French Author, Political Prisoner & Dissident Alain Sorel Jailed for Two Years for Criticizing Jews in the Land of “Liberte”

Alain Soral Sentenced to 2 Years Jail for Sharing “Gilets-Jaunes” Anti-Rothschild Rap VideoHe Could Pay Over €170,000 in Fines and Compensation


A French writer and publisher will be jailed for sharing this meme

The French civic-nationalist and anti-Zionist intellectual Alain Soral was sentenced to two years prison last week for sharing a rap video entitled “Gilets-Jaunes.”

The music clip (watch it while you still can) is typical of the Yellow Vests in denouncing French media, political, and financial elites, and making a plea for direct democracy, notably the famous proposed Citizen’s Initiative Referendum (Référendum d’Initiative Populaire or RIC).

The video also argues for the abrogation of the banking law of June 1973 – known as the “Pompidou-Rothschild Act,” after the then French president and the investment bank he used to work for. Critics claim the law has reduced France to debt slavery by making her dependent on financial markets for loans rather than self-finance through the national bank.

The video also features a pyre where various figures are symbolically burned: President Emmanuel Macron, various media (TF1, Le Monde, BFMTV . . .), the Rothschild bank, and, most problematically, powerful elite Jews (Jacques Attali, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Patrick Drahi).

The rapper points out: “And if we talk about the media and Macron, we’ll have to talk about Drahi. His bank account is in Israel and he pays no taxes here.” Drahi, a Franco-Israeli-Portuguese oligarch born in Morocco and residing in Switzerland, has bought up large swathes of French media in recent years.

In case the denunciation of Jewish-globalist and Jewish-Zionist power elites in the financial and media spheres were not explicit enough, the video also states: “We’re not talking about a so-called oppressed minority. We’re talking about the deliberately neglected majority [of workers, farmers, and pensioners] . . . France has decided to free itself from the Rothschilds.”

President Macron speaking before the powerless lobby you will be destroyed for criticizing.

President Macron speaking before the powerless lobby you will be destroyed for criticizing.

As the words “so-called oppressed minority” are uttered, images are flashed of the annual dinner of the CRIF – the influential official French Jewish lobbying organization – an event where the crème de la crème of the French politico-media elite regularly come to genuflect.

The rapper lauds the “prolo patriotes” (patriotic workers) who are rising up and denounces the oligarchic “parasites” who are enriching themselves all the while demanding austerity from the masses. The song concludes: “The French are fed up with these parasites. The French are fed up, it ain’t racist. National uprising!” The author is a certain “Rude Goy.”

There are various pro-Arab and pro-Muslim symbols included. Drahi is mentioned while a pro-Palestine hoody is flashed. The rapper wears a fashionable keffiyeh. As a mainstream journalist anxiously warns that the French State is bordering on collapse in the face of the protesters, the rapper answers: “Inshallah” (God willing in Arabic).

The video then artfully interweaves mainstream yellow-vest concerns about French democracy’s subversion by high finance with a denunciation of the specific role of Jewish elite power in this process. There is no blanket anti-Semitism or attack on day-to-day Jews.

The images of Jewish oligarchs and intellectuals being symbolically burned – along side mainstream media and the French president, mind you – angered a certain number of Jewish activist and (mostly Jewish-run) “anti-racist” organizations. I imagine these images felt downright Auschwitzian to them.

The groups sued Soral for “granting enormous visibility to this video by publishing it on his website” and thus promoting the anti-Semitic theory of a “Jewish conspiracy.”

Note Soral did not create the video: he merely shared it on his website, as he did innumerable other yellow-vest videos. One wonders if linking to the video is also considered a criminal act. Probably not, or only if your name is Alain Soral. This tells you something about the legal arbitrariness of these censorious laws and liberticidal ethnic lobbies.

Soral will also be requires to pay a 45,000-euro fine and tens of thousands of euros in “compensation” to the various aggrieved Jewish and/or professional “anti-racist” activist organizations. That’s called good business.

Coincidentally, or not, the bank BNP Paribas simply closed the bank account of Égalité & Réconciliation, Alain Soral’s influential counter-cultural organization.

Presumably the court decision will be appealed. However, the noose is apparently tightening around Soral. Earlier this year, he was also sentenced to a year in jail for sharing a cartoon highlighting various holocaust hoaxes (lampshades, soap, etc).

Soral has always said that true intellectuals must inevitably come up against the authorities sooner or later. An intellectual who really stands up for his ideals “passera par la case prison” (will go to jail, do not pass-go), as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Charles Maurras did.

