Mother of Transgendered Serial Litigant Jonathan Yaniv Tries to Assault Reporter Sheila Gunn-Reid

I received a very credible tip that Jonathan Yaniv was going to be in court yesterday for something we couldn’t find out about — despite hiring lawyers to hunt down why!

It turns out that this vexatious and violent transgendered “activist” was supposed to be in court for some special unknown reason… I just had to check it out.

So, I hopped on a pre-dawn flight to Vancouver, hired two security guards and headed to the courthouse.

I had to be careful. Yaniv has a history of violence and has already viciously assaulted two of my colleagues, David Menzies and Keean Bexte.

In fact, we’re suing Yaniv in civil court for these attacks — please v to read more and to help us fight this case.

After arriving at the courthouse, I waited and waited before I finally had my chance to ask Yaniv about him punching my colleagues and friends.

Here — check it out:

Did you see that?

When Yaniv had an actual woman asking him tough questions, he ran away. He was scared of me. He must still know that it’s wrong for a man to hit a woman.

Now, as for Mama Yaniv, I’m really grateful that I had those two security guards to stop her from ripping my face off.

But here’s the really crazy part: despite catching the whole thing on my phone camera, my GoPro and an overhead security camera, Yaniv still called the cops and said we were to blame. The cops then fell for it and detained me — if you can believe it!

Thank goodness I had it all on video, and a lawyer by my side, because the cops eventually let us go.

Yours truly, 

Sheila Gunn Reid

P.S. We’re incurring a lot of costs to expose this madman for what he is an abuser of the system.

Since Yaniv has assaulted both Keean and David, I was the one who had to fly out to Surrey to catch him at the courthouse. 

And I had to do it with two security personnel and a lawyer to keep me safe… Yaniv has four inches and 100 lbs on me! 

So now I have legal costs as well.

If you can help us carry out this public-interest journalism, please visit to chip in — thank you!

Congratulations to Monika Schaefer, Former Political Prisoner, the New President of Truth and Justice for Germans

Truth and Justice for Germans Society


The name tells the story, and it is long overdue. It is high time for there to be Truth and Justice for Germans. The lies, deceptions, vilification, demonizing and slander against the German people began long ago and has continued non-stop to this day. Not only did Germany suffer the physical devastation of two bloody “world wars”, they suffered the total ‘re-education’ and indoctrination of themselves and a world who falsely blame the victim (the Germans) for the wars and for a fantastical genocide which they never committed. They are not permitted to grieve their own losses, and are criminalized for speaking truth about their history and achievements. Everything has been turned on its head. The pain of destruction is one thing, the pain of being falsely turned into villain is on an entirely other level. Germany has been brought down to her knees, and the war against her has never ended. 

I came into contact with the Vancouver-based Truth and Justice for Germans Society after my June 2016 video “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” was released. It is hard to put into words how much it helped me when I was occasionally able to join them at their gatherings. It was a sanctuary of sanity for me, a strength and sustenance-giving sojourn, in between facing the battle front in Jasper on a daily basis at the time.

They have now invited me to become president of their organization, which I am honoured to accept. ~ Monika Schaefer



We are dedicated to restoring, maintaining and defending the honour, dignity and reputation of the German people and their descendants, both in Canada and abroad, from slander, insults, false news, and biased and incomplete reporting, which has led to discrimination, fear, hatred and Anti-Germanism in the public realm. We hope our efforts will foster a better understanding of German history, culture and accomplishments, and a more accurate and complete view of world history as it relates to the German nation and people. We believe that through countering the war propaganda which continues to be regurgitated to this day and by replacing the historical lies with facts and evidence that have been systematically ignored, that a measure of justice may be achieved for the German people, and that a Third World War may also be averted.


The founder and first president of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society in 2015 was Wayne Prante. In his introductory essay, he described the background for his motivation. Reading this moved me deeply. In his story lies the essence of what has happened and what our current situation is and the critical importance of our mission in bringing truth and justice to the German people. Here is his story. 


By Wayne Prante, May 2015

Many of you, I am sure, are shocked by the scenes portrayed in Hellstorm and had a hard time watching it and processing it. I feel for you. This is the reality I have lived with since I was a small child. I wasn’t there, but my parents were, and they described these things to me clearly, and their memories became a part of me, and have also motivated me, and continue to do so.

My father was about 16 towards the end of the war. He was learning to fly in gliders, hoping to become a Luftwaffe pilot, and being trained for the flack artillery. He wanted so desperately to shoot back, but they didn’t let him. Towards the end, he became so fatigued from the day and night terror bombings that he finally said “to hell with running to the shelters. I just want to sleep. If they kill me, they kill me!” And so he stayed home in bed and slept through it, and survived, while many others he knew did not.

