Remembering the 1945 Dresden Holocaust

Lady Michele Renouf

Remembering the 1945 Dresden Holocaust

All praise to the 2020 organisers and indeed this year to the protective diligence of the Dresden police force! (Perhaps asking my arresting officers in 2018 about how many arrests they’d made of the Antifa – who flaunt huge banners “Bomber Harris Do It Again” – somehow had hit home?)

Owing to an effectively policed route which meant the Marchers passed in full view of residents in high-rise apartments blocks, Dresden citizens saw the miles of some 2000 international sympathisers who filed by, black and national flags teaming in silent cry for holocaust justice. The mourners instinctively adhered to disciplined rules of respectful conduct commensurate with the Day. A Day when Beethoven drowned out, by contrast the grotesquely offensive Antifa in their rap and raucous scorn for civilians ( mainly women and children) burnt alive by everafter fashionable “moral bombing”.

Together with Slavic refugees who were fleeing from advancing Jewish Bolsheviks, the glorious edifice of Baroque Dresden had been turned into an holocaustal offering.

Today although the edifice has been somewhat rebuilt, the sole monument to Dresden’s torched civilians ‘says’ it all in a two-line carved inscription on the entrance surround to a public WC in the city square – an appalling Remembrance little more, in effect, than graffiti on a toilet wall.

Lest We Forget,

Michele Lady Renouf

Posted by admin978 on February 16, 2020 · Leave a Comment 

H&D assistant editor Peter Rushton was among more than 2,000 marchers in Dresden yesterday who commemorated the 75th anniversary of the RAF and USAAF terror-bombing of the city on 13th-14th February 1945.

Lady Michèle Renouf with Thuringia NPD leader Thorsten Heise: the banner reads – “Where Justice becomes Injustice, Resistance becomes a Duty!”

The Gedenkmarsch was superbly organised by Maik Müller of Dresden NPD, and was supported not only by NPD branches from across Germany, but by many other parties and by supporters from other countries including Ireland, France, Sweden, Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Belgium, the Netherlands and USA – even from as far away as Japan and Australia.

Despite efforts by the usual antifa rabble to block the march route, we were able to proceed through a residential area of Dresden (many locals observing from nearby flats) to a rally point next to the central train station, where speeches included a message from Wolfram Nahrath, attorney for persecuted patriots and defenders of truth and justice including the jailed authors Ursula Haverbeck (now 91) and Horst Mahler (now 84) and the British traditional Roman Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson.

As can be seen and heard in attached video links, the respectful and dignified conduct of the marchers contrasted with grotesque behaviour of ‘antifascist’ counter-demonstrators who failed in their objectives. The rentamob’s disrespectful cacophony was drowned out by solemn classical music accompanying the march.

The UK Sunday Times today could not resist publishing an attack on the demonstration, written by the paper’s foreign editor Peter Conradi, a well-known Jewish-Zionist historian. As has become the habit of establishment journalists, Mr Conradi seeks to minimise the Dresden death toll and accuses 21st century German patriots of exaggerating it.

A Dresden spokesman for AfD (the fast-growing patriotic-conservative party Alternative für Deutschland) had quoted a death toll of close to 100,000 – a figure which Conradi compares to the claims of “Holocaust-denying historians”, while himself insisting on a figure of 25,000.

The actual Dresden death toll remains difficult to assess precisely due to the large number of refugees from the East who had packed into the city at the time of the bombing. Yet one very recently released document from the postwar secret British propaganda agency IRD (Information Research Department) offers us some clues.

H&D reports this document for the first time today: click here to read: Propaganda and Dresden’s Holocaust – The Secret British File.

Filed under Demonstrations, Events News, Germany, Heritage and Destiny magazine, Historical Revisionism, Movement News, Second World War, War Crimes · Tagged with

In Ex-Stasi Merkel’s Germany, If A Nationalist Gets Elected, Just Reverse the Results

In this Sunday, Sept. 8, 2019 photo German far right party member Stefan Jagsch stands in front of the community house in the Altenstadt-Waldsiedlung, a part of the village of Altenstadt, near Frankfurt, Germany. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the leader of Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) said late Sunday the election of far-right NPD party member Stefan Jagsch in the small Hesse town of Altenstadt-Waldsiedlung needs to be reversed. German news agency dpa reported Jagsch was elected unanimously Thursday after the post had remained vacant for several weeks. (Andreas Arnold/dpa via AP)

BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s centre-right party has condemned the election of a far-right district mayor in central Germany with the votes of mainstream party members in the local council.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the leader of Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, or CDU, said late Sunday the election of far-right NPD party member Stefan Jagsch in the small Hesse town of Altenstadt-Waldsiedlung needs to be reversed.

