Breitbart News Reports Federal Funds Used to Spy on “Hate Speech” on Gab

Federal Funds Used to Research ‘Hate Speech’ on Gab


scientists with clipboards

Allum Bokhari1 Mar 2020700 3:04

Researchers at USC used federal funds to compile a “corpus” of “hate speech” on Gab, the First Amendment-friendly social media network that provides an alternative to increasingly censorious platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Titled “The Gab Hate Corpus: A collection of 27k posts annotated for hate speech,” the project involved over a dozen researchers and was sponsored by funds from the National Science Foundation, a federal body that distributes taxpayer money to fund scientific research, including “social sciences.”

The current NSF director is an Obama appointee, France A. Córdova. The NSF’s budget in 2020 was increased by 2.5 percent on the previous year, to $8.28 billion. Part of that taxpayer money, it seems, is now going to study “hate speech” on Gab.

“The growing prominence of online hate speech is a threat to a safe and just society,” declares the study. “This endangering phenomenon requires collaboration across the sciences in order to generate evidence-based knowledge of, and policies for, the dissemination of hatred in online spaces.”

The report also claims to “establish baseline classification performance for each using standard natural language processing methods.” Natural language processing is a subfield of linguistics, AI and computer science that among other things involves training AIs how to recognize and analyze human speech.

In a statement, Gab slammed the researchers for “cherrypicking” items of speech from its website.

“These researchers used federal funds to highlight 27,000 posts out of more than 93,000,000 on our site (0.029%) to promote the online censorship of American citizens,” said a Gab spokesman.

“Gab has over 3 million visitors, users, and customers from around the world. Our fastest-growing markets are the United States, India, and Spain. Our users have diverse ideological, cultural, and social perspectives. Studies like this seek to gaslight millions of great people in our community based on a negligible fraction of posts on the site.”

“For years now yellow journalists and shoddy researchers have consistently cherry-picked individual users or small groups on our site in an effort to discredit our mission, which is to protect the First Amendment online and empower everyone to speak freely and securely.”

“They have failed and will continue to fail. Gab will continue to build people-powered solutions to Big Tech bias and online censorship.”Are you an insider at Google, Facebook, Twitter, or any other tech company who wants to confidentially reveal wrongdoing or political bias at your company? Reach out to Allum Bokhari at his secure email address

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News.

Red Tory Elite Keep Social Conservative Out of Party Leadership Rce
Despite support from thousands of CPC party members, the unelected LEOC has disallowed my candidacy and will not allow my supporters to cast their ballots for me. No reasons were provided to me by the committee.

It seems my candidacy was viewed as a threat to the establishment of the CPC and to the kind of leader THEY want to select. Thus far I was the only candidate who took a strong position in support of traditional marriage and who proposed to defund abortion federally as health care.

True Blue Conservatives, including those with traditional values, are a major force within our Party. They are a force with or without my candidacy in this leadership contest. I continue to work with all True Blue conservatives who support and take action in the conservative movement, and within the CPC regardless of how uncomfortable this makes the unelected Red Tory elite.

I believe in a CPC that welcomes all True Blue conservatives and offers a clear alternative to the Liberals. The CPC began on these principles. I helped build it from its founding, especially in Québec. I urge all my supporters to keep pressing on towards that goal.

The work continues! For a True Blue Conservative Leader, Richard DECARIE
Richard DECARIE Campaign

Are Social Conservatives Unwelcome in the Tory Party?

Conservative Party blocks controversial candidate Richard Décarie from running for leadership

Brian Platt 10 hrs ago Former Liberal cabinet minister Rich Coleman to retire from politics 3 new COVID-19 cases announced in Ontario

a man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera:  Richard Decarie, a social conservative whose views were widely condemned by some senior Conservatives, has been barred from running the party's leadership race.

© @RichardDECARIE/twitter Richard Decarie, a social conservative whose views were widely condemned by some senior Conservatives, has been barred from running the party’s leadership race.

