RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE: See everyone on Saturday, September 5, 2020 12:00 noon at Stuart Park! Kelowna

See everyone on Saturday, September 5, 2020  12:00 noon at Stuart Park!
We need as many people as possible
for these rallies!
If you have been unable to make it out to previous rallies, NOW is the time to come out!!!!
The Real New Normal from now on, is:
Live normally and just say NO!
Join us on September 15, 2020, 12:00 – 2:30 at Stuart Park in Kelowna, B.C., and every Saturday until thislockdown and all social re-engineering comes to an end, to voice your concerns and our demands uponPremier Horgan, the Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry, and Communist P.M. Trudeau.
Bring at least two friends!!!
Send this email to all your lists – and distribute the Fact Sheet and Masks Brochure far and wide.

Constitutional rights and freedoms exist and protect us exactly for these types of situations we are in today.
They are not rescindable at will by corrupt or dishonest, opportunist Gov’ts.  Our rights and liberties are Non-Negotiable. We will never accept these rights and freedoms deprivations – now or in the future.
If you don’t realize the gov’t is using a virus with a 99% + survival rate to control the country, you’re not paying attention.
Something much bigger is happening.
The Show Must Go On!
August 29, 2020 Update
We won the battle – the war continues.
Thanks so much to all those freedom supporters who came to our assembly this past weekend. Kelowna joined the ‘big leagues’ this past Saturday, in the growing opposition to global mask laws, and corporate mandates for staff and patrons to wear masks during employment and as a condition of entry. Combined with corporate cooperation with Gov’ts for contact tracing, without your knowledge or consent, this amounts to a massive invasion of our privacy rights.
Global news reported 160 freedom loving people in attendance during the exercise of our Constitutional rights/freedoms of assembly, just outside Kelowna, British Columbia, in beautiful Bertram Creek Park. Many more park enthusiasts also joined as we moved along. Pretty darn good for our limited population.   See some attached pix, limited due to email size restrictions.
As many people in B.C. are aware, Minister of Public Safety Mike Farnworth issued an Order (attached) on Friday, August 21, 2020, purporting to impose fines of $2 000.00 on organizers of events over 50 people or less the 50 with no sanitizer and/or contact tracing in effect, as well as $200.00 for attendees.
This was in support of the previous Order(s) of Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry, restricting public and private gatherings to <50 people, and associated restrictions such as social distancing.  I’ve included a copy of these Orders attached here as well.

