CAFE Held A Great Meeting In Nova Scotia This Weekend

CAFE Held A Great Meeting In Nova Scotia This Weekend

For the first time since before COVID, CAFE held a meeting in Atlantic Canada. Our Nova Scotia gathering attracted many new supporters.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm opened the meeting: “We meet this afternoon on land our European ancestors — Scots, French, English, then many others — built from the wilderness. They built the farms, the fisheries, the industry, the roads and infrastructure in this great province. This land is ours. No more guilt.” The largely young audience broke into loud applause. Mr. Fromm’s topic was “My Issues: Free Speech & Immigration: Not Enough Free Speech but Too Much Immigration.”

Mr. Fromm was joined my Moncton’s Malcolm Ross, a Christian author and longtime free speech advocate. Both Mr. Ross and Mr. Fromm were fired in the 1990s from their positions as school teachers, after extensive Jewish lobbying pressure, for their political views expressed on their own time off school property. Both won the 1994 George Orwell Free Speech Award.

Mr. Ross spoke on the importance of family in this age of mind-bending attacks on children through the LGBTQ and Woke agenda being inflicted on them in many schools.