OTTAWA — The Conservative Party has released a “final list” of candidates approved to run in the leadership race, and Richard Décarie is not on it.

Décarie had prompted outrage last month after he went on national TV and said that in his view being gay is a choice, among other inflammatory remarks. His comments were strongly condemned by many Conservative MPs and leadership candidates including Peter MacKay, Erin O’Toole, Marilyn Gladu and Rick Peterson.

The Conservative Party’s leadership nomination committee interviewed Décarie on Thursday, which indicates he had fulfilled everything else needed to enter the race, including a $25,000 fee and 1,000 signatures from party members. (To stay on until the final ballot, he would have needed to pay a further $275,000 and collect 2,000 more signatures by March 25.)

Also watch: MacKay on cannabis laws, Huawei & where he’ll run (Provided by CBC)

Décarie’s campaign team told the Post on Friday that they had met the basic entry requirements and expected Décarie would be approved to run.

“No reasons were provided to me by the committee,” said a statement from Décarie on Saturday. “It seems, then, that my candidacy was viewed as a threat to the establishment of the CPC and to the kind of leader that THEY want to select. Thus far I was the only candidate who took a strong position in support of traditional marriage and who proposed to defund abortion federally since it is not health care.”

Party spokesperson Cory Hann would not confirm on Saturday why Décarie was not on the final list of applicants, saying that reasons for approving or disqualifying a candidate aren’t released. Hann did say that the final list has been signed off on by the full leadership election organizing committee (LEOC).


A party official with direct knowledge of the matter, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the rejection was not specific to Décarie’s TV interview, but related to his application as a whole. The application includes a lengthy questionnaire and various screening measures such as background checks and scanning social media feeds, previous activities and written work.

The official also pointed out that other socially-conservative candidates (Leslyn Lewis and Derek Sloan) are in the race, so the party is not looking to block people with those views.

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According to the leadership race rules, there is no further route of appeal for Décarie now that the entry deadline of Feb. 27 has passed.

“All decisions of the LEOC are final and are not subject to internal appeal or judicial review,” the rules say.

a lit up city at night:  A man is silhouetted walking past a Conservative Party logo before the opening of the Party’s national convention in Halifax on Thursday, August 23, 2018.

© Darren Calabrese A man is silhouetted walking past a Conservative Party logo before the opening of the Party’s national convention in Halifax on Thursday, August 23, 2018. The leadership questionnaire that had to be filled out by all candidates did include questions that could have formed the grounds to block Décarie , such as whether the candidate has ever “been accused of, or been engaged in, activities that promote discrimination or hatred against people on the basis of…sexual orientation.”

Décarie’s statement said his supporters, who he called “True Blue Conservatives” with “traditional values,” will still be a force in the party and this leadership race.

“They will continue to be with or without my candidacy in this particular leadership contest,” he said. “I will continue to work with all True Blue conservatives who want to support and take action in the conservative movement, and within the Conservative Party of Canada regardless of how uncomfortable this makes the unelected Red Tory elite.”

The list of eight candidates approved to run are:

Marilyn Gladu

Rudy Husny

Jim Karahalios

Leslyn Lewis

Peter MacKay

Erin O’Toole

Rick Peterson

Derek Sloan

Look Who’s trying to Tell An Independent Country What Sort of Parade It Can Hold


Belgian Carnival parade goes ahead despite criticism

Israel urged Belgium to ban the traditional Carnival parade, which featured floats depicting caricaturistic images of Orthodox Jews. The mayor of Aalst defended the festivities, saying “it is not an anti-Semitic parade.” Watch video 03:08

Charges of anti-Semitism darken carnival in Belgium’s Aalst

The Belgian city of Aalst went ahead with its traditional Carnival parade on Sunday, despite calls from Israel to ban the event over its anti-Semitic floats and costumes.

