FIGHT BACK: Manitoba businesses, individuals are being charged & it’s time Fight The Fines

FIGHT BACK: Manitoba businesses, individuals are being charged & it’s time Fight The Fines

The Manitoba government needs a reality check, and Rebel News wants to give it to them. But we can’t do it without your help!

On Thursday, Manitoba tightened its existing restrictions on gatherings and businesses in response to rising COVID-19 cases.  

All “non-essential” businesses have been forced to close, including many retail stores, bars, restaurants and gyms. Many of these businesses were just barely hanging on as it is, and some won’t be able to survive this second, indefinite clampdown. But if that’s not enough, masks are now mandatory indoors, and a snitch line has been set up for people to rat out anyone who plans to host a holiday gathering. 

Since the start of the original lockdown in April, some 3,300 private mercenaries have been roaming the streets to dispense hundreds of punitive COVID fines to anyone daring to oppose the oppressive decrees handed down by Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister. And to think, this man once claimed to be a conservative. 

But we’ve had enough!

We’re putting out a call to all Manitobans: if you’ve received one of these COVID fines, let us know, and we’ll help you fight back! 

To submit your case, please visit and fill out the form on our site. We’ll review your case, and if it has merit, we’ll help crowdfund a lawyer to help you fight it.  

We’ve already scored legal victories in Canada and Australia, and we’ve even taken our campaign to the U.K. 

And If you want to support our fight, please visit to chip in a donation.  

With your help, we can take a stand against the tyrants running our country who have stoked fear to seize power and rob Canadians of their civil liberties.CoronavirusManitobaFight the FinesBig Government

German police barge into the house of anti-lockdown activist Dr Andreas Noack, arrest him during YouTube livestream: Watch video

German police barge into the house of anti-lockdown activist Dr Andreas Noack, arrest him during YouTube livestream: Watch video

A doctor in Germany, Dr. Andreas Noack, was arrested by the Police on Wednesday in what appears to be a gross violation of personal liberty. The reason for his arrest is not yet clear but he was arrested while live-streaming on YouTube from his own home. 20 November, 2020 OpIndia Staff
Dr Andreas Noack german doctor arrested by police
Image Credit: YouTube Screengrab


A doctor in Germany, Dr. Andreas Noack, was arrested by the Police on Wednesday in what appears to be a gross violation of personal liberty. The reason for his arrest is not yet clear but he was arrested while live-streaming on YouTube from his own home. The Police barged into his home when he was live on his YouTube channel.

The manner of his arrest presents some extremely disturbing scenes. He appeared too shocked to respond while the Police continued to yell at him until he lied down in the ground. The arrest of Dr. Andreas Noack occurred after the passage of the ‘Infection Protection Law’ which was protested heavily by vast sections of the German population. The arrested doctor was supposedly providing medical assistance to anti-lockdown protesters.

According to reports, “The reasons for the police raid and arrest … have not yet been officially revealed. However, there are rumors [unconfirmed reports] that Dr. Andreas Noack provided medical assistance to hundreds of protestors during lockdown protests against the German government.” Reportedly, Dr. Andreas Noack was under investigation for “being non-compliant with the COVID-19 lockdown laws enacted by the German government.”

The ‘Infection Protection Law’ has drawn a lot of flak and has been compared by some to the Nazi era Enabling Act. Like the law that was passed in 1933, the recently passed law also confers certain legislative powers to the government, which hitherto rested only with the Legislature, that is, the Parliament. The Infection Protection Law provides the government with a legal basis to restrict the fundamental rights guaranteed by the German Constitution. – article continues below –


The German government has until now relied on decrees to curb the pandemic, a move that was criticised by all parties and deemed to be unconstitutional by some. The newly passed law rectifies that problem for the German government. Furthermore, as per provisions of the law, an infected person or a person suspected to be suffering from the infection can be ordered to refrain from practicing certain professions. It also provides for quarantines and curfews.

Thus, the law would permit the government to legally enforce lockdowns which could entail the shutting down of shops and impose restrictions on social contact, rules for mandatory masks, the stoppage of sporting events and other such measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. The passage of the law was protested by numerous Germans and anti-lockdown sentiments have been steadily rising over time.