Despite the unconstitutional restrictions on our rights and liberties, the show went on.
Police, Parks officials and Interior Health all showed up about 45 minutes prior to the event start time of 10:00 a.m.  While Interior Health woman looked on, Parks official tried to evict us for not having a permit. My response was polite but terse: we set up the assembly in a manner that no permit was required, and we were not leaving.
I reminded the Parks official and the police, that we had Constitutional rights and liberties, including freedom of assembly, association, speech and religion, all which were being exercised that day. Nothing in the supporting Provincial legislation, nor the Order of Bonnie Henry nor Mr. Farnworth (affectionally known as Fartworth), stated that they were in force and effect notwithstanding the Charter or our Constitution. If there was a conflict the Charter prevailed.
All Parks could do was try and show me on the internet where only 15 people were permitted to gather. I refused to look at her phone and explained that their website had no legal effect, only the bylaw which I had a copy of. I told the police that if there was a difference of interpretation of the bylaw between Parks and myself, which I showed them, then they could charge me and I would deal with it in court.  However, as I explained, many people had come from hours away out of town, and I was not about to now turn them away to go home empty handed – that was not going to happen.
The police then intervened by asking mundane questions such as how long we planned to be there and about parking issues. After explaining that we were fully committed to parking safety, they left. In response to my question if they would like to watch and learn about our COVID-19 position, the police stated that they would be checking on and off.  They came back about ½ hour into my speech, and then left.  I understand that they were directing traffic to a second parking lot the entire interim time period.
From that point forward, we had no further interference.  The police officer was polite and respectful, and dutifully listened to my position.
No tickets were issued to anyone for refusing to social distance, wear masks (voluntary anyway), or because we had well over 50 people.  We refused to have sanitizer available and we refused to participate in contact tracing, out of respect for the privacy of our assembled guests.
All four speakers received standing ovations for their incredibly informative presentations. Many regular park users frequently stopped by to listen in as well.  Interest is what we had to say was extremely high. 
Our attendees are merely a drop in the bucket of people who know we are being lied to, and are more than tired of listening to the gov’t propaganda narrative every day.
Global Okanagan did a very good report on their newscast on Saturday night, seen now at:
This report hit the Gov’t squarely between the eyes, by showing all Canadians that we will exercise our Constitutional rights and liberties, and these unconstitutional orders of Bonnie Henry, Fartworth and their false, supporting propaganda, will not stop us.
Do not believe the Gov’t sponsored lies that somehow, we are risking the lives of others.  Stats everywhere in the world, show that this virus, which has not yet even been isolated or purified, is no more of a threat than the regular flu.  Factually such claims are unsupported any more than having someone catch the common cold from someone else, means that the other person is at fault.
People, by living in our societies assume certain risks by so doing.  Getting hit by a car is one such risk, though minimal. So is the risk of transmission of certain diseases. Though everyone would agree intentional transmission of any disease is a criminal offence, accidental transmission will always happen.
The principle is not the you or anyone else must wear masks, social distance etc., none of which stops the viral transmission of any kind. The principle is that if someone is truly at risk or even believes that they are at risk, ie: from multiple health conditions (heart, overweight, diabetes etc.), then these people can stay inside or take any precautions they feel are important for them.  But this does not give them the right to expect that all society, or anyone person in particular, must give up their Constitutional rights and freedoms for them.
Our common law is based on the supremacy of the individual, NOT the collective.
Nor is this a heartless attitude. No one desires to see anyone die or suffer.  However, no one is obliged to sit in their home under forced isolation or jail, because someone else is in fear for their health, unreasonable as most of those fears may be. That is our law.
For those truly at risk, especially in care homes, that is where the focus needs to be directed, not the general public, where the chances of getting COVID-19 and dying is on par with getting hit from a car and dying. It is that small – .0006%!  Think about this: if all monies spent on COVID-19 were directed exclusively to those most at risk, many people in the public may have contacted COVID-19 and moved on in life, and those most at risk, would have been protected to the point that very few of them would have died at all.
Congratulations to everyone who, despite being the eye of the corrupt and lying adversary, risked these unconstitutional fines, to protect the exercise of their Constitutional rights and freedoms! 
And thanks to the police who actually listened to us and respected our Constitutional rights and freedoms as well.
More public assemblies and events will be ongoing and we will be cooperating with others across the country until this COVID-19 scam, is finally removed in its entirety.  Then we need to hold these people civilly and criminally accountable!!!
Next, we provide a reminder for the September 13, 2020 Vancouver Rally

We are proud to be helping to promote the Vancouver Rally against the incredibly unconstitutional lockdown and restrictive measures forced upon us by our Governments, and by businesses and proxies for these Governments.

We are urging everyone to consider options for ride sharing to get from Kelowna to Vancouver on Sunday, Sept. 13.  Will discuss this at Saturday’s rally.

