Hi everyone.  Please find attached upcoming information for both Kelowna and Vernon rallies this weekend. 

Vernon’s first rally will be on this coming Sunday November 15, 2020 at 12:00 at the bandshell in Polson Park, afterward where we will hit the highway next to the park.

Each weekly Vernon rally against these unconstitutional lockdowns and restrictions will be each Saturday at 12:00 noon, in conjunction with our Kelowna CLEAR rallies.

Kelowna will be the same as normal this coming Saturday, 12:00 noon at Stuart Park.

Also attached are copies of our brochures on masks and COVID-19 facts.  We would actively encourage everyone to print a few of these off and distribute to anyone who has the quest for knowledge and activism for freedom.

Check out our attachment for more info!

In freedom
David Lindsay

A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day — What Happened to the Freedoms They Thought They Died For?

A Question To Ask On Remembrance Day — What Happened to the Freedoms They Thought They Died For?

by Tim Murray

Canada 2020:

Cancel Culture

Shadow Banning 

De-Monetization of Dissident Sites

Doxing Dissidents 

Public Shaming

People Getting Fired for ‘Wrong-Thing’ 

The Death of Objective Journalism 

The Criminalization of Objective Speech

The Politicization of Science 

Reverse Discrimination and Quota Hiring 

Kangaroo Courts

Government Hush Money to Newspapers 

Unfettered Migration in Defiance of Public Opinion 

Uncontested Illegal Border Crossings

Rampant Immigrant-Marriage Fraud 

The Ideological Weaponization of the CBC 

Indoctrination of Our Youth

Denigration of Our Heritage 

Vilification of Our Ancestors  

Revisionist History to Foster White Guilt

Endless Official Apologies for Past Transgressions

The Destruction of Our Symbols

The Invocation of Victimhood and the Denial of Personal Responsibility

Uniformity of Ideas in the Guise of Diversity 

The Entrenchment of Absurdities Like “Systemic” Discrimination and “Hate” Speech

Tax Payer Grants To Witch-Hunting “Anti-Hate” Organizations

Snitch Lines

The Sexualization of Primary School Children

Transgender Ideology

Compelled Speech

Medical ism 

Endless Lockdowns to Fight a Boogeyman Conjured Out of Manipulated Stats

On November 11th ask yourself one question:

“Is that what they died for?”

Circulate this far and wide: Welcome to Medico-Stalinist British Columbia. Mere health officers can get a warrant to arrest you , detain you, test you and incarcerate you, apparently until they choose to set you free

Circulate this far and wide: Welcome to Medico-Stalinist British Columbia. Mere health officers can get a warrant to arrest you , detain you, test you and incarcerate you, apparently until they choose to set you free. >> https://media2-production.mightynetworks.com/asset/16063779

Jewish Lobby in Scotland Wants to See Dissidents Jailed

Jewish Leader in Scotland Warns Amended Hate Crimes Bill Could Protect Holocaust Deniers

by Algemeiner Staff

Islamist demonstrators displaying a Holocaust denial sign (illustrative). Photo: Courtesy of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

A two-word modification in a hate crimes bill currently being discussed by Scotland’s parliament could provide a “get out of jail free card” for Holocaust deniers, a Scottish Jewish leader warned on Tuesday.

Ephraim Borowski — director of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) — was responding to Scottish Justice Secretary Hamza Yousaf’s amendment of the proposed legislation that would raise the threshold from “likely” to stir up hatred to “intend only.”

Borowski cautioned that such a change could give protection to Holocaust deniers on social media.

“I think that the amendment that was announced by the Cabinet Secretary is retrograde, it essentially provides a get out of jail free card for something that you’ll see very often in hate-filled posts on the internet,” Borowski told Scottish news outlet The Herald.


“They are now given a get out of jail free card, because they could just say ‘oh we didn’t intend to cause offense, we were merely asking a question about whether the Holocaust happened,’” Borowski explained.

“Unfortunately antisemitism is very much on the rise these days and I take the view, therefore, that it’s the victim who needs protecting,” he continued.

Adam Tomkins — a member of the Scottish parliament and the convener of its justice committee — said that Borowski’s comments were from “quite a different perspective” to the other evidence they had heard over the past weeks.

Charged Dropped Against British Videographer & Free Speech Advocate Lady Michele Renouf. Huge victory. [English and German].

Charged Dropped Against British Videographer & Free Speech Advocate Lady Michele Renouf. Huge victory. [English and German].

Dresden Victory – Attorney Wolfram Nahrath reports German prosecuto…Berlin attorney Wolfram Nahrath with his client Lady Michèle Renouf reports the extraordinary development just days before Lady Renouf was to stand trial in Dresden

Sears’ St. Germaine Appeal Against “Hate Law” Conviction & Sentence Proceeds Under Protest Via Zoom

Sears’ St. Germaine Appeal Against “Hate Law” Conviction & Sentence Proceeds Under Protest Via Zoom

On Thursday, November 5, Judge Peter Cavanaugh turned down a motion for postponement of the Appeal proceedings as a previous judge had abruptly ordered the Appeal by Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine to proceed by Zoom after the Crown Attorney said his life was a risk in open court as Dr. Sears cannot, for religious and medical reason, wear a mask.

The Appeal is against both the conviction and maximum one year sentence handed handed down in the matter of Sec. 319 “hate law” charges against satirical broadsheet editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine,

In a piece of legal arcana, the judge ruled that the order was not appealable at this stage but could only be challenged at a further appeal.

The appeal proceeded today under protest.

Pro-Lockdown Thug Smashes Rebel News Reporter David Menzies’ Microphone During Disruption of Peaceful END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Aylmer, Ontario

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Pro-Lockdown Thug Smashes Rebel News Reporter David Menzies’ Microphone During Disruption of Peaceful END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Aylmer, Ontario

Another day, another anti-lockdown protest. When will our public officials listen to the concerns of their people?

Last Saturday, I attended the “Freedom March” in Aylmer, Ontario, a town of 7,500 people, just a stone’s throw from London and home to Church of God Pastor Henry Hildebrandt — the courageous pastor who defied lockdown orders at the start of the pandemic to host drive-in sermons.

 By some reports, nearly 2,000 people participated in the rally, while small groups of counter-protesters lined the streets to greet the freedom fighters as they marched through town.

 One week before the protest, Aylmer Mayor Mary French declared a state of emergency in anticipation that the protesters would cause civil unrest — presumably acting on the advice of her “pre-crimes” investigations unit. Perhaps Mayor French’s hunch was correct.

You see, despite being a joyous and mostly peaceful event, a handful of counter-protesters tried to disrupt the rally.  We encountered one hooligan who spouted death threats while another decided to smash my microphone out of my hand!

The police saw the whole thing yet they let him walk away!We’re still looking for my assailant, and we’re offering a $500 reward at FindTheThug.com to the first person that can help us identify him.

 Clear here to watch my full report. It’s a perverse irony that the people supporting the lockdowns claim they want to protect public health, yet they are often the first ones to threaten, intimidate, attack, and defame anyone questioning the supposed wisdom of our public officials.  Are they really in support of public health, or are they just enjoying what little bit of power is afforded to them by our newfound health dictatorship? 

Yours truly, David Menzies 

P.S.It’s shocking how often peaceful protests like this attract violent individuals, and worse yet, how reluctant the police are to get involved. That’s why we like to hire bodyguards and take legal actions against anyone that lays their hands on our reporters. But taking these measures is very expensive, and that’s why we rely on our viewers to help us crowdfund our security and lawyer fees. To lend your support with a donation, please click here or visit www.JournalistDefenceFund.com. Thank you.