This year’s parade included participants dressed in costumes of caricaturistic Jewish stereotypes, with some wearing hooked noses, insect costumes, and exaggerated outfits meant to depict Orthodox Jews. One of the floats also included three Jewish caricatures placed alongside gold bars. Some revellers were also dressed in costumes meant to represent Nazi officers.

Lawmakers in the European Parliament had urged officials in Aalst to make sure this year’s parade was free from “manifestations of hatred.”

Earlier this week, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz called on the Belgian government to ban the “hate-filled” parade altogether.

The city’s Carnival parade lost its UNESCO cultural heritage status last year over the “recurrence of racist and anti-Semitic representation.” Revelers then dressed in Nazi costumes, making fun of the move.

Mayor defends parade

The city’s mayor dismissed criticism and calls for a ban on the festivities, saying “let Aalst be Aalst.”

“This is not an anti-Semitic parade,” Mayor Christoph D’Haese told reporters on Sunday. “Aalst is not an anti-Semitic city.”

D’Haese, of the right-wing nationalist New Flemish Alliance party, added that the goal of the parade is “not to hurt anyone.”

City authorities have repeatedly defended the parade as an expression of free speech and saying the costumes and floats are intended to be “satirical.”

The US Holocaust Museum tweeted “24,000 Jews living in Belgium were murdered in the Holocaust. Today, deadly anti-Semitism is on the rise again throughout Europe. Events like the Aalst Carnaval parade that promote anti-Semitism and stoke hatred and potentially violence must be denounced by all segments of society.”

One of this year’s floats featured Orthodox Jews next to gold bars

Sunday’s parade in Aalst also took place despite the threat of strong winds gusting up to 100 kilometers per hour (62 mph). Several other Belgian cities postponed or canceled their parades due to the severe weather.

The Aalst Carnival celebrations, which are more than 600 years old, were given UNESCO cultural heritage status in 2010. Last year’s parade prompted a wave of criticism from the EU and from Jewish groups after a float included Jewish caricatures with bags of money that were surrounded by rats.

According to the World Jewish Congress, Belgium is home to a small Jewish community of around 30,000 people out of the country’s total population of 11 million.

rs/aw (dpa, AFP)

Little Free Speech in South Africa [Remember Nelson Mandela, now a secular saint, was a member of the Communist Party of South Africa]

South Africa should introduce a register for people who make racist comments: High Court ruling

Ryan Brothwell27 February 2020

In light of the seriousness of the racial attitudes harboured by some in our society, the time may have come for the government to consider establishing a “register” of offenders of this type of conduct.

This was one of the findings in an Eastern Cape High Court ruling this week, which focused on the case of a woman who reportedly used the k-word against a handyman who worked in her retirement village.

“The purpose of this register would be to enter the details of those who relentlessly treat the foundational values that underpin our constitution with disdain and who undermine the efforts in building a cohesive non-racial society,” the court said in its judgement.

“This may also serve as a constant reminder to anyone that, to refer to other people of a different race with disparaging and degrading descriptions, is contempt to the progressive agenda this nation adopted in 1994 in its quest to build a non-racial society.”

The issue of racial comments remains an incredibly sensitive topic in South Africa with the country’s courts dealing with a number of cases around the issue.

People who publicly use derogatory words and other expressions of racism may face legal sanctions including private claims for defamation as well as criminal charges for crimen injuria.

Despite these harsh consequences, there have been numerous incidents of people publicly using overtly racist and often taboo words to describe others, says Hugo Pienaar, a director at law firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr who was commenting on the issue in 2019.

“The Constitution prohibits racism through safeguarding every person’s rights to dignity and equality. It also expressly limits the right to freedom of expression to exclude the advocacy of hatred which is based on race,” he said.

“Recent cases have emphasised that our society and law is taking a zero-tolerance policy towards racism and the use of derogatory language.”