German news agency dpa reported Jagsch was elected unanimously Thursday after the post remained vacant for weeks.

Local CDU member Norbert Szielasko, who also voted for Jagsch, said the council elected him because, “we don’t have anybody else, especially nobody young who knows how to use computers and send emails.”

Lawmakers of other mainstream parties also expressed shock. NPD is known for its openly anti-migrant stance.

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The Ongoing Torment of Political Prisoner Arthur Topham

B.C. man convicted of online hate crime back in court

Arthur Topham allegedly breached probation order

Betsy Trumpener · CBC News · Posted: Feb 11, 2020 6:07 PM PT | Last Updated: an hour ago

A jury in Quesnel convicted Topham of communicating statements on his website in 2011 and 2012 that willfully promoted hatred against Jewish people. (Betsy Trumpener/CBC)

A  B.C. man convicted of an anti-Semitic hate crime is back in court. 

Arthur Topham was convicted in 2015 of one count of  communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.

In 2017,  a B.C. Supreme Court judge sentenced him to a six-month conditional sentence, two years probation, a curfew and a ban on posting online.

This week, the B.C. Prosecution Service said Topham is back before the courts for allegedly breaching the terms of his probation order. 

Online posts demonized Jews

Topham, a retired teacher, was charged with hate crimes while producing an online newspaper from his rural home near Quesnel. …

Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.

First B.C. hate crime trial in a decade

Topham, who was living along a remote road 700 kilometres north of Vancouver attracted high profile supporters.Self proclaimed “white nationalist”  Paul Fromm  helped fund Topham’s defence and travelled to Quesnel for the trial. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court.

As well, Topham had the support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech.

When Topham’s case went to trial, it was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.

In 2008, Keith Francis William [Bill] Noble of Fort St. John was sentenced to jail time for promoting hatred against identifiable groups on the internet.  Topham is scheduled to return to court on the probation breach allegation on Feb, 19, with a trial scheduled for March 12

Banned In Regina — The Deplatforming of Patrick Moore

Patrick Moore: I was banned from speaking in Regina over this alternative CO2 point of view

There is no doubt in my mind that on balance our CO2 emissions are 100 per cent positive for the continuation of life on Earth

Commercial greenhouse growers around the world inject CO2 into their greenhouses to double and triple the concentration compared to present atmospheric levels.
Commercial greenhouse growers around the world inject CO2 into their greenhouses to double and triple the concentration compared to present atmospheric levels.Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images files

Late last Friday I was deplatformed for the first time in my 45 years of giving keynote speeches at conferences around the world. The City of Regina, which through my speaker’s bureau had signed a contract with me to kick off their Reimagine Regina Conference in May, caved to local activists and told me I should stay home.

In its announcement regarding my banishment, the city said it did not want “to spark a debate on climate change.” It said the stated goal of the conference is “to make the city’s facilities and operations 100 per cent renewable by 2050.” In other words, municipal officials wanted me to say what they wanted me to say and not what I wanted to say to them. That’s just not how I operate.

Regina is one of at least 54 cities and towns in Canada that have declared a state of “climate emergency.” This is political virtue-signalling at its disingenuous best: the only people fleeing any emergency from these cities are doing so to escape the frigid winter by flying to a warmer country further south. Not a lot of Canadians from our southern regions are heading to Yellowknife or Inuvik, N.W.T, to escape global warming. The climate emergency is at best a bad joke. It might even be amusing were it not threatening to ban the primary energy sources — natural gas, oil and coal — that provide 85 per cent of global energy and make our civilization possible.

Of the 195 countries recognized by the United Nations, Canada is the coldest, with an annual average temperature of -5.35 C. (Russia is number 2 only because it doesn’t have islands situated near the North Pole.) It strikes me as odd that the world’s coldest country worries more about warming than the people of India, Brazil or Saudi Arabia, where it really is warm. These countries don’t have carbon taxes that punish farmers for fuelling their tractors or policies that are aimed at destroying much of their country’s natural resource sector.