My mother and her family survived many near misses. The apartment building next to hers was completely destroyed and she lost numerous friends. She told me about the scenes of the smoking stumps of people who got stuck in the burning asphalt, and of the people who were cooked alive in their basement shelters, of close friends of hers who perished in a place where she was supposed to be, but was prevented from being there by other circumstances. To this day, my mother just trembles at the sound of the Lancaster engines in TV films, or real prop planes overhead such as those used by search and rescue teams, or forest fire crews.

And both told of the horrible starvation in the aftermath, and the brutality of the occupiers, how they would burn their leftovers from their mess halls to make sure the Germans got nothing. How US soldiers would eat sandwiches etc in front of them and starving children, and then mash their leftovers into the ground in front of them and laugh, or growl and shoo them away. They taught me to be grateful and not wasteful.

They also told me about how wonderful, orderly and peaceful things were before the war. How good it was, compared to what their parents endured after World War I. They were not hungry, though not well off, but they felt secure and hopeful, and part of a vibrant society and culture, who were proud to be Germans, working together for their common good, as a free people, in spite of the world wide boycotts. There was rationing, even before the war because of the boycotts and no hoarding. It was good and honourable to be German. They were happy to be part of the Hitler Youth and had fond memories of it. They could not understand why the world hated them. They were proud of their leader and the form of government, and what it had accomplished for all Germans.

They also told of the influx of ethnic German refugees from Poland (former German territories) and the unspeakable atrocities these people had recounted, all of which the world ignored. But it was no secret in Germany.

During the war, my mother also enjoyed being part of a girls choir that would sing in the hospices for the wounded, recovering German front soldiers of WWII and putting together packages for those on the front lines. It was a duty, an honour, and a joy.

I don’t do what I do because I have white skin, but because I am German. Not German because I am a BRD citizen (though I am), but because of my German blood, and the history, culture, heritage and honour it carries with it, which courses through my veins, and because of the DNA in each of my cells. My family has its roots in the midst of the Teutoburg Forest where Herman the German (Arminius) defeated the Romans in 9 AD. I have living blood relatives there today.

Yes, I am German, and proud of it, though not superior to anyone else. But I also carry this pain of my forebears; this burden of the voluminous lies told about us, and the weight of the horrific crimes perpetrated against us on the basis of a pack of lies. While I have no children of my own, I will not go to my grave without having done all I could to correct the historical record and to have sought justice for my parents, my forebears, and for future generations of Germans.

But, as I have always said, it goes beyond this and what happened to Germany. It is a struggle for all of humanity. For this same Modus Operandi is still being used today against other peoples, and still more people are still being sucked in by atrocity propaganda and bogus threats to go off and fight needless wars, and commit still more atrocities, which benefit the same elite few who fomented and benefited from WWI and WWII, to the detriment of us all.

This must stop! And WWII Truth is the key.

  [….]  I didn’t start this by having all of the answers. Nor do I have them all yet. This is the culmination of a life long quest for the truth and the facts which have been suppressed, and for the vindication of people. I am still learning from my own research, from the many other brave individual historians and investigators who have gone before me, some who have suffered greatly, as well as many contemporaries who share my passion and realize the importance of cutting through the decades old lies and propaganda, and establishing the true facts. Not only for the sake of the German people, but the world at large, today. For it impacts us all, regardless of nationality, here and now.

    I was born in Canada, the son of two German immigrant parents, both of whom grew up in National Socialist Germany under Adolf Hitler and who survived the war and hell on earth. From the time I was a small child, they shared with me and my siblings the facts as best they knew them, and their own experience: the good, the bad, and the unspeakable horrors and indignities which they, like all other Germans of that era had experienced, some though worse than others, and of course, many did not survive to tell their stories. I had no relatives in Canada, only German family friends whom my parents became acquainted with en route to this country. Surrogate relatives, so to speak. They too shared their stories. Thus, even as a child, I had a far different view of the war than that which was presented to us on television, motion pictures and in school. Of course, I did not have any books such as those which are available today and there was no internet back then for me to really do my own fact finding and checking. But I knew enough to know that there were two sides to this story, and the German side was never presented. I also knew about allied propaganda, and I knew who controlled the media. So even as a child and especially later as a teenager, I did my best to speak out in school to defend my people as best I could with what I did know, or where I could at least cast doubt about the sources of the material. I also had more than a few school yard fights with those who called me a “Nazi”. There were always some things, however,  which I could not challenge as I simply had nothing to go on and so I had to accept them as fact, until much later in life.  My passion for this struggle never left me.