Ontario lawyer files lawsuit against feds, province & CBC over Covid-19 measures & masks

Ontario lawyer files lawsuit against feds, province & CBC over Covid-19 measures & masks 

Agatha Farmer
Rocco Galati recently discussed the upcoming lawsuit against members of the Canadian Government, the CBC, as well as the topic of mandatory masking. Galati is a constitutional lawyer in Ontario and has been practising law for 31 years, he began his career with the federal department of justice.

During a July 17 interview with Amanda Forbes he said he has filed a constitutional challenge in the Ontario Superior Court on behalf of his clients seeking declatory and injunctive relief against Covid19 measures.
Galati said that both the federal as well as provincial governments have “effectively dispensed with parliament and are ruling by royal decree as it were which is unconstitutional.” He is especially concerned about Ontario’s Bill 195 in which the government can implement executive orders on an ongoing basis with the extension of emergency measures possible for years to come. Galati said this is “unheard of.”

In the claim Galati has named the Trudeau government, Ford’s provincial government and the mayor of Toronto John Tory.

Apart from constitutional breaches which Galati said are “freedom of conscience, association, belief, right to life, liberty and security, your right against unreasonable search and seizure for the closure of businesses in an arbitrary and irrational manner, the right against arbitrary detention when bylaw officers stop you and ask you for information they are not allowed to ask. But also for the discriminatory way in which people with physical and neurological disabilities have been left out in the cold.”

Galati says another vulnerable group at the centre of the Covid measures are seniors.

“They are suffering solitary confinement in their own residence. These long term care facilities have turned into gulags … its atrocious,” he said.
Galati, his clients and team are seeking relief from Covid19 measures that are being undertaken as he says that such measures as “social distancing, mandatory masks are neither scientifically nor medically based.”
“The scientific community has an avalanche of evidence that says masks don’t work … up until now Teresa Tam, the WHO and the CDC said masks do not work to stop airborne, aerosol viruses and they actaully do harm to people. And all of a sudden after 4 months in the thick of the pandemic, during which time on public transit systems there was no social distancing, no masking all of a sudden everybody is required to wear a mask everywhere. Why? Becasue of polls indicating people have lost confidence in what the leaders are telling them and so the masking laws are a means of obedience. A potent prop to ensure obedience and compliance because people are not buying this. But the evidence is just not there. These measures are not medically or scientifically based,” Galati said.
He notes that when the B.C. chief public health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry was asked why BC has allowed a social circle of 50 as oppose to Ontario where the circle was set at 10. Henry answered by saying that “this is not scientifically based. We think 50 is a reasonable number that we can trace. This is not based on science.”

“We are not following science here … these provisions infringe on the charter of rights,” Galati said

He is also preparing an injunction against the masking bylaw in Toronto. Galati takes note of the municipalities who are issuing mask bylaws and says these are “nasty government tactics.” Partly because the feds as well as the province could have issued mandatory masks but by scapegoating the responsibility on municipalities it ensures that any legal action would have to be taken region by region as oppose to against one general government entity.

“It’s not easy to build a legal challenge let alone in every single municipality in the province,” he admits.

He also takes a moment to address the fact that Mississauga’s mayor Bonnie Crombie while at meeting last week with all of Ontario’s municipal mayors tweeted to assure her constituents that Bill Gates was in attendance during the meeting and he is “seeing us through Covid.”

Interestingly enough Bill Gates is now funding the World Health Organization following Trump’s pulling of support for the group. Gallati adds that people who have profited from lockdowns and Covid-19 measures are large corporations.

The agenda is to “globalize, corperatize and virtualize the economy” according to Galati this has been set in motion by conglomerate foundations since 2010.

“The Rockerfeller Foundation report in 2010 poses a scenario where a virus escapes Wuhan, China and the gist of the report is about how to obtain global governance in a pandemic and you read that report that was written 10 years ago and you’re reading the script we are living today,” he said.
Galati wants to know why the Trudeau and the Ford government have refused to disclose the substance and source of the medical advice they are obtaining. In his statement of claim Galati has 43 world and Canadian experts who have said that these measures are not scientific or medical.
“Why are those voices not only ignored but not even addressed. They pretend they don’t exists, some of these voices are nobel prize winners in their field,” he said.