Whatever happens, more people than ever are being sensitized to a certain certain ethnic group’s considerable power and privilege by the very fact of jailing a French intellectual on their lobbying organizations’ behalf.

#YahooNation defies Doug Ford’s restrictions; holds what could be Canada’s largest anti-lockdown protest yet

#YahooNation defies Doug Ford’s restrictions; holds what could be Canada’s largest anti-lockdown protest yet

Organizers were threatened with fines ranging from $10,000 to $100,000. Participants were threatened with fines of $880. So, what did the rank and file of #YahooNation do on Saturday?

Well, they gathered in the hundreds at Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square for a protest rally to vent about mandatory mask regulations and new clampdowns on the provincial economy.

And what did law enforcement do?

Far from ticketing the masses, police provided these folks with an escort so they could march up Yonge Street to the Yorkville area and then back to Yonge-Dundas Square!

Surely this was total humiliation for Ontario Premier Doug “The party’s over” Ford.

Premier Ford had earlier warned that given the spike in positive Wuhan virus tests, there would be clampdowns and serious fines for violators to combat that much-feared “second wave” of the pandemic. Thus, indoor gatherings are now limited to 10 people and outdoor gatherings are restricted to 25. And according to Ford, the outdoor gathering limit covers protests, too.

So, there was quite a buzz in the air on Saturday. Would there be a Melbourne, Australia-style crackdown? Or would law enforcement look the other way? What was surely unexpected was Option number three: law enforcement actually facilitating the protest by giving protestors an escort.

While Premier Ford wants people to self-isolate and bake cherry cheesecakes, #YahooNation congregated and marched maskless through the streets of downtown Toronto. And apparently they plan to do so again next Saturday.

Bottom line: a victory was scored for freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.

Surely Premier Ford, who seemingly has all the enforcement wherewithal of a professional wrestling referee these days, must be fuming right now given that all the king’s men and all the king’s horses really aren’t all that into fining and arresting law-abiding citizens who are protesting the ongoing erosion of their rights in the name of “public safety.”

David Lindsay of C.L.E.A.R, Explains Okanagan Fake News Media Admits to Stifling END THE LOCKDOWN Voices

David Lindsay, Leader of END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Kelowna B.C.

David Lindsay of C.L.E.A.R, Explains Okanagan Fake News Media Admits Stifling END THE LOCKDOWN Voices

In an October 1 statement, David Lindsay organizer of the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN rallies in Kelowna and spwcial speaker at the October 12 freedom rally in Vancouver explains how the local media in the Okanagan even admit to suppressing news about the many voices raised against the COVID-clampdown. “

“Local online news media Castanet has recently admitted to me that he has instructions “from above” that they are not to give us any “platform” at all on their news site. Similar comments have been made by other media, who simply refuse to report anything unless it is derogatory in nature, belittles all of us, or somehow cites extremist elements.  Our facts and laws are simply ignored.

Local Okanagan print media have already told me that they will not print any ads that we may wish to print, that oppose the Government narrative. 

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and other social medias are continually closing ranks to shut all opposition down to the WHO, the UN, and any globalist, fake COVID agenda.

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Warns of Major Medico-Stalinist Police State Crackdown on END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Quebec

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Warns of Major Medico-Stalinist Police State Crackdown on END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Quebec

Quebec has passed legislation that makes masks mandatory during protests.
There’s a major anti-lockdown protest coming up on October 11th. Pundits
are already predicting violence between police and protestors. HOWEVER, no
one has made the crucial connection, as follows …

On June 19, 2013, Bill C-309 became law in Canada, and since it is
FEDERAL, it supersedes provincial law. It bans the wearing of masks during
a riot or unlawful assembly, carrying a maximum ten-year prison sentence
with a conviction of the offence.

Now, under COVID restrictions, ALL protests are “unlawful assemblies”
because they are larger than allowed. So you are BANNED from wearing
masks. See my point? Please pass this info far and wide. It applies to
every province.


12:12 PM (9 hours ago)


Hi everyone.  Some sobering news from Quebec and London you need to see in our attached Updates.

We will be rallying at Rutland School on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020  at 8:00 a.m. to distribute brochures on masks and COVID-19 to educate all students, teachers and parents of the lies from our gov’ts and media.
After that we will rally at the Kelowna Courier who has now moved to Leckie Ave.