Several people from our own Kelowna based group CLEAR will be speaking at this rally, which is expected to draw hundreds of people from all over B.C.  
I personally will be a speaker and am grateful to have been asked to speak.  Ross Anderson from the Okanagan, one of the most knowledgeable people on the effects of 5G and wireless transmission of energy in North America, will also be speaking. Others are being contacted right now to confirm their appearance as well.
This is a must CALL TO ACTION for all British Columbians.  These ongoing rallies – coupled with positive actions of refusing to wear masks, or social distancing and so on – are critical to actually returning to a society we once knew.  They are critical to sending our message that there will be NO new normal!
I strongly urge everyone to read the small book, The Politics of Obedience by Etienne de la Boetie, written hundreds of years ago.  Boetie so correctly confirmed that all positive change takes place by just saying no and refusing to comply. Change does not take place by complaining and doing nothing.
Civil disobedience to unconstitutional laws and orders, or the unconstitutional re-engineering of our society, is a Constitutional right and freedom.  Indeed, it is such a duty.
Please send this far and wide and have everyone you know attend.  Let’s let our Government be made aware, that we are saying NO and will not comply.
Be prepared to discuss how we can get everyone to Vancouver for Sept 13
Over 2 000 people showed up on a heavy, rainy day in Ottawa to protest the Government’s activities both in Ontario and the country.  Here is David Icke’s speech to the people of England:

Thousands showed up in Zurich, Switzerland as well.

Millions (up, plural – reports of 3 million people – ½ the city and surrounding areas) once again showed up in Germany. Here are some awesome pix and FB sites with more info and pix from Germany.   One can only ask:  where are the actual streets?!      Robert Kennedy speech Germany

Masks Update
Here is another excellent site on the science behind the use, operation and ineffectiveness of masks.
As with previous similar journal articles, there is not one scientific study showing that masks stop viruses from entering the body.  Not one.  Indeed, Transport Canada even concedes on their website that:
Non-medical masks or face coverings alone will not prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
Significant attention and opposition must be made on the mask issue as it is the most visible sign of abuse of power from our governments.  Historically the mask was a muzzle used on slaves as they had no right to talk. Today it is a symbol of submission to authority.  Considering they do not stop viruses, with or without social distancing as viruses float with the wind, there remains only two possible reasons for mandatory mask requirements:
1.       Complete power, control and domination over people, intentionally or via being dishonest opportunists; or,
2.             To simply give people a security blanket like little kids.  It is a superstition.

People who wear masks are, for the vast majority, under complete control of the State psychology departments. 
Recently in Montreal, thousands of people rallied against their mandatory mask law.

Seeing all these people in Montreal, London, Berlin and other cities around the world, is incredibly inspiring for us here in the Okanagan, and all across Canada.  Hundreds of thousands of people in our country alone, if not millions, know the truth and refuse to participate in the destruction of our societal norms.

See everyone on Saturday, September 5, 2020 12:00 noon at Stuart Park!

Resistance is NOT Futile!

The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative
Best Regards

David Lindsay
The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative

The Meaning of the Mask

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Meaning of the Mask

Last fall, a virus that was common enough among Chinese bats managed in some way to jump to humans in Wuhan, the capital and largest city of the province of Hubei in China. The question of exactly how, whether it involved mad scientists working in a lab, a plot by the Communist dictatorship in Beijing, or merely the barbaric cultural practices of the notorious “wet markets”, became a topic of hot debate. The virus, which usually produces either no symptoms at all or a disease indistinguishable from the ordinary flu, can, like all other colds and flus, turn into a potentially fatal pneumonia under certain circumstances.  In this case, the pneumonia is the particularly nasty form known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, first identified almost twenty years ago. Those who are above retirement age and who have two or more other serious health conditions are, as with other colds and flus, the ones most at risk from this virus. By the end of January, the virus had spread beyond China, in this case definitely due to malfeasance on the part of the Chinese authorities who had sealed the inflected province off from the rest of their country while deliberately allowing international travel in and out of Hubei. In March, the hopelessly corrupt and Communist-dominated World Health Organization declared the spread of the virus to be a “pandemic”, a truism, since the word “pandemic” simply means that an infectious disease is being experienced around the globe, like every seasonal cold and flu. The mob, however, never noted for its ability to think clearly – or at all – influenced by the malice of the media, took the word to mean something along the lines of “the next Black Death” or “the super-flu from Stephen King’s The Stand” and dropped the dem from pandemic turning it into a panic. 