He says that any messages that contradict the government official agenda information have been deleted.

“This is so offensive, this is a global totalitarian tip toe.”

Galati references that there are 14 countries who never invoked Covid measures, a recent German study done on those countries indicates that the deaths from the virus in those countries were on average the same as in countries that had measures. In fact the 14 countries which did not lockdown are now fairing much better in the economics department.
“If we study the countries that didn’t take measures we know it wasn’t worse and that’s a fact,” he said.

Galati confirmed that the CBC was named as a defendant because “normally a private news outlet does not owe any duty of care to its audience except not to defame … the CBC is not a private news organization so we say that they have a duty of care because CBC is a publicly funded broadcaster. They have a duty to properly investigate and be fair, objective and impartial in their news reporting.” Galati has included in this lawsuit that the outlet has “been to the Trudeau government what Programme One was to the Soviet Union during the cold war.”

Galati plans on taking the lawsuit as far as his clients instruct him to which includes the UN committee for human rights should he lose in Canada. He also plans on watching closely how the province will plan out the return of students to classrooms in September.

The Common Sense Revolt Against COVID Craziness Spreads to Windsor

The Common Sense Revolt Against COVID Craziness Spreads to Windsor

Windsor protestors rally against COVID-19 protocols

Angelo Aversa

Angelo Aversa CTV Windsor News Reporter

WINDSOR, ONT. — Billed as the “Great Ouellette Avenue Demonstration,” another rally against COVID-19 protocols took place Sunday in Windsor.

The list includes issues lockdowns, shutdowns, and mandatory masking.

“They’re not necessary. They’re over the top,” says Currie Souillere, co-organizer.

Hundreds of people gathered at the foot of Ouellette Avenue, calling out health officials and political figures for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is about control, this is about destroying your freedom, your spirit, your humanity,” Kitty Kay told the crowd.

According to Soulliere, the lockdown has been disastrous for the economy, and questions the use of masks or face shields to slow down the spread of coronavirus.

“I think it says that a lot of people are really concerned with these issues and people are curious and want to learn more,” Soulliere tells CTV Windsor.

Last Friday, medical officer of health with the Windsor Essex County Health Unit Dr. Wajid Ahmed cautioned the public about taking part in the protest.

“It’s events like these, that’s what puts everyone at risk,” Dr. Wajid said.

Ahmed says the risk to the community increases when such protests take place and can create confusion and chaos among the public.

“They are lying, they are misquoting any of those information and they do not have any ability to understand it but they pretend,” he said.

The group wrapped up their protest by marching in from the Windsor Essex County Health Unit building. RELATED IMAGES

  • Protestors rallied against COVID-19 protocols in downtown Windsor, Ont. on S

Canada: Doug Ford Locks Down Ontario “For 28 Days”

Canada: Doug Ford Locks Down Ontario “For 28 Days”

Andrew Anglin November 22, 2020

Doug Ford must be smoking crack like his brother.

Or, all of these politiicans are taking cues from a central, global authority that the public isn’t aware exists.

Maybe both things are happening?

Fox News:

The Ontario province will initiate partial coronavirus lockdown measures in two regions starting Monday, officials announced.

Ontario is home to Toronto, the largest city in Canada with almost 3 million residents. Ontario has seen over 1,400 cases in the past 24 hours, forcing Ontario Premier Doug Ford to initiate a “lockdown.”

The lockdown will cover Toronto and the Peel Region, Ford announced on Friday.

The measures include the full closure of gyms, recreation facilities, and personal care services while also limiting non-essential retail stores to curbside pickup, CP24 reported.

Supermarkets, hardware stores, department stores, convenience stores, pharmacies and liquor stores are exempt from the order, but they will face restrictions of 50% capacity.

Perhaps most importantly, public schools will remain open under the lockdown, but “post-secondary” institutions will be open for virtual instruction only.

Even Canadian lunatics are leaving the schools open.

But Bill de Blasio closes them.

There is not even a single study showing that schools are a problem, by their own admission.