Why do I believe CO2 emissions from using fossil fuels to power modern societies are not “pollution” that will bring about the apocalypse? Let me count the ways.

First and foremost, CO2 is the most important food for all life on earth. On both land and in the sea all the carbon for carbon-based life, which is all life, comes from CO2. All green plants on land and all plants in the sea, phytoplankton and kelps, combine CO2 with H2O and by photosynthesis produce the sugars that provide the energy source for all life, including ours. The increase in CO2 due to our emissions has resulted in a greening of the planet and an expansion of forests. This is not contested.

Second, during the hundreds of millions of years since modern life evolved from primitive, single-celled life in the sea, CO2 in the atmosphere and oceans has steadily declined. This is primarily due to the advent of calcifying marine species that use CO2 and calcium dissolved in the sea to make protective shells of calcium carbonate (limestone) for themselves (corals, clams, mussels, shrimp and many planktonic species, etc.). As a result, CO2 in the atmosphere fell from at least 0.6 per cent to 0.018 per cent only 20,000 years ago at the last glacial maximum.

Third, both cement production and our use of fossil fuels are putting CO2 back into the atmosphere and the oceans. Both its very long-term depletion and the return of CO2 to the atmosphere by our burning of fossil fuels and production of cement were inadvertent. There is no credit or blame, just pure scientific facts.

There is no doubt in my mind that on balance our CO2 emissions are 100 per cent positive for the continuation of life on Earth. Commercial greenhouse growers around the world inject CO2 into their greenhouses to double and triple the concentration compared to present atmospheric levels. By doing so they increase the growth and yield of their crops by 20 to 60 per cent. This, too, is uncontested.

I realize this is a hypothesis that not many people have heard about, thanks to the wall of “denial” that has been created by the climate emergency crowd. But I know that this analysis of CO2 history will eventually win the day, as it is a provable fact. I could have presented my ideas to the Regina audience — after all, science is about continual discovery — but they turned me away rather than listen to an alternative point of view.

Patrick Moore, a past president of Greenpeace Canada, is chair of the CO2 Coalition in Washington, D.C

SHOCK VIDEO: I just saw Omar Khadr on my flight — and police threatened to arrest me if I didn’t shut up about it! — Ezra Levant

I heard that Dalhousie University had invited Omar Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist, to speak to students.

I thought that was appalling, so I flew from Halifax to Toronto this morning to attend the event tonight.

Little did I know that Khadr would be on the same plane as me, just a few rows ahead of me.

He was sitting first class — that’s what you can do when Justin Trudeau gives you $10.5 million.

I didn’t recognize him when I boarded the plane because he hid his face from me. But I recognized him when we landed and he stood up.

I asked the flight attendant about it. Why was an Al Qaida terrorist allowed on a plane? Why wasn’t the no-fly list being enforced? I asked the co-pilot the same question. Neither had any idea.

When I got off the plane, I saw Khadr with a group of his local fans who had come to meet him at the airport. I went up to him and asked if I could talk with him. I recorded the video:

Can you believe it? Police threatened to arrest me. Not Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist — me. They called me a danger. I didn’t touch him or block him or swear at him — I tried to ask him some basic questions.

The police literally grabbed me and pushed me. What a disgrace.

Canadian police protecting an Al Qaida terrorist’s “right” to fly on a passenger plane and threatening to arrest a peaceful journalist for asking about it.

We have to pursue this further. Why is a terrorist being allowed to fly? Is that a special favour that Trudeau did for him?

Khadr belongs in jail. Please sign our petition now, that I will deliver to the public safety minister: visit

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

P.S. I was truly stunned with the “normalcy” of a terrorist swanning around an airport, after flying first class on a passenger plane. What is going on in Canada?

P.P.S. I’m going to make this an important project. The CBC is on Khadr’s side — they literally threw a champagne party for Khadr on TV last year. They try to white-wash his crimes. I promise we’ll get to the bottom of this. If you want to help us pay for our independent journalism, please chip in a few dollars, by clicking here.

