The Anti-Lockdown Revolt is Spreading: 250 Freedom Fighters Rally in Duncan, BC, Sunday, November 8
My own highlight of the anti-lockdown rally in Duncan was = the group hug I shared with a couple of gals. If a picture is worth a 1000 words, then that moment of warmth communicated volumes in this climate of govt.-induced psychosis. I didn’t get the name of the one wearing the Hugs over Masks shirt, so = thank you “Miss SuperSpreader” ! Angel spreading Joy and Truth, that is. Heather and I were blessed.
For openers, the master of ceremonies announced that we were expected to ‘social distance’ and that the police had told him they would be handing out tickets. Which was greeted with restrained mirth by the crowd of about 250. ‘So what?!’ went unspoken. I glanced at the 6 RCMP officers standing up on the bank, no hats, all dutifully masked like desperadoes rather than law enforcement. One of them taking photos.
Ryan Kulbaba came on like gangbusters, delighted at the turnout… livening-up the audience with his trademark “Freedom is essential” chant … calling it “a celebration of rights and freedoms”. Exactly ! He asked the crowd how many had been to the other rallies… half of us raised our hands.
Every rally has had a moment when we sing the national anthem. Particularly dear to me, is, that a bunch of ordinary folks can sing Oh Canada, acapella, on a moment’s notice. This time we weren’t as good as Christie Doerksen leading us in Vancouver, singing her heart out … yet as ragged a chorus as we were, we proved “seeing is believing but hearing is belonging”. Ryan congratulated us “you are all amazing Canadian Patriots”
Then he launched in to excoriating the Pharma-shill – namely Bonnie Henry – sending her the message that “she will not tell us what to do in our own homes. Those Orders restrictions are NOT the law! We need oxygen to breathe. Keep protesting. Keep having your voices heard. We have the Charter right to assemble.” best of all “WE DO NOT COMPLY!”
He then went in to a quick explanation of how important it is to appreciate that our immune system is the best defence against the Covid case-demic.
I was delighted to hear him get right down to the nittygritty, ie. “the whole purpose is to crush businesses then get them dependent on CRB” calling it “communism” At every rally I’ve been to, witty signs are educating the nation that this thing is NOT about ‘health’. The fiat currency of the US of A is at the end of its use-ful-ness to the globalists. Spend time doing your own research = you will learn that the SCAM-demic is only coverstory for the gigantic Re-set of the monetary system.
An important aspect of each of the 5 rallies, has been : we are on good terms with the police. The MC pointed out that, on the march, ‘we do not engage with opponents. This is a peaceful protest. The RCMP will take care of any trouble’ asking the crowd to thank them for being there. Which got a good round of applause. So far, I’ve attended 4 major rallies since the Panic-demic was imposed. Each time, police were present, standing by calmly. Dave Lindsay set the precedent back in August, in Kelowna. There – the local by-law officer and the Inland Health Authority minion attempted to shut down the C.L.E.A.R event in a public park but Dave talked them down from their high-horse. It went ahead with an audience of 200+. The RCMP were exemplary … playing their proper role of directing traffic while Canadian citizens exercise our rights, unmolested by official-dumb
Witch Henry is on the idiot-tube, daily, casting her spell upon British Columbia, pronouncing the Central Party Line >>> constriction unto death.
But the mere presence of people assembled in public, breathing freely, undoes that curse. Witnessing against her wickedness, David Bentley boldly announced himself a ‘born-again Christian coming from a Christian perspective’… reminding us “you’re in a war”. The war he’s referring to, is : the perennial contest of the Ages, between Good and Evil for control of the Planet. In that battle, Jesus Christ said he “came that ye may have life, and have it more abundantly”.
I most strongly urge everyone attend these gatherings while you can. It is not inevitable that the dark night descends upon us. There is much good information to be had that does not come across a computer screen. The internet is a mile wide but a quarter of an inch deep … no substitute for the fun of fellowshipping with likeminded folks. Quit worrying how powerful the adversaries are … tune out Doktor Henry droning-on with her fear porn. A smile of understanding shared briefly with someone whose name you may not even know, remedies her Mesmer-izing.
Humans go insane in herds : they come to their senses one at a time. Us showing up at these events, voicing our criticism of the NON-sense tells officialdom everything they need to know, if they were a’listening. I doubt they are. But your neighbours are. We are leading by example. Comes to mind Churchill’s quote
“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without blood shed, if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.”
In all seriousness : that is where we are today
The Freedom Rallies across the Country have created what is known in British jurisprudence, as = a good set of facts. At the Duncan gathering, I spoke with the RCMP officer in charge, Corporal Pharis, relating what happened in Vancouver, on September 13 when 1000 + people were gathering in front of the Art Gallery. Sgt. Roberts said
“We decided not to enforce the Order today because the Charter is higher than the Public Health Act” direct quote. Then I asked Cpl. Pharis ‘how come you aren’t handing out tickets ( Violation notices ) under the Public Health Act, for us contravening the Order of the Chief Medical health officer?” He politely told me “it’s a peaceful crowd”. And that they were “exercising their discretion’. Meaning … to enforce the Order, or not. Fine with me! So we now have 5 instances where 4 police forces did their job condoning expression of our political opinion. Would this be happening if there really was an emergency?
The question answers itself.
In our law, there is a concept known as “officially-induced error / bureaucratic indifference”. It is crucial that these gatherings of local dissident voices continue, regardless of how many warm bodies show up time by time in the Canadian winter. Money cannot buy advertising like this. While the good little serfs cower in their dwellings, paralyzed with fear, we’re stating our case where it matters, on the ground. The so-called “pan demic” is the greatest medical mistake in history. One of the best signs yesterday, was just the words “We’re not having it” So very British !!
The rally had been scheduled to march away at 2 pm precisely. But it was delayed by the first speaker going off on a tangent about the Great Flood of Noah’s Day. So by the time the marchers got back, the sun was getting low in the sky. Realizing that time was tight, Dr Malthouse kept his remarks concise. His presence now on the front line of this movement, is brilliant. His letter to Bonnie Henry boiled down the confusion to make the issue understandable to ordinary people. Let’s see her rationale for subjecting the province to Medico-Stalin-ism
I am a great fan of pamphleteering. So it was good to see Linda Morken there with lots of literature. The Free Press is is the People’s friend, the Tyrant’s foe because you never know where it penetrates. People take it home. It lasts.
The VaccineChoice court case is underway in Ontario. What’s going on = challenging the fools installed in provincial Legislatures = is “lawfare” … having an independent judge test the constitutionality of what the fascisti have done. Such public interest litigation is how we confront the powers-that-Be without it getting ugly.
Gordon S Watson