Even in Catholic Croatia, Criticizing the LGBTQ Agenda Can Lead To Criminal Charges

Croatia Gay Effigy Condemned: MP Files Criminal Charges Against Carnival

 By Forrest Stilin  24 February 2020

Croatia Gay Effigy Condemned: MP Files Criminal Charges Against Carnival | Arsen Bauk Boško Ćosić | Screenshot

February 24, 2020 – MP Arsen Bauk SDP (Social Democratic Party) of Croatia has announced that he will file a criminal complaint against the organizers of the “Bakova povorka”, which took place in the town of Imotski, at the local police station for burning an effigy of a gay couple. Zoran Milanović, President of Croatia, has demanded an apology from organizers and an appropriate response from the relevant legal institutions.

Numerous comments have appeared on social networks condemning the Imotski carnival (Bakova povorka), where an effigy of a same-sex couple holding a child was burned at the ceremony to widespread cheers. The child was presented in the form of SDP MP Nenad Stazić with a five-pointed star (Yugoslavia) on his forehead, according to Ana Roksandić/RTL Dnevnik on February 24, 2020.

Bauk to File Complaint Under Article 325 Croatia Criminal Code

Arsen Bauk has announced that he will file a criminal complaint against Milivoj Đuka, the organizer of the carnival parade, at the Imotski Police Station on Monday for the offense noted under Article 325 of the Criminal Code of Croatia.

There is a tradition of masks in Dalmatia, in which the people normally express their dissatisfaction with powerful political and social figures. However, the lynching of minority groups runs contrary to that tradition.

Croatia President Demands Appropriate Response for Shameful Event

Croatia President Zoran Milanović also responded to the “shameful event” on Monday morning.

“The symbolic burning of same-sex partners with a foster child in Imotski is a sad, inhumane and totally unacceptable act in the guise of the ‘Bakova povorka’ festivities. The organizers who staged this shameful event, in the name of tradition, deserve the strongest public condemnation because of the hatred they have demonstrated toward for others. Intolerance and inhumanity are not and will not be a Croatian tradition. I am seeking their public apology and the appropriate response reaction from the relevant institutions, especially as many children watched this event, thus witnessing the spread of hatred and inciting violence,” he wrote on Facebook.

Don’t Kid Yourself, the “Free World” Doesn’t Enjoy Much Free Speech

Former Polish Priest Indicted for Hate Speech and Holocaust Denialby Katarzyna Markusz, Jewish Telegraphic Agency – February 19, 2020

WARSAW, Poland (JTA) — A former priest involved in Poland’s nationalist movement has been indicted on hate speech and Holocaust denial charges. The District Prosecutor’s Office in the city of Wrocław, in western Poland, brought three indictments against Jacek Miedlar. Another claims that he insulted the late prime minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki. Miedlar, who pleaded not guilty, could face up to three years in prison if convicted on the charges.

“Dear ladies and gentlemen, that synagogues can stand here on our Polish soil in Wroclaw, and that Dutkiewicz [mayor of Wroclaw] and Jews can get drunk in them with Talmudic hatred, this is only the result of our tolerance,” Miedlar said at a nationalist march in Wroclaw on Nov. 11, 2017. The prosecutor’s office said the speech incited hatred.

About 3,000 people clapped and chanted slogans such as “Great Independent Poland” in response.

The prosecution also highlighted other statements inciting hatred against Jews and Holocaust denial from 2018.That year, on Dec. 13 in Wroclaw, Miedlar publicly set fire to the portrait of Mazowiecki, calling him a “communist scab” who “never concealed his Jewish-communist Bolshevik inclinations.” Mazowiecki’s son filed a complaint to the prosecutor’s office.

Mazowiecki, who died in 2013, was an anti-communist activist and the first Polish prime minister after the fall of communism. Although he was a Catholic, with no Jewish roots, his political opponents often accused him of Jewish descent to discourage people from voting for him.

