Ontario lawyer files lawsuit against feds, province & CBC over Covid-19 measures & masks
Agatha Farmer
Rocco Galati recently discussed the upcoming lawsuit against members of the Canadian Government, the CBC, as well as the topic of mandatory masking. Galati is a constitutional lawyer in Ontario and has been practising law for 31 years, he began his career with the federal department of justice.
During a July 17 interview with Amanda Forbes he said he has filed a constitutional challenge in the Ontario Superior Court on behalf of his clients seeking declatory and injunctive relief against Covid19 measures.
Galati said that both the federal as well as provincial governments have “effectively dispensed with parliament and are ruling by royal decree as it were which is unconstitutional.” He is especially concerned about Ontario’s Bill 195 in which the government can implement executive orders on an ongoing basis with the extension of emergency measures possible for years to come. Galati said this is “unheard of.”
In the claim Galati has named the Trudeau government, Ford’s provincial government and the mayor of Toronto John Tory.
Apart from constitutional breaches which Galati said are “freedom of conscience, association, belief, right to life, liberty and security, your right against unreasonable search and seizure for the closure of businesses in an arbitrary and irrational manner, the right against arbitrary detention when bylaw officers stop you and ask you for information they are not allowed to ask. But also for the discriminatory way in which people with physical and neurological disabilities have been left out in the cold.”
Galati says another vulnerable group at the centre of the Covid measures are seniors.
“They are suffering solitary confinement in their own residence. These long term care facilities have turned into gulags … its atrocious,” he said.
Galati, his clients and team are seeking relief from Covid19 measures that are being undertaken as he says that such measures as “social distancing, mandatory masks are neither scientifically nor medically based.”
“The scientific community has an avalanche of evidence that says masks don’t work … up until now Teresa Tam, the WHO and the CDC said masks do not work to stop airborne, aerosol viruses and they actaully do harm to people. And all of a sudden after 4 months in the thick of the pandemic, during which time on public transit systems there was no social distancing, no masking all of a sudden everybody is required to wear a mask everywhere. Why? Becasue of polls indicating people have lost confidence in what the leaders are telling them and so the masking laws are a means of obedience. A potent prop to ensure obedience and compliance because people are not buying this. But the evidence is just not there. These measures are not medically or scientifically based,” Galati said.
He notes that when the B.C. chief public health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry was asked why BC has allowed a social circle of 50 as oppose to Ontario where the circle was set at 10. Henry answered by saying that “this is not scientifically based. We think 50 is a reasonable number that we can trace. This is not based on science.”
“We are not following science here … these provisions infringe on the charter of rights,” Galati said
He is also preparing an injunction against the masking bylaw in Toronto. Galati takes note of the municipalities who are issuing mask bylaws and says these are “nasty government tactics.” Partly because the feds as well as the province could have issued mandatory masks but by scapegoating the responsibility on municipalities it ensures that any legal action would have to be taken region by region as oppose to against one general government entity.
“It’s not easy to build a legal challenge let alone in every single municipality in the province,” he admits.
He also takes a moment to address the fact that Mississauga’s mayor Bonnie Crombie while at meeting last week with all of Ontario’s municipal mayors tweeted to assure her constituents that Bill Gates was in attendance during the meeting and he is “seeing us through Covid.”
Interestingly enough Bill Gates is now funding the World Health Organization following Trump’s pulling of support for the group. Gallati adds that people who have profited from lockdowns and Covid-19 measures are large corporations.
The agenda is to “globalize, corperatize and virtualize the economy” according to Galati this has been set in motion by conglomerate foundations since 2010.
“The Rockerfeller Foundation report in 2010 poses a scenario where a virus escapes Wuhan, China and the gist of the report is about how to obtain global governance in a pandemic and you read that report that was written 10 years ago and you’re reading the script we are living today,” he said.
Galati wants to know why the Trudeau and the Ford government have refused to disclose the substance and source of the medical advice they are obtaining. In his statement of claim Galati has 43 world and Canadian experts who have said that these measures are not scientific or medical.
“Why are those voices not only ignored but not even addressed. They pretend they don’t exists, some of these voices are nobel prize winners in their field,” he said.
He says that any messages that contradict the government official agenda information have been deleted.
“This is so offensive, this is a global totalitarian tip toe.”
Galati references that there are 14 countries who never invoked Covid measures, a recent German study done on those countries indicates that the deaths from the virus in those countries were on average the same as in countries that had measures. In fact the 14 countries which did not lockdown are now fairing much better in the economics department.
“If we study the countries that didn’t take measures we know it wasn’t worse and that’s a fact,” he said.
Galati confirmed that the CBC was named as a defendant because “normally a private news outlet does not owe any duty of care to its audience except not to defame … the CBC is not a private news organization so we say that they have a duty of care because CBC is a publicly funded broadcaster. They have a duty to properly investigate and be fair, objective and impartial in their news reporting.” Galati has included in this lawsuit that the outlet has “been to the Trudeau government what Programme One was to the Soviet Union during the cold war.”
Galati plans on taking the lawsuit as far as his clients instruct him to which includes the UN committee for human rights should he lose in Canada. He also plans on watching closely how the province will plan out the return of students to classrooms in September.