Lunatic Slams A Young Lady “END THE LOCKDOWN” Rally in Toronto With His Handbag — People Driven Mad by the COVID

Lunatic Slams A Young Lady “END THE LOCKDOWN” Rally in Toronto With His Handbag — People Driven Mad by the COVID Scamdemic

Saturday, September 19, like every Saturday since mid-March freedom fighters gathered in Queen’s Park, Toronto. Marching to Dundas Square a young lady from our group was assaulted by a man wielding a handbag. COVID panic has driven people mad.

Free John McCash Protest by CAFE Outside Brampton Provincial Court

Free John McCash Protest by CAFE Outside Brampton Provincial Court

BRAMPTON, September 25, 2020. Members of the Canadian Association for Free Expression staged a protest outside the Provincial Court in Brampton, Ontario, where the latest victim of political policing during the COVID hysteria was to make his first appearance by video.

Get too mouthy opposing being muzzled like a dog, argue with some bossy clerk now acting as a mask enforcer and you might get arrested in COVID crazy Canada. “A 48-year-old Mississauga man has been charged for a … tirade caught on camera in Mississauga, Ont. on Sunday, July 5 which went viral after a White, non-mask wearing man berated staff at T&T Supermarket who told him he couldn’t shop at the store without a face covering.  ‘If I wear a mask I will have an asthma attack and these communists are attacking all of us…go back to China and take your coronavirus with you,’ said a man in a … tirade filmed by a bystander.

“The video was uploaded to YouTube and has been viewed over 280,000 times and was filmed at the predominantly Chinese-operated supermarket. It starts with a White man with his wife near him dumping grocery products from a bag on the floor while telling staff he ‘will never come back here again.’  The man then goes on to threaten the staff that he’ll ‘have the media’ here and staff can wear their masks and get sick. ‘When you wear the mask, you get sick — it’s science,’  he said.'” (CTV News, July 16, 2020)

“The charges were clearly political,” CAFE director Paul Fromm said. “There’s no crime here. Mr. McCash is being punished simply for speaking up and opposing the mask tyranny.”

LIFE IN MEDICO-STALINIST POLICE STATE CANADA — Ontario police THREATEN apple farmer with $100,000 social distancing fine

LIFE IN MEDICO-STALINIST POLICE STATE CANADA — Ontario police THREATEN apple farmer with $100,000 social distancing fine   Scott Lunau is an honest, hard-working farmer who runs Albion Orchards, a popular u-pick apple orchard in Caledon, Ontario.

He’s had a tough growing season this year. Not only has the hot and dry summer hurt his crops, but CERB has made it nearly impossible to find workers — why would anyone bother with manual labour when the government pays people $2,000 every month to watch Netflix on their couch? To add insult to injury, last week Scott received a not-so-friendly visit from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).

Was Scott involved in some sort of dangerous criminal activity? Certainly not. He drew the ire of law enforcement for the insidious act of letting people pick apples from his orchard — I guess. No one really knows.

According to Scott, the police felt he “might” be in violation of Ontario’s new COVID-19 rules. Allegedly, some 200 people were on Scott’s 50-acre farm — a “crime” that gave the OPP no choice but to immediately investigate and threaten Scott with a $100,000 fine! Click here for my full report.

To add to the insanity, the cops also took issue with Scott not sanitizing an antique tractor after a child touched it.  The odds of an outbreak happening on Scott’s farm rather than a Walmart or Costco (or any of those infamous tent cities we’ve been to) is enough to make even the most degenerate gambler think twice.

This is a direct dereliction of duty by the OPP. How can they enforce the law if they don’t even know it? If you’re in the business of harassing a farmer, you better damn well know the law! Thanks to this pandemic, governments are making farmers, entrepreneurs, and minimum wage workers facilitators of the nanny state. But people like Scott are not law enforcement, that’s not their job — so why are they being forced to do it?

Yours truly,  David Menzies 

P.S. Rebel News is helping ordinary Canadians fight bogus social distancing tickets. To hear their stories and to pitch in to help us fight their cases, please visit Thank you.

Over 3,000 March in End The Lockdown Rally in Toronto

September 26, 2020. Huge END THE LOCKDOWN/NO FORCED MASKING Rally in Toronto today, over 3,000 paraded down Yonge Street. Organizer Chris Sky given a ticket for alleged quarantine violation. [Ticket had mistake in name.] Canadian Association for Free Expression proudly participated as we do every Saturday here & elsewhere across Canada, In Vancouver, in Kelowna, in Fort McMurray,

Anti-White Political Police Charge High School Student for Remarks Critical of Blacks

For Remarks

Anti-White Political Police Charge High School Student for Remarks Critical of Blacks

[Notice that this nothing-burger story doesn’t tell us what victim Tristan Stronach actually said, so that reasonable people might form their own conclusions. Pathetically, the school board rejoices in the arrest of one of their own senior students. What lessons do kids learn from this:?Shut up, don’t criticize privileged minorities and, oh, yes wear your mask, which doubles as a gag. Oh, yes, your school boasts of “inclusivity” but that does not include YOU, if you happen to dissent from political Cultural Marxism.]

Markham student charged for allegedly making anti-Black comments during online class

by News staff

Posted Sep 24, 2020 11:42 am EDT

Last Updated Sep 24, 2020 at 2:51 pm EDT AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to RedditShare to Email

York Regional Police headquarters (FILE/CITYNEWS)

Police have charged a Grade 12 student in Markham after he allegedly made several anti-Black comments during an online class in April.

