Special: Guest Speaker Dr. Nagase at Penticton Freedom Rally, November 28, 2021
Special Guest speaker! Dr Nagase will speak at 11:30 AM – Don’t be late.
Sunday, November 28th 11:30 to 2 – Penticton Freedom Rallies.
Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons.
Dr Nagase, who worked in rural Alberta hospitals for more than half a decade, said he witnessed AHS cutting hospital services and beds year after year. He says over two decades under AHS, there has become a “severe bed shortage.”
“Seeing the escalation of beds cut in rural hospitals, that’s the reason for the bed shortage. Beds are cut. And if you cut enough beds in rural areas, then the patients eventually must get sent to urban areas,” said Nagase.
Nagase also discussed the issue of AHS interfering with doctors’ rights to treat their patients as they see fit based on their medical judgement and the doctor-patient relationship.
See you all tomorrow!
~ Mary Lou Gutscher