    I was an activist and researcher on many issues over the years, and with the advent of the internet, it eventually brought me back to this fight for truth and justice for my people. And in the process, I discovered many facts which allowed me to discard even those things which I had previously accepted as fact, and, armed with this new knowledge, I was finally prepared to go public, […] certainly not to win any popularity contests. Nor for any other political agenda.  Indeed, I made many enemies early on and endured many nasty and vicious attacks from others whose agenda I did not endorse, though they assumed I would. My agenda, however, has always been clear, and I am still here. It was always my hope that my efforts would lead to a grassroots movement, primarily for Germans or those of German descent who also shared my early experiences, and of other honest truth seekers. The response I have received over the years, in spite of the lunatic fringe and a few nasty, severely brainwashed individuals has been overwhelmingly positive.


    As painful and distressing as it was to hear the horrific stories that my parents and the others told me as a child, it was important for them to share it with me and my siblings. It was also essential to hear their pre-war experiences in The Third Reich under National Socialism, and to understand what was destroyed. The question was always “why?”.  My father is long gone, as are most of the others, but my mother is still alive and I cherish the moments I can talk with her now one on one and can finally explain to her “why” these took place and for whose benefit. I can tell her, that I am proud to be German, as she should be too, and that we have nothing to be ashamed of. I can tell her and show her that there was no good reason for the war, that it could easily have been avoided and that Hitler did all he could to avoid it; that all of the horror, misery and death wrought by the allied powers, political whores and their financiers, was pure jealously and greed and born of their desire to rule the world and over all mankind. It is a satanic agenda and simply, pure evil. Nothing could ever justify what was done to our people and the lies which are perpetuated to this day.  It has only served to solidify and perpetuate the power of an elite, self-chosen few, who continue to use the same model today against any other nation or people which dares to stand up to them and to assert their sovereignty and financial independence, free of the International Bankster Gangsters, and who happen to call themselves International Jewry. Those who refuse to see through the lies and propaganda and glory in their own national mythologies are either well paid shills or blind sheeple, being led to their own destruction, by those who rule over them. For the world is not “safe” and not “free” today, nor “democratic”, and we are all slaves to the global banking cartel that Hitler and National Socialist Germany tried to resist, and for a time, did so successfully.

    I can also tell my mother, and my fellow Germans, that there are many thousands of people worldwide who are finally waking up to this truth each day, that I have played a part in this awakening, and so has she, as did my dear father, and all of the other survivors who told us their stories. Moreover, there are many others each day joining this battle and sharing this information globally, in books, films, websites and radio shows, and even many more others daring to share the information on the internet through many social networks, as well as local meetings.

    This is the battle for all of humanity and the future of this planet, and I salute all of you who have has summoned the courage to look for answers, find the facts, to speak the truth and to share it any way you can. We do not know what the future may hold as a result of our efforts, but we need only to look around us to see where it is going if we do nothing and say nothing.

    We can never undo the destruction, misery and death, and the suffering on all sides, but maybe, just maybe, we begin to put an end to their beast system (aka the New World Order), put an end to the needless wars being waged today,  bring the true war mongers and war criminals to justice, and then build a sane, fair and just world, where all nations and peoples are truly free of international tyranny for the benefit of the few.

The Canadian Nationalist Party has filed a civil lawsuit against the City Of Saskatoon, claiming an infringement of constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and freely express themselves during the recent 43rd Federal Election:

The recent 43rd Federal Election has fundamentally demonstrated that our right to self-determination, as Canadian Nationalists, is being suppressed by the current administration. Under these circumstances, our ability to assemble publicly and speak our policies to Canadian voters has, and continues to be, denied to us.

The right to self-determination represents the ability for a people to form their own state and choose their own government. Under the current conditions bestowed upon us, this is essentially impossible, as our ability to assemble publicly and communicate our policies as a federal party has been prohibited to us before and during general elections. Therefore, we will not acknowledge the authority of the Federal/Provincial/Municipal Governments involved given that they have violated these constitutional rights as well as suppressed our self-determination as a unique nationality.

Since we began our campaign in 2017, our candidates have been physically attacked, have faced a concerted attempt to sabotage our efforts to attain federal registration as a political party, a systemic effort to censor our ability to communicate policies to the voting public, and a coordinated effort to tarnish our reputation from a number of media outlets.

Our supporters have been called into the offices of their workplace and school, questioned on why they support our movement, and in some cases, have been dismissed from employment.

We have been falsely accused of violating hate speech legislation and trademark infringement.

Public institutions such as City Halls, University Campuses, Public Libraries, and Convention Centers which operate from our tax dollars have been prohibited to us (since 2017) for reasons never justified.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Fundamental Freedoms:
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly

The institutions in Canada which have prohibited us from accessing them without reason include, but are not limited to:

Every one of these institutions receives operating grants from various levels of government. These operating grants are enabled by the tax codes we as citizens abide by. Canadian citizens abide by tax laws because we trust that these institutions, which we fund, will be made available to us when we wish to assemble and express ourselves.