We hope more of you can join our Telegram group chat as well, whether you are in BC, Quebec, the Maritimes, or anywhere in the world.  Updates on the COVID situation are critical for all of us.  Everyone needs to know what is going on in other provinces and to support each other.

See you on Saturday!

In freedom.


Fundraising for local billboard

Local media from Castanet has recently admitted to me that he has instructions “from above” that they are not to give us any “platform” at all on their news site. Similar comments have been made from other media, who simply refuse to state anything unless it is derogatory in nature, belittles all of us, or somehow cites extremist elements.  Our facts and laws are simply ignored.

Local Okanagan print media have already told me that they will not print any ads that we may wish to print, that oppose the Government narrative. 

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and other social medias are continually closing ranks to shut all opposition down to the WHO, the UN, and any globalist, fake COVID agenda.

What are we to do?

Flyers door-to-door are good, but extremely labour intensive. 

Social media has its benefits, but generally speaks to the converted and knowledgeable.

Billboards are the most effective method of advertising our opposition to the Government narrative, and engaging more Canadians to refuse to comply with the nonsensical restrictions on our liberties.  Thousands of people see them every day for months on end.

As mentioned at our last rally, we are looking to raise $6 000.00 for a billboard in one of the heaviest traveled places in the Okanagan, in relation to the COVID-19 issued we are being lied to about from Henry, et al.  This will remain posted for six (6) months.  

Considering we have been lied to and declined from MSM regularly about being able to place ads there, which invariably are only for a day in newspapers and less than a minute on radio/tv, this will hit thousands of travelers daily for months on end.

There is a lot of wealth in the Okanagan, and we need to tap into some of that for freedom related issues.  I have said time and again – there are three ways to help if you believe in freedom:

Time, Energy, or


3 Attachments

me9:27 PM (29 minutes ago)
to bcc: me

Hi everyone.  Some sobering news from Quebec and London –you need to see in our attached Updates.

We will be rallying at Rutland School on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020  at 8:00 a.m. to distribute brochures on masks and COVID-19 to educate all students, teachers and parents of the lies from our gov’ts and media.
After that we will rally at the Kelowna Courier who has now moved to Leckie Ave.

We hope more of you can join our Telegram group chat as well, whether you are in BC, Quebec, the Maritimes, or anywhere in the world.  Updates on the COVID situation are critical for all of us.  Everyone needs to know what is going on in other provinces and to support each other.

See you on Saturday!

In freedom.


Fundraising for local billboard

Local media from Castanet has recently admitted to me that he has instructions “from above” that they are not to give us any “platform” at all on their news site. Similar comments have been made from other media, who simply refuse to state anything unless it is derogatory in nature, belittles all of us, or somehow cites extremist elements.  Our facts and laws are simply ignored.

Local Okanagan print media have already told me that they will not print any ads that we may wish to print, that oppose the Government narrative. 

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and other social medias are continually closing ranks to shut all opposition down to the WHO, the UN, and any globalist, fake COVID agenda.

What are we to do?

Flyers door-to-door are good, but extremely labour intensive. 

Social media has its benefits, but generally speaks to the converted and knowledgeable.

Billboards are the most effective method of advertising our opposition to the Government narrative, and engaging more Canadians to refuse to comply with the nonsensical restrictions on our liberties.  Thousands of people see them every day for months on end.

As mentioned at our last rally, we are looking to raise $6 000.00 for a billboard in one of the heaviest traveled places in the Okanagan, in relation to the COVID-19 issued we are being lied to about from Henry, et al.  This will remain posted for six (6) months.  

Considering we have been lied to and declined from MSM regularly about being able to place ads there, which invariably are only for a day in newspapers and less than a minute on radio/tv, this will hit thousands of travelers daily for months on end.

There is a lot of wealth in the Okanagan, and we need to tap into some of that for freedom related issues.  I have said time and again – there are three ways to help if you believe in freedom:

Time, Energy, or


12:12 PM (9 hours ago)

Hi everyone.  Some sobering news from Quebec and London you need to see in our attached Updates.

We will be rallying at Rutland School on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020  at 8:00 a.m. to distribute brochures on masks and COVID-19 to educate all students, teachers and parents of the lies from our gov’ts and media.
After that we will rally at the Kelowna Courier who has now moved to Leckie Ave.

We hope more of you can join our Telegram group chat as well, whether you are in BC, Quebec, the Maritimes, or anywhere in the world.  Updates on the COVID situation are critical for all of us.  Everyone needs to know what is going on in other provinces and to support each other.