“The situation is extremely serious and further action is required to avoid the worst-case scenario,” Ford said in making the announcement. “We cannot put in-class learning at risk, we can’t risk widespread outbreaks in our long-term care homes, we cannot risk overwhelming our hospitals.”

“To protect our most vulnerable and protect what matters most we have to get the community spread under control,” he added.

The current region designations will remain in place for a minimum of 28 days, which means that the lockdowns will last until at least Dec. 21, CTV News reported.

Yeah, they’re not saying they’re canceling Christmas yet.

But obviously, the flu season doesn’t end on December 21. Society has now decided that we can’t ever let anyone get the flu, so we’re definitely going to be in a full lockdown across virtually all of the Western world until spring. Then they’ll do another partial lift.

Then we’ll go back into lockdown next fall.

There’s never going to be any end to it. The point of the lockdowns now is to remind you how bad they are, so that when they give you just a little bit of freedom back, the goyim will feel really great.

It’s like when you’re a kid and you spray cold hose water on yourself so when you jump in the pool, it feels really warm.

This is all slavery training for the new glorious era of post-capitalist humanism, where you will live in a tiny room in a high rise building, with a computer chip in your hand that your weekly allowance of credits is transferred to.

They are now just openly telling you all of this. The main right-wing controlled opposition shills are talking about it openly now, just to familiarize you with it.

Anti-Lockdown Freedom Protests All Across Europe

Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across Europe

by tts-admin | Nov 22, 2020 | 2 comments

Off-Guardian – Nov 19, 2020

As the alleged “second wave” of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is reported to be sweeping across Europe in recent weeks, many governments have enthusiastically embraced their totalitarian side and granted themselves sweeping new “emergency powers” alongside new lockdown measures.

The public has been markedly less co-operative this time around. Rebelling against the seemingly arbitrary limitations which are not supported by either science or common sense. Protests have taken place all across the continent.


Thousands of people gathered in Berlin over the last few days, protesting the Merkel government passing a new lockdown law. Police turned water cannons on the crowds, and nearly 200 people were arrested.

The mainstream reported “hundreds” of protesters, but as pictures plainly show it was more like tens of thousands:


After the Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez declared a sixth-month state of emergency in late October, there were days of protests across the country.

Barcelona, already a hot-bed of anti-government feeling due to the brutal repression of the Catalan Independence referendum, saw violent confrontations between riot police and protestors

Barcelona anti-lockdown protest, Nov 20, 2020


Emmanuel Macron’s brand new “comprehensive security law”, known by protesters as the “gag law”, would further militarise French police whilst making it a crime to capture or distribute the image of a police officer. It has met fervent resistance in the shape of angry marches through cities across the country.

Macron’s government has a history of attacking civil liberties, and in response to his “reforms” the country has seen large-scale protests by the Gilets Jaunes for over a year.


The anti-lockdown protests in Italy reached a fever pitch in late October, and were probably the most extensive on the continent. Marches occurred in dozens of cities across the country, including Rome, Naples, Genoa and Bologna.

The mainstream media went out fo their way to undercut and smear the protests. CNN and Reuters reported only “hundreds” of protesters. Does this photo have “hundreds” of people in it?

Politico went so far as to actually blame the protests on the Mafia.

Italian protest involving “hundreds” in Naples. Click to enlarge


Bratislava was home to a huge march of protesters on November 17th, marking the national holiday known as Fight for Freedom Day. These marches were illegal under the Slovakian emergency law, notionally designed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.


The Danish parliament was subject to 9 days of protests right outside its doors, in opposition to the proposed “vaccination law”, which would allow the police to “physically coerce vaccination through detainment”.

After nine days of protests, it was reported on social media that the Danish gov’t had dropped the law. However, I could find no official confirmation of that, or reports in the media.

n fact, the media have barely covered the proposed law, and literally not mentioned the protests in Copenhagen at all. A search for “Covid protests Denmark” on google, turns up almost no results relating to that topic.

The reason to cover the Danish protest less than the others is that they apparently worked. and the last thing the establishment wants people to see is that civil disobedience can change anything.


