TAMARA LICH IS COMING! FREEDOM EVENTS IN THE OKANAGAN, August 5-11 Penticton4 Freedom | Aug 4, 2023, 3:50 PM (15 hours ago) |
to bcc: Paul ![]() |
Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter
– Rallies and local events
– Tamara Lich Summer Book Tour
– Saturday, August 5 Kelowna Rally 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna
– Mama Bears Project update – video and resources for pregnant and nursing moms
– Smart Cities
– Freedom Rising Newsletter –Issue 53 – Support Pastor Artur Pawlowski
– Support NHPPA’s Say Goodbye! Campaign locally
– Druthers The June and July editions at our rallies! Donations are always appreciated.
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In case you missed events this past week …
We had the full set of the elementary Tuttle Twins books there to continue our discussion of the law and economies represented in these books. We looked at the concept of “spontaneous order” through a story about the simple pencil – a product that could never be made by any single person, but which involves the collaboration of thousands of people in the production chain, each of whom may not even know any of the others.
Just as we were setting up, a gentleman came by who raised goats as workers (not for food but for lawn mowing). That attracted more than half a dozen families with children wanting to pet the goats. Mary Lou invited a couple of them over to look at the Tuttle Twins, and one six-year-old was enthusiastic about having The Miraculous Pencil read to her while we were waiting for the late arrivals.
Afterwards, we sat and discussed some of the concepts in the books and the original sources on which they were based. There was some interest shown in restarting a book club like the one we held in 2021 about the classic book The Law by Frederic Bastiat. If interested, you can find a pdf download of the book at https://cdn.mises.org/thelaw.pdf and on many other sites, as well as purchase your own hard copy through Amazon and others. News of any book club will be posted as we learn about it.
Once all the latecomers had arrived, we had our usual open mic with updates from Kevin and others. Upcoming events are also listed below.
FAMILY FREEDOM EVENTS – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.
Continuing the Law and Economics discussion, this Sunday we’ll share a bit of how our current monetary system got started and why it’s so corrupt. Anyone who has read even a summary of The Creature from Jekyll Island, is most welcome to take the mic and share with us. And as always – an open mic.
Now being held at Lakawanna Park during the summer months
Moving to Lakawanna Park for the summer gives our events a more family-friendly name and environment as part of reaching out to the community around us. Lots of families at the beach. Lots of folks are out strolling.
Laureen’s table with important information and a petition to end BCs Bill 36.
Elsie’s table with Druthers newspapers, Vaccine Choice Canada handouts and more, for parents and curious others.
Local speakers always, and Surprise Guest Speakers frequently!
And sometimes… wait for it… Derrick’s mobile freedom billboard!
Please arrive early (12:30) to help set up the stage and the tables, and to invite passers-by to join us.
Miss a week and you miss a lot! Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us. ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ EVENTS · Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna · Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. · Local A4C – Every Tuesday at Noon Protesting with Purpose: Richard Cannings 301 Main Street Penticton – Next Planning Meeting August 15th at 4:30 p.m. – Winepress Church ~ · Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately. ——————————————- o0o————————————————- EVENTS HOLD THE LINE Tamara Lich Summer Book Tour Check out: https://www.theconvoybook.com/ For tour dates in B.C. Surrey event is sold |
More info on other dates, including Kelowna, shortly! ——————————- o0o————————————- Saturday, August 5, 2023, Kelowna Rally 12:00 Stuart Park, Kelowna Erica and Nadia will be discussing the new Kelowna chapter to deal with 15 min prison cities, how and what Kelowna is actually doing, and how YOU can participate!! |
More info on Smart Cities further along in this email.