This desire to utilize public resources and exercise our constitutional rights has been violated consistently and without reason, including after the drop of the writ during the 43rd Federal Election as we were actively nominating candidates. The exclusion of our political party from public spaces and prohibition from booking publicly-funded venues has directly affected our ability to both nominate candidates and inform the public of our policies. Even today, we consistently come across Canadians who have never heard of our party. We believe this ignorance of us as a viable political option would be less pronounced if we were able to access the same democratic channels as other political parties.

The City Of Saskatoon has consistently denied us a permit to assemble despite the fact they have granted one to competing political parties in between our requests for access. The stated reason of denial has been that our organization is ‘denominational’ in nature, something we find baseless because the City Of Saskatoon regularly allows ethno-religious groups to use the same space. Our organization does not explicitly endorsing any particular religious orientation. We are not a denominational group. At least once we were denied a permit after the writ had dropped for the 43rd Federal Election.

After the Ontario Provincial Government mandated free speech at universities, only 1 event was not allowed to go ahead: ours. It seems the idea that Canada is a unique nation is an idea too dangerous for the public to handle. The University Of Toronto claims the ideology of Canadian nationalism poses a “significant safety risk to their students”.

The Toronto Public Library refuses to grant us space on the grounds that advocating “maintaining our European-descended demographic majority” is discriminatory and therefore unacceptable.

Both the Toronto Metro Convention Center & TCU Place cannot honour our booking request due to concerns that our opposition might vandalize their property. These are issues outside our control, but our tax revenues do indeed go towards funding law enforcement that is tasked with keeping the peace at such events. When even basic services such as constitutional rights and protection on behalf of law enforcement are not permitted, the financial return on our tax dollars is non-existent.

A number of the venues which we request space from justify denying us access by referencing “media reports” which negatively portray our party. One such example is a recent event we held in Winnipeg at the Belgian Club where local media presented a blatantly one-sided narrative of the event and the masked hooligans who attempted to disrupt it. These “media reports” cannot be used as grounds to disenfranchise federal parties from campaigning, as they lack any accurate or balanced reporting of our activities.

To date, our constituency has violated no hate speech legislation and initiated no violence. Yet, from the very outset of this campaign in early 2017 to the end of the 43rd Federal Election we have experienced systemic discrimination on the basis of nothing more than our political stance of Canadian nationalism. This denial of the Canadian Nationalist Party, a federally-sanctioned political party, to receive publicly-funded services demonstrates that our government is engaging in taxation without representation.

The message to us is clear: the current government in Canada is opposed to the nationhood of our country and does not support the constitutional rights of a federal political party to assemble on public property and communicate their policies to Canadian voters. This is a political ideology that resonates with millions of citizens, yet our government continues to deny our requests for public permits. It seems in Canada, we have (quite literally) no rights to speak of.

These types of transgressions are intolerable to us and paint the picture of a democratic channel that is made available only to political narratives which support the “post-national” dictatorship our current Prime Minister has vocally endorsed.

If the injustices and complete lack of self-determination afforded to us by the current government administration is not corrected, our very livelihood will suffer.

We encourage supporters of our party to join us in non-compliance. We have no interest nor obligation to obey an authority so brutish it collects tax revenues from the populace while simultaneously violating their constitutional rights. Not permitting a federal party to assemble publicly and communicate its policies to voters only demonstrates that our democracy in its current state is an illusion.

If the Canadian Government prohibits a federal political party from exercising their ability to assemble and speak then it only follows that that federal party prohibit the Canadian Government from speaking on its behalf.

Travis Patron
Leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party

We’re suing York Regional Police after its officers assaulted me — can you help me?

We’re suing the cops! 

The York Regional Police Service to be precise

And we need your help, folks.

You may recall what happened to me last month in Vaughan, Ontario when I had the temerity to practice journalism.

You see, I was trying to put my questions to ex-Coach’s Corner sidekick Ron MacLean at a taping of Rogers Hometown Hockey

News had just broken that Hockey Night In Canada’s ratings had plummeted since the unceremonious axing of Don Cherry. 

But when I tried to ask Mr MacLean questions on a public street, several York Regional Police officers responded with violence.

I was pushed, shoved, put in a bear hug… And my crime was practising journalism in the public square? Seriously.

Check it out:

What those cops did was against the law, contrary to my Charter Rights, and even in violation of a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision that prohibits the police from acting this way.

But as I said, we’re fighting back

We have just served the York Regional Police Service with a lawsuit. You can see the full lawsuit by visiting

Now, we’re definitely not anti-cop here at Rebel News. Quite the contrary, in fact. But these were cops behaving badly — and we have to take a stand.

Police officers are sworn to uphold the law. But not even agents of law enforcement are entitled to break it.

