Amazon Bans ‘Holocaust Denial’, shreds and incinerates thousands of books

Amazon Bans ‘Holocaust Denial’, shreds and incinerates thousands of books

Hundreds of important books on the Holocaust by revisionist scholars have suddenly been been banned by Amazon on instructions from angry rabbis in Israel (see video at the end of this article) and from Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem.

Even books not directly relating to the Holocaust, but pertaining to Jewish affairs during WWII, have been included in the mass ban. Revisionist scholar Germar Rudolf has given a complete list of these books (see below) and it’s highly likely more volumes will be added to this growing list of “forbidden books” in the days ahead.

Meanwhile, in an apparent attempt to muddy the waters, The Times of Israelpublished an article a few days ago in which it stated that only three books have been banned by Amazon in the UK — without referring to Amazon in the US or the long list of banned books mentioned by Germar Rudolf on CODOH. (See Amazon Mass-bans Dissident Materials, Hundreds of Titles Erased within a Day)

A reliable source informs me that several thousand volumes have been shredded or put through incinerators at Amazon, but this is hard to verify. This has to be one of the greatest acts of cultural vandalism perpetrated within recent times. In characteristic Orwellian fashion, many historical facts are being “flushed down the memory hole” and false factoids put in their place — like the fairy tales spun by Elie Wiesel, e.g., Jewish blood gushing from the ground in geysers (picture).

The Cultural Vandals dare not debate these matters in public, preferring the Stalinesque weapons of censorship and intimidation, followed in many cases by fines and imprisonment.

—  §  —

Only a few months ago, I was lucky enough to buy from Amazon a copy of M.S. King’s The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2. Mike King is the owner of the Tomato Bubble website. His lavishly illustrated  246-page book sits on my bedside table. I am one of the lucky ones who bought the book just in time. Because it has now been banned by Amazon.

Apparently Mike received a frosty note from Amazon the other day informing him that his book was no longer fit for human consumption. “We’re contacting you,” the email told him coldly, “regarding the following book: The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II. During our review process, we found that this content is in violation of our content guidelines. As a result, we cannot offer this book for sale.”

What exactly are these mysterious “guidelines”? Amazon refuses to give details. Apparently the head honchos at Amazon don’t like Mike’s ideas. For example, in writing about World War Two, Mike expresses a sneaking sympathy for the German side, hinting it might have been better all round if the Germans had won the war. Mike mixes up the good guys with the bad guys. Let’s face it, that’s not acceptable.

It’s also possible that Mike, at some time or other, had expressed doubts that six million Jews had died in gas chambers during the Holocaust. That was a big mistake. In fact, it’s the biggest mistake anyone can make nowadays. It can get you slung into prison in at least sixteen countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland. Mike’s shockingly incorrect views on the Holocaust obviously jangled a few nerves at Amazon and consequently violated their “guidelines”. So Mike had to go.

And so Mike’s book was banned.

—  §  —

Before I go any further, a few words on Amazon would perhaps be in order.

Amazon is now the largest internet retailer in the world, valued at $240 billion. It is owned by Jeff Bezos, worth $45.2 billion. Jeff happens to be the fifth richest billionaire in the world, the first four being Bill Gates ($75 billion), Amancio Ortega ($67 billion), Warren Buffett ($60.8 billion), and  Carlos Slim Helu ($50 billion).

Is Jeff Bezos a Jew? I don’t think so, though he has “crypto-Jew status” among the more wild-eyed conspiracy theorists who people the internet. It’s possible that many of Jeff’s closest associates are Jewish, however, such as Tom Alberg, Jon Rubenstein and David Zapolsky.

It’s obviously relevant to enquire into Amazon’s Jewish connections, since there is more than enough evidence to support the view that Jewish rabbis have had an enormous input in dictating Amazon’s famous “guidelines” (see video below). While investigating Amazon’s possible Jewish links, I was amused to find myself on a website that gave a link to an article called “Is Jeff Bezos Evil?” I decided to click on this to find out, but lost interest once I was told I had to log in and give my password. So the question of whether Jeff is evil or not remains unanswered.

A few further clicks, however, provided me with some clues as to whether Jeff was “evil” or not. It tuns out that Jeff is the ultimate ruthless capitalist who exploits his  workers to the bone, getting the last drop of blood out of them — like a vampire running amok in a blood storage factory. He has 180,000 employees working for him full time, and 380,000 people working for him part time in various foreign countries, and boy! he really does drive them like a slavemaster! If “ruthless capitalist vampiric slavemaster” equates to evil, then I guess the word “evil” has to apply to Jeff Bezos.


Does this man look Evil? YOU decide!

Here’s what the Daily Mail has to say about working conditions at Amazon. An undercover reporter for the newspaper managed to infiltrate the company by getting a job there, and seeing what it was like working 12-hour shifts for a company on the minimum wage.

— Amazombies: Seven seconds to find an item, every move filmed and blistering 12-hours shifts with timed toilet breaks.

