What Sort of Man Seeks to Have Another Fired, His livelihood Imperilled & He and His Family reduced to Poverty?

What Sort of Man Seeks to Have Another Fired, His livelihood Imperilled & He and His Family reduced to Poverty?

Indeed, what sort of man seeks to have another fired, his livelihood imperilled and  he and his family reduced to poverty? And all because of the victim’s political beliefs at one time expressed on his own time and on his own time. What sort of driven man would do such a thing? Why, a person who describes himself as an Ottawa-based “human rights lawyer”. That would be federal civil servant Richard Warman. Warman seems to find immense time to try to ruin people with whom he disagrees politically.

In the glory days of Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (Internet censorship), Warman filed nearly 30 complaints. He boasts, in his affidavit seeking a peace bond against Kevin Goudreau, who has never contacted him”,” I have successfully brought 16 human rights complaints against online hate … resulting in permanent cease and desist orders.” Also, many of the victims were fined and two — Terry Tremaine and Thomas Winnicki — ended up spending time in prison because of Mr. Warman’s actions. More recently in attacking anti-Cultural Marxist satirical publication YOUR WARD NEWS, Warman, who lives in Ottawa, contacted Child Protective Services in Toronto, according to testimony at a recent trial, to try to get editor Dr. Sears’ son taken away. [An investigation found that Dr. Sears and his wife were loving parents.]

Richard Warman

So, while snowflake Richard Warman whines about being so afraid of his political enemies, he relentlessly seeks to have them destroyed. In a July 16 letter he wrote on behalf of  the Canadian Anti-Hate Network to Hamilton City Council, Warman who works for the federal government (when does he find time to do all this mischief?)  seeks to have Mr. Lemire fired for his political views. Mr. Lemire was the longtime webmaster of the Freedomsite and was the subject of a Warman Sec. 13 complaint which Mr. Lemire partially won.

The letter filled with the false “neo-Nazi” smear, reads as follows: “I am a human rights lawyer in Ottawa and brought the successful human rights complaint against Marc Lemire for online hate (http://canlii.ca/t/1q60s).   I have commented in numerous media stories about the recent exposure by Mack Lamoureux of VICE Canada that Marc Lemire is an employee of the City of Hamilton. I note that since the VICE article, various media reports have indicated that Marc Lemire denies any ongoing role in the neo-Nazi[sic] movement, minimizes any prior role despite Federal Court findings to the contrary, and claims that this was all many years in the past and that he is now reformed.

I do not believe this to be true. Marc Lemire openly acknowledges that he is responsible for the website http://www.freedomsite.org/. It took me less than 5-minutes to come up with multiple examples of Holocaust denial material from Marc Lemire’s Freedomsite website that remain available as of right now. Marc Lemire continues to publish to the world columns by Holocaust denier Philip Belgrave and others and at the bottom of the columns readers are invited to submit material to the webmaster (Lemire) for publication. The first article is titled “What is Anti-Semitism?” and states that Jews were not exterminated nor were they the principal sufferers in WWII, links to Ernst Zundel’s

Holocaust denial website calling it a “Detoxification Programme to Cure the Politically Correct of the Hollywood version of the Holocaust”, and links to 3 other Holocaust denial websites – URL link below and pdf version attached: ….

I am confident that if I continued my search, I would find further such hate propaganda. Based on the fact that Holocaust denial material remains available on Marc Lemire’s website, I submit to you that he is not fit to be an employee of the City of Hamilton.

It might be noted that, even in Canada, questioning the so-called holocaust is not a crime, and, far from being “hate”, is, in fact pursuit of the truth.

Your Ward News hate case put over to Aug. 22; judge delays sentencing

Your Ward News hate case put over to Aug. 22; judge delays sentencing

TORONTO — A Toronto editor found guilty in January of promoting hatred against women and Jews was given more time on Thursday to say why he believes his lawyer threw the case.

In addition, Ontario court Judge Richard Blouin gave James Sears, who is looking to reopen his trial, two weeks to come up with a list of proposed witnesses and a summary of what evidence they might offer.

“I’ve never done or seen one of these applications,” Blouin said of the bid to reopen the trial. “It’s an unusual procedure. One we’re all working our way through.”

Blouin also put off sentencing for LeRoy St. Germaine, 77, publisher of Your Ward News, who was found guilty along with Sears.

The judge has been pressing St. Germaine, who has Metis background, to agree to a sentencing circle — a form of mediation in which a wrongdoer engages with their victims, in this case women and members of the Jewish community.

St. Germaine’s lawyer suggested his client was open to the concept — but not if he had to go into the mediation with apologies up front.

“The whole terms of reference might be a sticking point,” Blouin acknowledged. “(But) skilled facilitators have a way of getting to things over time.”

Blouin was insistent that a facilitated discussion of strongly opposed views in a “controlled, thoughtful arena” would be a good thing. He gave until Aug. 22 to come up with a plan or, he said, he would simply continue with sentencing St. Germaine.

For his part, Sears, 55, failed to produce a sworn affidavit Thursday as the judge had asked on why he felt his trial lawyer, Dean Embry, had deliberately blown the case.

Sears fired Embry, who denies any wrongdoing, after sentencing submissions in April. The editor claims he wanted to call defence witnesses but the lawyer refused.

“Mr. Sears hasn’t provided an affidavit on ineffective assistance of counsel,” Blouin said. “That needs to be done immediately.”

Blouin gave Sears until Aug. 8 to provide the sworn statement. The affidavit, as well as one from Embry, would be crucial in deciding whether to reopen the trial, the judge said.

“I would think, given the allegations against him, that Mr. Embry would want to respond,” Blouin said.

“There is no evidence whatsoever on the record to support the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel,” prosecutor Robin Flumerfelt said.

“I’m absorbing all this,” Sears said. “I’m not a lawyer.”

Sears, who also failed to provide a list of proposed witnesses, complained about finding experts, saying it’s hard to get in touch with academics during August. Sears said he expected to come up with an expert in satire and English.

The judge, who is retiring at the end of the month, was unmoved, saying the proceedings have dragged on long enough. He gave Sears until Aug. 15 to say who he would call to testify, their qualifications, and how their evidence would affect the case.

Sears and St. Germaine were responsible for Your Ward News, a free publication court heard was distributed to more than 300,000 homes and businesses in the Toronto area and available online. The publication consistently portrayed women and Jews in beyond ugly terms.

The Crown wants a total one-year jail term for Sears and six months for St. Germaine.

The case returns to court Aug. 22.