Senate Ethics Committee Recommends Sen. Lynn Beyak Be Suspended Again & Sent Back to Political Re-education Camp

Senate Ethics Committee Recommends Sen.  Lynn  Beyak Be Suspended Again & Sent Back to Political Re-education Camp

Senate Ethics Committee Recommends Sen. Beyak Be Suspended Again & Sent Back to Political Re=education CampThe following story shows just how far down the Cultural Marxist road we have come to Stalinism. The Senate Ethics Committee is recommending that Senator Lynn Beyak be again suspended (no pay, no benefits) because, it seems, her apology for posting letters critical of natives and offering another view of the residential schools was not abject enough. During her previous suspension she was to take a political re-education “anti-racism” course, at her own expense. Well, it appears that she did not change her views. She resisted being re-educated. The report scolds: ” Sen. Beyak failed to exhibit any willingness to learn and because of this the training provider did not provide the agreed-upon instruction in its entirety.”In other words, she did not change her views.

Make no mistake about what this means. Should the full Senate endorse the committee’s recommendations, they will effectively have subverted the career of a duly appointed Senator,. They will have un-appointed her or sidelined her because they do not like her political views. She will have been neutered — the Stalinists would have called it “liquidated” — and prevented from doing the job she was appointed to do. the implications of being sent off for  re-education are chilling. The Senate was established as a chamber of “sober second thought”, not as a rubber stamp for the social justice warrior fads of the day or the endless White-bashing that constitutes Ottawa approach to Indian issues.

Global News (January 31, 2020) reported: “

Sen. Lynn Beyak says the bad aspects of the residential school system has overshadowed the good.
Sen. Lynn Beyak says the bad aspects of the residential school system has overshadowed the good. Senate/

Sen. Lynn Beyak should be suspended again without pay, the Senate’s ethics committee recommended Friday.

Beyak’s colleagues ousted her from the upper chamber temporarily last spring after condemning as racist several letters she had posted to her website.

The Ontario senator had published letters supporting her view that some Indigenous people had had positive experiences in residential schools, which the Truth and Reconciliation Commission concluded caused generations of First Nations, Metis and Inuit children to suffer abuse and alienation.

READ MORE: Racist letters about Indigenous Peoples removed from Sen. Lynn Beyak’s website

Some of the letters went beyond that, suggesting Indigenous people or their cultures are inferior.

Beyak’s suspension ended automatically when Parliament was dissolved for the federal election last fall.

Attempts to reach Beyak through her lawyer and her Senate office weren’t immediately successful Friday. In November, Beyak said she had met all the conditions to return to work.

She had removed the letters the ethics committee found most objectionable from her website, taken a briefing on the role of a senator, completed education programs on Indigenous history and delivered an apology, she said.

“I deeply respect the Senate and love working with my Senate colleagues. I pledge myself to uphold the highest standards of conduct and look forward to working hard for all of the people of Ontario and Canada,” Beyak wrote in a statement at the time.

But the committee concluded in a report released Friday that Beyak did not meet the conditions set out for her return, calling an apology she delivered insufficient and her participation in educational programs on racism towards Indigenous Peoples in Canada incomplete.

The committee agreed that the letters had been taken down and that Beyak had been briefed on her duties as a senator. But it wasn’t satisfied that she had taken her education on Indigenous history seriously.

“On the one hand, Sen. Beyak can rightfully assert that she attempted to complete the training that was provided to her,” the report says. “On the other, the training provider indicated that Sen. Beyak failed to exhibit any willingness to learn and because of this the training provider did not provide the agreed-upon instruction in its entirety.”

The committee also found that Beyak’s one-sentence apology for having been found in breach of Senate rules wasn’t good enough. The senators “cannot accept an apology that fails to show awareness of the wrong, fails to accept responsibility for the wrong, fails to sincerely apologize, fails to atone for past actions and fails to commit to take action in order to rectify the situation,” they wrote.”

CAFE Supports Patrica Zammit & Demands Dropping of All Charges

ST. CATHARINES. February 3, 2020.The Canadian Association for Free Expression held a protest outside the Robert S.K. Welch Courthouse, (59 Church St.)  here this morning.

          This was the first appearance in Court for Patricia Zammit, a Hamilton woman who got into a dispute over a parking space in a crowded Boxing Day Mall with a Chinese woman. She made some remarks critical of immigrants and used some salty language.

          “If it had been two White men giving each other the finger and swearing, this incident would never have escalated to police charges,” says Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

          “The prosecution of Ms Zammit is clearly political. She is being prosecuted because her remarks criticized an immigrant in a Boxing Day dispute over a parking space. The Canadian Association for Free Expression demands that all charges arising against Ms Zammit from the parking lot incident be dropped immediately.This is unfolding as a major free speech case,” Fromm says.

The case was remanded to March 2.