So, we are standing up for ourselves and other law-abiding journalists and citizens with this claim. And we really need your help, folks. You see, this is not about the money, but rather, the principle. Yet it is going to cost us tens of thousands of dollars to enact justice. 

So, will you help me in my quest for justice? 

If you can, please click here or visit to make a contribution to my legal fight — I’d greatly appreciate it!

Yours truly,

David Menzies

P.S. This is a vital cause when it comes to freedom of speech and the practice of journalism, something that’s increasingly under attack in Canada today. And, to make matters worse for the little guy, the York Regional Police Service has the taxpayer trough at its disposal; we only have the generosity of you, our cherished viewers. So, if you can, please click here or visit to help me out — I’d truly appreciate it! Thank you.

Nova Scotia Court Lets Triggered Feminist Trash Man’s Right to Use His Own Name on a Vanity Licence Plate

Free Speech is a great ideal, but not in Canada. Our social justice warrior courts trample on our real rights all the time. A triggered feminist managed to squelch this man’s right to free expression.

Man’s rights weren’t violated when his ‘Grabher’ plate was revoked, Nova Scotia court says

Lorne Grabher had the plate for nearly 30 years until the province revoked it in 2016 after a woman complained that it promoted hatred toward women

Lorne Grabher displays his personalized licence plate in Dartmouth, N.S. on March 24, 2017.Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press/File

The Canadian PressKeith Doucette

January 31, 2020
11:28 AM EST

HALIFAX — A Nova Scotia Supreme Court judge has dismissed a claim by a man who says the province infringed on his freedom of expression when it revoked a licence plate personalized with his surname — Grabher.

The Nova Scotia plate Lorne Grabher had for nearly 30 years was revoked in 2016 by the province’s Registrar of Motor Vehicles after the agency received a complaint from a woman who said it promoted hatred toward women.

In a 50-page decision released Friday, Justice Darlene Jamieson said there is no constitutionally protected right to freedom of expression in a government-owned, personalized licence plate.

The judge said licence plates are not “public spaces” with a history of free expression, adding she doesn’t believe people expect unlimited access to free expression on them. The fact the government has allowed limited access to the space does not make it a public space, she said.

However Jamieson said her ruling should not be taken to imply there is anything wrong with Grabher’s name.

“This decision is not about whether Mr. Grabher’s surname is offensive — it is not,” she wrote. “The decision is not intended in any way to diminish the importance of Mr. Grabher’s surname or the pride that Mr. Grabher and his family take and should take in their name and heritage.”

Jamieson said the registrar recalled the plate because the seven letters “GRABHER” could be interpreted as a socially unacceptable statement without the benefit of further context that license plates can’t provide.

“The primary function of a licence plate is not expression but is identification and regulation of vehicle ownership,” Jamieson wrote. “A licence plate by its very nature is a private government space.”

Jamieson said Grabher failed to establish that the registrar’s decision limited his equality rights and concluded its decision to revoke the plate was justified under provincial motor vehicle regulations.

What is the rationale for giving a bureaucrat the authority to take away the expression of somebody’s last name 

Under the regulations, the registrar can refuse to issue personalized licence plates if the proposed combination of characters expresses or implies a word, phrase or idea that could be considered offensive or not in good taste.

The Nova Scotia decision follows one in Manitoba last October when Queen’s Bench Justice Sheldon Lanchberry ruled it was reasonable for Manitoba Public Insurance to revoke a Star Trek fan’s ASIMIL8 plate after receiving a complaint that it was offensive to Indigenous people.

Lanchberry ruled it was reasonable to take back Nick Troller’s plate, because the word is connected to the Indigenous experience and government policies of forced assimilation.

Grabher declined to comment Friday when contacted by The Canadian Press, but his lawyer said the court ruling would be reviewed before deciding on a possible appeal.

“I think that there are a number of problematic aspects to it,” said Jay Cameron of the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

He pointed to part of the Manitoba ruling in which the judge found that in permitting limited expression on personalized plates, the regulator had authorized a new location where free expression is entitled to protection — a finding Jamieson noted and disagreed with in her ruling.

Cameron also noted that Jamieson “basically ignored” the fact that Grabher had been issued the plate for nearly 30 years without objections being raised.

“What is the rationale for giving a bureaucrat the authority to take away the expression of somebody’s last name, when for 27 years it hasn’t caused a problem before?” he asked.

TV Journalist Peter Akman — Latest Victim of Cultural Marxist Thought Police

TV Journalist Peter Akman — Latest Victim of Cultural Marxist Thought Police

A simple joke in a tweet with a picture of his Chinese barber got CTV  journalist Peter Ackman fired. All he said, beside his barber with a surgical mask was: “Hopefully, ALL I got today was a haircut.” That was enough to trigger the Twitter crazies with howls of “racism”. Of course, he quickly apologized for what, it’s hard to know. But it did no good.  Peter Akman no longer has a job. So much for CTV and freedom of speech. Corporate cowardice in defence of basic freedom is corrosive.

