Thoughts on Dominion Day, 2023 — Gordon S. Watson

Thoughts on Dominion Day, 2023 — Gordon S. Watson

to > my friends at the Legislature.

I won’t be down there, tomorrow Saturday July first

I presume that there will be many many folks all over the lawn of the Legislature so our message would get lost in the crowd.

Now three years to the day when I first attended a gathering of dissident voices there,  by no means am I discouraged from witnessing

We know that it took the perpetrators years, to manufacture the myth of the SARs2Covid19 thing, secretly.   What’s coming out  is   irrefutable hard evidence proving that it most certainly was a crime against humanity. My own calling  – and that of my friends who have the Gift of Government, is –  to tell the truth. 

The major breakthrough lately, is the Grievance Board of the Canadian Armed Forces ruling that the way forces personnel were mistreated during the Covid HOAX, was gross violation of Charter/ civil rights.  Immediately thereafter that declaration a lawsuit was originated in Federal Court with 300 Claimants versus His Majesty the King / the federal gov’t.  It will take years to grind along, with some individuals settling out of Court. Doesn’t matter. Good news, is the Plaintiffs have already declared they WILL NOT sign a non-disclosure agreement. 
the mills of the gods grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine

At issue in the case, is : evidence of harms caused by the Quackzeens.  Even though Victoria BC has a large military presence,   you didn’t read that in the Timely=Colonic newspaper, though, did you? !   Which is why our presence at  the Gates of the City / the Legislature  is precious.   Asserting our rights to freedom of Speech, particularly, the Press, and to association, with hard copy form via   DRUTHERS newspaper which is the Free Press The People’s Friend the Tyrant’s Foe. The internet is transient glimmers on a crystal ball or computer screen.  Hard copy lasts

Gordon Watson
Metchosin British Columbia