Governments around the world, seized on the opportunity to give dictatorial powers to their public health officials, who of all bureaucrats are the least worthy of enhanced powers of any sort since they are medical doctors, who have long had the reputation of having the highest percentage of tyrannical, full-of-themselves, jerks of any of the professions. Those public health officials, proceeded to live down to this highly negative assessment of their character, and imposed an experimental and thoroughly draconian new form of quarantine on most countries. Whereas traditional quarantines are imposed upon the symptomatic and those known to have been in contact with the symptomatic, for a set and limited time, this new quarantine was imposed upon everybody, healthy and sick alike, for an indefinite period of time. 

In imposing this new form of quarantine, the public health officials issued “stay at home” or “shelter in place” orders, closed all public facilities, and shut down all businesses except those which sold groceries and medicine or were otherwise arbitrarily declared to be “essential” by these autocratic “experts.” These measures were generally called “lock-downs”, although many of us who had more sense than to be in favour of them referred to them as “house arrests”. Both terms evoke the image of a police state. They caused immeasurable damage – economic, psychological, spiritual, and, yes, physical, for the medical health profession used the pandemic as a pathetic excuse to fail in the treatment of non-COVID-related conditions – as many of us, right from the onset, could and did say would happen. 
After a couple of months of this nonsense, the public health tyrants began to slowly ease up on these restrictions. Businesses were allowed to re-open, provided they followed a long list of new regulations aimed at promoting “social distancing” within their buildings. The number of people allowed to gather for social functions was gradually increased. Restaurants were given permission to re-open their dining rooms at a reduced capacity.

In famous scene from Francis Ford Coppola’s 1972 film version of Mario Puzo’s The Godfather, the character of Johnny Fontane, widely believed to have been based on Frank Sinatra and portrayed in the movie by Al Martino, goes to his godfather – in this case, in the literal sense, as well as the more obvious one given the nature of the story – the title character of Don Vito Corleone, portrayed by Marlon Brando. The crooner whines and complains that the head of a motion picture studio won’t give him the film role he needs to salvage his career. Don Vito, after slapping him and telling him to act like a man, advises him to go home, eat and rest, and in a month he would have the role. When Fontane says that this is impossible because they start shooting in a week, Don Vito utters in response one of the most familiar lines in all of cinematic history “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” The audience had been tipped off in advance to the double meaning of this phrase when only a short time prior to this when the Don’s youngest and favourite son, Michael, played by Al Pacino, had used it in explaining how his father conducted his business to his girlfriend Kay, played by Diane Keaton. Later in the film, it is made quite clear when the studio executive, after telling Don Vito’s consigliere Tom Hagen, played by Robert Duvall, that Johnny Fontane would never get that role, wakes up one morning to find the head of his very expensive race horse lying beside him. 

In the midst of the far-too-slow re-opening of our countries, those who took all of our rights and freedoms away from us back in March made us an “offer we can’t refuse”. We can have our lives back, they said, and everything else they took from us, we can see our friends and families again, we can have access to public facilities again, we can go to Church, the library, the movies, etc., and basically resume our normal lives, provided we wear a mask. 

