Under Cover of COVID Bibles no longer available in Courtrooms in British Columbia http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5677

Bibles no longer available in Courtrooms in British Columbia

Below is the URL to the official Announcement of protocol in Her Majesty’s Courts in British Columbia,   a textbook example of how the antichrists move the ancient guide lines …

A wave of the hand and the word “covid” is now  catch-all excuse for eliminating the traditions of the last thousand years’ of British jurisprudence 

see para. V Oaths or Affirmations


Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic
Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians


Thank you so much for joining me and almost 30,000 Ontarians in our effort to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN. 

For the first time in 10 months, I have cause for optimism.  Let me explain. After I wrote to Doug Ford, urging him to Lift the Lockdown, I was removed from the Ontario PC Caucus.  If I could go back in time I wouldn’t change a thing.  The intent of my Letter was to start a much needed public conversation about the catastrophic effects of the Lockdown – and it worked! 

All over Ontario, people are openly questioning the efficacy and the effect of the Lockdown.  Even mainstream media is giving more coverage to the terrible effects of the Lockdown on children and mental health.  This is an incredible development, since the first step to end this nightmare is to speak against it. We’re in a key moment.  The Government and Public Health are re-engaging in fearmongering to justify the Lockdown.  But we are not going to retreat – the conversation must continue.  We need to organize a major grassroots advocacy effort to pressure the Government to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN.  The keys to success are numbers, engagement and persistence.   Let’s start with a simple assignment – grow our numbers.  My Petition to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN

at www.RomanBaber.ca helps identify supporters (people who oppose the Lockdown) and engage them in our efforts.  That’s why I’m asking each of you to get us 10, just 10 additional signatures on the Petition, by Sunday, January 31, 2021.  Forward this email to your friends, call family members or talk to your neighbours and ask them to join our effort by signing Roman’s Petition to LIFT THE LOCKDOWN

at www.RomanBaber.ca   We have some work ahead of us, but we are hard working, compassionate Canadians.  We will stand up for our families, friends and neighbours against the Lockdown and we will prevail. Sincerely always, Roman Baber
Roman Baber · Canada

Derek Sloan incident as told by Paul Fromm the Godfather of free speech for Canadians

Derek Sloan incident as told by Paul Fromm the Godfather of free speech for Canadians. Refuting the censorship minority lobby lies [especially the Canadian Anti-Hate Network] spread by the FAKE News media of being a “neo-Nazi”. Thanks to Rebellion Radio, https://youtube.com/watch?v=vwxZdVrACjE

No Frills Imposes Communist Style Snitch Society to Force Masks on Customers

No Frills Imposes Communist Style Snitch Society to Force Masks on Customers

If you missed communist East Germany where 1 in 3 were STASI informants, visit (& then boycott) No Frills Oshawa, which is turning Canada into a snitch society. CAFE supporter reported: ” I did not go in the store, but people were wondering what I was doing & staying at least 6 feet away from me.” SNOWFLAKES!!!!! Call these corporate collaborators what they are — “FREEDOM CRUNCHERS.”

Alicia Hirter’s Powerful Speech at Toronto END THE LOCKDOWN Rally, January, 23

Powerful speech by a powerful woman this past Saturday @ Yonge-Dundas Square in Toronto!

Despite severe police harassment and ticketing and eventually blocking access to Dundas Square — that’s public property, OURS, not the cops -the January 23 END THE LOCKDOWN Rally and march forged ahead.

Alicia Hirter is the determined owner of the St Catharines barbershop that opened up recently in contention with the lock-down order… Be like Alicia!!!

The COVID Conentration Camps Have Come to Germany

Germany Opens Jails For Those Who Refuse to Quarantine

Posted by Amy Mek – January 19, 2021 https://rairfoundation.com/alert-germany-opens-jails-for-those-who-refuse-to-quarantine-must-watch/

A statewide coronavirus “forced detention” facility is scheduled to open in the former East German city of Dresden. A refugee facility will be repurposed into a Corona jail. Repeat quarantine breakers or resisters will be placed here. There are no indications of any kind of transparency or due process in terms of the incarceration of those who won’t obey. The facility is completely fenced and will be guarded by police.

The building was originally built in 2017 to house some of the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants that were invited by Angela Merkel in 2015.

The Ministry of Social Affairs confirmed that the “accommodation facility is currently being upgraded”. Corona detention threatens repeat offenders, claims the Ministry. Corona detention takes place via a court application by the health department and only after a disregarded “urgent warning” and a non-paid fine, claims the Social Affairs ministry.

Watch the following news clip about the new coronavirus jail: See website for the 50 second video showing the jail.

