Canadian Constitution Foundation suggests amendments to mandatory mask order in Ontario

Canadian Constitution Foundation suggests amendments to mandatory mask order in Ontario

Order breaches rights to individual liberty, informational privacy and non-discrimination, said CCF

Canadian Constitution Foundation suggests amendments to mandatory mask order in Ontario

BY Bernise Carolino 08 Jul 2020 Share AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInShare to Email

The Canadian Constitution Foundation has questioned the constitutionality of orders requiring face coverings in certain Ontario municipalities.

In a letter to Dr. Nicola Mercer, medical officer of health at the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph public health region, the CCF said that a June 12 order imposing the use of mandatory face coverings in commercial establishments breached s. 7, s. 15 and s. 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The order prima facie violates the right to liberty of the person under s. 7 because it forces people to cover their faces and interferes with their bodily integrity, the CCF said. It also infringes the right to non-discrimination on the basis of disability under s. 15 since it imposes a disproportionate burden on persons with disabilities, including breathing problems like asthma and emphysema or trauma-based phobia of breathing obstructions.

“[I]f a person has PTSD related to having their breathing obstructed, they should not need to discuss this with strangers in order to buy toilet paper or fill up their gas tank,” said Christine Van Geyn, litigation director at the CCF.

The order does include an exemption which allows such individuals to forgo masks, but the CCF argues that requiring a person to disclose private health information in order to claim an exemption infringes privacy rights under s. 8, particularly the right to informational privacy. Forcing such a disclosure may cause a person with trauma-based phobia to re-experience the traumatic experience and suffer reputational harm.

The CCF said that the order should be repealed or at least amended due to these issues. Tested against the requirements found in R. v. Oakes, the limitation imposed by the order is not rationally connected to the objective, is not minimally impairing and is not proportionate, the CCF said.

To support its argument of a lack of rational connection to the objective, the CCF cited the relatively low local rate of community transmission in the area and questioned why the order applies to retail commercial establishments but not to other places also subject to public gatherings, such as churches or community centres. The CCF said that the order should be amended to require masks only when physical distancing of six feet is impossible.

The order is not minimally impairing because it fails to consider its impact on the privacy and equality rights of persons with disabilities, who risk reliving trauma and experiencing reputational harm, the CCF said. Therefore, the CCF asks for an amendment to the effect that an employee of a commercial establishment should accept a claim for a medical exemption at face value, without requiring a disclosure of private health information.

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The CCF then said that the $5,000 fine imposed on commercial establishments who do not enforce the order is disproportionate, given that much lower fines were implemented during the peak of the outbreak. The order should be amended to set a $500 fine instead, the CCF said.

“It is our strong preference not to commence litigation, when simple amendments to the Order would achieve the goal of protecting both the health and the rights of citizens,” wrote Van Geyn.

The CCF intends to send letters to other Ontario communities with similar orders either implemented or contemplated, such as York Region, Kingston and Waterloo.

The Fall Of Stockwell Day And What It Means For Conservatives

SURREY, BC., October 1, 2015 — Stockwell Day with Dianne Watts, Conservative candidate for South Surrey-White Rock on the campaign trail in Surrey, BC., October 1, 2015. The Conservative Party has promised that it will crack down on criminal gangs if it is re-elected as the governing party in this months election. (Nick Procaylo/PNG) 00039336A [PNG Merlin Archive]

The Fall Of Stockwell Day

And What It Means For Conservatives

July 1st, 2020 | JH

I met Stockwell Day in Regina back in 2002 when he was running for the second time to reclaim his leadership position of the Canadian Alliance. I trekked out to one of his fundraisers in a church basement surrounded by seniors in order to listen to his pitch. When he was introduced, I expected him to walk out on stage, but he surprised us by entering from the back of the room. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and he shook my hand as he made his way through the crowd and up to the podium. It’s funny how little interactions like that can have a big impact on people at a personal level. Suddenly, he wasn’t just a guy on TV, he was a real person that I met face-to-face. I was a fan before, and I’ve liked him ever since.

