Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Warns of Major Medico-Stalinist Police State Crackdown on END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Quebec

Political Prisoner Dr. James Sears Warns of Major Medico-Stalinist Police State Crackdown on END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Quebec

Quebec has passed legislation that makes masks mandatory during protests.
There’s a major anti-lockdown protest coming up on October 11th. Pundits
are already predicting violence between police and protestors. HOWEVER, no
one has made the crucial connection, as follows …

On June 19, 2013, Bill C-309 became law in Canada, and since it is
FEDERAL, it supersedes provincial law. It bans the wearing of masks during
a riot or unlawful assembly, carrying a maximum ten-year prison sentence
with a conviction of the offence.

Now, under COVID restrictions, ALL protests are “unlawful assemblies”
because they are larger than allowed. So you are BANNED from wearing
masks. See my point? Please pass this info far and wide. It applies to
every province.