— Workers faced relentless time targets for every task they were given.  Staff had to work ‘compulsory’ extra days and hours and were given short notice of shift changes. There was an atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion, with handheld scanners tracking workers’ whereabouts, plus CCTV cameras monitoring the warehouse, and airport-style security checks.

— Staff were left with blistered feet after walking up to 14 miles a day. One employee said: “You just leave your brains behind when you start working here. You’re just a zombie. On our induction day, training staff told us we could expect to walk ten to 14 miles a day [collecting items from distant shelves]. By comparison, Royal Mail postmen normally walk no more than eight miles a day.


— The most common complaint among staff on the warehouse floor was about their sore feet. One told us: “I have such bad blisters on my feet. I am so exhausted. I never knew it would be this tough. My boots are falling apart, and it’s only been four days.”

— Staff are also disciplined for taking too long to walk back from breaks and time spent in the bathroom. One employee explained how he was given a warning in his second week for taking seven minutes during an unscheduled break to go to the bathroom. (Seehere)

—  §  —

According to Kevin Barrett, the best book he has read on the Holocaust is Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides. Barrett writes:

“The book is thorough, precise, well-documented, and lays out a convincing prima facie case that holocaust revisionism needs to be taken seriously. Scholarly, dispassionate, and utterly lacking in anything that could remotely be called “hate” or bigotry, Debating the Holocaust is no longer available on Amazon. And that is an outrage.”

To my regret, this is one book I don’t own. And now it’s too late to buy it from Amazon. Barrett goes on to name other books Amazon has tossed on the bonfire. Nick Kollerstrom’s Breaking the Spell is one of them.

With academic qualifications in Chemistry and a doctorate in the philosophy and history of science, Dr Kollerstrom had been under the impression that he was qualified to say something about Zyklon B, the gas allegedly utilized to kill Jews in gas chambers. The results of Kollerstrom’s painstaking research into Nazi “death camps” were set out in his controversial book Breaking the Spell. In this he reached conclusions which were obviously in conflict with the unstated “guidelines” set by his employer, University College, London.

Dr Kollerstrom had discovered that Zyklon B gas, purportedly used to exterminate Jews in large quantities, was actually used to kill lice in order to prevent Jews (and others in the camps) from dying of typhus. Zyklon B was a pesticide, not a murder weapon for thinning Jewish world population. Such a view, of course, could not be tolerated by Dr Kollerstrom’s prestigious university, especially by its Jewish staff. So Dr Kollerstrom was given the chop. Sacked by his college and then given the cold shoulder by Amazon.

Another revisionist scholar who has been affected by the ban on Holocaust revisionism is Dr. Robert Faurisson. We learn from Kevin Barrett:

A convert to Islam, Faurisson is wildly popular in Morocco, where his books were recommended to me by academic colleagues there during my year of Fulbright-sponsored Ph.D. research in 1999-2000.

Has Faurisson’s Amazon catalogue been tampered with? I can’t tell; but there certainly is a shocking paucity of affordable Faurisson offerings there. The bulk of his work is “currently unavailable.

his face badly disfigured by three Jewish thugs

You will find full details of this savage attack on the CODOH site. Similar facial disfigurement of political dissidents who dare to question the Jewish version of the Holocaust has been promised by the same Jewish organization that carried out the attack on Faurisson. “Faurisson is the first, but will not be the last,” they threatened.

Dr. Robert Faurisson, was severely injured in a nearly fatal attack on September 16, 1989. After spraying a stinging gas into his face, temporarily blinding him, three assailants punched Dr. Faurisson to the ground and then repeatedly kicked him in the face and chest. “He was conscious, but he couldn’t speak,” said a fire fighter who gave Faurisson first aid. “His jaw was smashed. They destroyed his face.”

The 60-year-old scholar, who had been out walking his poodle in a park in his home town of Vichy, suffered a broken jaw and severe head injuries. Physicians operated for four and a half hours to repair his jaw and treat a broken rib and badly swollen face.

A group calling itself, “The Sons of the Memory of the Jews” claimed responsibility for the savage attack. In a statement, the group threatened: “Professor Faurisson is the first, but will not be the last. Let those who deny the Shoah [Holocaust] beware.”

Another casualty of this Jewish witch hunt is Germar Rudolf.

Like Faurisson, Rudolf too has paid dearly for discovering unpalatable truths and transmitting them to others via the printed word. He has been thrown into prison. His books and papers have been stolen. His savings have also been plundered.

As you might expect, Germar Rudolf has been another victim of Amazon’s witch hunt. He is now too dangerous to be read. It would be highly toxic if thousands, if not millions of people, should begin to suspect that they had been bamboozled by the Holocaust merchants. That they had been the victims of a well-organized hoax.

Kevin Barret publishes a letter written to him by Germar Rudolf which I should now like to quote in full. It’s an important letter because it not only reveals the huge extent of Amazon’s censorship but also of Amazon’s complete capitulation to Jewish demands. If entire governments — like that of the United States, Britain, France and Germany — can fall so easily under the Jewish heel and take orders from the likes of the Rothschilds and the Soroses, what hope is there for mere international corporations like Amazon?