Unfortunately, Stockwell Day has become the latest victim of cancel culture. His appearance on CBC’s Power & Politics defending Canada from accusations of systemic racism seems to have been the bait that finally tripped the trap. Stockwell misread the current mainstream zeitgeist and thought that tarring Canada as being systemically racist was the realm of far-left, critical theory SJW activists. Instead, he learned the hard way that the needle at the centre of the Overton Window has yet again moved left and that not recognizing Canada as inherently racist makes you an apologist for bigotry and, as a result, racist yourself.

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Stockwell Day’s very reasonable, boomer-era assumption that hating Canada for being systemically racist is the wheelhouse of the far-left was sadly and embarrassingly corrected with him being cancelled.

Since then, Stockwell Day has resigned from the boards of both Telus and theCanadian law firm McMillan LLP. He will also not be featured on CBC’s Power & Politics anymore since his taboo-breaking has made him a pariah. Stockwell briefly made a public tweet stating, “By feedback from many in the Black and other communities, I realize my comments in debate on Power and Politics were insensitive and hurtful. I ask forgiveness for wrongly equating my experiences to theirs. I commit to them my unending efforts to fight racism in all its forms.”

This refers to Stockwell using his experience being bullied as a kid with glasses to the experiences of black people experiencing bullying due to their race. It’s a ham-fisted analogy, but the point was correct. People will always find reasons to divide us and, if race isn’t available, then some other difference can be substituted. It’s just the mean-spirited aspect of human nature to try to “other” people based on inherited characteristics. It creates in-groups and out-groups. These dynamics will never change, but the goal of minimizing bullying should always remain a goal.

But it’s not enough for the mob.

There was blood in the water and they pounced. The thing is, though, I don’t blame the SJW mobs for doing what they did. At this point we should know better. The blame lies with Stockwell Day and the boomer-era conservatism that brought us to this point in our culture.

What lessons can be learned?

1. Conservatives need to boycott the CBC and all leftist media

Why was Stockwell Day on CBC providing his opinions in the first place? The idea is that he provides balance. When a topic comes up, the CBC would love to just have three talking heads espousing far-left worldviews and trying to one-up each other regarding who’s the most progressive. This is too much obvious bias for a supposedly “centrist” program to allow, so they bring in a conservative voice to function as the foil.

These conservatives are then expected to provide a conservative perspective to a non-conservative group of commentators and a non-conservative host. All of this is then presented to a non-conservative audience.

Eventually after a certain amount of time passes, the conservative foil oversteps the liberal framing and says something that progressives consider to be “beyond the pale” and they are then cancelled. Tom Flanagan was another former conservative commentator that comes to mind.

Why do conservatives even bother? We all know that the CBC is a bastion of both Liberal propaganda and a more general progressive purveyor of far-left worldviews. Why don’t they just boycott this activist organ?

Two reasons.

a). The idea is that by appearing on these programs you can get the message out to people who might never hear or consider conservative points of view. That’s valid, but does it work? Does it really? Being a token diversity hire to play the bad guy to an audience of progressives isn’t really changing hearts and minds like people think it might. These commentators are always surrounded by other commentators who mock and rebut them and the whole thing always plays out within a solid liberal frame. You must be extremely savvy as a conservative to both battle your opponents logically and get your message out coherently.

Why not skip it all together and sell to people who are buying? Playing the bad guy on CBC doesn’t do anything for conservatism and it doesn’t do anything for the player themselves. Beyond that, why provide content of any kind for the CBC? They hate conservatives. Why work for an institution that hates you?

b). There is a desire amongst many conservatives to seek the approval of the liberal establishment. If only we can show them that we’re not all bad and we simply have a different perspective, then surely, they will respect us and befriend us!

Don’t fall for it. They see you as an enemy to their agenda and are using you as a rube. This is a weakness of conservatives and always has been. Since our culture is centre-left (and increasingly far-left) the mainstream culture is moving further away from where conservatives used to live. It’s not pleasant to be on the outside looking in, so many formerly mainstream conservatives try to appease progressives by being the moderate conservative that good-thinking progressives allow to exist in good company.

“Why was Stockwell Day on CBC providing his opinions in the first place?”

The trappings of power and prestige are all inside the progressive realm. You must subscribe to the “Cathedral” of progressivism in order to be seen as a good person. Appearing on CBC alongside progressives and getting their reluctant approval is gratifying for many conservatives because it allows them to be viewed as “in good standing” amongst the mainstream.