Where’s the “racism”? The acknowledged source of Coronavirus is Red China and is tied to an aspect of Chinese culture — the widespread desire for fresh wild meat. the wretched wild animals — bats, monkeys, civet cats, snakes are kept in horrid conditions in markets. cages stacked on top of each other have these terrified, wretched  creatures urinating and defecating on each other. These are facts. Yes, yes. many Chinese do not support such practices. Yes, most Chinese do not have the virus, but, thus far, all the 180 acknowledged deaths and almost all those ill from the virus are in China and, of the four cases thus far in Canada, all four are Chinese who recently flew in from Wuhan. There’s no “racism” here, just facts.

It’s time to take Canada back from the cancel culture fanatics and the “anti-racist” (really, anti-White) wrecking crew and the apostles of Minorityitis, who put the tender feelings of privileged minorities above basic Canadian rights like freedom of speech.

At the end of this article, I have included some sample comments from the online Georgia Straight (January 30, 2020) version of this story. Most are really very common sensical about the issue.

Paul Fromm



On January 26, CTV investigative journalist Peter Akman tweeted a photo of himself standing in front of an Asian man wearing a mask with the caption “Hopefully ALL I got today was a haircut.”

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The now-deleted tweet was poorly received, quickly amassing dozens of accusations of anti-Chinese racism and insensitivity in the face of what has just been declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization. 

Akman quickly apologized, responding to the backlash with a repeated copy-and-paste of his explanation of the situation. The man in the photo was apparently a barber in Akman’s city of Toronto and had been offering masks to patrons.

The statement was equally condemned by Twitter users, with many accusing Akman of refusing to acknowledge the racism behind his initial tweet:

It wasnt insensitive. It was straight up racist.— meg fenway (@megfenway) January 26, 2020

It was racist, dude. Say it.— Robin LeBlanc, from work (@TheThirstyWench) January 27, 2020

Today, a source speaking to The Post Millennial provided information that Peter Akman was no longer working with CTV. The journalist’s profile no longer appears on CTV’s W5 Team Bios page, where it did just two days ago, according to the Internet Archive. His CTV profile has also been removed from the website.

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Peter Akman had been an investigative journalist with CTV since 2013 after leaving CBC in 2006, and had gained some notoriety for reporting live from international sites such as Afghanistan, Israel, Kuwait, and Libya.

_____________________________________________David ChristieCanada is going towards being a dictatorship if this is the trend we face. Funny thing everytime a differnt country steps on there people for saying something that somebody didnt like. Canada starts yelling. Human rights, human rights , well people of canada we are looseing ours everyday with changeing the laws to the point that if you look at somebody or say anything your going to be in shit by somebody. Or if you go online and say anything your employer has a right to fire you. Our country is very broken and at the rate were going we might as well cut our tongues and blind ourselves so we dont offend anybody..Like · Reply · 1h

Donalda Kyryluk MaunakeaIt was a JOKE! WTF!!! I am sorry I have Chinese relatives that would NOT be offended. This is totally ridiculous.Like · Reply · 1 · 2h

Aki SanWidespread outradge? Yeah, I doubt that. It’s more like a few triggered went on a tweet rampage and the network caved.
Sorry to hear this. Canada is going into the dumper real quick with this type of over reaction of trivial shit.Like · Reply · 2 · 2h

David ChristieOmfg people need ta grow the f__k up. It was a joke cause the guy was wearing a mask. There is no hope for this world with all the touchy feely bs that is happening when ya cant say a damn thing anymore. What the hell happened to the people on this planet???? When the hell did everybody become a race of wimps…..Like · Reply · 4 · 2h

Kristina SoucyI think this is over punishing… this is a person’s livelihood that was taken away over saying something dumb… I would have thought a public apology would have been more appropriate… people commit suicide over this… like how is he going to pay his bill’s? And what if he has children?!? I really think his job was worth wayyyyy more then his comment.
Give him his job back and make him publically apologize or something like that.. smh people are way to sensitive…
Steffan IlemanPeter Akman is a great journalist with a sense of humour. We’d be honoured to have him at CanadaChronicle.comUnlike · Reply · 6 · 4h · Edited

Steffan IlemanIdiots are running this country.Like · Reply · 6 · 4h

Gus BedaywiThis is getting ridiculous… I hope this increase in sensitivity is not the new normal, because it’s pathetic. Who remembers the days of the comedy show “mind your language”…if shown today to the masses it will start a world war 😃Like · Reply · 5 · 4h

Jennifer GouldI’m not sure about his tweet being racist or worth losing his job over but I personally don’t think that this Coronavirus is in any way funny or something to joke about. God Help us all.Like · Reply · 6h