See you on Saturday!

In freedom.


Fundraising for local billboard

Local media from Castanet has recently admitted to me that he has instructions “from above” that they are not to give us any “platform” at all on their news site. Similar comments have been made from other media, who simply refuse to state anything unless it is derogatory in nature, belittles all of us, or somehow cites extremist elements.  Our facts and laws are simply ignored.

Local Okanagan print media have already told me that they will not print any ads that we may wish to print, that oppose the Government narrative. 

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and other social medias are continually closing ranks to shut all opposition down to the WHO, the UN, and any globalist, fake COVID agenda.

What are we to do?

Flyers door-to-door are good, but extremely labour intensive. 

Social media has its benefits, but generally speaks to the converted and knowledgeable.

Billboards are the most effective method of advertising our opposition to the Government narrative, and engaging more Canadians to refuse to comply with the nonsensical restrictions on our liberties.  Thousands of people see them every day for months on end.

As mentioned at our last rally, we are looking to raise $6 000.00 for a billboard in one of the heaviest traveled places in the Okanagan, in relation to the COVID-19 issued we are being lied to about from Henry, et al.  This will remain posted for six (6) months.  

Considering we have been lied to and declined from MSM regularly about being able to place ads there, which invariably are only for a day in newspapers and less than a minute on radio/tv, this will hit thousands of travelers daily for months on end.

There is a lot of wealth in the Okanagan, and we need to tap into some of that for freedom related issues.  I have said time and again – there are three ways to help if you believe in freedom:

Time, Energy, or


3 Attachments

me9:27 PM (29 minutes ago)
to bcc: me

Hi everyone.  Some sobering news from Quebec and London –you need to see in our attached Updates.

We will be rallying at Rutland School on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020  at 8:00 a.m. to distribute brochures on masks and COVID-19 to educate all students, teachers and parents of the lies from our gov’ts and media.
After that we will rally at the Kelowna Courier who has now moved to Leckie Ave.

We hope more of you can join our Telegram group chat as well, whether you are in BC, Quebec, the Maritimes, or anywhere in the world.  Updates on the COVID situation are critical for all of us.  Everyone needs to know what is going on in other provinces and to support each other.

See you on Saturday!

In freedom.


Fundraising for local billboard

Local media from Castanet has recently admitted to me that he has instructions “from above” that they are not to give us any “platform” at all on their news site. Similar comments have been made from other media, who simply refuse to state anything unless it is derogatory in nature, belittles all of us, or somehow cites extremist elements.  Our facts and laws are simply ignored.

Local Okanagan print media have already told me that they will not print any ads that we may wish to print, that oppose the Government narrative. 

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and other social medias are continually closing ranks to shut all opposition down to the WHO, the UN, and any globalist, fake COVID agenda.

What are we to do?

Flyers door-to-door are good, but extremely labour intensive. 

Social media has its benefits, but generally speaks to the converted and knowledgeable.

Billboards are the most effective method of advertising our opposition to the Government narrative, and engaging more Canadians to refuse to comply with the nonsensical restrictions on our liberties.  Thousands of people see them every day for months on end.

As mentioned at our last rally, we are looking to raise $6 000.00 for a billboard in one of the heaviest traveled places in the Okanagan, in relation to the COVID-19 issued we are being lied to about from Henry, et al.  This will remain posted for six (6) months.  

Considering we have been lied to and declined from MSM regularly about being able to place ads there, which invariably are only for a day in newspapers and less than a minute on radio/tv, this will hit thousands of travelers daily for months on end.

There is a lot of wealth in the Okanagan, and we need to tap into some of that for freedom related issues.  I have said time and again – there are three ways to help if you believe in freedom:

Time, Energy, or


Edmonton Mayor Proves He Hates Whites

Edmonton Mayor Proves He Hates Whites

How is it possible to be denounced as a “racist” and “White supremacist” and told you’re not welcome in your own city? Edmonton’s Mayor Don Iveson easily sided with anti-White Black Lives Matter and denounced Whites calling themselves “patriots” and saying, “All lives matter” as racists. Iveson has shown his hand: He’s anti-White and prefers minorities. Hopefully, voters will remember this in the next election. — Paul Fromm]

Edmonton Mayor, Alberta Premier Condemn Apparent White Supremacist GatheringCTV News Edmonton, September 29, 2020 

EDMONTON — Local government officials are speaking out against a large group of people, who were shouting “all lives matter” during a clash in northeast Edmonton Tuesday night, calling it hate speech and bigotry.