The problem in the long run is that these conservatives are functioning as house slaves and are the epitome of cuckservatism. Don’t be the useful idiot of the left. They will chew you up and spit you out and the house you think you’re living in will be revealed to be built on sand.

2. Boomer-era conservatives need to update their operating system

When Stockwell Day ran for Prime Minister in 2000, the liberal media went berserk. They took all the smears and strategies learned from attacking Preston Manning and threw it at Stockwell Day ten-fold. The idea at the time was that Stockwell Day had more charisma and presence as a leader. He was more photogenic and athletic. His visuals were easier to sell to low-info voters and this would make him a much better contender than Preston Manning’s nebbish style.

Stockwell was given a full-scale media attack regarding abortion, his religion and the privatization of healthcare…and it worked. He picked up only 6 seats and the unity of the party quickly fell apart. As we know now, Stephen Harper took over the party and minimized the social conservatism and more ambitious and robust aspects of the party platforms. After merging with the PC Party, the modern CPC became a managerial party centred mostly around money. By the time Harper lost, the party was considered too right-wing by many…simply too unfriendly by some. Scheer replaced Harper with an identical platform…but with a smile. By this time, the country had moved so far left that the CPC was now considered far-right, and Scheer’s milquetoast social conservatism was viewed as “beyond the pale”.

Now we’re looking at a Peter MacKay leadership in which he is ardently pro-choice and eager to march in Pride parades. Climate change is a high priority for the guy, and he wants to end the coal industry as a result. He’s okay with euthanizing old people so long as the government isn’t forcing doctors to do it against the doctor’s will. And of course… systemic racism is obviously a part of Canada’s identity.

This is the front-runner to lead the Conservative Party of Canada.

Ten years from now, Svend Robinson may as well run for leadership. It just keeps getting worse.

Why is this?

Boomer-era conservatism is really just slow-motion liberalism. Boomer-era conservatives like Stockwell Day are always behind the curve, while switched on, forward looking conservatives like Michael Chong are ahead of the curve. What they have in common is that they are simply at different points on the liberal spectrum. Boomer-era conservatism follows liberalism along like a shadow, adopting yesterday’s zany progressive idea as tomorrow’s long-held conservative principle.

Most conservatives in Canada are on the slow end of the spectrum. When this happens, they are left baffled and destroyed by the culture they no longer recognize. Conservatives need to upgrade their awareness so they can accurately understand their place in society, or they need to give up their ideological proclivities and follow the herd.

What happened to Stockwell Day is the same thing that happened to Don Cherry and then Wendy Mesley (of all people!? Not even liberals are safe) and will likely happen to Rex Murphy and then Conrad Black and then… and then …and then…

All the professional Canadian Conservatives have operating systems that are ten or twenty or thirty years behind the curve. Jason Kenney is running the Ralph Klein playbook and it’s not working out so well for him. Why? Because it’s not the 90’s anymore. Stephen Harper ran a 2006 campaign in 2015 and he lost badly. Andrew Scheer ran a 2015 campaign in 2019 and he lost badly.

Severely normal Canadians holding what they believe to be severely normal views are risking having their lives destroyed simply because they’re not up to speed on our current cultural zeitgeist. We are living in a cultural revolution right now and if you want to avoid the Red Guard you need to act accordingly, be smarter and get up to speed.

3. We are in this position because official conservatism has failed

Imagine being Stockwell Day on Power and Politics and thinking how ridiculous it is to condemn all of Canada as being systemically racist. This “inherently racist Canada” point of view was held only by the most radical of far-left activists up until, oh I don’t know, five minutes ago? Being a patriot is a natural part of what normal people think being a conservative should be. The fact that it is now mainstream to view our whole system as racist should be a wake-up call to conservatives. The fact that Stockwell Day has been cancelled because he had the audacity to be a patriot on CBC should be a wake-up call. Many events that have occurred repeatedly in the past should have been wake-up calls.

