Protesting the Freedom Crushing Health Professions & Occupations Act (Bill C-36) Outside B.C. Legislature in Victoria

When I arrived at the Legislature, there were 100 warm bodies gathered on one side of the drive.
Lynn Ross was directing those whose names were on her list,  to go in  the main entrance.   
Eventually, about 25 of our group got in the main door,   to sit in the public gallery for Question Period.

I was irritated because it seemed the Protective Services people were denying access to the rest of us,  on the basis of their perception of our political opinion. But that is not what was actually happening.   John Rustad came out and explained that there are 87 MLAs. Each of whom can ask the Clerk for some seats in the Gallery, to be allocated on a given day.   He had arranged for 25 seats. The rest had been reserved by other MLAs. 

The people from our group who  did  get in, are all professionals in the health system.
 After it became clear the rest of us wouldn’t be getting in to the building,  we stood around, chatting on a beautiful spring day. Then,  went over to the Good Earth coffee house across the street. The fellowship, alone, is worth the effort to get to these events

At noon, 80 folks reconvened on the South side of the Legislature.  John Rustad and  6 individuals who had been in the public gallery gave short impressive speeches … summarizing why  the Health Professions and Occupations Act is such bad legislation, and how impacts them. A Global tv cameraman got some footage.

What came through, is   this statute is insufferable.  Health professionals cannot – in good conscience – work under it. Just as ‘bad money drives out good’,  they will retire or leave the Province rather than allow the government agent  … effectively …  to sit in the room with a physician and his patient.   

What I can see coming, is it will take a good set of facts and a prosecution, to bring to a head, the abomination of Bill 36. The  Act  insults basic principles of what British Columbians  presume as good government.  As venal as they are ( and they are ! ) the Nee Di Ppers   are not stupid.    These anti-Christs  are trained to try to ‘steal a march’… if they get away with it, they laugh at us Christians who want Liberty under the Law.   If we manage to shove them back, they are shameless ; they just  regroup for another attempt at imposing Red Fascism

This seemingly-small gathering defined one of the key issues in the next provincial election.

Gordon S Watson
Metchosin British Columbia
Rustad May 4 2023 Legislature 012.jpg