It is truly appalling to see the extent to which the public have taken them up on this offer. I am not referring merely to the number of people who have started wearing masks, even out of doors, but to the enthusiasm with which they have embraced the making masks mandatory. It makes one wonder whether anyone reads George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four anymore. Those of you who have read that classic dystopian warning against totalitarianism will perhaps recognize the part of the novel to which I am alluding. In Orwell’s novel, the totalitarian state in which the protagonist, Winston Smith, lives, is entitled Oceania, a vast super-state and one of three between whom the world is divided, an allusion on Orwell’s part to James Burnham’s theory that the world was headed towards a geopolitical realignment around three regional loci of power. The extent to which the state of Oceania, represented by the figure of Big Brother, controls the thinking of its citizens is illustrated by the fact that at any given time, Oceania is allied with one of the other two super-states, Eurasia and Eastasia, and at war with the other. When the identity of the ally and the enemy switches, the Ministry rewrites history, and the controlled populace accept against the evidence of their own memories that “we were always at war with Eastasia.” The relationship between the totalitarian regimes of Orwell’s own day, the Soviet Union and the Third Reich, which went from being enemies to being allies to being enemies again all within a short space of years, was, of course, the inspiration for this. 
Interestingly, a similar sort of mind-control in which someone is made to affirm contradictory propositions can be found in William Shakespeare’s play The Taming of the Shrew, where it was put to comic rather than political effect. In that comedy, the Paduan nobleman Baptista Minola has vowed that he will not allow his younger, more pleasant, daughter Bianca to marry, until her older sister Katherina does. This is not an easy hurdle to overcome because Katherina, the shrew of the play’s title, has driven away all prospective suitors with her acerbic tongue. Hortensio, however, one of Bianca’s suitors although not the one that ends up with her, talks Petruchio, who is looking to marry a rich wife and live off of her fortune, to court Katherina. Petruchio is successful both in his courtship and subsequently in his efforts to tame his sharp-tongued bride. At the beginning of the fifth scene of Act IV, Petruchio and Katherina are travelling to her father’s house, and Petruchio comments about how bright the moon is shining. While Katherina initially points out that it is the sun, Petruchio insists that it is the moon, and that he won’t go any further with her unless she agrees. She declares “Forward, I pray, since we have come so far,/and be it moon, or sun, or what you please:/An if you please to call it a rush-candle,/Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me.” “I say it is the moon” he replies, to which she says “I know it is the moon” only to hear “Nay, then you lie: it is the blessed sun”, to which she says:

Then, God be bless’d, it is the blessed sun: But sun it is not, when you say it is not; And the moon changes even as your mind. What you will have it named, even that it is; And so it shall be so for Katharina.

The mask-wearing populace of today resembles both the citizens of Oceania and Katharina in their willingness to accept the necessity of masks today, even though it is coming from the same experts and authorities who told us not to wear masks back in February, March and April. 
This is not a matter about which the body of knowledge could have grown sufficiently within a short period of months to justify a complete turn-around on evidentiary grounds. This particular virus may be new to humans, but the effects of masks on the transmission of viruses has been studied for years. Either the experts were lying to us then or they are lying to us now. Either way, it completely undermines any notion that they deserve to be trusted with the sort of absolute control over our lives that they have exercised since March. 

As far as the efficacy of masks as preventatives of viral transmission goes in itself, the data largely confirms what common sense tells us. There are masks designed to prevent viral transmission and there are masks which are not. The latter, which are the kind that are being made mandatory almost everywhere, are ineffective at preventing the spread of viruses. If air can get through the mask, a virus can. Since the corollary of this is that an effective anti-viral mask will prevent airflow, such masks are not safe to be worn by anybody long term – unless, of course, we are talking about some kind of Darth Vader type apparatus that provides you with a non-external source of oxygen, which obviously we are not. Non-anti-viral masks are effective at preventing the spread of larger particles, which may contain viruses and transmit them through other-than-airborne means and this is what most of the memes and videos and articles in support of masks concentrate on, but the slight benefit in slowing transmission gained in this way, hardly constitutes grounds for justifying forcing everybody, including the asymptomatic, to wear these things. 

The efficacy of masks is not really the issue, however. If it were, and masks were incontrovertibly effective, what we would be hearing is advice to consider wearing one if we are experiencing either a) anxiety about contracting the virus or b) symptoms. This is not what we are hearing. The argument we are hearing from the pro-maskers is that although the masks probably won’t keep you from getting the virus they may prevent you from spreading it so they provide a protection against the virus but only if everybody wears them. This, however, is an argument that is clearly not derived from fact and logic, but crafted to support its end, which is the shoving of masks down everybody’s throat. 