Conservatism has failed to conserve anything of value. One civilizational plank after another has been marginalized, ridiculed, degraded and attacked for decades now. We’re at a point where the government has willfully shut down the economy over a virus that is marginally more devastating than the regular flu and asserted a level of totalitarian control like we’ve never seen before. In order to mitigate the effects of shutting everything down, the federal government decided to run a $300 billion deficit, consisting mostly of handing people free money.

People love the free money so much that if an election were held today, Justin Trudeau would win in a landslide. The fact that he broke his quarantine in order to display his supplication by kneeling to mobs of woke protestors has only won him more respect from Canada’s progressive mainstream.

Where are the conservative principles in all this?

We’re living in total madness and conservatism has nothing to say for itself. If conservative principles worked, we wouldn’t be where we are right now. Completely dominated by madness. The conclusion to this situation is not going to be “conservatism”. Something new and much more assertive needs to arise.

My journey away from mainstream conservative to something more fringe has mostly been forced upon me. I used to be what I thought was a “right of ‘centre-right’ conservative”, but as the madness builds, I now find myself as a dissident extremist inside my own country. Combined with taking the Benedict Option, I have carved out a savvy right-wing position that I hope will allow me the camouflage and subterfuge to thrive inside our current zeitgeist.

Conservative-minded people in Canada need to do the same, because we’re not going to vote our way out of this. The politics of our age is just meaningless window dressing. Our late-stage democracy is collapsing in on itself. We won’t be able to paper over our problems with borrowed/printed money forever. Our system itself is degrading quickly and our culture is leading the way.

As of this article being published, Stockwell Day has disappeared from public life. His once active Twitter account has stopped, and he has made no public appearances of note. I wish Stockwell Day all the best. I hope he’s made enough money to live comfortably in retirement and I hope he drains his golden federal pension dry. I respect the guy and can sympathize that a worldview developed during formative years in the ’50s and ’60s and ’70s can innocently lead to the woke guillotine of cancel culture today. He shouldn’t have had to apologize, because we shouldn’t be at a point where an apology is demanded.

We shouldn’t have to live like this.

Something (many things) have gone horribly wrong with this country and if ever there was a time for Stockwell to bow out and go fishing, now would be that time. As for everyone else, update your operating system, get red-pilled and act accordingly. This is no longer the Canada you think it is.

Conservative Leadership Candidate Derek Sloan Promotes Petition to Protect Children From Radical “gender ideology”

There is evidence suggesting that psychologically and emotionally vulnerable children are identifying as “transgender” at enormously disproportionate rates, and that children in foster care identify as such at a rate 15 to 20 times higher than children not in foster care.

There is also evidence suggesting that “transgender science” is tainted with pharmaceutical industry conflicts of interest and that the most vulnerable of Canadian youth are being pressured into identifying as “transgender” and subjected to a regimen of drugs that are permanently sterilizing them and causing irreversible damage to their bodies and their lives.

Vulnerable Canadian children (including a disproportionate number of those diagnosed with autism), who have no one to speak up for them, deserve better.

There should be a moratorium on this practice, at least until an inquiry can be completed to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies or any other entities present in this process.

I am the only CPC leadership candidate who is prepared to stand up against radical gender ideology and defend parental sovereignty and the integrity of the Canadian family. I will oppose Bill C-8, I will ban sex-change treatments for minors, and I will repeal Bill C-16, which enshrined radical gender ideology in Canadian law.

There are many other voices that are being raised against these related issues: some of them are parental rights advocates, some of them are libertarians concerned about free speech, and some are left-liberals such as J.K. Rowling. Jenn Smith is a transgender activist who has started an important online petition that calls for a National Inquiry into the mass medical gender transitioning/“sex reassignment” of vulnerable and at-risk children and adolescents in Canada.

As a Member of Parliament, I’m pleased to be able to sponsor Jenn Smith’s petition, and I look forward to presenting it to my colleagues in the House of Commons. This touches on an issue of justice that cuts across political lines. 

Please note that, although Jenn’s petition was started by the good people of Abbotsford, B.C., it is open to all Canadians to sign.

I urge you to sign the petition, too.


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Canada: Cops Murder Man to Death for Not Wearing a Mask

Canada: Cops Murder Man to Death for Not Wearing a Mask

Andrew Anglin July 17, 2020

Mask mania is upon us, and governments have to send a message to people about how important it is to wear masks.