Trudeau’s Canada: One Law for the Thugs but A Different Law for Reporters & the Rest of Us

Hamilton railroad blockade: Know-nothing protesters, and Rebel reporter threatened with arrest (again)
By David Menzies | February 26, 2020

The “new abnormal” in Canada:

Antifa types camping out on railroad tracks is A-OK as far as law enforcement is concerned, but a journalist chronicling such lawlessness is threatened with… Arrest?!

The latest Whac-A-Mole pop-up railway protest against the GasLink pipeline is now taking place in Hamilton, Ontario, inconveniencing thousands of GO Transit commuters and bringing yet another halt to freight train traffic. The blockade, ostensibly in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en natives of British Columbia, was erected just hours after a similar blockade was dismantled near Belleville, Ontario, on Monday.

Here’s what I saw on the scene in Hamilton:

The protesters were completely unable to articulate their rationale for shutting down the rail traffic.

It did not appear that there was a single native present (although, laughably, the Toronto Star did manage to interview a woman who said she “identified” as being native)

More two-tier “justice” was on display: while police turned a blind eye to the squatters, I was threatened with arrest for practicing journalism.

Welcome to Justin Trudeau’s Canada!

Paul Fromm & Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson – Canada is Cancel Culture Central

Paul Fromm & Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson – Canada is Cancel Culture Central

* The new Cultural Marxist cancel, deplatform and  ruin campaign

* Fanatics seek the destruction (firing, isolation) of any who disagree

* Victims — Don Cherry, Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson, Patricia Zammit, Ezra Levant, Travis Patron & others

AND: The Breakdown of Law & Order — Cops & Politicians allow lawless Indians to cripple the economy


Look Who’s Bullying Free Speech in Bulgaria (whatever happened to freedom of political expression/)

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder extends deep thanks to Bulgarian government for quelling neo-Nazi Lukov March

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder extends deep thanks to Bulgarian government for quelling neo-Nazi Lukov March

NEW YORK – World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder expressed his personal gratitude on Saturday to the political and judiciary authorities in Bulgaria, including Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova, for putting a long-awaited end to the annual torch-lit demonstration that generally draws thousands of neo-Nazi marchers from across Europe to celebrate Holocaust-era General Hristo Lukov, whose movement sent more than 11,000 Jews to their deaths in Treblinka. 
This year, the organizers of the march agreed to obey a Supreme Administrative Court decision to uphold a municipal court order limiting the event to only flower-laying at Lukov’s home. The Sofia Municipal Police also reportedly advised the organizers of the march that any person who violated this order would be stopped. In the end, only some 60 supporters were in attendance.
“For the first time in more than a decade, the Jewish community of Bulgaria has been spared its yearly day of fear and apprehension from shameful flame-wielding thugs who parade through the streets to glorify the very ideology that brought the near destruction of the Jewish people,” Lauder said. “At this frightening time of rising antisemitic activity across the world, this is a moment of true victory for the Jewish community, the people of Bulgaria, and all promoters of justice and tolerance worldwide.”
“The World Jewish Congress is deeply grateful to the officials within the Bulgarian political and judicial sectors, including Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zakharieva and Deputy Foreign Minister & National Coordinator against Antisemitism Georg Georgiev, Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova, Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev, and the many others have been sincerely responsive to our concerns over this inciteful demonstration,” Lauder added.  
“Our partnership to ensure the safety and security of the Bulgarian Jewish community has always been extremely positive and receptive, and the government’s proactive efforts in recent years in mobilizing to ban the march despite the many legal obstacles is a clear testament to its true support and friendship,” Lauder added. “Their cooperation last year with the WJC and the  Organisation of Jews in Bulgaria, Shalom, in convening the first-ever March for Tolerance to oppose this scourge was another critical demonstration of their dedication to helping us work to quell these flames of hatred, and it was an action that spoke louder than words. This year, only a few dozen neo-Nazi thugs showed up. Next year, let’s hope that the month of February will pass without a single disturbance of this kind.”