Julian WrightThe media has overhyped this strain of flu, just like the global ensueing climate catastrophe…it is truely pathetic that people (I guess sheeple would now be the correct monica given the shite the gullible populas believes) buy into fucking unsubstantiated made up stories. Wake up people and lighten up too!Like · Reply · 1 · 4h

Anca BostinariuHe did not wear the mask given to him by the barber.Like · Reply · 6h

Mark FisherLighten up, EVERYBODY.Like · Reply · 7 · 6h

Lezelle RavadillaWe Canadians can be hypersensitive. It seems like an innocent joke. Ugh political correctness sometimes sucks.Like · Reply · 6 · 7h

Steffan IlemanHyper-hypocrites would be more appropiate.Like · Reply · 1 · 4h

Mancher DebooIt was just comment. Why are we getting so sensitive about such matters.Like · Reply · 5 · 7h

David KennyI’m sorry that he felt he had to apologize for what is obviously a joke. This whole woke culture needs to go back to where it came from….. irrelevanceLike · Reply · 6 · 7h

Joanne PhillipsRidiculous to be fired over that remark!Like · Reply · 7 · 8h

Malcolm WrightWhat the hell? Everyone becoming a whiner. PC Police need to be fired not the journalist. He apologized, get over it. Last Sunday I attended a comedy show. A black comedian referred to me (a whitey) as his Niggah. Did I get offended? No…it was funny. Everyone laughed. Chill.Like · Reply · 4 · 8h · Edited

Louis PaquetteSay goodbye to free speech in Canada, thanks to the PC Police.Like · Reply · 5 · 8h

Don StewartToo many people getting offended over everything .Like · Reply · 6 · 8h

SteercalamityPeople need to chill out a bit. Jeeeeesus. That was not racist. Yes the virus is scary. We need to have fun and get laughs in even during serious times. More so than ever probably.

I have my first child on the way. I fear that when he grows up, he will not be allowed to have an opinion about anything or be able to have a sense of humour. I hope that the world doesn’t become that bleak.

Ending a persons career over that pic? Shameful and scary.Like · Reply · 6 · 8h
Like · Reply · 2 · 9h

Weo WestThis sensitivity to just about anything that someone does or says is getting ridiculously out of hand. I have no desire to live in a world that bans humour, especially black and off the cuff humour. It’s not living if we keep heading towards a humourless existence. His tweet was funny, along with the selfie, and if you can’t see the humour in it, then I would take a long look at yourself in the mirror, because a narcissistic psychotic is looking back. Errr, sorry, that’s Trump.Like · Reply · 4 · 9h

Carol Allen

Tanya Granic Allen on Who is a “Social Conservative”?


Dear Louis = Marika,

Lately, the media has give a lot of attention to a group of people that’s referred to as “social conservatives”.

From my observation, the media classifies social conservatives as anyone who is any or all of the following: pro-life, pro-parental rights, pro-free speech, a feminist not in agreement with gender theory- or a “TERF” (trans-exclusionary radical feminist), anyone who is pro-traditional marriage (but could be OK with gay civil unions), opposed to legal marijuana, anti-euthanasia, opposed to gender theory, or for religious liberty.

Whether this term is a applied by the Toronto Star, CBC, the Toronto Sun or even the National Post, there’s always a certain sneer or negative connotation with this group.

Why? Why does the media label and dismiss out of hand, anyone with a difference of opinion from themselves, or Justin Trudeau, or the Liberals.

Since when has our country’s democracy been flattened so that there can be no difference of opinion on any issue, especially the social ones?

Why is is that Liberals speak of diversity as being a strength? And yet many Conservatives dismiss, what they view, as the inconvenient diversity of opinion within our party.

Look no further than many of the so-called “leading contenders” within the CPC leadership race who are as diverse from the Liberals as a loaf of Wonderbread; every slice is the same- mushy middle, crusty ends.

The solution for the Conservative party- or Canada- is not to replace Justin Trudeau with another slice from the loaf.

Us Conservatives need a leader who will embrace true diversity of opinion and protect our freedoms. It’s called democracy- not a one-party state.

Louis = Marika, in the next or the next several months, I will offer commentary and on various issues as they arise in this leadership. I also commit to you, to continue meeting with candidates as they reach out to me (several already have) and ask them important questions on policy, freedom, and democracy.

Hard questions need to be asked. I intend to ask them.

Stay tuned…


PS: Please consider supporting my work by making a donation. Click HERE to Support Tanya!