The easiest way for them to send that message is to just start murdering people who don’t wear masks.


Ontario’s police watchdog is investigating after officers fatally shot a 73-year-old man in Haliburton County on Wednesday morning.

The man had refused to wear a mask and allegedly assaulted a grocery store employee before driving away, Ontario Provincial Police say.

Police were called to a Valu-Mart in Minden, Ont., just after 8 a.m., OPP Sgt. Jason Folz said.

Officers tried to stop the suspect’s car, but they refrained “in the interest of public safety” before doing a follow-up investigation, Folz said.

Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) said the man drove away, and an officer saw the car and started following it for a short while. Based on the licence plate, officers made their way to a home on Indian Point Road, the SIU said.

Outside the home there was an “interaction,” and two police officers fired their guns, the SIU said.

Folz said that after shots were fired, “additional resources” were brought to the area near Eagle Lake, by the village of Haliburton, about 215 kilometres northeast of Toronto.

The man was shot and taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 11:47 a.m., the SIU said.

Folz said the victim was from the Eagle Lake area. He could not confirm if the man also had a weapon.

People at the grocery store had concerns about the way the man was driving in the parking lot and on the highway, he said.

Two officers fired!

He’s double dead, and neither officer will have to live with the murder. They can both imagine the other one fired the killing shot. Like in a firing squad – one gun is always loaded with a blank so no one knows who actually killed the guy.

It’s a good method for cops to use in murdering people for not wearing masks in the future. Cops are going to have to murder a lot of people in order to get them to wear masks, and we don’t want that to take a big toll on the brains of the poor cops.

After all, they’re just following orders. And no one should ever have to be held responsible for anything they do if they’re following orders.

Except the Nazis.

Parental Rights, Freedom of Belief & Dissent All Crushed by the COVID State Dictatorship

Freedom of thought, parental rights and freedom of belief all fall victim to the COVID-19 virus hysteria. Notice how this dissident has been stripped of his rights as a father because of his beliefs. This is communism on steroids.

Peel Political Police Arrest Man for Anti-Chinese Comments When Ordered to Wear A Mask at Grocery Store


‘If I wear a mask I will have an asthma attack’: Man charged for anti-Asian racist tirade caught on camera in T&T supermarket

Ahmar KhanYahoo News CanadaJuly 9, 2020

COVID-19 in Canada
COVID-19 in Canada

A 48-year-old Mississauga man has been charged for a racist tirade caught on camera in Mississauga, Ont. on Sunday, July 5 which went viral after a white, non-mask wearing man berated staff at T&T Supermarket who told him he couldn’t shop at the store without a face covering. 

“If I wear a mask I will have an asthma attack and these communists are attacking all of us…go back to China and take your coronavirus with you,” said a man in a racist tirade filmed by a bystander.

Peel Regional Police say John McCash turned himself into police on July 16 and was charged with causing a disturbance. McCash is set to appear in front of the Ontario Court of Justice on September 25, 2020.

“Hate-crime incidents have a negative impact on our community and create a ripple effect. It can increase feelings of vulnerability, anxiety and fear, not only on the individual who has directly been victimized, but also to the community at large. Reporting incident of hate-crime is essential to stopping these incidents; we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all we serve,” said Chief Nishan Duraiappah. 

The video was uploaded to YouTube and has been viewed almost over 280,000 times and was filmed at the predominantly Chinese-operated supermarket. It starts with a white man with his wife near him dumping grocery products from a bag on the floor while telling staff he “will never come back here again.” 

The man then goes on to threaten the staff that he’ll “have the media” here and staff can wear their masks and get sick.

“When you wear the mask, you get sick — it’s science,” he said.

Vernon Polson Park Speakers Sat. July 18 12:00

Hi everyone.  As mentioned last week, we are supporting the Vernon educational event this coming Saturday, July 18, 2020.  This will an awesome opportunity to listen to several speakers throughout the day.  I have noted the details below.  Our group CLEAR will also have our literature table available as well.

The following week, July 25, 2020, we will once again have our rally at Stuart Park.  I will send out an update and reminder next Monday.  We will be going to our regular place on Harvey St. at the bridge. Our objective is to get enough people to walk down Bernard St. with our signs to the boardwalk and then over to Harvey St.  However we get there, we will be at the bridge for July 25.  More on that next week!

