PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY, July 31 – BEAT THE HEAT RALLY – TO THE STREETS WITH SIGNS 1 to 2 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren. THEN HEAD OFF TO SKAHA LAKE PARK GAZEBO FOR A PICNIC POTLUCK, MUSIC, OPEN MIKE AND SOME C-O-O-O-L S-H-A-A-A-D-E! Bring a dish to share, a lawn chair, and a musical instrument (harmonica, guitar, accordion – you name it!). Take advantage of the lake to cool off when things get hot. GUESTS ARE WELCOME. BRING YOUR NEIGHBOURS AND FRIENDS, TOO. LET’S MAKE THIS A COMMUNITY EVENT! ——————————- o0o————————————- VLADO’S PHOTOS OF JULY 24 P4F EVENTS HERE: Note: there are recordings of last week’s rally and party events. We will include a link to videos when they become available. We thank Alex, Leo, Bruce and others for these recordings and recognize that it’s not only the recording that’s involved but the editing, to make these videos more viewer-friendly. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GOOD WORK, BRUCE, LEO, VLADO, and all who post clips of our events. ——————————- o0o————————————- DR. HOLLY Meanwhile, after having Dr Holly join us by phone on Sunday, several of you asked for the link to Dr Holly’s site: You can also find the Canada Health Alliance interview with Dr Holly where she shares more natural remedies here: ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them). 1. Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at 2. Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at 3. Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4. Okanagan Freedom Radio any time – |

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Also going on in the beautiful Okanagan…
Saturday Rallies
Osoyoos 10:30 am
Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park
Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am
Oliver 12:30 P.M.
Tuesdays at noon at Richard Cannings’ office. Special open mike event there Tuesday, August 2. 301 Main Street, Penticton.
Called to Action – Register to Be a Take Action Responder |
The Called to Action communication platform developed by Take Action Canada is an important tool to enable those in the freedom movement to connect with one another and to respond quickly to a call to action. Responders will be engaged based on one’s postal code. To register: |
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The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) makes
recommendations to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) on vaccines.
Following meetings in early July, it is expected they will recommend PHAC
authorize COVID shots for babies and young children.
It is URGENT they hear from concerned parents and members of the public.
Contact the 15 members of the National Advisory Committee on
Immunization (NACI) to demand they answer questions prior to
considering recommending authorization of COVID shots for babies and
very young children.
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Nurturing Our Warriors – Stress Management
If you were not able to join the first session of an ongoing series on stress management here is the link
Our second zoom meeting will be held on August 25th at 6:00 PM – more info to follow. Mark Your Calendar!
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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!
Let’s make this week AMAZING!!
~ Mary Lou Gutscher