York police say they received the report from a high school staff member back on April 15 regarding hate-motivated comments made during class.

The student allegedly made the comments until the online session was forced to be shut down.

Investigators were able to identify the student and on Sept. 17, they charged Tristan Stronach, 18, with indecent communications.

York Region District School Board (YRDSB) confirmed the incident occurred during an online learning session at Bill Crothers Secondary School.

YRDSB said they are not be able to discuss specifics of the case or those involved, but said they were “grateful to the York Regional Police for laying charges related to this incident of anti-Black racism.”

In a statement, they added the incident deeply affected staff and students at the school and have been working to support and “further educate them and the community about issues of equity and inclusivity in general and anti-Black racism in particular.”

“We know the actions of one individual are not reflective of our whole school community and expect all our teaching and learning spaces to be ethical, safe, welcoming and inclusive,” the statement added.

The teen will appear in court on Dec. 8 in Markham.



Posted on September 23, 2020 by Mike Walsh6 comments

THE CARING PEOPLES PAPER.  OUR JOB is to publish news stories censored by state media. A CITIZEN JOURNALIST’S JOB is to share news stories to the misinformed. If you can’t do this are you part of the problem?

Civil liberties groups and legal professionals are sounding the alarm in the Australian state of Victoria over the proposed Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill, which would afford government officials the powers to arrest citizens.

The bill has been proposed by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and would also allow government officials to arrest people they suspect may spread the coronavirus through planned future action, such as anti-lockdown protesters.  

Public servants, union officials, or any other government staff such as protective services officers and WorkSafe inspectors could be drafted in to enforce public health directions pertaining to the coronavirus pandemic, should the bill pass the upper house of Parliament in the state. 

These health directives include limits on the size of gatherings, as well as Melbourne’s 9pm curfew, and would target those suspected of spreading the coronavirus, even if they’ve not committed a crime, Covid-19-positive patients or their close contacts who refuse to comply with instructions to self-isolate, those who choose to protest publicly, or even those with mental health issues. 

An open letter signed by 14 retired judges and barristers has attacked the plan as ’unprecedented, excessive, and open to abuse,’ citing the fact that there is ’no requirement that persons authorised be police officers, or even public servants.’

‘It will allow Dan Andrews to effectively appoint anyone he wants as an authorised officer, with extraordinarily broad discretion to enforce Victoria’s emergency powers,’ says Gideon Rozner, Director of Policy at free-market think tank the Institute of Public Affairs. 

Victoria premier Dan Andrews. © REUTERS/Luis Ascui

He’s among those warning that should the legislation be passed, union leaders might be able to target smaller businesses who oppose lockdown measures, enforcers could be weaponised against political opponents, and Andrews’ supporters ’could be appointed to spy on their friends and neighbours.’

Some have gone so far as to dub the proposed additional force the ’Dan Andrews’ Stasi,’ comparing it to the East German secret police force that operated between 1950 and 1990.

The Covid-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020 has already passed the lower house and is currently up for debate in the upper house.  

The bill introduces a preventative detention regime which appears to have little protections or oversight, and provides far too much discretion to people who may lack the necessary expertise to determine risk, including police officers,’ said the president of civil liberties organisation Liberty Victoria, barrister Julian Burnside.

Victoria’s state of emergency and disaster powers have already been extended until October 11, for an ill-defined ’reasonably necessary’ period intended to reduce serious risks to public health. 

In addition, warrantless searches have been authorized, as have arbitrary travel restrictions, leading to several high-profile incidents being caught on video that has gone viral, causing consternation and outrage the world over.

For his part, Andrews has defended the proposed measures, claiming the ’recruitment, process, oversight, all that can be managed.’ 

WATCH: Aussie cops leave man in coma after ramming him with car & kicking him IN THE HEAD during violent arrest. Warning: Some viewers may find these videos upsetting. Video 1, Video 2

Paul Dowsley@paul_dowsley#BREAKING New video shows police drive into a man in Epping before an officer stomped on his head during his arrest yesterday. The man, 32, was unarmed and was earlier at Northern Hospital for mental health help but police say he was aggressive and assaulted an officer.

Jake Edwards@jakerjedwards You do not understand true fury until you witness this shit in person. A police car RAMMED INTO HIM sending him flying across the road, and then this happened. He resisted arrest, but this is UNJUSTIFIABLE. Epping Victoria 3076. #PoliceBrutality

Source 1, Source 2

No New Normal, Vancouver — Report on September 27, Protest

No New Normal, Vancouver — Report on September 27, Protest

We thank everyone who joined us last Sunday.  Here are some pics and videos about the event.  Many thanks to James and William for their videos, and the pictures are from Maria of the NNN team.  In addition, we are including a letter written to Dr. Bonnie Henry by one of our regulars, Allen. 
It is important that we continue these rallies and marches to wake people up to what is really going on.  Join us this Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Vancouver Art Gallery.  
Thank you James for your video of the speeches and the march.

No New Normal Protest – Vancouver
James also has Ted Kuntz’s speech, from the Freedom Rally on September 13th, on his channel Bonobo3D. Check it out.  

Thank you William for your videos on your channel Got Dialogue 

NO NEW NORMAL VANCOUVER Sept 19, 2020: Why do we Believe the Official Story about COVID?

Young woke ladies “educate” me, then call me a toddler