I hope you all can make it out this coming Sunday in Vernon.  Weather so far is promising, partly cloudy and +28.

All the information for Saturday is set out below.  Please pass this along to all your friends and email lists!!!

In freedom


Saturday, July 18  – Changes to our rally for one day

As per the inserted flyer pasted below as well, there is a huge event taking place in Vernon the following Saturday July 18, 2020, for which I have been kindly asked to speak at.  Many other speakers will be there as well, including Ross Anderson who is doing a much longer presentation of his incredible 5G knowledge than we were able to provide at our rally several weeks ago. Being able to meet and see Ross speak is worth this trip on its own!!!  We are all very fortunate to have someone with his knowledge and capabilities on 5G right in our own backyard.

Another wonderfully important speaker is Ted Kuntz, who is a member of the Board of Directors for Vaccine Choice Canada and health action network. VCC has recently (this past week) launched a major court challenge in Ontario in relation to the COVID-19 actions taken by various parties, including our governments.  

Both Ross and Ted are people who are on the front lines for freedom issues in Canada who we need to support.  These people have sacrificed and continue to so do for these issues and being able to see them speak is a special occasion we should not miss.

I’ve decided that it would be a better idea to have as many of us as possible take this day of July 18 to educate ourselves and support our friends and activists by going to Vernon. It will give all of us a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and forge new alliances, and obtain valuable supporting information.

There will be an indoor facility as well for people to set up tables with their information. Our group CLEAR will also set up such a table with some of our literature available which is not possible in the open at our rallies.

If anyone still wishes to rally on July 18 in Kelowna, this is still open to people who are unable to attend the Vernon event. If you wish to stay in Kelowna, please let me know and I will see about getting brochures out to anyone who decides to stay.

This is the only day that I will not be attending in Kelowna unfortunately, and I hope as many of you as possible can come up Vernon for the day.  I will of course, be arranging and attending the next rally for July 25 in Kelowna.

I will be able to provide everyone with a list of speakers shortly when I receive it from the organizers of this event.

Thanks to VCC, Tana and her friends for all their dedication and hard work to bring this all together.

CLEAR materials

1.              I have had a fair number of people recently express interest in our book and material collection available for CLEAR.  I am in the process of updating our actual booklist, which is a bit outdated and hope to have this done in a couple of weeks. 

2.              For now, the two primary items available are:

A.   The Annotated Criminal Charging Procedure in Canada

This book provides you with everything you need to know to lay your own criminal charges against anyone who breaks the law – especially gov’t officials, along with tips and tricks to watch out for.  It is based on over 20 years of hands on experience and knowledge and includes sample copies of forms and wording of actual criminal charges. Detailed analysis is made of every step in these proceedings for your benefit.  It contains over 130 authorities and is the most comprehensive book on laying criminal charges in Canada.  This book will save you days of research and/or thousands of dollars in legal costs for a lawyer.

Nothing puts more fear and terror in the minds and souls of criminal gov’t officials than knowing that you can charge them criminal and get your evidence out publicly!

B.    Freedom is the Denial of Personhood.

This five (5) volume DVD set is the most legally comprehensive material available on issues such as what a person is in law, our Constitutional right to the ownership and enjoyment of property and where it truly is located in our Constitution, the Coronation Oath of the Monarch which is critical to exposing all the unlawful statutes that have been passed in recent years, the hierarchy of law and the powers and duties at every level including judges, politicians and other participants in our governmental structure. 

One of the most important aspects of this series, is our analysis of all fundamentals of law.  What exactly is a right?  Or privilege?  Or power?  Or many other fundamentals in our law. Every relationship, including between you and the Monarch, politicians, police and others, can be reduced to eight fundamentals which, after so doing, truly exposes the nature of our law and if and when, we are subjected to unconstitutional activities.

There is information and documents here never before seen in Canada.

If you wish to truly know where the supremacy of God is in our Constitution, this is a must for you.  And it is not beneficially in the Charter!  Over 10 years of research has been invested in this series. All our sources are noted for your ability to verify.

Best Regards

David Lindsay

Vice Chairman


The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative