CAFE Announces A Supporting Contribution to Gab

CAFE Announces A Supporting Contribution to Gab

REXDALE, June 19, 2020. This evening CAFE Director Paul Fromm announced a supporting contribution to Gab in light of their steadfast support for free speech and open discussion. The Canadian Association for Free Expression, founded in 1983, is one of Canada’s leading free speech advocacy groups.

“Corporate censors and thought control fanatics in Silicon Valley and corporate America place little value on free speech and are quick to throttle free thought to please various minorities,” Fromm said.

“Gab is an open and welcome forum, CAFE is happy to make a modest contribution and urges other free speech supporters across the globe to do likewise.”

Here is Gab’s contact information:

We still accept payments via echeck, check by mail, and bitcoin. If you’d like to support us through any of those options you can do so by upgrading to GabPRO here

You can also send a check or money order donation/payment for GabPRO:
Gab AI Inc
PO Box 441
Clarks Summit, PA