In the spring of 2020, Health Minister Petra Köpping fought to place quarantine breakers in psychiatric hospitals. These plans were discarded, as were considerations to force quarantine objectors into hotels or hospitals. These plans were abandoned because hotels were not considered secure enough and hospitals were too overloaded.

Infection Disease Protection Act (IfSG)

Forced admission to coronavirus jails is made possible through Germany’s controversial Infection Disease Protection Act (IfSG). Amendments made to the IfSG during what may be a false flag of coronavirus have stripped citizens of basic civil liberties and given Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government dictatorial powers.

As previously reported at RAIR Foundation USA, under the IfSG, the state announced a multitude of measures such as; confiscating children and placing them in ‘forced Isolation coronavirus facilities, compulsory coronavirus vaccinations, to mandating masks, imposing curfews, limits on gatherings and closing businesses.

Thousands of citizens protested against the changes in the law and the state’s coronavirus policies, many of which are directly in opposition to the German constitution. The protest made international news after German police deployed water cannons on the defenseless and peaceful protesters. Police also arrested more than 100 people. The protests have fallen on deaf ears while the policies grow harsher and more paralyzing.

Watch the following video for more information about Germany’s “Infection Protection Law:”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=CaDDCOTK8Mk&feature=emb_logo Duration is 10 minutes, Nov 8, 2020

Many States Planning Coronavirus Jails

Other federal states are already planning detentions for people who refuse to take the states mandatory measures. In Baden-Württemberg, holding places are currently being created in two clinics for those who refuse to be quarantined. These holding areas would be permanently monitored by a security service, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Stuttgart. It is not a punitive measure they claim, but a measure of “infection protection”.

The German state, Schleswig-Holstein, also wants to detain quarantine breakers. “Accommodations” are being planned on the grounds of a youth detention center. Prison officers from the detention center will also be assigned to watching  the disobedient quarantine violators. The district council, announced the site could be ready for use in the second half of January, but no later than the beginning of February.

Bavaria’s Ministry of Health has announced that it is usually possible to persuade citizens to give in by pointing out “forced isolations and fines”.

As reported previously at RAIR, “on February 12, 2020, became the first federal state in Germany to appoint a commissioner to monitor “hate speech” on the internet. The unelected “Hate Speech Officer”, takes action against thought crimes on the Internet – including armed raids in his bullet proof vest. Those who challenge Merkel’s government’s coronavirus response and lockdown measure are considered thought crime offenders and are already able to be placed under arrest.

German citizens have been particularly brutalized during the coronavirus pandemic, despite the extremely low mortality rate. See a list below of the RAIR articles addressing coronavirus tyranny in Germany. Is Merkel using the virus to prepare the ground for a totalitarian dictatorship?

Meet up Breathe Easy next Saturday Jan 23 2021With Gordon Watson

TO > those concerned with good government in British Columbia

I will be at the roof shelter at the Filter Beds park south of Beaver Lake, Saanich,  next Saturday 2 pm for a couple of hours, January 23rd 2021, conversing with whosoever shows up, re the present disaster = imposition of medical martial law

This will be the inaugural meeting of the    Breathe Easy  support group

A ‘support group’ is one of the categorical exemptions to the Public Health Act Order GATHERINGS EVENTS/ 

People who – otherwise – would be criminalized for associating  to discuss repudiation of the  so-called “lockdown” should feel free to associate in this  political activism.   Political activity,  being another one of the exemptions to that Order.

feel free to alert people whom you think may be interested in this topic
I do not expect more than a handful of folks. But that’s fine. It’s important in this ominous time,  to fellowship with like-minded people, for encouragement

I’ll give my take on this outrageous insult to our way of life …. anyone else who has something to say, on topic, is welcome, too

Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic
Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

filter beds 003.jpg

filter beds 004.jpg

Journalist Lawrence McCurry Investigated & Concludes CAFE Director Paul Fromm is No “Neo-Nazi”


Journalist Lawrence McCurry Investigated & Concludes CAFE Director Paul Fromm is No “Neo-Nazi”

Federal Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole announced that he was “asking” his MPs to kick fellow Ontario Tory MP Derek Sloan out of the party’s caucus. Using the Globalist/ Left-tard tacit of guilt by association for taking a donation from white nationalist and freedom of speech advocate (and personal friend) Paul Fromm.Paul Fromm is NOT a Nazi or the loathsome white supremacist the controlled corporate (Globalist) media claim he is.I have found Paul Fromm to be a staunch advocate for free speech and democracy and not a racist, Nazi or a white supremacist, this is a media LIEbelow is a short interview I did with Paul Fromm back in July 2017 please watch and share this film.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qASo8Km8JrY…