The real issue, therefore, is what the masks represent. Earlier this year, the public health officials, and the politicians who gave them their power and seat and great authority, took away from us our lives and livelihoods, our friends and families, our basic rights and freedoms, showing thereby that in their opinion these were not ours but theirs to give and take away from us as they so choose. Now they are offering all that they took away from us back on the condition that we wear the very masks they told us not to wear half a year ago. We are threatened, if we do not comply, to have everything that had been left to us at the beginning of the lockdown – such as being able to buy or sell groceries – taken away from us. The masks are not, therefore, tickets out of the oppression of the lockdown. They are symbols of the very tyranny and totalitarianism behind the lockdown. The insistence that we wear them is a demand that we acknowledge the claims of that tyranny and totalitarianism and wear a sign of our submission and obedience on our faces. 

In the masks, therefore, the oppression of the lockdown, has been taken to a whole new level. It has increased rather than decreased, grown greater rather than less.   The masks are not there to give us our lives back, as some internet propaganda would suggest, but to force us to grant our approval to their having been taken from us int he first place.

Posted by Gerry T. Neal at 5:27 AM

Farewell to Freedom Fighter & German Patriot Gunter Wild

Farewell to Freedom Fighter & German Patriot Gunter Wild

[Gunter Wild was one of my first political contacts after I became a public anti-communist activist in April, 1967 with the first anti-communist demonstration of the newly formed Edmund Burke Society. Anti-floridation activist Ann Burton looked me up and contacted me. She said I should visit Gunter Wild, who ran West Stereo on Dundas Street, West. Gunter’s shop had a backroom and it was a drop-in place for many interesting people from Germany and Eastern Europe. Gunter had a treasure trove of literature which he offered visitors. I got my first copies of Willis Carto’s The American Mercury from Gunter. When I ran for Board of Education in 1974, 1976 and 1978, Gunter supported me and put my election sign in his store window. A true friend of freedom – Gunter Wild. — Paul Fromm]

Yesterday August 21st was the second Anniversary of Günter’s passing into Valhalla. I am sure if he would still be with us now when our World has been turned upside down, he would be busy writing his “delicate comments” and distribute his “heated” opinion to all his Friends all over the Globe, and summon us all to stand up and fight for our freedom, truth and justice.


Eulogy for Günter Wild to be read Aug 29

Today we are gathered here to remember Günter, our Friend and warrior that has been an inspiration to all of us over the years. Like most of us he was a Pioneer that had the courage to Immigrate to Canada to offer his Family a better life. He dedicated many years of his life to the endless fight against the Injustices done to all Germans and retaliated against the lies that have been portrait for decades against them. Günter educated many of us with the true facts of History.

In the last few months many well wishes and prayers were received from Friends all over the world. I like to mention his American Friend, History Professor Raymond Goodwin, who wrote on various occasions: “I will miss my e-mail warrior buddy” “The Glory of Valhalla awaits” and last “ Valhalla has gained another warrior”.

I met Günter through Friends 8 years ago, we formed a special bond because we were both born in Cologne Germany, 1927 & 1942. Günter would frequently visit me when he came to Toronto to shop, many times unexpected, he was an early riser and did not notify me in advance, my doorbell would ring and there he stood with Magazines and Articles or requests that I should scan documents for him and send info out to the world. I would make Breakfast for us and we would sit in my Kitchen and talk. The talk would always be politics, because he was 15 years older he had more knowledge of the past, politics, truth and justice  was a topic that meant everything to him. Through Günter I have learned the true History, he inspired me to investigate and look beyond.

Even though Günter occasionally may not have expressed himself delicately when he retaliated against lies and unjust  attacks, he certainly got to the point and the recipients of his written counterattack were definitely not happy receiving it . His detailed knowledge on political events was enormous.

