The leaderless movement (documentary)

The leaderless movement (documentary)

The leaderless movement (documentary)

Ten days ago I swapped my writer’s pen for a video camera and drove off to Ottawa to document a rally on Parliament Hill that brought 7000 people together to challenge the Covid narrative and other issues involving government deception, overreach, and tyranny.

This is being called a ‘leaderless’ movement due to the awareness on the part of the organizers that humanity as a whole needs to be deprogrammed out of blindly trusting and following ANY leaders, and individuals need to step up and establish their own personal sovereignty.

All around the world different groups of people who have been divided for decades and even centuries are standing proudly side by side fighting for a common cause. Ottawa provides a microcosm of this as the rally represented a true coming together and mutual respect between the English, French, and First Nations.

Meeting with the brave and wonderful people who worked together to organize this event confirmed my belief that we are starting to see the great awakening of humanity unfolding before our eyes.