WORTH A LOOK Mama Bears Update – Protecting Pregnant and Nursing Mothers https://mamabearsproject.com/protect-pregnancy-campaign/ While there, check out the Mental Health Program The introductory video is two hours long but filled with information and the page has multiple resources available as well. https://mamabearsproject.com/mental-health-program/ The Mama Bears Project was originally all about COVID-19, and the group has taken on a new focus – to become a complete resource for Canadian parents. Their new website is a great start and worth a look. https://mamabearsproject.com/ Their process includes a call-out to other child-focused organizations to reach out and provide links to their materials as well. As well, they are engaging in a number of major campaigns through collaboration with those other groups, in particular, partnering with the Canadian Covid Care Alliance as the research arm to provide science-based evidence. https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/ It’s All About the Children It’s Okay to Wait Education is the first step before meaningful action can be taken ——————————- o0o————————————- The description of Smart Cities below comes from New Zealand, the first country with all of their municipalities on side with the agenda. We post it here as a fuller look at what’s happening The video will take just over an hour and a half to listen to and is very well done. CLOSER TO HOME: An active group in the Central Kootenays has booked a series of 21 Town Hall meetings where they plan to be present in numbers. Their latest newsletter is here: https://conta.cc/43Pey9K including their contact information. Teri is already connected with this network so you might want to talk with her about any plans for the Penticton area. Smart Cities First, they will promote them as being convenient. Then they will promote them as supporting the environment. Then they will promote them as being voluntary. Then they will become mandatory with fines. Then you will be prohibited from traveling unless you comply with gov’t legislation and orders. Then you’ll be prohibited from traveling unless you are part of the gov’t. Even your dogs will not be allowed more than 15 min from home https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=643260a279a0486afc3f5ac6 Samantha Edwards Report – Unmasking the Smart City Agenda —-o0o—- Penticton’s own North Gateway Plan https://www.penticton.ca/business-building/planning-land-use/neighbourhood-plans/north-gateway-plan Other items to check out: https://t.me/thetrutherist/639 https://globalnews.ca/news/9483836/15-minute-city-edmonton-canada/ ——————————- o0o————————————- Action-Packed Freedom Rising Newsletter Issue 53 – Support Pastor Artur Pawlowski HERE This newsletter is now delivered only every 2 weeks~ Life is meant to be enjoyed and summer is the time to do it! Of Special Note in this latest Freedom Rising newsletter is the NHPPA’s Say Goodbye! Campaign https://nhppa.org/?p=23427 Next time you drop by your local health food/supplements store, please encourage them to participate in this campaign. The SOS postcard campaign put out by their membership association was steering them in the wrong direction – simply asking for a lowering of fines, rather than the deregulation of the entire industry, which is the ultimate goal of the NHPPA. ——————————- o0o————————————- |
My friends, it has been an incredible journey so far with this grass roots, people powered project called Druthers. With your help, we have printed & distributed an astounding ~ 8 MILLION Druthers Newspapers ~ all across Canada since this all began back in December 2020! DONATE HERE: donorbox.org/druthers With 8 million of these papers planting seeds of mind opening thoughts into our communities all over Canada, (distributed by 1000’s of passionate readers) you know we are having a tremendous impact in a few different ways. 1. Sharing honest news & information helps more people recognize a bigger agenda. And when enough people see, WE WILL MAKE CHANGES for the better. 2. For those who do already see, Druthers papers provide a powerful, FREE TOOL which they can use directly in their own local communities. 3. For many people receiving the paper, IT GIVES HOPE to know they are not alone in their ways of thinking and seeing the world. 4. It empowers everyone to be wisdom & STRENGTH TO SAY NO when things are being pushed upon them which they do not agree with. 5. A wonderful, VIBRANT COMMUNITY of freedom-minded people from all walks of life has formed around this project, all across Canada, and beyond. Almost 3 years and we’re still cranking them out at just 10 CENTS per paper! It is important that we keep this project going and your support truly is the only way we are able to keep putting out 250,000 Druthers papers each month. DONATE HERE – LAST DAY – PLEASE HELP It costs $25k per month to keep 250,000 papers flowing freely, so please give generously, or whatever you are able. Every dime you contribute means 1 Druthers newspaper gets printed and then placed in someone’s hands or mailbox here in Canada. How many dimes can you pitch in this month? Much love, Shawn Jason >> GO TO FUNDRAISING PAGE Read August Issue Online. Pick up the July edition Covering news and information that mainstream media won’t. The online edition appears before the print edition and the printed version of the August issue will not likely arrive in the Okanagan until mid-August. The link above is for the September edition. As a former newsletter publisher, I am very familiar with production cycles and the need to finance each production before you hit the presses. Our contribution from funds raised at our rallies for the August issue was only $100. We urge you to drop a few dollars in the Druthers box at our rallies each week. The price of a Tim’s or Starbuck’s take-out latte each week would make a huge difference to the number of copies that can be printed. DRUTHERS was able to print an extra 5,000 copies for the Okanagan because of our Penticton4Freedom donations to the June edition ($500), but continuing support is needed to keep the paper coming. Thank you for being an everyday hero by donating, reading, sharing and distributing Druthers copies in your area. Mary Lou Read DRUTHERS |
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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?
Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.
Better yet, show up at our rallies, meet some fellow freedom lovers, and pitch in where your interests lead you.
And receive lots of ((( FREEDOM HUGS! ))) (if you want them)
A Huge Thank You goes out to Gina, for putting together the weekly P4F newsletter and making sure it shows up in your inbox every week.
Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!
Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!
~ Mary Lou Gutscher