New Year Message
What a difference a year can make! What a difference we all together can make.
To all Canadians far and wide, and especially to those Canadians who know, and with whom we are fighting for what is ours, what always will be ours and for that which we will gift to the ones who are yet to come.
Only 12 months ago, those, who recognized the tidal wave of tyranny that had engulfed us were the small “fringe minority”. Despite the blistering waves of propaganda that continued to batter us 24/7, and the constant threats of retaliation, we started to look up and out and realize we were not alone.
Darkness was all around, it was midnight!
Slowly and surely from the beginning to 2022, we began to emerge and we began to Unite.
Together we started to bring forth the righteous ire of a sleeping population.
For many Canadians, this was the first time they began to realize the extent of the crimes that had been committed against them, and this was the first time they started to see the true violent nature of their “representative” government.
They also started to realize that the institutions that we thought are here to protect us, are really here to repress us.
Many Citizens, for the first time, attempted to engage with their “elected representative”…….and got nothing, or a form letter. Some of you have engaged with or at least started to watch these representatives, and for the first time are realizing how mediocre and unimpressive most of them are.
Do you also know how rich they have become???? Stay tuned……
There have been some exceptions MP Ted Falk comes to mind, but these are almost non existent. There are a total of 338 members of the Canadian Parliament….how many of them answered you? Do you ever hear from them except when they want more of your money, or when there is an election? What about the 105 Senators, and the thousands of Provincial Representatives?
Click Here to Read Our Post About MP Ted Falk
The Truckers will always stand as a symbol of the courageous defiance of a small few against an entrenched and violent dictatorship.

When the dictators realized that too many of the public were starting to see, with their own eyes, what was happening, and the captive and corrupt propagandist media could not stem that tide…..the dictators did what dictators always do, they took up arms and violence against the unarmed and peaceful.
Following the Truckers, came thousands of individuals and small groups. At first, and once again these small groups were alone calling out into the Abyss, but slowly and surely, they too started to come together. With the help of these patriots and with the coming out of truly independent and fair minded Alternative Media Sites, the message of freedom started to come out.

The message of how they lied to us for two years, and how their cure was harming and even killing us started to come out. At first our voices started as a whisper, but soon, with the help of thousands, our voices began a roar, and now even those corrupt institutions that foisted this on the public are starting to trickle out the Truth.
Click Here to See Our Post About NIH
Make no mistake, the criminals are not yet done! They are creating even larger lies.
The terms “Doctors and Scientists Are Baffled..”, or “….Suddenly Died” and “Myocarditis” or “Unknown Cause of Death” are now common place.
Did you ever hear these terms before now?
How many of you out there knew what “myocarditis” was, before now?
They are also amping up their other older lies, and creating new ones.
Climate Emergency, World War, Shortages, Endemic Racism……
These are all new distractions.
Like any other trapped animal, these ones are getting even more desperate.
They know the end is near.
They know you are winning.
They want you to give up, they want you to be distracted.
We can now see the end, we know the tide has turned, and our darkest hour has past, but we have a long long way to go!
This year we must fight even harder, because as the faint rays of freedom’s light is starting to cut through the darkness, we must together ensure that it will not fade, but brilliantly light the days to come.
These criminals will be brought to justice. It is; however, not just a matter of time, it is in fact a matter of each of you working together to defeat these evil doers.
Click Me to See Our Post On Crime and Punishment
Never before in the history of the World has so much evil been inflicted by so few on so many. And never in the course of the history of the World has freedom stood on the precipice for so many all around the World.
Canada, has historically been a country that, despite our size, has led that way in human rights, peace, prosperity and the rule of law.
We can be this beacon again.
It is up to each of us to do their part.
Don’t believe me? Read our post on the difference we have made in 6 months, with your help.
Click Me to Read Our Post About Our Reach to the World
2023 holds the promise to being the next step toward a new and beautiful future of freedom and peace, but there is also the risk of the other.
What we accomplished in 2022 is nothing short of miraculous. We are fighting a plan and an entrenched enemy that has been silently attacking us for decades, and they have the full power of an armed state. And yet we are turning the tide…..
What can you do?
Stay the course. Speak out in large ways, if you can, or in small ways if that is what you can do.
Educate yourself.
Educate others.
Copy our report, and send it out to friends, family, leaders, professionals everywhere you can! Do not concern yourself that someone else may have already sent it….send it again, and again and again!
Form a small group within your community and engage your elected officials.
Join an existing group.
Comment publicly if you can.
Attend rallies, meetings Town halls.
Get Involved.
Ask questions and demand answers from your leaders!
If you see a lie on the Legacy Media, copy it, point it out, send it out to your contacts, to us, and we can bring it to light. Do your homework.
Turn off the TV
Find out about Canadian Bill C-11…Understand it, and make your opinion known, they are trying to stop us from talking to you!
If you still do not believe this is true, ask yourself this question:
“Do I feel safe in expressing my opinions in public, or do I self censor my legitimate and protected opinions for fear of retribution from employers, government, institutions etc”…
If you do not feel safe, then how can you believe you are free?

It is up to you!
Join Us!
Make Sure That When Your Grandchildren Think About These Years, They Will Say a Prayer of Thanks for YOUR Sacrifice.
For all of those who have gone before us, for all of those who stand with us, and for all of those who will join with us soon….We wish you the best and most successful 2023.
We will be with you in the light of freedom and future reconstitution.
For those of you, still on the fence, or unaware, we cannot wait for you, but we will embrace you when you arrive.
May God Bless you all, protect you, and guide you in this epic struggle against Evil that we are all now a part of.
Ken & Rosalie