When I visited him on January 28 in the Nursing home in Arthur, I asked him how he feels and how he likes it there, he smiled and his eyes sparkled and said “ I am educating one of the male nurses now, he is learning the truth”. I had to smile when I knew who the male nurse was, it was a Sikh with a turban. It made Günter happy that he thought that he enlightened another person with the true History.

One of the highlights in his life was his Visit to South Africa together with Katja where they stayed with wonderful Friends, it captured him for many years. He proudly showed us the beautiful  films and photos he took, his praise about the beauty of South Africa was never ending. When the terrible plight started happening to “De Boers” it broke his heart and fueled his anger, because again terrible injustices were done to innocent people, as the rest of the world looked on.

Over the years we had many visits and gatherings at Günter’s House, meeting his family, we were always welcome and spoiled with food and drinks, and had endless debates, these are treasured memories.

Günter’s fighting spirit will be carrying on in a new dimension, perhaps his spirit is with us now as we are all gathered here to remember him, all I can say to him now is:  “ we all miss you, until we meet again”.


Rebel Media Reporter Arrested by Political Police for Reporting on Public Property About Mayor Brown’s COVID Antics


Rebel Media Reporter Arrested by Political Police for Reporting on Public Property About Mayor Brown’s COVID Antics
Moments ago David Menzies was arrested in Brampton, Ontario. We need your help immediately to get him out of jail.

We’ve got a lawyer on the case right now. We don’t know yet if David will have to post bail and if so, how much it will be. We don’t yet know when his first appearance in court will be. But we need your help. If you can please click here or go to

David wasn’t doing anything wrong. He was doing his job — in this case, working on a news report about Patrick Brown. (You’ll remember Brown — he’s the Ontario mayor who shut down public hockey arenas for kids, but was secretly playing private hockey games in one of those same arenas with his buddies. And David caught him red-handed.)

David and I went back to same the arena today, doing a follow-up story. We were on a sidewalk on public property, doing accountability journalism in the public interest. But then police pulled up and ordered them to stop, and to leave. Except that’s not how a democracy works — peaceful journalists doing journalism on public property can’t just be shooed away by politicized cops running an errand for an angry mayor.

We don’t live in China. I’m a former lawyer so, I know our rights; but we brought along another top lawyer, Guidy Mamann, to help make the case. We know the law for public places. It’s not the same as for private property — police can only kick people out of public property under limited circumstances, such as for breaking noise bylaws. Obviously none of that applied.
David was literally put in a police car and taken away! Our lawyer Guidy is on the way to the court house right now to make bail for David — hopefully, we’ll get him out of jail right away. But at this point it’s not certain — he might be kept in jail overnight.

We intend to fight this like hell.

And to investigate the role of Patrick Brown, the mayor, as to why a whole squad of police cars were dispatched to arrest a peaceful journalist. That doesn’t sound like a police decision. That sounds like a political decision. I’m furious right now, but I know we’ll win, and justice will prevail. We’ve got a team on lawyers working on this full tilt. If Patrick Brown thinks that arresting David will stop us from investigating his misconduct, well, they simply don’t know David as well as I do. Please help us get David free — click here or go to Thanks. Yours truly, Ezra Levant

Pregnant Australian Woman Arrested & Handcuffed by Cops & Her Media Devices Stolen for Posting Info About Anti-Lockdown Protest

I urge you all to watch this chilling 2 minute video of a pregnant woman being arrested and handcuffed in her pajamas in her home – all because she apparently shared a post on FB about the lockdown protest in Melbourne, Australia!

Communist Russia is alive and well in Australia. Welcome to the N.W.O.That’s why we collectively need to step up & stop this tyranny

A good overview of the lawsuit Vaccine Choice Canada has launched against the federal & Ontario governments and others. It’s a matter of individual liberty

A good overview of the lawsuit Vaccine Choice Canada has launched against the federal & Ontario governments and others. It’s a matter of individual liberty.… Preview YouTube video The Max Bernier Show – Ep. 38 : Rocco Galati on suing the government