Update on Brian Ruhe — Vancouver Meditation Instructor, the Target of Bnai Brith’s Harry Abrams Ruination Campaign to Impoverish Him

Update on Brian Ruhe — Vancouver Meditation Instructor, the Target of Bnai Brith’s Harry Abrams Ruination Campaign to Impoverish Him

Brian Ruhe, a Vancouver instructor in Buddhism and meditation, has, over the past few years posted a number of videos taking issue with the Hollywood version of World War II and the demonization of the German people. He came to the attention of Harry Abrams of Victoria, a prominent member of B’nai Brith., one of Canada’s foremost censorship groups and a prominent lobby for a foreign state, Israel.
Over the past year, Abrams has launched a campaign to get Mr. Ruhe fired from various teaching jobs for nothing more than the non-violent expression of his political and historical views. He has had some success. However, when Mr. Ruhe twice tried to contact him respectfully and quietly like the gentle Buddhist he is, the brave Abrams went squealing to the police whining about harassment|. It was a clever ploy where the victimizer claims victimhood. The oh-so-politically correct cops duly leaned on Mr. Ruhe.
Preview YouTube video Wrongful Dismissal of a University Teacher

Wrongful Dismissal of a University Teacher
See Mr. Ruhe’s videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/BrianRuhe