Dear Dr. Barrett:

In your latest article, which I read with interest and gratitude, you write about a handful of revisionist books. Well, what an understatement. While Castle Hill Publishers might be the biggest fish in the revisionist teapot, we’re by far not the only ones publishing books in that field. But from our program alone, the following 68 titles were banned on March 6. Use the links provided to see for yourself.

Books by Castle Hill Publishers, Online Availability as of March 8, 2017
Title ISBN Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Hoax of the Twentieth… 1591480795 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz 1591480744 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Der Holocaust: Die Argumente 1591480310 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Dissolution of Eastern… 1591480833 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Holocaust High Priest 159148085X Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auswanderung der Juden… 1591480841 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The “Extermination Camps”… 1591480876 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The “Extermination Camps”… 1591480884 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Real Case for Auschwitz 1591480892 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Schiffbruch 1591480272 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Vorlesungen über den Holocaust 1591480906 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Die Bunker von Auschwitz 1591480531 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Der Holocaust vor Gericht 0955716209 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Die Leuchter-Gutachten 1591480655 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Air Photo Evidence 1591480760 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Giant with Feet of Clay 1591480787 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Der Jahrhundertbetrug 159148068X Amazon USA Amazon UK
Die Zentralbauleitung… 1591480507 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Chelmno 159148040X Amazon USA Amazon UK
Sobibor 0955716284 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Der Auschwitz-Mythos 1591480817 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Kardinalfragen an Deutschlands… 1591480337 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Cremation Furnaces… 1591480914 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Cremation Furnaces… 1591480922 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Cremation Furnaces… 1591480930 Amazon USA Amazon UK
“Die Vernichtung der… 1591480949 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Breaking the Spell 1591480973 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Debating the Holocaust 1591480868 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Central Construction Office… 1591481120 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Dissecting the Holocaust 0967985625 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The First Holocaust 1591481163 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Leuchter Reports 159148118X Amazon USA Amazon UK
Exactitude 159148121X Amazon USA Amazon UK
Holocaust-Revisionismus 1591481244 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Jewish Emigration from the Third… 1591481252 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Debunking the Bunkers… 1591481260 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz: Plain Facts 1591481325 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz: Nackte Fakten 1591481317 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz: Die erste Vergasung 1591481341 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Feuerzeichen: Die… 1591481309 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz: The First Gassing 1591481333 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Das Konzentrationslager Stutthof 159148135X Amazon USA Amazon UK
Curated Lies 1591481279 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Concentration Camp Stutthof 1591481368 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Fail: “Debunking Holocaust… 1591481449 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Special Treatment in Auschwitz 1591481422 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz Lies 1591481392 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Sonderbehandlung in Auschwitz 1591481228 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Tell the Truth and Shame… 1591481414 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Gesundheitsfürsorge… 591481503 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Holocaust: An Introduction 1591481465 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Fail: “Denying the Holocaust” 1591481538 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz: Crematorium I 1591481562 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz: Krematorium I 1591481554 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz: Open-Air… 1591481589 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Freiluftverbrennungen… 1591481570 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Belzec 1591481627 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Treblinka 1591481597 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Sobibor 1591481430 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Concentration Camp Majdanek 1591481600 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Inside the Gas Chambers 1591481619 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz-Lügen 1591481406 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Till Bastian, Auschwitz und… 1591481457 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Fail: “Denying History” 1591481481 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Healthcare in Auschwitz 1591481236 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Gas Vans 1591481643 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Der Holocaust: Die Argumente 1591481678 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Chelmno 1591481716 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Interestingly, if you look at the list of banned books, you might be astonished to find among them books which aren’t even dealing with “the Holocaust” as such:
Non-Denial Books by Castle Hill Publishers, also banned
Title ISBN Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auswanderung der Juden… 1591480841 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Jewish Emigration from the Third… 1591481252 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The First Holocaust 1591481163 Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Central Construction Office… 1591481120 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Die Zentralbauleitung… 1591480507 Amazon USA Amazon UK

The sweeping mass ban enforced within hours, and the senseless aimlessness and random nature with which it was implemented, clearly show that these books were not pulled because their content was checked and found impermissible, but because someone (probably Yad Vashem) had sent them a list of items to ban, and Amazon simply complied by checking off all the items on that list.

Best regards

Germar Rudolf
Production Manager
Castle Hill Publishers & CODOH Book Shop,
Customer Service PO Box 243 Uckfield,
TN22 9AW, UK

—  §  —

This 2-minute video was posted on YouTube on July 6, 2015. It shows an angry rabbi demanding that Amazon stop selling books “denying the Holocaust”. He describes this exercise in historical updating as “blatant anti-Semitism.” It took Amazon little over a year to cave in to this man’s hysterical demands.

It hardly needs pointing out that it is only through the hard work of revisionist scholars like Faurisson that the world was to learn that no Jews were ever turned into lampshades and soap. If this rabbi had had his way, important facts like these would have been suppressed.