No Free Speech or Freedom of Assembly in France: Luncheon to Honour the Memory of Revisionist Robert Faurisson Banned By Mayor of Vichy

Tribunal administratif

Le maire de Vichy en droit d’interdire un déjeuner en hommage au révisionniste Robert Faurisson

Administrative Tribunal
The mayor of Vichy has the right to ban a lunch in homage to the revisionist Robert Faurisson

Vichy Policy Justice 

Published the 24/01/2020 at 19: 10
The mayor of Vichy has the right to ban a lunch in homage to the revisionist Robert Faurisson
The president-in-office of the court of first instance was perfectly entitled to ban this lunch. © Pierre COUBLE

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The holding of this meal, during which was to be given an international prize bearing the name of the revisionist militant, in a Vichy restaurant (Allier), this Saturday, January 25, was banned by municipal decree.

By a decision notified this Friday, January 24, the judge of interim measures of the Administrative Court (TA) of Clermont-Ferrand has just authorized the mayor of Vichy, Frédéric Aguilera, to ban a lunch-conference that was to be held Saturday, January 25, in a hotel of the thermal city, in homage to Robert Faurisson.

During this meal, was to be presented an international prize bearing the name of the French revisionist militant, who died in October 2018. “The defence of crimes against humanity or their contestation are criminal offences that it is the responsibility of the police authority to prevent when it has knowledge of them,” the mayor said in a statement.

He denied the existence of the gas chambers of the Struthof camp : Robert Faurisson tried in Cusset (Allier)

The TA de Clermont has received a request from the instigators of this lunch-conference, under the urgent procedure, for the cancellation of this prohibition order. The applicants considered that the order in question constituted ” a serious and manifestly unlawful interference with freedom of Assembly in a private place “, arguing that neither the “award” nor the “profile of the participants” was “such as to disturb public order, endanger public security” or ” undermine respect for the human person “.
For the court, the risk of infringement
public order is well constituted

After recalling that “respect for the dignity of the human person (was) one of the components of Public Order” and considering that this luncheon, having “been the subject of an advertisement on a website”, the “risks of infringement of human dignity and of remarks likely to constitute criminal offences” did exist, the judge of the interim indicated that the mayor of Vichy had “not committed a serious and manifestly illegal infringement of the fundamental freedom of Assembly”.

The Chosen One was therefore perfectly entitled to ban this lunch, in the name of his police power. The Administrative Court of Clermont-Ferrand ordered the applicants “to pay the municipality of Vichy the sum of € 1,000”.

Olivier Rezel

Publié le 24/01/2020 à 19h10

Le maire de Vichy en droit d'interdire un déjeuner en hommage au révisionniste Robert Faurisson

Pour le juge des référés, l’élu était parfaitement en droit d’interdire ce déjeuner. © Pierre COUBLE

La tenue de ce repas, au cours duquel devait être remis un prix international portant le nom du militant révisionniste, dans un restaurant vichyssois (Allier), ce samedi 25 janvier, a été interdit par arrêté municipal.

Par une décision notifiée ce vendredi 24 janvier, le juge des référés du tribunal administratif (TA) de Clermont-Ferrand vient d’autoriser le maire de Vichy, Frédéric Aguilera, à interdire un déjeuner-conférence qui devait se tenir le samedi 25 janvier, dans un hôtel de la cité thermale, en hommage à Robert Faurisson.

Au cours de ce repas, devait être remis un prix international portant le nom du militant révisionniste français, décédé en octobre 2018. « L’apologie des crimes contre l’humanité ou leur contestation constituent des infractions pénales qu’il revient à l’autorité de police de prévenir lorsqu’il en a connaissance », justifie le maire dans un communiqué.

Il nie l’existence des chambres à gaz du camp de Struthof : Robert Faurisson jugé à Cusset (Allier)

Le TA de Clermont a été saisi par les instigateurs de ce déjeuner-conférence, selon la procédure d’urgence, d’une requête pour annulation de cet arrêté d’interdiction. Les requérants estimaient que l’arrêté en question portait « une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale à la liberté de réunion dans un lieu privé », arguant que ni la « remise d’un prix », ni « le profil des participants  » n’étaient « de nature à troubler l’ordre public, porter atteinte à la sécurité publique » ou encore de « porter atteinte au respect de la personne humaine ».

Pour le tribunal, le risque d’atteinte
à l’ordre public est bien constitué

Après avoir rappelé que le « respect de la dignité de la personne humaine (était) une des composantes de l’ordre public » et estimé que ce déjeuner, ayant « fait l’objet d’une publicité sur un site internet », les « risques d’atteinte à la dignité humaine et de propos susceptibles de constituer des infractions pénales » existaient bel et bien, le juge des référés a indiqué que le maire de Vichy n’avait « pas commis d’atteinte grave et manifestement illégale à la liberté fondamentale de réunion ».

L’élu était donc parfaitement en droit d’interdire ce déjeuner, au nom de son pouvoir de police. Le tribunal administratif de Clermont-Ferrand a condamné les requérants « à verser à la commune de Vichy la somme de 1.000 € ».

Olivier Rezel