DRESDEN, January 17, 2018. You may have thought that Germans, especially in the East, regained their freedom when the Wall came down in 1989. Nothing could be further from the truth. Communist secret police and censorship were replaced with anti-free speech laws and the grip of Cultural Marxism and the fanatical new religion of holocaust, a state religion which treats any deviations from its dogmas as heresy with the heretic deserving of fines and jail. That is why Canadian Monika Schaefer is now in prison since she was snatched attending lawyer Silvia Stolz free speech trial in Munich, January 3.
Today, German nationalists and supporters converged on Dresden for the annual commemoration of the Allied bombing of this non-military target on February 13-14, 1945. Estimates range up to 500,000 as the number of civilians blown up, buried, burned to a crisp, vapourized by terror bombing or machinegunned by strafing fighters over a three day period.
One of the major speakers was Lady Michele Renouf of Britain. Part way through her speech, because she obliquely questioned the new religion of holocaust by saying the only people holocausted in Europe were the Germans (especially in the firebombing of cities like Dresden and Hamburg), the police shut the rally down.
Alfred Schaefer reports: ” They shut us down as Lady Michele Renouf was talking because she had quoted the desire of the controlled British government to baste 900,000 Germans in Dresden, just like one bastes a duck in the oven. They fell short of the 900,000 and had to accept the basted 500,000 Germans. Any deviation from the official “deserved deaths of 25,000 Nazis” is punishable by imprisonment and called incitement to hatred. It is not legal for Germans to mourn their basted ancestors. It is mandatory that they crawl on their stomachs because of the six million lampshades that they made from those poor poor Jews after they gassed them. Any questioning this is also punishable by prison. That is, of course, why Monika is now serving her proper and just prison term. She should not have apologized to her mom.”
The Sydney Morning Herald (February 19, 2018) reported: “German police are investigating an Australian-born British woman for suspected incitement after she questioned the Holocaust during a far-right protest in the eastern city of Dresden. A spokeswoman for Dresden police says Michele Renouf was one of two people being investigated for remarks made at the … i rally on Saturday commemorating those killed in the 1945 Allied bombing of the city.
Videos of the rally posted online show Renouf saying the only Holocaust perpetrated in Europe was against German civilians. Publicly denying the … murder of an estimated six million Jews is a criminal offence in Germany.
Dresden police spokeswoman Jana Ulbricht said on Sunday that officers ordered the rally dissolved after determining that two speakers had broken the law.”