It’s good to see the general public’s fraying sense of patience with a Covid narrative that has never made any sense, and a “pandemic response” which is likely to do far more damage than it ever could prevent.

Though civil unrest is undeniably a good and powerful thing, this is also a time to be wary. If the establishment feel they are losing control of the situation or the narrative, they are likely to double down or try something desperate.

If you’re aware of other countries experiencing civil unrest due to “anti-covid” measures, please let us know and we will add them to the list.


  1. lewis jones on November 22, 2020 at 1:52 pm All that police equipment, exclusively for use against the population, never criminals.
  2. Anaughty Mouser on November 22, 2020 at 2:39 pm Just say “No, Hell no!” to (((central banking elites))) mRNA/nanoHydrogel “vaccines”.
    Almost nobody is dying in any country..
    The PCR tests are ALL false positives for RNA and DNA debris found in all nasal mucosa, and the polymerase chain reaction is run 35 – 45 cycles, giving almost anyone tested a positive result. More tests = more cases.
    The so called Covid-19 virus genome has NEVER been isolated.
    This “pandemic” with global lockdown and the mandatory “vaccines” is a 100% hoax.
    Tyranny through gradualism.
    First social distancing optional, then social distancing recommended, finally social distancing mandated.
    First masks optional, then masks recommended, finally masks mandated.
    First testing optional, then testing recommended, finally testing mandated.
    First “vaccinations” optional, then “vaccinations” recommended, finally “vaccinations” mandated.
    The Portugese supreme court found PCR testing of “Covid-19” unreliable and thereby outlawed all measures based on the unscientific test results.
    The (((central banking elites))) are boiling frogs so to speak around the world.
    Hop out of the pot before you and your family die.
    Absolute minimum: Say “No, Hell no!” to mandatory mRNA/nanoHydrogel “vaccines”.
    Peace and love

It’s important to mock the Medico-Stalinist tyranny that is destroying our freedoms and rights. UK man wears only underwear to supermarket after clothes deemed ‘non-essential’

It’s important to mock the Medico-Stalinist tyranny that is destroying our freedoms and rights.
UK man wears only underwear to supermarket after clothes deemed ‘non-essential’

First Penticton END THE LOCKDOWN Rally, Sunday, November 22, 2020

1st Penticton End the Lockdown Rally

Hi everyone.  Despite Bonnie Henry’s recent “suggestions“, we are continuing to hold our 1st ever rally in Penticton this coming Sunday.  We will meet in the small park on Warren St. at 12:00 (see map below and on attachment) and I will introduce myself and bring everyone up to speed on our objectives and commitments for these rallies, which are so important.

I will have mask brochures to hand to people as well.

The details are in the attachment as well as information about tomorrow’s Kelowna rally, and upcoming Vernon, Vancouver and Calgary rallies as well. 

There has never been a more critical time for our rallies for freedom in Canada.  I really look forward to seeing as many people as possible on Sunday.  

We urge everyone, to bring at least one friend with you.  

The “New Normal” is:        JUST SAY NO!

In freedom 
David Lindsay


Cornwall March for Freedom, Saturday, November 21. Noon. Eastern Ontario Health Unit, 1000 Pitt St.

Cornwall March for Freedom, Saturday, November 21. Noon. Eastern Ontario Health Unit, 1000 Pitt St.

This Saturday, November 21st 2020, join Pastor Henry Hildebrandt and me, along with other freedom-oriented Canadians in Cornwall for a March for Freedom. Once again I will be joining a group of fellow freedom-loving Canadians to test Premier Ford’s unjust COVID laws.

As Ford and many Premiers across the country begin threatening further lockdowns, it becomes more important for peaceful civil disobedience like this March for Freedom. I hope you will join us at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, 1000 Pitt St in Cornwall at Noon. It will be a peaceful, family friendly march to show our public opposition against lockdowns and restrictions that are destroying families, communities, healthcare, and local businesses.

If you cannot attend, make your voice heard by supporting, they have been doing great work distributing lawn signs against lockdowns all across the province. Contact them to get a sign of your own or volunteer to help them out.

I hope you will come out, speak up, and be heard. Your voice goes a long way in preventing further lockdowns and returning to normal. See you there!

Randy Hillier