No Parole For Political Prisoner Brad Love — Whisked Off By RCMP For Another Trial
REXDALE, ON. June 16, 2014. Yesterday was supposed to be a day of rejoicing for free speech supporters in the Toronto area to welcome home local Etobicoke boy, inveterate letter writer Brad Love, Having served over 11 months of an 18 month sentence for breach of probation (sending information packages to four Toronto Jewish groups in 2009), when the usual sentence for such an offence is usually 30 days, Mr. Love was to be picked up by his brother from the Lindsay jail in time for a Father’s Day gathering.
The Alternative Forum and the Canadian Association for Free Expression had planned a meeting here tonight to welcome Mr, Love who has been put through a 12-year ordeal, including over 30 months in prison, for writing non-violent, opinionated letters to politicians, police chiefs, media outlets and Jewish groups.
I wasn’t particularly worried when I did not hear from Mr. Love on Sunday. After all, it was Father’s Day, the first anniversary of his beloved mother’s death, and he naturally wanted to be with family.
A call this morning delivered a boot to the solar plexus and ruined our joys. The collect call was from Brad Love at the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay. It was bad news: “I am being kept here for six more days. The RCMP is going to fly me back to Fort McMurray. I am going to be charged with missing a court date.”
The situation is beyond absurd. The Alberta courts have been contacted repeatedly for proof that Mr. Love’s bail conditions, stemming out of a charge for sending “scurrilous material” to several politicians and media officials, had been amended. They know he has been incarcerated in Ontario since mid-July 2013. The cost to the taxpayers of several airfares and the RCMP escort is atrocious.

A disappointed Mr. Love observed: “they know I am coming back to Fort McMurray. I live there. I own a home there. I intend to resume my job there and I have posted $2,000 cash bail.”
“They are going to fly me, a letter writer, back to Fort McMurray like a dangerous bank robber. What a kick in the balls. What a system! They caused me to miss my Dad’s Father’s Day and the one year memorial of my Mom’s death.”
Mr. Love will seek bail on this latest near fanatical enmity of the Canada’s politically correct justice system to silence an opinionated letter writer. “I am going to say to the judge, ‘I’d have been here earlier but the RCMP kidnapped me.’|”
Canada’s justice system is increasingly in the hands of Christian-hating cultural Marxists intent on silencing populist opposition to the forced egalitarian agenda.