Political Prisoner Letter Writer Brad Love Flown Back to Alberta in Handcuffs & Chains
Curious travellers at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport last Thursday may have wondered who that 54-year old man, in handcuffs and leg irons being pushed in a wheelchair through departures by two Mounties was. Was he some mass murderer? Was he a rapist and killer Paul Bernardo copy cat?
No, he was Brad Love, the prolific writer of opinionated non-violent letters to media and politicians — more than 10,000 letters over a 20 year period. At huge cost to the taxpayer, two members of the RCMP had flown to Ontario, picked up Mr. Love, who had been scheduled to be released on probation, Sunday, June 15, and flown him to Alberta. The police never showed him a warrant or any documentation, and, Mr. Love marvels, he had no identification on him but still managed to board an airplane and go through “security.”

Having landed at Edmonton International Airport, Mr. Love was driven to nearby Leduc. The Mounties charged him with missing a court appearance in Fort McMurray last August 7. This charge is bogus and a further piece of political police state spite. Mr. Love missed the court date for the very good reason that he was in jail in Ontario, as of August 1, 2013 serving his draconian 18-month sentence for breach of probation (sending information packages to several Toronto Jewish groups) — a charge that usually attracts a 30-day sentence! However, political prisoners are usually treated more harshly.
Peter Lindsay, Mr. Love’s Toronto lawyer, had advised the court in Fort McMurray that Mr. Love was in jail in Ontario, and, therefore, unable to keep the court date.
The RCMP opposed granting Mr. Love bail at a bail hearing held by video teleconference. They said people in Fort McMurray would be “appalled” if Mr. Love got bail. Also, they added, he has no ties to the community. “I argued that I had lived and worked there for eight years and few people in Fort Mac have ties to the community. They come from out-of-province to work and make money. The JP (justice of the peace) wanted $1,000 cash bail. I said I had about $960.”
“So, I was released on $900 bail. I was turned out on to the street by the RCMP with $60 in my pocket,” Mr. Love told CAFE in an exclusive interview today. “My credit cards had been cancelled. Most of my belongings and cellphone were with a friend in Ontario. I used my $60 to get a cab to take me to a banking machine and I got the money to return to Fort McMurray.”
Mr. Love is seeking to resume employment. He faces his first court appointment — a date to set a date — on June 30 in Fort McMurray.
Mr. Love notes an odd coincidence. One of the public officials he is accused of “harassing” (by sending letters or phoning) is a reporter for Fort McMurray Today. Several years ago, he filed a complaint against this newspaper for running “aboriginal only” employment ads. They blatantly proclaimed racial discrimination in a way that would never be allowed if the ads said “Whites only.”
Similarly, another of those complaining against him is a local OXFAM campaigner named John Crossley. He and his wife are employed by Keyano College. Mr. Love some years ago challenged Mr. Crossley who was promoting OXFAM at a public display, Mr. Love had argued to a shocked Mr. Crossley that most foreign aid was wasted and that OXFAM should be putting the needs of Canadians first. Mr. Love also filed a human rights complaint against Keyano College for running an “Indians only programme.” Both complaints were dismissed — not unusual for the pathologically anti-White “human rights” industry mindset.
“This has been a set-up from the get-go,” an angry Mr. Love concludes