About 30 officers were called to a shopping centre parking lot at 118 Avenue and 82 Street at around 8 p.m. to separate two groups of about 50 people each, after a dispute erupted into pushing and shoving.

One group was chanting “Black lives matter” while the other was shouting “all lives matter.”

VIDEO (See on-line at above website within this article)

People on both sides of the dispute told CTV News Edmonton they were not affiliated with any particular groups.

The group calling themselves “patriots” accused the others of being “anti-fascists,” while people on that side accused their rivals of being “Nazis.”

“We’re not hateful. I’m a proud Canadian patriot. I love my country. I’m tired of seeing racial division. We just believe all lives are equal, all lives matter,” said one man involved in the skirmish, who declined to provide his name or affiliation.

Mayor Don Iveson tweeted “racists are NOT patriots and hate speech is NOT acceptable in Edmonton.

“White folks aggressively spitting ‘all lives matter’ inelegantly proves the point that Black, Indigenous & People of Colour’s lives have not yet been universally afforded equal value in our society. STOP IT.”

Victoria Stevens, who lives in nearby Delton, said she saw a “Canadian patriots” event posted online, and came to protest them.

“I couldn’t let this happen without being down here to fight this white supremacy and this racism,” Stevens said.

Members of the “patriots” group repeatedly denied accusations that they were racist or a hate group, but Stevens didn’t buy that.

“Of course they say they’re not. Because they know Nazi is a bad word. They know white supremacy is not something people want to hear, but they are. They absolutely are,” Stevens said.

Premier Jason Kenney and Justice Minister Kaycee Madu referred to them as “kooks” and “a small group of sad losers,” respectively.

Police briefly handcuffed and detained one man after a fight nearly broke out, but he was released when the two sides dispersed around 9:15 p.m. It didn’t appear that anyone was injured and an officer said no charges

Transgendered Chronic Complainer Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv Drops Human Rights Complaint Against Bill Whatcott

Transgendered Chronic Complainer Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv Drops Human Rights Complaint Against Bill Whatcott

Case No. 19374 / CS-001167Notice of Withdrawal British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal The Complainant filed a Complaint Withdrawal Form with the Tribunal. Therefore, the complaint of  Jessica Yaniv v. Bill Whatcottis dismissed pursuant to s. 32 of the Human Rights Code R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 210 (amended) and s.17 of the Administrative Tribunal’s Act, S.B.C. 2004, c.45.  Dated this 9/30/2020 

Compaints Victim Preacher Bill Whatcott

Diana Juricevic, 

Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic
Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

comments: “

Let me get this straight. So some idiot can file a formal complaint with an office of the government, for free compelling you to spend time money and attention to the ,hire a lawyer  then simply bail out, when it suits him,  with no downside. Is that it?

This freak, Yaniv,   has a record of abusing the process of various tribunals – including the Courts – for no good reason but self-aggrandizement

He’s a menace and he ought to be severely reprimanded

Gab Gains Freedom from Silicon Valley Censors: Gab Just Became Resilient In A Big Way 8

Gab Gains Freedom from Silicon Valley Censors: Gab Just Became Resilient In A Big Way

Today is a tremendous milestone for the Gab community.

After over a year of work Gab has finally migrated to our own in-house servers. We own the hardware, which means no one can ban us from using our own technology to host Gab. If you talk to anyone in the technology industry they will tell you that this is no easy task. Most tech startups have the luxury of using third-part cloud hosting providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and others.

Gab does not have this luxury.

Over the past four years we have been banned from multiple cloud hosting providers and were told that if we didn’t like it we should “build our own.”

So, that’s exactly what we did.

Gab isn’t just building an alternative social network. We’re building an alternative internet. From hosting infrastructure to web browsing and more: Gab is the market leader when it comes to defending free speech against Silicon Valley tyranny online.  For a typical Gab user this news means a noticeable improvement on site performance and speed that will scale as Gab grows. 

Today’s accomplishment is only possible because of people like you. 

Gab is 100% funded by our community of people, not big corporate sponsors. At Gab you are the customer, not the product being sold. We’d like to send a special thank you to our donors, investors, and GabPRO customers who made today possible. Thank you also to our team of engineers behind the scenes who worked tirelessly for over a year to make this happen. 

The war for free speech on the internet has only just begun, but today a big battle was won.  

God bless,

Andrew Torba
September 29th, 2020

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