is 5 years in jail or a $62,694 fine.

 *** In Ontario, the OPP showed up at the doors of outspoken cottagers, seniors to do threat assessments on their activities about nearby nuke waste dumping.  They label this 'building relationships'.  They did not investigate nor interview those who will not do the actual dumping.  I call this 'KGB intimidation".

 *** In  Israel, they named some sort of bird park built on stolen land after Stephen Harper. In the Toronto Star.  letter writers, some Jewish, complained of such bird brained hypocrisy.  Personally, I'm hoping for a severe outbreak of bird flu!

 Here in the Lindsay Jail, 200 illegal immigrant detainees shipped here from the West Detention Center (where Zundel was illegally held), went on a one-day hunger strike to protest being brought to this far from Toronto jail where phone calls and visits are long distance and lawyers hard to access.  Of course,   the Immigration Lawyers Society jumped in to complain.

 Me, I'm from Alberta, and I'm in jail for simply writing about such scum.  Can I complain too?  As for an actual 'hunger strike'? We eat at 7:30, 11:30 and 4:30 p.m. 9 hours for 3 meals.  In their shithole countries, I'd probably wait twice that long in jail for someone to bring me a cup of dirty water.  Snivelling, uninvited urchins, all of them!

 I received the multi-signed card from you and I read all the books I can get my hands on and the Star comes daily.  I wrote their people as well whenever I see them gloating over dismissed fire fighters, gays/gypsies on the Lakeshore and oh yeah, free speech, which they seem to think is only for "journalists".  

But hey, foul-mouthed, loud jewish comedienne, Sarah Silverman in toronto for JUST FOR LAUGHS is A-OK in their book. 

 I'm in the wrong biz.

 Take Care,


 *** In France, Bouchra Bagour sent her kid “Jihad” to school wearing a T-shirt emblazened with “I am a bomb”.  She was fined $2785.00, her brother 5,573.00.  The max you can receive in France for such nonsence is 5 years in jail or a $62,694 fine.
*** In Ontario, the OPP showed up at the doors of outspoken cottagers, seniors to do threat assessments on their activities about nearby nuke waste dumping.  They label this ‘building relationships’.  They did not investigate nor interview those who will not do the actual dumping.  I call this ‘KGB intimidation”.
*** In  Israel, they named some sort of bird park built on stolen land after Stephen Harper. In the Toronto Star.  letter writers, some Jewish, complained of such bird brained hypocrisy.  Personally, I’m hoping for a severe outbreak of bird flu!
Here in the Lindsay Jail, 200 illegal immigrant detainees shipped here from the West Detention Center (where Zundel was illegally held), went on a one-day hunger strike to protest being brought to this far from Toronto jail where phone calls and visits are long distance and lawyers hard to access.  Of course,   the Immigration Lawyers Society jumped in to complain.
Me, I’m from Alberta, and I’m in jail for simply writing about such scum.  Can I complain too?  As for an actual ‘hunger strike’? We eat at 7:30, 11:30 and 4:30 p.m. 9 hours for 3 meals.  In their shithole countries, I’d probably wait twice that long in jail for someone to bring me a cup of dirty water.  Snivelling, uninvited urchins, all of them!
I received the multi-signed card from you and I read all the books I can get my hands on and the Star comes daily.  I wrote their people as well whenever I see them gloating over dismissed fire fighters, gays/gypsies on the Lakeshore and oh yeah, free speech, which they seem to think is only for “journalists”.
But hey, foul-mouthed, loud jewish comedienne, Sarah Silverman in toronto for JUST FOR LAUGHS is A-OK in their book. 
 I’m in the wrong biz.
Take Care,